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Of course, the confrontation would happen in time. When Azalea woke up the next morning, Alice, Lily and Rose were standing over her, arms crossed, identical smirks on their faces.
Azalea jumped as she saw them, and all three of them laughed as she rubbed the sleep out her eyes.
"What the fuck?" She asked, yawning into her hand. They were all going home that day, and had to be up early, but this was just weird.
"We're just wondering what the fuck happened with you last night?" Alice asked with a grin. "And why the hell you danced with the guy you've sworn off for years?"
"Urghhh," Azalea groaned, pressing her hands to her face and- and oh shit, it was burning- "Listen, Lauri and I are finished, don't worry."
"What happened with that?" Alice asked.
"Nothing," Azalea lied. "He just spoke to me like I was an asshole last night, and I'd had enough."
She'd made up her mind last night, and told James, as well. She was keeping her mouth shut. Probably not for long, and definitely not long in Alice's case, but still. She needed time to process, and this would be it.
So she lied, sitting up as her eyes met her friends' and her body shivered due to the duvet falling off her top half.
"Lea..." Lily sighed, sitting down next to the girl. "Azalea, are you okay? What did he say?"
"I'm fine," Azalea said quickly, looking up at them. "But he, er... he blew it."
"Oh, well," Lily shrugged. "If he was an asshole, it's better you got rid of him earlier, anyway."
Azalea smiled slightly. "Thanks, Lils."
"So wait, where does James come into this?" Rose asked. "Cause next thing we knew, you two were dancing together."
"He, erm... he saved me," Azalea shrugged. She wasn't lying about that part. "Lauri was just, uh- yelling at me, and James- he stopped him. Told him to go away."
"It all makes sense now," Alice smiled gently. "Lea, honestly just tell Lauri to go to hell and date James instead."
"Shut up, I don't even know if I like him," Azalea rolled her eyes, but she could feel her cheeks going red.
"Well, you've made up, that's all that matters," Lily grinned. "At least the tournament'll be easier now. And you have a common enemy."
"True," Lea nodded.
"Oh, that reminds me," Alice said suddenly. "I was only going to ask you if you wanted to come stay with me for the last few days of the holidays? Mum was asking in her letter the other day if you'd like to come, but I completely forgot to ask you."
"Yeah," Azalea said, despite the feeling of guilt at lying to her best friend stirring up her stomach. "I mean, that'd be amazing."
"Brilliant!" Alice grinned back.
Azalea smiled slightly despite herself and dragged herself up out of bed.
"Come on," she said, once she was standing and starting to make her bed. "I have to pack."
Azalea couldn't remember a time where she'd ever been pleased to see James Sirius Potter.
But she couldn't help the feeling blossoming in her stomach as she looked at him. The feeling of butterflies and happiness and memories of last night.
James, Fred, Louis, Albus, Scorpius and Hugo were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the girls so they could all go in a carriage together, but as Azalea made eye contact with James coming down the stairs, it just felt like last night all over again. She couldn't help but smile at him as she came down, excited for Christmas, for spending it with Alice and her family, and for what was to come.
Yet she was also worried. Because she hadn't spoken to James yet, and she hadn't told her best friends that she narrowly avoided an assault the day prior, so she just didn't know.
"Hey! You guys ready?" Fred grinned as they all came down.
"No, Fred, we're just walking down the stairs for fun," Lily replied jokingly, causing the redheaded boy to roll his eyes.
"Right, come on," Azalea said with a grin. "We're not gonna get a carriage if we don't hurry up."
However, as James and Fred skipped ahead, making everyone laugh, Albus came up to Azalea and grinned at her. "So, when exactly are we going to discuss what happened with you and James last night?"
Azalea blushed again, but hissed. "Not now, Al."
"Okay, okay," Albus grinned. "But come on, you literally danced together, it's obvious that you two-"
"Azalea, can I speak to you?"
Every muscle in Azalea's body tensed as she heard his voice, speaking loudly to her. She turned slowly, knowing that it was him even before looking.
Lauri Krum stood before her, but now, she didn't feel any butterflies, and his face wasn't stupid cute.
"What do you want?" James, who had instantly realised there was trouble, came up to them, standing next to Azalea and staring with a death glare at Lauri.
"James, it's fine," Lea hissed to him, because even though she'd told him not to say anything, she knew that if he was angry, there was every chance it could slip out.
"I want to speak to Azalea, thanks," Lauri told him coldly, looking at the redhead. "Do you want to go somewhere more private-?"
"I'm not going anywhere with you," Azalea spat, despite deep feelings of doubt because he could mention something in front of everyone- "Anything you have to say, you can say it here."
Lauri inperceptably rolled his eyes, then sighed. "Okay, then."
They stood, staring each other down for a second, before he told her. "Last night was a mistake. I- I saw you in that dress and I got ahead of myself, but I didn't mean to do what I did. I was thinking to make it up to you, I could take you on another date after Christmas? We could-"
"No," Azalea flat out told him.
