"Ricky! Ricky! Hey! Bro!" JJ hollered as they jumped out of the car at a house.
"I have his arms." Skyler called as Kie helped her, Sarah and John B getting his legs.
"Ricky, hey! I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!" JJ shouted as he knocked harshly on the door to get the mans attention. The four helped carry Pope toward the door, leaving the truck in the drive way.
"Please! We need help!" Sarah yelled after the door slammed in JJ's face, "He got stung by a wasp! He's having a reaction! Please help!"
The five began yelling over each other, all trying to explain at once in hopes of him opening the door and taking pity upon Pope, who still was gasping for air in their arms.
"He can't breath, Ricky!" JJ began hitting the window suddenly, "He's right here!"
"It takes fifteen minutes for a life threatening reaction to lead to death!" Skyler panicked as she shouted toward the door. "Open the door!"
"Who can't breathe?" Ricky asked as he swung the door open, all sighing in relief at the half naked guy.
"Look at him! Help my friend!" John B spoke quickly and in a begging manor.
"All right, jesus christ." Ricky huffed as he pulled the screen door open, letting them in.
"Hey! Nice to meet you. Sorry." Sarah said quickly as she walked in first, John B next as he helped the girls with Pope.
"You know, I wouldn't come to you if it wasn't an emergency." JJ said to him quickly as Sarah shoved everything off the table, laying Pope down across it as he gasped for any form of breath, "Hang in there, buddy."
"What's wrong with him?" Ricky asked quickly.
"A lot of wasp stunk him around his throat." Skyler spoke fast, grabbing Kie's hand tightly.
"Is he allergic to wasp?" Ricky spoke as he looked at each of them.
"Clearly." Kie explained with wide eyes.
"A beehive worth of wasp." John B explained with a violent nod.
"Raise his legs." JJ encouraged as John B did so.
"What's his name?" Ricky asked.
"Pope." Sarah informed him as Skyler grabbed Popes hand.
"Hey, Pope? Hang tight. I gotta get my kit." Ricky said as he hurried off quickly.
Skyler watched Pope in worry, squeezing Kie's hand tighter.
"He's looking for a kit. Go help." John B encouraged JJ quickly as the blonde sprinted after him.
"Breath a little, okay? Like a little bit." Kie cried as she looked down at Pope, "I just need you to focus. Focus on your breathing, okay?"
"It's like a duffel bag!" Ricky yelled as him and JJ looked around.
"Where's your kit?" Kie shouted in disbelief.
"Are you kidding!" Skyler yelled toward the dude.
"Okay, I got it!" Ricky yelled as he ran back in, the black bag in his hands.
"Okay, what do we do now?" JJ asked quickly.
"You don't do anything cause you're not a paramedic." Ricky spoke quickly as he pulled a shot from his bag, "Okay. Hey, Pope. How you doing, man? You look like shit."
"Here's the thing. This is a pediatric dose of epinephrine." Ricky said as he looked her way.
"He's not a kid." Kie said in disbelief.
"Is that gonna be enough?" Sarah spoke quickly.
"It is ten times a normal dose. So if it doesn't stop his heart, it'll help him." Ricky explained as they all gapped as him, "But I gotta use the whole thing or it won't work. And i'm not going down if he dies."
"I'm not even a paramedic and I can do a lot better then this!" Skyler yelled in anger, JJ pulled her back.
"Fine, okay, do it! Do it! Hit it!" JJ explained quickly to Ricky, his hand latched onto Skylers as he injected the medicine.
"Okay. That's it." Ricky spoke after he pushed the medicine, removing the needle from Popes arm.
"Now what?" Sarah questioned.
"Now we wait." Ricky explained as they all looked down at Popes body. He laid limb, completely still. Skylers heard rate picked up.
"You killed him." Kie spoke in disbelief.
"No." Ricky shook his head.
"Yes, you did!" she snapped at him, "What did you do?"
"I did exactly what you asked me to do." Ricky argued with her.
"Please! Please! Pope, please, come on!" Kie cried as she looked down at Pope.
