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"Alright, champions, gather round!" McGonagall eventually shouted, causing all three pairs of champions to turn and face the three heads and Harry at the top end of the tent. "And listen to Mr Potter, here, who is going to tell you the aim and the rules of the task."
Azalea didn't make eye contact with Lauri, instead shuffling slightly closer to James, hoping to make him jealous. Then she froze, remembering what the boy right next to her head said earlier.
"I think you've taken me liking you all these years for granted. I think you're an absolute bitch, Azalea, who always thought I'd be hung up on you."
Upon remembering this, she slid a bit further away, knowing James was still angry at her.
However, she was hoping against hope that he'd come round by the end of the task. She knew he believed them working together didn't change anything, but... Azalea knew it did. So she was just hoping he'd change by the end.
"Okay, so I presume that as you have all seen the pitch, it's no mystery to any of you that the first task is an obstacle course," Harry announced to them, snapping Azalea out her trance. "In each of your individual lanes is a course designed to test your knowledge and use of spells. The obstacles are identical for each course, and whoever manages to get through it first will gain fifty points, securing first place. Second will get forty, and third will get thirty."
He smiled round at them all in a way that reminded Azalea so much of James she felt like being sick.
"Simple, right?" He asked them. "Except it's not. Because you may have seen the three rings above the course."
Azalea had definitely noticed, but that didn't mean she wanted to know what they were for.
"Along the course, you will run into locked gates, gates that alohomora won't work on," Harry explained. "The only way to open the gates is for one member of the team to use the broom that you'll find and fly up to the ring, finding the key within it. If you can do that and fly back down, both members of your team will make it through the gate. Of course, you may decide not to get the key, and instead to just fly over the gate and continue the course as one person, but if your team runs across the finish line with only one person, five points is immediately deducted from your score."
Azalea took all this in, her body frozen. So there was a possibility that she and James would get split up in this task. It would no doubt happen if James got that broom, flying over the gate instead of through the ring and continuing by himself.
"However, you will want to go through the last ring," Harry warned them. "Inside the last ring is a key that will not open a gate, but instead be of use to you in the second task." He looked around them all, rising his eyebrows. "Is this all clear?"
Azalea nodded, and the others around her did, too.
"Good," Harry said with a smile. "And also, may I wish good luck to all of you, I think you'll all excel in this task. And just to give you some extra peace of mind, my team of aurors will be patrolling all around the course. If ever you are in actual trouble, all you have to do is shoot up red sparks with your wand, and one will come."
Azalea nodded with a smile as Harry wished them all luck again, and exited the tent. However, she was also fighting a very real fear in the back of her mind. Though the rules of the task were clear, something else was also very apparent, and it was that she wouldn't be in this task very long if her partner had something to say about it.
I cannot let James take that broom.
She was afraid.
She was never afraid, yet right now, she was.
All three pairs of champions were stood in their lanes, a thick bush in the way of them seeing the course. The crowd around them was shushed in anticipation, but the odd cheer was let out now and then.
From the looks of things, Azalea wouldn't be able to see her friends in the crowd after she was in the course, so she was looking for them right now.
She found them in seconds. There was Alice, and Lily, and Fred and Louis, and Rose and Scorpius and Hermione and Ron and Ginny, and plenty more people that she was sure were related to James, but she didn't bother enquiring.
"The champions are all ready, we're just waiting for Mr Potter and his aurors to station themselves around the course!" Andrew Jordan, the quidditch commentator and now triwizard commentator, announced to the audience. "Now, I must remind you, the first two rings are optional, only costing the champions points if they don't catch the keys, but the last ring contains a key the champions will need to get through to the second task!"
The crowd clapped and cheered at this, and Azalea saw Alice, Lily, Fred and Louis holding up a banner that said GO LEA AND JAMES!
She couldn't help but smile slightly, momentarily forgetting her inner conflict.
"So... what's our plan?" She muttered, leaning closer to James.
"Don't fuck up, let me do all the flying, and stick together," he told her, not making eye contact.
"Stick together?" Azalea asked with a scoff. "That's not likely to happen if we're letting you do all the flying."
"What are you suggesting?" James rounded on her, his eyes snapping to hers.
Azalea quailed under his gaze, stammering. "I- I don't-"
"Let me make this very clear," James cut her off. "We are not friends. And after the other day, we might never be. I regret the decision I made to enter us into the tournament, and so do you. But we have to go with it now, and work together. After this is over, you'll be lucky if I ever speak to you again."
