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The Island Club was something Elora despised.

Midsummers was another thing.

But she needed money. And wages became a shit tonne higher when serving Kooks.

Basically, the Island Club was a thing that only the kookiest Kooks got into. They held events the whole year, but the most prominent was Midsummers, a party held every summer that Elora had served at since she was about ten.

(Basically every summer since her father died).

And the fact that Tyler Thornton was going to be there made everything a whole load worse.

It was the day after JJ had been arrested. Elora hadn't seen John B in ages, Kiara was going to be attending Midsummers (because of her fancy ass parents), and Pope was with her, serving.

So there she was, dressed in a simple white dress, hair up in a messy bun, delivering drinks to stuck up Kooks.

"I fucking hate Midsummers," she muttered to Pope, who was rinsing seafood, when she got back over to him. "This whole place is full of Kooks, no idea how rich and privileged they a-"

"Escuse me sir, do we have to shuck these ourselves?" Said a posh voice behind them. Oh fuck here we go- Elora thought, before she turned and saw Kie standing behind them, putting on an accent. "Because it might ruin my costume."

Elora laughed. Kiara was dressed in a satin lilac dress, flowers in her hair with loads of jewellery on her arms and neck.

"I was actually convinced," she laughed, completing the Pogue handshake with Kie.

"Good, cause I've been practicing that accent all day," the other girl laughed before sobering up. "You ever seen this many Kooks in one place?"

"Oh, always," Elora rolled her eyes. "And I fucking hate it."

She was still yet to update any of the Pogues on the Tyler situation, but it was fine. She would have to suffer through tonight first, however, and hopefully avoid him.

"Hey," Pope asked Kie tentatively. "Have you heard from JJ?"

This had been the first question he'd asked Elora, as well.

Kiara looked down, biting her lip. "No."

Elora patted Pope on the back. "He'll be alright. He's got the survival instincts of a cockroach."

He sighed heavily. "It's all my fault-"

"You didn't do this, Pope," Kiara said gently. "Topper almost killed you. Remember?"

He didn't answer, however, because next second there was a spattering of applause and the Camerons were walking out of the house.

First came Ward and Rose, the former wearing a nice suit and the latter clad in a hot pink dress and a gold spiky, very OTT headband. Then came Wheezie, the young Cameron sister, and then Rafe and lastly, Sarah. Elora felt sicker with each passing person.

"Here come Lord Capital and the exploiters," Kie joked drily next to her.

Pope nodded, looking at Rose. "She's definitely gonna poke someone's eye out with that."

Then, the piece de la resistance, Topper and Tyler Thornton came out. Topper went straight to Sarah, but Tyler took a second to scan the crowd, his eyes landing on someone after a second.


The girl tensed up, averting her eyes as he started to open his mouth. She didn't want to speak to him tonight, didn't want to even look at him.

She didn't really want to be here, either, but money called.


"Keep finding glasses halfway down the beach! Do me a favour and keep them corralled, will you? I thought you were security..."

For a second, Elora thought she misheard.

Because there was no way that JJ was here, dressed in a white shirt and black waistcoat, carrying a tray of empty champagne glasses.

But he was.

"JJ!" She called instinctively, because he was there and he was fine.

He turned, his eyes going wide for a second before he abandoned his tray on a nearby table and ran to her, saying. "Hey, Elle! Glad to see m-?"

His question was muffled by the tight hug Elora pulled him into, after seeing his face. There were yellowey tinged bruises on it and a couple of small cuts.

But he was still there. Still him.

"What was that for?" JJ asked with a slight smile.

"I'm just glad you're alright," Elora said with a smile. "What happened? Did... did you have to pay reparations?"

JJ pressed his lips together and sighed. "Have to pay thirty thousand back to the Thorntons. Dad's not very happy."

Luke Maybank was not a very good man. He was a drunk, some said, he was an addict, said others.

But of all the things they said, Elora knew that one was definitely true: he beats his son when he displeases him.

"JJ..." Elora gasped.

"It's fine, Elle, really," JJ shrugged. "Anyway, I need to find Pope."

"He's really stressing," Elora bit her lip. "He hates that you took the fall for him."

"Took the-? Elora, I convinced him to do it," JJ rolled his eyes. "I need to apologise. Anyway, John B and I got it all figured out, we're gonna be filthy rich, man."

"John-? Wait, you've seen him?" Elora demanded.

"Of course," JJ grinned. "And guess what? We're back in the G-game, baby."