"What does he mean?" Alice, who was standing to the side, very confused, asked. "What does he mean, 'saw you in that dress'?"
"Nothing," Azalea said to her best friend, before turning back to Lauri. "Are you deaf? I said no! Lauri, I actually liked you. But what you did last night, after I told you several times to stop, completely shattered that."
"What are you talking about, Lea?" Lily asked with a frown. "Why would you tell him to st-?"
"Lea, you can't just stop liking m-"
"You tried to assault her, you prick, she can do what she likes!"
"Wait, what?" Alice asked, looking from Azalea, to James, to Lauri, the redhead of which had tears in her eyes. Then she looked straight at her best friend. "You said he yelled at you."
"I- I know," Azalea nodded, eyes welling up quickly. "I know, I'm sorry, but-"
"You tried to assault her?" Alice demanded, looking at Lauri. "Y- you tried to fuck her after she repeatedly said no?"
"No, that's not what-"
"Tell the truth!" Lily, as well, was facing him, fire in her eyes as she yelled.
"Shut up!" Lauri yelled at her. "This is between Azalea and me-"
"You fucking twat!" Lily screamed. "You-"
"Lily, it's fine," Azalea cut her off.
"It's not fine, Edwards, of course it's not," James shook his head.
Azalea sighed heavily as silence took over. Then she bit her lip, looking straight at her former crush. "Lauri, listen to me, we're over. You showed me who you actually were last night, and I can't ignore that."
Lauri's face twisted, and his whole demeanour changed. He clenched his fists, gitted his teeth, and a vein started to throb in his temple.
"You know what? I thought you were kind, but really you're just a bitch," he told her, his voice cold and rough.
"Well, you're a fucking son of one, so I wouldn't get so cocky," James snapped.
Lauri gave him the middle finger as he left, but James just scoffed, rolling his eyes and then softening them as he looked at Azalea.
"You okay?" He asked.
She nodded, wiping the tears in her eyes.
She felt no regret as Lauri left, just sadness for what could have been.
He deserved all of what he got.
"We... should talk," Azalea said awkwardly to Alice and Lily, less than five minutes into the train journey. They both nodded, following her up and out the train compartment.
They ended up in the girls' toilets, because there was no where else, Azalea stood back whilst Alice and Lily rested against the sinks. Azalea took a deep breath, looking down as she tried to control her shaking voice and body.
"I'm sorry about... not telling you," she began, not looking at them. "I just- it wasn't exactly something I wanted to talk about, and... I just didn't wanna live through it- a-again-"
She cut herself off with a small sob, biting her lip as the other two girls rushed towards her, wrapping their arms around her.
"Lea..." Alice murmured. "We're not mad at you. We're mad at him."
"I-it's fine," Azalea said, as they all pulled apart and she looked them in the eye again. "James saved the day, anyway. Stunned him before he could do anything."
"So you were telling the truth about that?" Lily smirked.
Azalea nodded.
"Well, for what it's worth, you made the right choice today," Alice said with a sigh. "If you were any less headstrong, he might've convinced you to stay with him, but your head's as strong as a bull, so there's no chance of that."
Azalea chuckled slightly. "Thanks, Alice."
She knew she hadn't done the best today, but she was also so thankful for her best friends, and would always be.
She didn't know what she'd do without them.
After the rest of the train journey where Azalea played exploding snap, gossiped with her friends and talked about plans for the holidays, the redhead girl was ready to get off. She was just hoping her parents let her go hang out with her best friend in the last few days of the holidays.
By the time she was out on the platform into the blistering winter air, Azalea was grinning to see all her friends unite with their families, knowing her own parents would be awaiting her on the other side of the barrier.
"Mum!" Alice grinned, pulling Azalea over to her as she hugged Hannah.
"Hello, Alice!" Hannah smiled warmly as she hugged her daughter, and then pulling back, looking at the redhead next to them. "And Azalea, how are you?"
"Great," Azalea grinned.
"I hear you and James are smashing the tournament," Hannah grinned.
The girl giggled. "You could say that."
"Oh, and have you heard from Alice about staying over during the holidays? We'd love to have you round," Hannah said.
"Yeah, I'd love to come," Azalea smiled. "I just have to talk to my mum and dad about it, they're past the barrier."
"Brilliant," Hannah smiled.
Soon enough, they gathered, all heading to the barrier and out into the muggle world again.
Azalea spotted her parents immediately after crossing the barrier, but as she did, she faltered.
Because Daisy was stood next to them, face sour, eyes rolled to the back of her head, arms crossed tightly over her fancy private school uniform.
Nevertheless, Azalea didn't let that stop her from shouting. "Mum! Dad!" And running towards her parents, who's faces lit up as soon as they saw her.
"Azalea!" Annabelle said, as her daughter crashed into her, hugging her tightly.