"Pope, cmon bro." JJ shook him.
"I'm gonna sue your ass. My moms a freaking lawyer!" Skyler shoved a finger at Ricky. "You killed a kid."
Popes chest suddenly heaved, harsh breaths coming from his mouth. Skyler looked over quickly with wide eyes, everyone sighing in relief and cheering.
"Hey, Pope." Skyler gapped as she looked down at him. "Wanna sit up?"
"There he is. That's my boy right there!" JJ explained as he pointed at Pope, a large smile across his face.
"It's hot! I'm really hot, guys!" Pope explained, yanking his jacket off.
"Okay, take it easy." JJ laughed as he held his shoulder.
"It's a side effect from the epipen." Skyler nodded, feeling Popes forehead. "Oh, yeah. It's hitting him good."
"I gotta get outside." Pope explained as he jumped off the table.
"Simmer down." John B tried to reason.
"It's hot!" Pope yelled as he ran outside.
Pope began running around. Kie, John B, and Skyler chasing him to make sure he didn't run into the street at least. Pope sprinted and jumped into the air, "Let's go get that cross! Game six, baby! I'm Michael Jordan!"
"Uh, Pope, you're driving pretty fast." Sarah explained as Pope drove through the night, down the empty road.
Pope cheered into the air.
"Pope, last to judge, but I think you should slow down a little." JJ explained from the back.
"That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there." Pope explained quickly with a point of his finger, speaking fast.
"Pope, i've said it once's and i'll say it again." Skyler spoke from where she was on Kies lap in the front. "Approximately 1.35 million people are killed in car accidents each year and I don't wanna make us the 1.36 millionth!"
"Why did we let him drive again?" Kie asked.
"Because I said i'd rip your ears off." Pope informed her.
"He said he'd rip our ears off." Sarah nodded.
"I was joking about that, by the way." Pope giggled.
"It's a really funny joke." Kie nodded, holding Skyler tighter.
"Hey, how ya feeling, buddy? How ya doing?" John B called from the back, feeling on edge at how fast they were driving.
"Uh, fantastic. I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!" Pope explained with a bright grin, waving his hands around.
"We couldn't tell." Kie shook her head.
"Okay, well, um, you're going really fast right now." John B tried to reason again.
"Most car accidents accrue within a 3 mile radius of the drivers home." Skyler looked out the widow. "Please tell me that's not the cause here."
"It is." Kie confirmed.
"Yeah, really fast!" Pope yelled as he turned to look at them.
"Pope!" Sarah yelled as Pope did a sudden swerve on the road.
"I don't know if you noticed, but there's these giant oak trees all along the road. They're like six inches off the road." John B explained quickly in hopes of calming Pope down or getting him to pull over.
"Popes, there's a car!" Skyler yelled.
"You don't need to pass. You don't need to pass." Kie explained quickly as she gripped onto the door.
Pope swerved past the truck quickly, Kie grabbing Skylers waist tighter as she dug her head into her neck, "What an asshole."
"He's going the speed limit." Kie inhaled quickly.
"We're not gonna get to the cross if we're dead, Pope!" John B spoke quickly to the boy driving.
"1.36 millionth here we come!" the girl on Kie's lap announced.
"We're not gonna die. It's our divine right to get to that cross." Pope explained over his shoulder.
"Pope, look at the road!" John B hollered at him quickly, nearly running into the oak tree as Pope turned the wheel suddenly, making them spin in a circle, Kie and Skyler gripping each other. The six yelled as the truck spun, crashing suddenly into a oak tree as the windows broke and air bags blew.
"Ow." Skyler gave a moan of pain, the airbag hitting her shoulder pretty hard from how she sat.
"Are you okay?" Kie gapped, looking at her as glass was in both their hair.
"Yeah." Skyler picked a piece of glass from her hair.
Pope jumped out of the car. "We have to walk the rest of the way."
The rest of them followed, leaving the wrecked truck as a larger one began to pass. Looking up, Renfield and Rafe drove straight past the two with arrogant smiles, only making them all consider the worst.
kylie speaks
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