When the gold hadn't been in the wreck, Elora had lost all hope.

Clearly, John B hadn't.

"I thought we lost the gold game!" She hissed.

"Yeah, well, we're in overtime now," smiled JI. "Fourth and one, baby. Be right back."

As he turned to leave, Elora called him back. "Keep your head down," she advised him. "I've already seen Rafe, Topper and Kelce tonight, don't take your chances with them."

And Tyler. But I don't want to talk about him.

"Okay miss!" JJ grinned, giving Elora a fake salute, to which she rolled her eyes, as he ran off.

Elora sighed, making to walk back to where Pope was, trying to process the fact that the gold was there, that they were back to searching for it, like oh my-

"Elora, can I please speak to you?"


Elora tensed as Tyler Thornton appeared in front of her. He was wearing a stupid navy blue suit and he had hair gel in, and he just looked like a fucking idiot.

"No," she said simply, trying to walk past him, but he just blocked her way.

"Could you just give me a chance?" He asked, pleading expression on his face. "Like, for one second?"

Elora laughed mirthlessly. "Tyler Thornton, I've given you many chances. And you've blown each one."

"Elora, please-"



"NO!" Elora screamed, loud enough to turn several of the nearby Kook's heads as she stormed away, leaving Tyler standing there with the air knocked out of him.

But the hope still alive.


JJ knew he was done.

The minute Rafe stopped him in the house, he knew he was in for a beating. He ran anyway, though, finding himself in the cloakroom with no way to turn.

That was when he ran into Rafe, who backed him up. "Hey, man, what are you doing in the locker room, huh?"

He tried to swivel back, to run out, but another was there, shoving him backwards.

So he just slurred. "Wow, that's a cute outfit," as he was siezed and dragged backwards, thrown into Kelce who was quick to put him in a headlock.

"Shut up!" Rafe shouted angrily, before appealing to Kelce. "Hold him still!"

He held his hands in a mock golfing position, smirking. "What'd you think right here? A four iron, right? Alright, keep his head still, I'm gonna line this up."

Two more Kooks joined the group, then, making the tally up to five. JJ expected to see Tyler, that fucking prick that came to find the Merchant with them, among them, but surprisingly he wasn't. They were just two randos, wanting to see him get beat up.

JJ was held up, about to be punched, but he still shouted out. "Very Rafe of you, Rafe. Five on one?"

"Okay, if you could please stop talking, it's very disrespectful when I'm trying to hit a ball," Rafe said, tone dripping in sarcasm. "Okay, learn your etiquette, my friend."

"Come on-" JJ snarled, trying to get Kelce off him.

Rafe leaned in, smirking. "Your face looks really bad. Starting to look like your dad a lot more-"

JJ grunted, spitting right in his face. Rafe's whole body contorted with anger and he straightened.

"All right," he snarled. "This was fun, boys, but I'm afraid it's time to-"


JJ recognised that voice.

To be honest, his saviour could've been anyone, he didn't care. As long as they distracted Kelce enough for him to throw himself free.

But when he looked up and saw that the person intruding on the scene was Tyler Thornton? Sorry- what the fuck?

Kelce had left go, nonetheless, and JJ had stumbled back next to Tyler. The two sides faced each other. Five Kooks, and a Kook and a Pogue. Who JJ still didn't reckon were on the same side.

"What the hell are you doing, Ty?" Rafe snarled, his chest puffed out.

"Just saving the second boy you were going to jump within three days," Tyler answered coolly.

Kelce scoffed. "You know, you're starting to sound really like a Pogue."

Tyler took a deep breath. He thought back to his conversation with Elora, and about everything else before and after that.

"Yeah, and what's so bad about that?" Tyler replied bravely, crossing his arms.

Rafe scoffed, pointing at JJ. "You seriously wanna be associated with him? That's bad blood, Tyler. Bad blood."

"Rafe, you and my so-called brother jumped him," Tyler spat. "Personally, I think you deserved everything you got."

Rafe stared at him incredulously.

"Elora Easton's really got her hooks into you, hasn't she?" He snarled.

JJ frowned. What did Elora have to do with this? She hated Tyler, and the feeling was mutual, he thought.

But it wasn't, which he knew the moment Tyler tensed, speaking in a low and threatening voice. "Don't you dare," he got in Rafe's face. "Don't you dare speak about Elle like that-"

"Oh, the nickname now, too, is it?" Rafe smirked. "You know, I don't really blame you, though. She actually looks pretty hot in that dress tonight, she doesn't normally put out like th-"

He didn't get another word out, because Tyler punched him in the face, sending him flying to the ground.

