6 | their past is cold and empty, they know it's been enough

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I don't like anticipating my face
in a red flush

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"LUNES?" TINA CALLED, her voice echoing from where the beds were to the bathroom. "We've got two more minutes."

"Coming," Luna replied.

Luna stood in the bathroom of her shared hotel room with Tina in San Diego, tying the two front pieces of her hair back. It was the first official day of TwitchCon, and Luna had flown into California the previous day with Foolish and Karl. Just as Tina had said, they had a couple more minutes until they had to go meet up with Foolish and Sam and go downstairs to start the day. The only thing Luna really had to do was put the bow in her hair — a black ribbon, paired with a sheer black tank-top that had flower designs on it and a pair of jeans.

She tied the bow around her hair and left the bathroom, smiling at Tina. "Ready."

"You look like an angel," Tina told her, and Luna felt her smile widen — God, she loved Tina. "Do you know if your boy is ready?"

Luna's eyebrows knit in confusion as she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "My boy?"


She rolled her eyes slightly, her cheeks feeling warm as she went over towards the door. "He's not my boy, T."

"I would beg to differ," Tina argued. "He always listens to you, which is pretty incredible, because he never listens to anybody else."

"Did you just happen to forget about MJ?"

"I could never forget about MJ." Tina shut the door behind them, the two walking down the hallway to where the elevators were. "It's just . . . you two are different, y'know?"

There was something about the knowing glint in Tina's eyes that made Luna's mind spin momentarily with panic. Her eyes widened and she averted her gaze from Tina, her face feeling warm in a red flush. There was no way that Tina knew — Luna hadn't told anybody, but was she really that obvious? She had done nothing but try her hardest to hide everything related to her stupid stupid crush on Foolish.

Luna was snapped out of her thoughts once they got closer to the elevator, where two voices were chatting with each other. One was unmistakably Foolish, and the other one was somebody that Luna had only encountered on Discord before but had never met in real life — not until now.

"Sam!" Luna exclaimed — since they had come in late last night, Luna hadn't met any other person besides Tina. She went up to him, practically speeding with excitement. "Oh my God, hi."

"Hi, Luna," Sam replied, extending his arms out. Luna sunk into them, and Sam hugged her tightly. "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"I know, right? We're not just voices in a VC anymore." Luna giggled slightly and pulled away from him, giving a grin to Foolish. "Morning, Foosh. I see we really went all out for TwitchCon with the all black fit."

"You literally can't even talk because you're also wearing black," Foolish countered, pressing the button on the elevator. "You're such a hypocrite."

(Luna would not like to talk about how he still managed to make a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers look good. Definitely not. It was infuriating.)

The elevator came, and Luna, Foolish, Sam, and Tina all went downstairs together where TwitchCon was actually being held. As Luna walked closer with some of the security, she could hear the sounds of voices getting louder and louder. Her heart raced in excitement and anticipation — she had been dreaming of this for weeks, and it was finally here.

Once they reached the end of the hallway, the security pretty much let them have free reign. Luna stepped out with her friends, and upon sight of them, groups of people erupted in cheers. Luna glanced around for a moment, taking in all the people that were actually here, before what seemed to be a swarm of people came up to her, most of them wearing bows in their hair. She smiled brightly and waved at them, meeting them in the middle.

"Hi guys," Luna greeted. A fan extended a pink silk ribbon out to her, and Luna gasped excitedly, taking the bow. "Oh my goodness, thank you, sunshine. That's so nice of you, I love it."

It wasn't long until Luna started feeling like she was going in circles. Don't get her wrong, she loved her fans, but every time she saw that the crowd was dying down a bit, just another swarm of people would come up to her. She answered questions over and over again — What's the song you're most proudest of? I miss you, I'm sorry. Can I add this bow to your collection? Please do. More music? Coming soon, promise. Favorite Taylor Swift album? folklore. — Even though she was a performer, Luna was very susceptible to being overwhelmed by crowds. Her shows were fine, because she wasn't completely surrounded, and even though all of her fans were so nice, it was a little much being backed up against the wall with multiple people around her.

Maybe about after thirty minutes of meeting people, Luna started to feel that familiar pit in her stomach. She quickly excused herself from her fans, promising to be back in a few minutes, before slipping away and going to a much quieter part of the lobby that wasn't so crowded. Luna pressed herself into the wall, almost like she was trying to make herself invisible, and pulled out her song book. She turned to a random page, but instead of writing lyrics, she did something rhythmic that she knew would help her — draw stars. There was something so therapeutic about drawing the same shape over and over again that always managed to calm her down.

One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five.

Foolish practically felt the absence of Luna's presence right away. Her laugh had been a constant for the past thirty minutes, hearing it in the background of talking to his own fans. Yet now, it was suddenly gone. Foolish glanced to his left, where Luna had once been, only to find the spot completely empty.

He stopped in panic for a moment, glancing around the room until he settled on Sam, his eyebrows knit in confusion. "Where'd she go?"

"Who?" Sam replied, absentmindedly signing a piece of paper.

"Luna. She disappeared."