"Hey!" Azalea grinned, as she let go of her mum to hug her dad, who was chuckling.
"Hey, kid," he said, ruffling her hair as he hugged her tightly. Azalea smiled into him as she pulled back, looking to Daisy.
Now came the bad part. The last time Daisy and Azalea came face to face, it was for a very awkward goodbye. Now, they had to say a very awkward hello.
Their parents hadn't really noticed anything going on between them, despite the fact it had been growing steadily for years. Daisy was the perfect daughter around them, and to be honest, Azalea suspected that her mother and father would just think that separate schools had pushed them apart.
(When, in fact, it was jealousy).
"Hey, Daisy," Azalea said with an awkward smile.
Her sister returned it, but Azalea could see the contained hatred in her eyes. "Hey, Azalea."
The two of them exchanged awkward smiles before Alice came rushing over, grinning as she said. "Hey Mr and Mrs Edwards!"
"Hello, Alice, how are you doing?" Annabelle smiled at her daughter's best friend.
"Amazing, actually," Alice said. "Er- I was wondering, would it be okay if Lea could come and stay with us the last few days of the holidays?"
"Oh I see, trying to get rid of us?" Chris asked with a smile, poking Azalea in the side.
"Dad, shut up," Azalea rolled her eyes.
Annabelle, however, rolled her eyes at her husband and said. "Yes, Alice, I think that's a lovely idea."
Alice and Azalea grinned at each other before hugging each other again, tighter this time.
"See you soon, Alice," Azalea told her best friend as they pulled apart.
Alice beamed back. "See you soon, Lea."
As Alice headed back over to the huge Potter/Weasley/Longbottom gathering across the platform, Azalea turned to her parents (and sister, who she'd forgotten was there) and said. "Should we get going, then?"
However, as the Edwards' started to leave, a voice was heard behind them, yelling at Azalea.
"Merry Christmas, Edwards! See you soon" James Potter yelled across the platform, not caring how many people stared as he waved bye to Azalea.
The girl herself turned on her heel, about to kill James, before she caught sight of him, and practically melted. He had a huge grin on his face, and his eyes were shining, and he was yelling goodbye to her across a platform, her family standing right behind her.
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, but also with something else as she smiled, finding it impossible to keep off her face.
"Merry Christmas, Potter!" She yelled back. "See you hopefully-not-soon!"
But she was joking, and he knew it, because as she turned back, he yelled one more thing that made her stomach twist into knots, and her mind race back to last night.
"All's fair in love and war, Edwards!"
"Right, my girl, we have quite a lot to talk about," Annabelle Edwards said with a smile as she sat herself down on the sofa, handing Azalea a mug of tea as she sipped her own one of coffee. "First of all, what is-?"
"There's nothing going on between me and James Potter," Azalea said firmly, taking a sip of the tea, which was nice, though tongue-burning.
But her mother was smirking at her, her eyebrows raised, and she couldn't help but laugh too, cheeks red, asking. "What?"
"I wasn't even going to ask about James Potter," Annabelle chuckled. "Well, not yet. What I was going to ask about was this Triwizard Tournament that you and him are doing."
"Oh, that," Azalea said, eager to move on from her slip up. "Well, there's a lot. What do you wanna know?"
"Everything," her mother told her. "You said James signed you up to it, but I'm still confused. What are the rules?"
So Azalea explained to her mum what the tournament was, and the rules of it, and how she ended up getting selected with James.
Then, she told her mum about the first task, and the key she and James had gained from it. She had the key with her, actually. She knew she probably wouldn't do anything to try and solve it over the holidays, but she couldn't risk someone stealing it.
"Okay, so basically you've done one task, which was the obstacle course, and you've got two more to go?" Annabelle asked by the end of her long-winded explanation. Azalea nodded. "Well, it sounds like your 'quiet, easy year' went down the drain."
"Yup," Azalea nodded. "But I... I mean, it's not the worst. And we got a ball, as well. It was just last night."
"Oooh, a ball? Who did you take?" Her mother asked with a smirk.
"Er... I actually took a boy called Lauri, but... I'm not interested," she shrugged. "He's not who I thought he was."
"Oh, and James Potter is?" Her mother grinned.
"Oh, here we go," Azalea said, but her cheeks were already going red as she pressed a palm to her forehead. "We're friends, alright?"
"Well, friends is more than what you were at the start of this year," Annabelle smiled. "Who knows? Maybe working together on this tournament is bringing you closer together after all."
"What's that I hear? You and James Potter are friends now?" Chris, too, came round the corner, strolling over.
"Dad, please don't," Azalea pressed her hands to her cheeks, trying to cool them down.
"James Potter, the guy that used to ask you out consistently-?"
"He hasn't asked me out this whole term, dad," Azalea groaned.
"Just be careful," Chris warned. "And make sure he treats you right, I know what boys are like at that ag-"
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