And with that, he turned, not letting Azalea get even a word in.
He was the one responsible for the tears in her eyes, though. Because he had been right. She had taken him for granted.
"Okay, and the aurors have been stationed, we're almost ready!" Andrew shouted with enthusiasm. "But before we go, may I just remind you of our champions! In the left lane, we have Adelaide BeaumontΒ and Eleanor Wicker, the Beauxbatons champions!"
There was a huge amount of applauding from the blue part of the stands, as all the Beauxbatons students applauded their friends.
"In the middle lane are the two Durmstrang champions, Lauri Krum and Adrian Valkare!"
Azalea didn't clap, because she was quite sure James would punch her if she did, but also because a certain someone was being an arrogant little bitch to her, and she wanted with everything she had to beat him.
"And finally, we have our two Hogwarts champions, competing on their home ground, Azalea Edwards and James Potter!"
Azalea had to admit, the cheering for her and James was louder than the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang cheering combined. She looked up at Alice, Lily, Fred and Louis, who were holding their banner high and cheering their throats away. She contained her smile, though, because James was next to her, and his face was tense.
"Okay, and we're ready!" Andrew announced. "On the sound of the cannon the race will begin! One..."
Azalea readied herself after a small glance at James.
The crowd was joining in now, grinning in anticipation-
At the cannon shot, the thick bush in front of the champions tore away and all six of them sprinted inside the obstacle course, vying to be the winners.
Azalea and James were quick. This probably was partly to do with the fact that they were trying to outdo each other, but as they sprinted down the course to meet the first obstacle, they were both alarmingly fast.
"And they're off, with the Hogwarts pair taking an early lead!" Andrew commented with obvious excitement.
Azalea didn't feel excited, though. She couldn't. She had to keep her head in the game, meaning she also couldn't focus on everything with James.
The first obstacle came quick, Azalea and James skidding to an abrupt halt as a massive wardrobe stopped them in their tracks.
"What the-?" Azalea started, before the wardrobe door opened and out fell-
Azalea's blood ran cold and her whole body froze as she saw her mother, her father, and Daisy, all lying on the ground, necks slit open, blood draining from them.
And somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it was a boggart, but... it looked so real. And Daisy... shit, she'd never got to make up with her-
"It's a boggart, Azalea, get rid of it!" James sounded far away, despite being the only one around her.
"Krum and Valkare of Durmstrang have got past the first obstacle and are heading towards the gate!" Andrew's voice rang out.
"Azalea, hurry up! Get rid of it!" James yelled.
Azalea jerked back to life, but her body was still shaking, and there were tears in her eyes.
"Riddikulus!" She tried, but her wand arm was shaking. "R- riddikulus!"
But she couldn't get it to go away, and then Alice was added to the pile of bodies, and then Lily, and then-
"Get out the way!"
Then James shoved her to the side, and she didn't even get to see what his boggart was because he was already yelling. "Riddikulus!"
The boggart, whatever it was, changed to a giant teddy bear with a heart on its tummy and a big smile.
Azalea laughed weakly as the boggart was sent back into the wardrobe, which promptly vanished.
"Come on, we need to go," James said, practically dragging Azalea past it.
"Hogwarts and Beauxbatons are neck and neck as Durmstrang approaches the first gate!" Andrew yelled out across the stands.
It wasn't real, Azalea tried to tell herself as she and James sprinted towards whatever was next in store for them. Mum and dad are alive. Daisy's alive. Alice and Lily are alive.
She furiously wiped her tears as she and James made progress. Azalea's legs burned and she panted heavily, but it clearly worked, because next second she and James rounded a corner, and in front of them around twenty metres away was the first gate.
It was massive, and the metal black, and looked very unyielding.
"Come on!" James yelled, as they sprinted up to it, seeing the broom lying against it, and both needing to get there first.
"It appears Potter and Edwards have overtaken Krum and Valkare!" Andrew announced with verve. "The Hogwarts pair have made it to the first gate!"
However, they were about to get to a major roadblock, because James was just slightly ahead of Azalea, and grabbed the broom, beginning to mount it-
"Oh no you don't!" Azalea yelled, lunging for the broom-
"Get off!" James yelled, tugging it away from her.
"No, you're gonna fly off and leave me!" Azalea yelled.
"Like hell I will, I'm not losing ten points-"
"And that's our first pair in the air - Lauri Krum from Beauxbatons flying up to get the key from the ring!"