Sam looked around the lobby until his eyes locked on something. "She's over there."

Foolish followed his gaze. Sure enough, in a quiet corner of the lobby stood Luna, her head ducked down. He paused for a moment, staring at how the strands of hair she hadn't tied back with the bow blocked her face. Foolish quickly excused himself from his own crowd — Luna wouldn't have just run off like that unless something happened, and the concern for her took over him.

One, two, three, four, five. Luna's heart rate decreased, and everything felt a little lighter as she filled up her page with stars. One, two, three, four, five. One, two—

"Luna," Foolish began. A tall figure loomed over her, blocking her entire body from the crowd. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Luna answered. "Just drawing."

Foolish's eyes flickered down to her page, noticing it was dotted with stars. "You only draw stars when you're anxious."

Luna felt her hand freeze for a moment — had he really noticed something that small about her? "Yeah, well, connect the dots, I guess."

"Are you okay?"

She simply nodded.

Foolish didn't seem to believe her, so he bent down a bit, making them eye-to-eye. "Luna."

Luna's looked up from her paper, her heart starting to beat faster (not in an anxious way this time) and her face flushing red, as anticipated — no matter what, she couldn't lie to him. "It's loud, and there's a lot of people, so . . . I just needed a moment. That's why I'm drawing stars. Thought it would be better to step aside for a moment instead of pushing myself."

Foolish's eyes trailed across her face for a moment, finding the truth within everything. Luna watched him carefully as he straightened back up and moved just a little closer to her, blocking her even more from the crowd. Foolish extended his hand out towards her song book. Luna's eyebrows knit in confusion as she handed it to him. He closed it and slipped it into her bag that was still over his shoulder before rolling up the bracelet he had received from a fan, clearing his wrist.

He held his wrist out to her. "Here. Draw."

Luna hesitated for a moment. "You want me to draw stars on you?"

"Yeah, why not? Go crazy."

You don't know what I'd do for you, Foolish thought.

She looked up at him, still gauging his reaction. Foolish seemed to notice her apprehension and slightly nodded, giving her a small smile. Luna then reached out and took his wrist in her left hand, pulling it closer to her. Gently, she pressed the pen into his skin. However, instead of drawing stars right away, she wrote the words you drew stars on his wrist.

"You drew stars," Foolish read out loud, watching her resume drawing tiny little stars around the lyric. "What's that mean?"

"It's a song lyric from cardigan," Luna replied. "Thought it was fitting. If you really do want stars on your skin, I could at least write something, too."

"Even if I didn't want stars, there's no going back now. How was meeting your fans before coming over here?"

Luna's smile widened. "So amazing. They're all such sweethearts."

"Did you get a lot of bows?" Foolish questioned.

"Sure did. Let me tell you, I'm set for life. Do you want one? I can put it on your lanyard."

Foolish shrugged. "Why not?"

Luna was feeling completely serene now. All of her anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed had washed away, practically leaving her in a state of grace. She knew there was a high possibility it would come back, but for now, the stars — and probably Foolish — had helped her. Luna closed her pen and dropped it back in her bag before taking out one of the bows her fans had given her — a small black one.

"You got any big events today?" Luna inquired, pinning the bow to his lanyard.

"The SMP panel," Foolish responded.

"Oh, right. When is that again? I was probably just going to walk around—"

"Wait," Foolish interrupted swiftly, a frown on his face. "You're not coming to the SMPpanel?"

Luna blinked at him. "Considering I'm not on the panel, no. As I was saying, I was probably gonna go walk around and call MJ to update her on things."

Foolish's face momentarily darkened, a flicker of something flashing across his face. Luna frowned as well — what did that mean? Why did he look so strange when Mary Jane's name was mentioned?

"I should probably get back," Foolish said, obviously trying to move past that. "But you're coming to that panel, no arguments."

Luna rolled her eyes as he started to walk away. "You're impossible."

She shook her head, a fond smile on her face. Luna then watched as Foolish stopped Sam for a second before returning to his own group of fans. Sam nodded before walking over towards Luna in her little corner. Luna sighed — she appreciated the gesture, she really did, but she wasn't sure if Foolish had just sent Sam over here to babysit her.

"Everything good?" Sam asked once he got closer so she could hear him over the chatter.

"I'm fine," Luna replied. "It's just a little much sometimes. It's strange, considering I perform in front of crowds. That's literally my job. I guess it's different actually being in one. Don't worry, though, I won't draw stars on you, too. Promise."

Sam shrugged. "I wouldn't have minded. So, Lunes . . . Foolish told me that I had to come kidnap you to bring you to the SMP panel."

"Kidnap me?" Luna repeated. "Sam, come on, I'm not even on the panel, you know that. I don't get why he wants me to go so bad."

"I think it'll make him feel better if you do go."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "So I can record him up there like a proud mom in the audience?"

"Exactly," Sam agreed, making Luna laugh a little. "Plus, I'm sure the others would love to actually meet you in person."

Luna let out a deep breath. "Fine. I guess you're right."

