𝟎𝟎𝟔 ,, 𝗯𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗸


I stir awake, opening my eyes. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before staring at the ceiling. Slowly and well, yesterday's happenings come to mind.
     The wound on Lupin's face.
     The anger I felt toward that Gryffindor.
     The breakthrough of the identity of the girl who haunts my dreams.
These memories are interrupted by a lash of pain across my face. Pain near my right eye. I hiss as my hand reaches for my face. I jump out of bed to run to the bathroom. It feels as if it is burning through my face. It makes me sick in the stomach as I stumble into the bathroom.
I look at my mirror reflection before slowly removing my hand. My shoulders slumped down as I was left appalled. There was nothing to be seen on my face.
Yet, that pain.
''Are you well, Tom?'' Severus appears in the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the doorframe. I square my shoulders and shift my gaze to Severus.
     "I am well, Severus," I lie. I hide my pain under the mask of a calm young man. That pain has dulled into a stinging pain. It doesn't hurt as much as a few minutes ago, however, it is irritating nonetheless.
     "I saw you running to the bathroom with your hand covering your face," Severus reasons. I clasp my hands behind my back.
     "I am well, Severus," I repeat, in a sharper tone. Severus receives the silent hint and straightens his posture.
     "That's all I need to know," he says before leaving the bathroom. I appreciate Severus' loyalty to me, which has earned him my trust.
     That pain...
     Where did that come from?

I sit at my House's table, sipping coffee. While the stream caresses my face, my eyes scan the Great Hall. My eyes dart from table to table, recognizing that Gryffindor — the one who hurt Lupin. My gaze shifted to the Ravenclaw table, scanning all the students thinking Lupin might be among them.
I was wrong.
She was not.
I bite down in annoyance as I remind myself I don't care. Yet, she is far more intriguing than I first anticipated. As if she is not a normal witch. There is something, almost, enchanting about her.
     I down the last sip of coffee before heading to the dungeons. I am the first one to arrive. I had just taken my seat when Professor Slughorn stood before me.
     "Good morning, Tom m'boy," he beams.
     "Good morning, Professor," I greet with a nod. His smile fades as his expression fades into something more important.
     "I need you to do something for me, Tom m'boy," he starts. "I'm asking this as Head of your House." I appear to be listening intently, however it bores me. "It is about Vivian Lupin."
     Attention drawn.
     "What about her?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. I tend to look as if I do not know she is in the Hospital Wing.
     "Ms Lupin has had an accident and is currently healing in the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey sent word to every Professor about her absence," he rambles. "However, it is important she keeps up to date with the notes and homework. Especially the notes we take during her absence."
     He is closer to asking a question.
"Because she is your partner, the one who are assigned to sit next to, I'm asking you to help her with the notes she needs to catch up on," Professor Slughorn breathes out.
     Her wounded face flashes through my head.
     "Tom m'boy?" Professor Slughorn asks, knitting his eyebrows in concern. I briefly raise my eyebrows to clear my head.
     "Of course, Professor," I answer, a feline smile gracing my lips.
     "Oh, that is wonderful!" Professor Slughorn beams. "I knew I could count on you."

Professor Slughorn starts his class once every student is in. Without much thought, I glance aside to look at the empty seat.
A pair of eyes are fixed on me, I can feel it. I tilt my head to meet Lestrange's look. He doesn't look amused, why I do not know.
     I glance aside, knowing I need to retrieve those ingredients myself. I head to the cupboard as I hear my name.
     "Tom?" I know that voice and meet Lestrange's eyes. "Where is Vivian?" I halt for a moment, staring into him. Then I shrug and continue my walk to the cupboard. A smirk tugs at the corners of my lips as I turn my back on Lestrange.
     It is rather boring this class without a Ravenclaw to cuss on. That is how the rest of the day was going to be.