Azalea and James looked at each other, both silent.
"Fine," Azalea eventually said, handing James the broom. "If you fucking cross me, Potter, I'll kill you."
James sighed heavily. "As I said; like hell I will."
He took the broom, mounting it and kicking off into the air before Azalea could say anything.
"And James Potter is flying up over the gate just as Krum manages to snag the key from the ring and Beaumont and Wicker from Beauxbatons reach their gate!"
Azalea watched as James flew up into the air, ready to scream and curse if he flew over the gate and left her stranded.
However, he didn't. He flew up and up towards the ring, and Azalea couldn't help but gasp in shock, a hand flying up to cover her mouth.
He was actually... doing it. He was getting the key. He wasn't leaving her.
And she knew it was because of the points, she knew it, but deep down, she couldn't help but think it was because part of him still cared about her, and didn't want to leave her behind.
"And there's James Potter snagging his first key just seconds after Krum did! Gosh, his flying skills are to be envied!"
Azalea rolled her eyes. Her flying skills were better than his.
Yet, when James got back down from the ground, throwing the broom to the ground and running to the gate with the key, Azalea knew that he was at least a decent flyer. Just by the way the crowd was cheering she could tell.
Get on with it, Potter, is what she wanted to say as James ran back towards the gate and had trouble sticking the key into the keyhole. But she couldn't stay it, because-
"There!" James said, voice rough as he turned the key and wrenched open the gate. Azalea, who had jumped back to life as he did, ran through it with him, ready to meet the next obstacle.
"And that's the Beaubatons team got their key whilst the Hogwarts and Durmstrang pairs race towards their next obstacle!"
"Come on, we have to beat Lauri!" Azalea yelled as she and James sprinted as fast as they could towards the next test.
This one was definitely a test of their daring.
Because up ahead of them was a spider. However, it wasn't one of the small spiders you find in the bathroom, it was a huge spider with legs stretching out and a body as big as Lea's.
It was an acromantula.
And behind it were two others.
Three acromantula in their path, all with beady eyes focused on them.
And then they were running.
"Azalea!" James yelled. "What's the spell you use to get rid of these?"
They'd been taught how to deal with these last year. James had clearly forgotten.
She wasn't going to miss the opportunity, however, to get one over on him as she yelled. "Arania examae!"
A bright white light burst from the end of her wand and blasted the front spider back, James' eyes widened when he saw her do that, and then he raised his own wand. "Arania examae!"
He got the spider on the left, leaving Azalea to get the one on the right.
"And team Hogwarts takes the lead as Potter and Edwards get past the obstacle, team Beauxbatons not far behind them!"
"Fuck yes," Azalea grinned as she and James sprinted past the spiders they'd taken down and ran towards the next gate.
"Annnnnnd that's Durmstrang past their obstacle! Man, these teams are neck and neck, it's so tricky to tell who's going to win!"
Azalea didn't dare to think about winning as they ran. Yes, she did want to win the first task with James by her side, but she also didn't know if she could take that.
Because they would have to be happy if they won. They'd have to smile and pretend that it was their wonderful teamwork, and she was going to wish with everything she had it was real.
(But she knew it wouldn't, and would never, be).
James' cold voice brought her back to real life as they approached the gate, and James again lunged for the broom.
"Potter!" Azalea yelled in annoyance as he did, but not trying to fight him this time.
"You can get the next one!" James shouted behind him as he mounted and kicked off. "We need to be quick!"
As he flew up, Azalea yelled. "SAME RULES, POTTER! IF YOU LEAVE ME, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!"
But, as she yelled that, Andrew Jordan yelled something very interesting across the pitch.
"And it appears Krum has flown over the gate rather than through the ring, meaning his partner, Valkare, is out of the competition, and Durmstrang is now in the lead!"
"What?" Azalea muttered under her breath, frowning heavily as she realised that Lauri was so obsessed with winning that he was willing to cut Adrian out of his victory entirely.
"And that's Potter flying through the ring, and Wicker just getting off the ground!"
Azalea looked up just in time to see James flying fast towards the ground, so much so that he landed with a lot of impact. Azalea was alert this time, watching as he put the key in the lock expertly this time and turned it. Azalea, however, reached to shove it open this time, bolting through it and speeding forward.
"What are you waiting for, Potter?" She yelled behind her.
She didn't hear James' response, if he even responded. She just heard his footsteps behind her, catching her up.