"Oh, wow, it was that easy. I didn't even have to use my kidnap tactic."

"The fuck was your kidnap tactic?"

"A piggyback ride," Sam admitted. He then narrowed his eyes at the way she perked up. "You want one now, don't you?"

Luna smiled innocently. "If you would be so kind."

Sam sighed and turned around. "Come on."

Luna's smile widened. She adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder before placing her hands on Sam's. Luna jumped up, and Sam instantly caught her. He placed his hands underneath her thighs and hiked her a little higher to sit more comfortably on his back. Luna put her arms loosely around his neck.

"Ready, Lunes?"

She nodded. "Ready."

Sam started to walk, the crowd cheering for them. "Foolish also may or may not have told me he wanted you to not get crowded again, so this was a solution."

Luna felt her face get warm and her stomach feel all fluttery. It was something so simple, but showed that Foolish actually cared about her wellbeing. Stupid feelings.



I MET LUNA username • 1h
luna was giggling and talking to her fans and foolish looked over at her like this when he heard her laugh :((((

💬873  🔁1,907 ❤️22,487


foolish & luna stan username • 1h
luna got a little overwhelmed and stepped aside for a moment and foolish got so concerned when he couldn't find her and when he did he stayed with her for a couple minutes and then came back with stars drawn all over his wrist from her to help with her anxiety I'm sobbing

💬752  🔁1,408 ❤️19,324


sam's gf (real) username • 1h

💬803  🔁1,597 ❤️19,760


mars username • 1h
there's just something so 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 about the himbros caring for luna like they do

💬973  🔁1,956 ❤️20,487


mj <3 username • 1h
once again advocating for the rights of mary jane don't worry girl I got your back

💬637 🔁1,023 ❤️15,803



tagged the_awesamdude

tagged foolish_gamers

tagged tinakitten

tagged sylveey_

tagged quackity

liked by sza, sabrinacarpenter, and 800,189 others

lunahayes sam carried me around for the entirety of twitchcon (real) (not fake) (caught in 4k) (princess status) (we're besties) (think I can get him to wear a bow?)

I got to meet so many of you guys and a lot of my friends irl! it was so nice! :)

view all 3,475 comments

username why do I feel like the boys just do whatever luna says
username you know what you're probably right

the_awesamdude "the entirety" it was 10 minutes
lunahayes shhhh
username LMAO LUNA
username princess status for real
the_awesamdude I'm not wearing a bow.
username oh come on
lunahayes hey :( come on you'll look so pretty
the_awesamdude are you insinuating that I'm not pretty already
username oh!
lunahayes . . . 🕳️🏃🏻‍♂️
username no because the way they're actually besties

username does it seem like she's just using them or . . .
username lol literally be so for real

maryjanebrooks shoutout to sam for carrying my girl around like she should be <3 common sam w
username OH HEY MJ
username so true
lunahayes common sam w 🫡
the_awesamdude I'm so glad that I'm being appreciated this is the best day of my life
maryjanebrooks no don't worry man I got you
username sam and mj? the duo we didn't know we needed?

sykkuno let's go luna!!!
username SHY KING!!!
username a wild sykkuno!
lunahayes sykkuno :D
username why do these two make me cry they're just so soft together I???

username guys luna was so nice :( she was literally the sweetest person I ever met
username no bc I literally can't wait to meet her she looks like an absolute angel
username SHE IS AN ANGEL

valkyrae my girl!!!
username I saw their first irl interaction right in front of my eyes. it was a life changing experience.
username I'm gonna need a fuslie x luna song btw
lunahayes RAE!!! my beloved

username petition to call foosh & luna style duo bc they're so style coded?????

username I think we need a compilation of luna being the cutest human being at twitchcon
username that would be hours long
username and I would watch every single second.

tinakitten my roomie :D
username my besties :(
lunahayes the greatest roomie ever! you were the best part of my twitchcon!
tinakitten AW SHUCKS

sylveey_ we're so cool!
lunahayes so true sylvee!
hannahxxrose I would like to be added to the cool list
username HANNAH <333
lunahayes omg obviously


quackity should've come on the panel
jackmanifoldtv no. ❤️
username FUCK OFF JACK
nihachuu no I'm a firm believer in luna hayes world domination she should've been on there
karljacobs yeah niki I agree!
username karl ofc you agree with him. we could've seen that coming
username YEAHHHHH
lunahayes I just simply have no idea what's going on.
nihaachuu you could've sat on my lap 💞
username !!!!!
username luna's just like the rest of us fr

foolish_gamers is it okay if I throw the bow you put on my lanyard in the garbage
username WHAT
maryjanebrooks the sacrilege. I can't believe I read this with my own two eyes. blocked.
username oh . . .
lunahayes absolutely not?????
foolish_gamers oh okay then I won't
username the way he replied to luna and not his own gf . . . awkward

username it's a good day to be a luna stan

-ˏˋ ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ˊˎ-

you drew stars :( around my scars :( but now I'm bleeding :( they're so soft I love them

anyways. watched foolish play only up for five hours yesterday. I have no brain cells left

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