Which is why I am relieved that I am freed from this tormenting, boring day. I gather my books and writing before fulfilling my duty as a 'caring student to another'.
     That sounds disgusting.
     ''Hey, Tom.'' A wave of annoyance flows through my veins, knowing Lestrange is approaching.
     ''What is it, Lestrange?'' I question, none of my steps faltering.
     ''Where are you going?'' he questions, finally catching up with me.
     ''That is none of your business,'' I answer sharply.
     ''Are you visiting Vivian?'' he continues. I abruptly halt my pace to turn to him. My eyes narrow at him as I take a slow step closer to him.
     ''That is none of your fucking business,'' I say in a low, slow voice. ''I don't know what business you have with that girl but leave me out of it.'' Each word is coated with a dangerous tone. I watch him swallow, telling me that he is nervous.
     ''I have no business with her, she is my friend,'' he counters, standing his ground.
     ''Friend?'' I scoff, a laugh rippling from my throat. ''You are not her friend. Do I need to remind you that she is friends with the Gryffindor Seeker? She hates you as much as that Potter boy.'' He is angry with me, I can tell. His jaw is tensed, however, his eyes speak for him. He is hurt. ''Now, keep your nose out of my business or you'll see that I am more capable than just hurting you with some words.''
     Even though he remains angry with me, he does distance himself from me. He shows that he is afraid of me, which he should. I straighten my back and cast him one more look before I walk away. A smirk graces my lips in satisfaction.

I push the heavy, wooden door open with a grunt escaping my throat. I clasp my hands behind my back as I stroll through the Hospital Wing toward the bed where I yesterday found her. I spot her sitting up straight with three students around her.
     I watch her head turn to me, her eyes locking with mine in the process. I question if she could sense my presence. However, that doesn't make any sense. She must have heard the door. Because her eyes are on me, her three companions turn their heads to look who is approaching. Two of them are Gryffindors and the third one is one of her House.
     "I need to talk to you," I say straight to the point. ''Without these halfwits.'' I watch these boys look away in annoyance, yet I can't care less. However, Lupin arches her eyebrows in what seems indignance.
     ''Hello, Riddle,'' she replies. She takes her eyes off me to look at her, I assume, friends. Lupin nods and the three rise to their feet. The two Gryffindors threw me a nasty look before leaving, however, I couldn't care less.
     ''See you later, Luna,'' one of the Gryffindors throws in her direction.
     Why is he calling her Luna?
     I waited for them to leave, my eyes never leaving the girl. Once I hear the heavy door fall shut, Lupin shifts her gaze to me.
     ''It was quite a boring day without your presence,'' I say. Lupin rolls her eyes in annoyance, which only brings me joy.
     ''No one for you to yell at, I presume?'' she replies, locking her eyes with mine again.
     ''You were in the wrong then,'' I snarl. ''I had every right to.''
     ''Needn't to make it that explicit.'' Surprise caught me. Her mouth forms a line, however, I am sure I heard her voice. I let the surprise falter to regain my composure.
     ''However, on what occasion do I owe this dear visit from you?'' she questions sweetly, but the sweetness in her voice doesn't match her expression.
     ''I am here out of concern for the Head of Slytherin House,'' I say with a rather bored tone.
     ''Tell me about it,'' she says.
     ''He would wish me to provide you with the notes you need to catch up on,'' I explain. Lupin only looks at me, her witty comments gone.
''He wants you to help me?'' she questions, knitting her eyebrows together. I roll my eyes at her in annoyance.
''Are you deaf?'' I snap.
This girl, bloody hell.
''I did calm down,'' she hisses. ''I am just surprised that he asked you.'' I narrow my eyes at her.
''Would you rather have Lestrange here then?'' I snarl. If she snarls, so can I. A low growl grumbles from her throat. I am sure it was a growl from her, I cannot be mistaken.
''What is that supposed to mean?'' she hisses. ''No, I'm just expressing my fucking shock!'' She raises her voice at me. I watch her sink into her pillow with her hands rubbing her temples. I wouldn't say I was caught off guard but she did surprise me with her losing her temper.
''If you let me do my duty, I will be gone,'' I say calmly.
''I cannot stand you.''
Her voice echoes through my head once again. My body tenses as it takes every inch of me not to harm her because she is pushing my fucking buttons. I take a few breaths to calm down, figuring out how to get back at her.
''I'd like to strike a bargain,'' I continue. "In order for you to get your notes." I watch her arch her eyebrow.
     "What kind of bargain?" she questions suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at me. I give her a shrug in return.
     "You get your notes while I get three favors of you," I finish my sentence with a smirk. Her eyes widen for a moment before shaking her head.
     "Oh, no," she denies. "Nah ah, that's not gonna happen." She shakes her head, her hands making some kind of denial gesture.
     "Then no notes," I shrug.
     "You despicable." I am now sure of the fact that her voice is in my head but I do not understand why. Such an intriguing phenomenon.
     "You cannot deny me my notes," Lupin counters. "You are tasked by our Professors. I could tell them you denied me these notes."
     Clever girl. However, I can manipulate them into thinking I gave them to you.
     "It will be your word against mine," I continue calmly. She needs these notes. Ravenclaws are keen on their knowledge. They need the information. I lift my chin in confidence, knowing she will fold.
     "Ugh, fine," she hisses. "But I want to have a say in this bargain and your favors." A feline smile graces my lips as I allow her to speak her say. "First of all, why do you need any favors from me? What is in it for you?"
     "If I'd tell you, what would be the fun of that?" I shrug. She rolls her eyes at me.
     "Fine," she sighs. "What I say is that I will not be cruel to animals or humans."
     Okay, fine.
     "You have my word," I pledge. "Do I have yours?" I stare into her eyes as I find this too amusing. I have her in my control. I could demand what the hell is going on with the voice in my head.
     "You have my word," she mutters.
     "Then I shall fulfill my end of the bargain and retrieve my notebooks from the common room," I say. Without another word, I leave the defeated Ravenclaw in her bed. As I walk away, I cannot help but feel powerful.