"So that's Durmstrang in the lead but sacrificing ten points, Hogwarts not far behind them, and Beauxbatons bringing up the rear but not by much as all three teams make it through their gate and head to the final obstacle and the final ring!"
Azalea kept focused as she and James ran, the tension between them pretty much visible. She knew that sooner rather than later, something would have to be done about it, whether it was ignoring each other or killing each other.
(Or kissing each othe-)
And then all Azalea's thoughts turned cold, and she shivered.
Oh... shit.
Because she knew exactly what was coming.
Her wand was already in her hand when the dementor came into view. It was large and black and hooded, and Azalea felt like she'd never be happy again, that happiness wasn't a thing, when she saw it.
"Ex-" she heard James start to say, his own wand raised. "Expecto Patronum!"
But all he managed to form was some bright white smoke.
"Azalea..." his voice was a warning. "Azalea, I could really use some help here!"
Azalea snapped back to life, somewhere in the back of her mind going; a happy memory. I need a happy memory.
She thought about what she always thought about. It was a far off memory, from when she was seven. She had been playing at the park with Daisy, and she'd fell and twisted her ankle. Obviously, it wasn't that part that was the happy memory. The happiness lay in the way that her sister had carried her home, the way that her mother had smiled to see them, the way her father had bandaged her up whilst telling stupid jokes to make her laugh.
She'd formed a patronus with it before.
And she was forming one with it now.
"Expecto Patronum!"
With a wave of her wand, Azalea opened her eyes to see the silver vixen bound towards the dementor, instantly making it quail and get out of their path.
"Come on," Azalea told a slightly shaken James, hesitating on whether or not to grab his arm but ultimately doing it. "We need to go!"
And it appeared they were the first ones to fight off the dementor, as Andrew's voice rang out again a few seconds later. "Potter and Edwards have managed to get past the last obstacle, they just have the final ring to go!"
"Come on, Lauri must not be able to do a patronus!" Azalea yelled at James behind her as they ran to the final obstacle, ready to get what they needed for the second task.
"Aaaaaaaand that's Krum from Durmstrang on Hogwarts' heels!"
"Shit!" Azalea cursed as she and James tore through the end of the course, ready for the final ring.
When they got to the end of the track, they found another bush stopping them in their tracks, one that would no doubt disappear when their partner got through the final ring.
But Azalea was focused on the broom in front of them, running to get it.
"Azalea, be careful!" James yelled as she grabbed the broom and kicked off.
"Yeah, right!" She yelled back.
It had been ages since Azalea was on a broom, considering the fact that quidditch had been cancelled this year, but to be honest, getting on one now was like second nature.
She tried not to pay attention to the crowds as she flew high above the hedges, focusing on only one thing; the ring in front of her.
And now she was closer to it... she could see that hanging in it was-
Another key.
Azalea frowned in confusion as she flew closer and closer, outstretching her hand to the ring to grab the key.
"And Krum from Durmstrang is flying up to the final ring right now, right on Edwards' heels, who's- gosh, her flying rivals Potter's, it's so good!"
Azalea smirked as she flew through the ring, grabbing the key and beginning her descent. However, there was no doubt about it: this key was different. It was a lot bigger and a lot heavier, and she could feel an inscription on it, even as she carried it down to the ground-
"COME ON, AZALEA!" James yelling made her quicken her dive as she shot towards the ground. "HURRY UP!"
"And Krum gets the last prize just as the Beauxbatons team get to the broom!"
With seconds to spare before Lauri caught up with them, Azalea landed from her dive, throwing the broom to the side as the hedge wall opened up. The pair wasted no time, sprinting through the gap as soon as it was big enough and right out into the plain sight of the audience, crossing the finish line just as Lauri Krum became visible from the middle lane, his face one of shock and anger.
But Azalea hardly had any time to register this as the crowd went crazy, cheering and yelling and hooting.
And even as Lauri, his face still seriously butt-hurt, crossed the line, nothing could compare to Azalea's smile as she turned to James. "We did it."
Part of her was expecting him to smile at her. To grin and maybe even hug her.
Part of her knew that was ridiculous.
Becaus he was staring at her with the same hard expression, his eyes narrowed, his face turned away from the crowd so they didn't see him.
"Yeah," his voice was cold and calculated. "We did."
But it didn't feel like it, as he turned back to the crowd, his face turning to a fat grin, and lifted up his arms, cheering himself.
It didn't feel anything like a win to Azalea.
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: AzTruyen.Top