"Let's go!" He yelled at JJ, grabbing his arm and yanking him out the room before slamming the door shut, leaning against it as the Kooks behind it slammed against it.




But through their screaming voices, all Tyler heard was JJ's.

"Why the hell would you do that?" He asked, panting slightly.

Tyler looked at JJ, slight smile on his face. "Maybe I just got tired of being an asshole."

JJ couldn't help but smile as Tyler added. "Go on, I'll hold them off. Go and get your gang together."

JJ sighed, biting his lip. "You sure?"

"Positive," Tyler said jokingly. "Just make sure and tell Elle that I helped you."

"As long as you're not gonna mack on her!" JJ grinned, running off.

But he couldn't help but smile as he watched the boy go.

He was definitely making progress with the rest of the Pogues.

Elora? Not so much.


Elora was still stewing from her encounter with Tyler fifteen minutes after it happened, just when JJ came running out the house, throwing his hands up in the air.

"It's okay, everybody!" He shouted loudly, everyone turning to look at him. "Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform, huh? Let's hear it for them! Whoo!"

Someone was escorting him, trying to shove him out. He kept shouting, however. "Rose, you look like Lady Liberty! It's good to see you again. Hey, buddy, can I have one of those?" He tried to steal a drink off a rando but got held back in the process.

"Let go of him!" Kiara shouted, expression hurt. "You can't just boot him-"

"Excuse me, ma'am-"

"I invited him here!" Kiara continued.

"Kiara, stop it-" Mike Carrera tried.

"I'm a member of this club," Kiara continued.

But it was no use, because next second JJ turned and shoved the man holding him backwards into a bunch of guests, who all gasped collectively.

"Sorry about that!" He called, though he wasn't sorry at all as he turned to all three of the Pogues in the crowd. "Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixons, Kie! Pope, Elle, you as well, alright? Rixon's Cove, let's roll!"

Elora didn't hesitate for a second. She wanted to get out of here, out of stupid fucking Kooklandia, and back to discussing the (apparently not dead) quest for the gold.

"Hell yeah!" She yelled, running towards JJ and hugging him tightly, just so glad he was back. Kie and Pope were soon running towards them, too, all five Pogues back together as John B suddenly came out of nowhere and faced JJ.

"Captain," he said with a grin.

"Mission accomplished, sir," JJ saluted him, all of them laughing as they left. "Later, losers!"

None of them noticed Sarah Cameron's longing look after them.

Or Tyler Thornton, smiling slightly as he watched them all run off from the gathering, leaning against the doorframe.

And wishing with all his heart that he could be like one of them.


Rixon's Cove was a small place with a firepit and a few logs around it to sit on. Elora was sat upon one of them, shivering slightly in her dress in the cold night air as JJ and John B moved about, stoking the fire and adding wood to it.

"Hey, guys. So, like, my dad's already gonna kill me, so what is this mandatory meeting about?" Pope asked.

"Yeah, what the fuck were you talking about earlier, JJ?" Elora asked, looking at the blonde boy.

JJ shrugged, looking at John B. "Might as well tell 'em, man, before we're gaffed."

"You ready for this?" John B smirked.

"Um, hell yeah we are, you've been off the face of this earth for the past day!" Elora nudged him.

John B grinned. "So, the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant."

"Oh my god, here we go again with this," Pope rolled his eyes.

"No, alright, wait," JJ said. "Hear him out, alright?"

"It's been here the whole time," John B smirked. "It's on the island."

"Are you serious?" Kie gasped.

"Oh my fucking god," Elora shook her head, eyes wide.

So it hadn't all been a wild goose chase. And by the looks of things, John B wasn't done.

"I'd like to voice my skepticism," Pope announced.

"I'm sure you would, Pope, so how about I show you my proof?" John B got up, heading over to his bag and pulling out a piece of paper. "Alright, so, in my backpack I have a letter from Denmark Tanny."

"Whomark whatty?" Elora gaped.

"Denmark Tannt was a slave that survived the Royal Merchant shipwreck," John B explained. "Check this out."

"What?" Kie frowned as he handed her the paper.

"Okay, so slaves weren't mentioned as crew members on the ship, but my dad, he found the complete manifest, that was his big discovery," smiled John B. "So Tanny used the gold from the Merchant to buy his freedom. After that, he bought his farm. Drumroll, please, because that farm is..."