I head to the Slytherin common room. I collect my notebooks and mark the notes she needs to catch on.
     She doesn't have any notebooks or parchment with her. I roll my eyes as I add a few parchment papers and inkt and quill to the stack.
     Three favors.
     I bind the books with a leather belt to hold them in one place before I head back to the Hospital Wing.
     I push the door open by my shoulder. A grunt ripples from my throat. Ridiculous heavy door. I enter the Hospital Wing and hear the door close behind me.
     I reach her bed, however, I find her asleep. Her eyes are closed and her hands grip her arms. As if she were cold. I set down the stack of books and did something that even surprised myself.
     I grip the blanket and pull it to her shoulders. I simply stare at her face before being startled by a female voice.
"She needs much sleep."
My eyes shot to Madam Pomfrey, who silently emerged from her office. I stand up tall, clasping my hands behind my back.
''How is she doing?'' I question flatly. She looks at me as if I'm a weak, caring boy. It's disgusting.
''She is doing better,'' she replies kindly, averting her eyes from me. ''I might even dismiss her today.'' I glance at her resting face, my eyes falling on that wound. I think of the pain I endured this morning.
''How is that wound?'' I point out.
''It will scar eventually,'' she replies with a sigh. ''It is doing better though, however, she complained about this burning pain. Now... It is all good, she told me.''
It happened to her... It happened to me...
''Why do you ask?'' she questions. I shrug, pretending to be uninterested.
''No reason,'' I tell her. She narrows her eyes at me, not quite believing my reasoning. She straightens her back, taking one more look at Lupin. "
''She will alright,'' Madam Pomfrey says before retreating to her office. My eyes fixed on her face before noticing she had moved her hand above the blanket. I cannot tell what washed over me but I reached for her hand. Her hand is warm when I touch it and it sends an electric shock through my body. She stirs awake by the cause of it as I back away.
Merlin's beard, what was that?
I watch her eyes open and it takes her a moment to look at me. Her eyebrows furrow, blinking several times.
''What are you doing here?'' she questions. I tilt my head at her, arching my eyebrow.
''I was here a little while ago,'' I reply. ''We agreed on a deal.'' I watch her think. If her brain was open for display, I could see those wheels turning. I notice the look of recognition in her eyes.
''I remember,'' she replies. ''You would give me your notes in exchange for three favors.''
She remembers it perfectly.
''Why wouldn't I remember?'' she questions. I tilt my head as I realize she heard me.
''You seemed to have forgotten my purpose here,'' I point out. She answers with a shrug.
''Which is fair since you never visit people in the Hospital Wing. Not even from your own House, let alone other Houses,'' she reasons and she does have a point. I never visit the Hospital Wing to support one's health. With her... It seems different.
''Point taken,'' I said before pointing at the pile of notebooks. ''I marked the pages you need to catch up on. Is there anything else I can do?''
I despise these words the moment they leave my mouth. What the hell have I been thinking?
''I appreciate your... rare offer but I decline,'' she replies. I try not to seem too relieved. ''I'll ask Madam Pomfrey or Aramis to bring me my notebooks.'' I clasp my hands behind my back and nod.
''Very well,'' I say. ''I will see you in class when you are feeling better.'' I turn around and leave. I have not heard her reply if she gave one. I did feel her eyes burning in my back. I leave her presence behind, only to realize a different feeling.
I felt different in her presence... As if I felt something other than emptiness.

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