They all did a drumroll, John B announcing dramatically. "Tannyhill Plantation."

"Tannyhill?" Elora demanded. "Where Sarah fucking Cameron and her psycho brother live?"

"Yeah, the very same," John B sighed, before continuing. "So, after that, Tanny used his money to free even more slaves, and then he sold off a shit-tonne of rice, which pisses off all the white planters, so they decide to lynch him."

He fell silent as the paper was passed to Pope, who inspected it for all it was worth.

So John B told them what it was. "So on the day they were coming to get him, he writes a letter to his son as a farewell. And in the last line of that letter, he leaves a coded message about where to find the gold."

He was bouncing about enthusiastically, so much so that Kie played into it and whispered. "Where?"

John B rattled off. " 'Harvest the wheat in parcel nine, near the water'. Except... there's no wheat. You see, wheat is code for gold. The gold is in parcel nine, near the water."

Kie and Elora gasped, laughing in glee as Pope uttered. "Holy shit."

John B nodded. "All we need is an original survey map of the property, and we've found the gold!"

"Okay, so this might have a small chance of being actually true," Pope voiced. "So, what's the plan?"

Elora didn't miss how, as JJ and John B hugged, the latter tensed slightly, his expression becoming solemn.

"Good question," he said. "So, Sarah Cameron's coming tonight, she's bringing an original survey map-"

"Hold up, what? Sarah fucking Cameron?" Elora demanded. "You might as well tell me Tyler Thornton's going to be there too, get the whole squad together!"

She stared at John B, hurt and angry. How could he do this to her?

"I agree with Elle," Kiara spoke then. "Why the fuck are you hanging out with Sarah?"

"Er..." John B sighed.

"This is gonna be good," JJ scoffed, looking down.

"Um... Sarah, um- she- she got me into the archives in Chapel Hill yesterday-"

Elora scoffed. "So whilst we were watching JJ get arrested, you were hanging out with Sarah Cameron in Chapel Hill-"

"Yeah, um-"

"He was macking on her," JJ disclosed.

John B rolled his eyes. "I wasn't macking-"

"You were totally macking Sarah Cameron-"

"I wasn't macking on her, okay?" John B said defensively, looking from the two angry girls to the one taunting blonde boy in front of him. "I- I was using her for access."

"Oh, there was access, alright," JJ grinned.

"Where to?" Elora asked drily, no grin on her face. "Her mouth or her v-"

"Shut up," John B snapped, as JJ hounded him with roars of glee.

"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Kiara demanded.

"I was just trying to get into the archives!"

"Is that a yes?!" Elora yelled.

"I- I left out key details!"

"Yo, what?" Elora screamed, standing up. "First, you start macking on the girl Kie and I hate, and second, you let a Kook in on our secret-"

"Elora, you literally told Tyler everything!" John B snapped back.

"That was different," Elora snarled, clenching her fists. "He was going to get Pope arrested-"

"Well, JJ got arrested anyway, so-"

"Tyler's finished with, okay?" Elora snapped. "He won't be involved with us anymore. It seems the same can't be said for Sarah Cameron-"

"I was just using her for information!" John B protested.

"Why don't I believe you?" Kiara asked sarcastically.

"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here!" John B shot back. "So that we can pay off a boat, or send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies!" He gestured to Pope. "Look, you guys know me. Do I look like the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron?"

"You look like a fucking idiot with his head up his arse," Elora commented.

"Just- just stop," John B sighed.

"Look, you don't know her yet, I do!" Kiara yelled desperately. "You can't trust her!"

"She's made fun of me since the day I decided to sit in her seat in the kindergarten canteen," Elora rolled her eyes.

Pope nodded. "And her brother did hit me in the back with a golf club."

"Rafe and Sarah are different human beings," John B said firmly. "And- and Sarah's changed, Elle."

Elora laughed sarcastically. "Like hell she has."

"Look, what did she do to you two, exactly?" JJ looked at Kie and Elle.

"She's like a spitting cobra!" Kie burst out. "First she blinds you- and then-"

"This is a bad analogy," Pope told her.

"Listen to me!" Kie yelled. "Whatever we get, she's gonna try and take."

"Ditto," nodded Elora, narrowing her eyes at her curly haired friend. "Listen, John B, the day she fucked off to the Kook Academy was the best day of my life, and now, you're telling me she knows about the treasure, and is in on this-"

"Stop it!" John B shouted, silencing the spitting redhead. "Listen to me, Elora. Sarah is not in on this. She's getting us one map, one time. And if you're not going to accept that-"

"Fine," Elora sighed. "Fucking fine. But if I find out you're macking her-"

"I'm not!"

But again, nobody surrounding him believed it.


Nevertheless, the Pogues found themselves in the Twinkie at ten to midnight, just having pulled up at the Hawk's Nest, a huge wooden platform structure between the Cut and Figure Eight.

"Alright," John B said, opening the door and jumping out.

"Let's go, boys!" JJ said, making to follow him. "Rekon mission!"

JB, however, stopped him. "Yeah, so, uh... I think I'm gonna do this one by myself-"

"Oh, give us a break," Elora snapped bitterly. "You're not fooling anyone with this, JB."

"Really?" JJ also demanded, sitting back looking rather defeated.

"What? I just don't wanna spook Sarah out with the peanut gallery!" John B said defensively.

"I just don't understand why we're involving her at all," Kiara voiced.

"Kie, we're not involving her, okay?" John B sighed. "It's just- it's just like a business meeting, thing-"

JJ proceeded to pretend-deepthoat the shark tooth on his necklace, and Elora grinned despite her annoyance.

"Look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, alright?" John B said reassuringly. "Plus, we need the map."

"Yeah," Elora sat back, rolling her eyes. "So why can I practically see your boner from here-?"

"Elora, enough!" John B yelled. "Look, I promise nothing's happening between us, alright?"

"Yeah, but this isn't about you, and it isn't about us," Kie said. "It's about her. Dude, she's gonna get inside your head."

John B sighed. "Anyways, um... I'm gonna take care of business."

"You're gonna take care of it," nodded JJ.

"Yeah, we'll just sit here," said Pope. "In the hot-ass car."


He left without another word.

It took about two seconds before Pope spoke.

"Kiara, Elora, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die."

"Hope she does," mumbled Elora, looking down.

"Listen, even though I know there's something going on between them," JJ sighed. "I agree with Pope."

"Well, I don't give a shit," Elora said, fist bumping Kie. "Oh and whilst you two are planning Sarah Cameron's Pogue-initiation, could you roll me a J from the-?"

"We need to talk."

To say the redhead was rendered speechless was an understatement.

Because Tyler Thornton was standing just outside the Twinkie, his pristine outfit slightly wrinkled and his tie askew, his hair all ruffled up as he looked firmly at all of them. Including Elora.

Before the redhead could speak, Kie asked flatly. "What the hell are you doing here, Tyler?"

"I told you, we need to talk," Tyler repeated.

"Well fucking talk then," Elora snapped, not looking at him. "Just don't be surprised if we don't listen."

Tyler took a deep breath. "Well, that's... probably the best seague I could've hoped for," he tried to make light of it, but no one laughed.

"Alright, listen," he said, his tone becoming solemn. "I... I want in on this."

"Ha!" Elora scoffed sarcastically, looking at the rest of the Pogues. "Him and Sarah Cameron? Today is just the absolute best-"

"Shut up, Elora," JJ spoke calmly (for once). "Just hear him out."

"What, you're on his side now?" Elora demanded. "JJ-"

"Just listen, Elora," her blonde friend said, silencing her as she turned back to her blonde enemy.

"I want in on this," Tyler repeated after another pause. "Guys, I... I don't know much, but what I do know is that that boat trip with you guys? With the drone? It was one of the best days of my fucking awful life."

"What the fuck?" Elora hissed. "You think your life, the one with five star houses, top of the range boats, and money, is awful?"

"Yes it is!" Tyler raised his voice. "Elora, think about my mother, my brother, my brother's friends. They're fucking awful! My-"

He took a deep breath, looking down. Upon looking back up, he told them firmly. "This, what I'm doing, it isn't life. It's just me being surrounded by a bunch of assholes and hoping I don't end up like them."

"You are like them," Elora spat. "Look at what you did to me-"

"Well, he's started to make up for it tonight."

Elora looked at JJ, absolutely speechless. She was so astounded her mouth fell open. This was JJ, her best friend and practical bother, who had always, always had her back with anything Tyler related. And now, he was on his side.

"What?" Was the only word she could utter.

"I got jumped by Rafe and a bunch of other Kooks at the party," JJ told her. "Tyler saved me just as they were about to beat the shit outta me."

Elora looked from JJ to Tyler, bewildered. Why the hell would Tyler do that? He... he was a Kook. He wasn't a Pogue, he had no reason to do that.

"You see?" Tyler was speaking to her, so her eyes snapped back to his. "I may have been an asshole towards you, and I may have hurt you, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, Elora, and I'm trying so hard to show it. I didn't save JJ tonight just for you, I did it for him, because that's what you guys do for each other. And I want to be part of that."

Elora looked down, because his eyes were burning into her and she couldn't stand it.

"So screw the gold," Tyler shrugged. "You guys can share it between you, I don't want in. I just want to be part of this. To be part of the Pogues."

It was ridiculous. Kooks didn't wish to be Pogues. The vice versa was sometimes true, but never the original. Yet Tyler was standing here saying it.

"So please," he said, a final plea. "Please. I just wanna be part of this, to be in with you guys. Just give me a chance, and I'll prove it."

Everyone was looking down by now, but he continued regardless. "So..." he sighed. "Will you?"

There was a silence so thick it could be cut through with a knife. Elora was sat back against the wall of the Twinkie, her knee bouncing up and down, biting her lip.

JJ was the one that spoke first. "Yeah," he nodded, looking up. "You saved me tonight, man. But just a chance, alright? If you mess it up, you're out."

He shouldn't even be in in the first place, Elora clenched her fists.

Then Pope sighed. "I agree. One chance."

"Thank you," Tyler said, his eyes beginning to sparkle with hope as he looked at the two girls. He decided to ignore the enigma that was the redhead and asked the brunette. "Kie?"

The girl sighed, pressing her lips together. Tyler hadn't necessarily been the worst of the lot in her Kook year.

"Okay," Kie nodded. "But if you pull any shit or even try to touch Elle, you're done."

"Thank you so much," Tyler smiled slightly this time, taking a deep breath before he turned to the last one there. "And, er... what about you, Elora?"

He knew what she was going to say. That he was an asshole, an idiot, and basically every other horrible word as well. But he hoped that despite that, she would see that he had changed. He was good now.

The new Tyler was the person that sat next to her as she talked about her dad, that defended her to the Kooks and that punched Rafe when he talked shit about her.

But then Elora took a deep breath, and looked up at him. Those blue eyes met him; the sapphires that his eyes could only wish to live up to.

But those eyes were filled with malice and loathing. And then she started to speak.

"No," she told him. "I've given you too many chances, Tyler, and you've messed up every one."

She didn't miss how the spark left Tyler's eyes, but she tried to ignore it as he started forward, stuttering desperately.



Now, as established, Elora hated Sarah Cameron. Like, fucking despised. Hearing her scream would probably bring her pleasure in any other situation.

But this time was different. Because she was screaming John B's name.

"Come on!"

She was up and out the Twinkie faster than anything, shoving Tyler Thornton to the side, as she and the rest of the Pogues ran in the direction of the scream. Tyler followed them, of course, but she didn't find it within her to care at the moment. She had to help her friend.

As they ran through the clearing and saw the two, it was a scene they could never have prepared for.

John B was lying on his back on the ground, his eyes shut, his chest barely moving. Sarah was above him, still in her Midsummers outfit like the rest of them.

"Sarah! What happened?" Pope yelled.

Sarah looked up, sobbing out. "I don't know what to do, he needs help- Topper shoved him-"

"Where the hell is he?" JJ demanded loudly.

"I don't know- please, please, please just get help-" Sarah was sobbing hard. "Just call someone-"

"Go, go!" JJ shoved Pope in the direction of the phone.

Tyler, Kiara and Elora, all of whom hadn't said anything yet, looked up as he ran off.

"Pope, HURRY!" Kie yelled.

Elora just stared upon the scene as Sarah looked up, the two girls' eyes meeting. And she wanted to be angry, or to roll her eyes, or to give her a middle finger. But she just couldn't.

"John B, stay with me!" Sarah cried, her voice shaking as she turned to him, leaning down and kissing him softly.

This stirred Elora back to life as she looked at JJ, eyes teary. "Fuckin liar," she muttered, one of the tears falling.

"POPE, COME ON!" JJ roared.

Elora, sobbing silently and her body shaking slightly as she stumbled backwards.

And what other thing could she hit than the solid, warm chest of the boy she hated with all her being.

Tyler made no attempt to hold her, but him just being there was more comfort than she could ever imagine. He breathed as she moved back, whispering. "He'll be alright."

And maybe he had given her comfort.

But he couldn't guarantee that.

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