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"Two months ago we were boarding the train for Summer break," Remus said.
ย  ย ย  "And now we are packed for a new year," Vivian adds. The two watch Lily pack the last of her belongings before sealing her trunk. The twin are seated on her bed while Lily is busy walking back and forth. She leaves the room to fetch Merlin knows what.
ย  ย ย  "It is crazy how fast the time goes," Remus mentions, leaning backward. Vivian averts her gaze from Lily's trunk to her brother.
"It is crazy," she confirms, thinking about the past four years since they have attended Hogwarts. "Extremely lucky with our friends, though," she adds to which Remus agrees.
"We knew better than to rely on others, but I don't think we would have survived these years without them," Remus speaks. "First year was difficult enough, let set aside Professor Dumbledore's assistance."
ย  ย ย  "I am honestly relieved that the people close to us know," Vivian continues. "And how they weren't disgusted but supportive." They don't notice Lily returning to the room. A smile graces her lips as she leans against the doorframe. She crosses her arms over her chest as she listens along.
ย  ย ย  "I will be forever grateful for their friendship," Remus adds. "As will I," Vivian adds, and she extends her hand. Remus clasps his hand in hers as Lily pushes herself from the doorframe.
"That was so sweet, guys," Lily smiles, causing both Lupins to turn their heads to Lily. Their eyes widened, not realizing she had heard them. A heat creeps up Vivian's neck out of embarrassment. Her hand reaches for the back of her neck, scratching it.
ย  ย ย  "We didn't think you would hear them," Remus explains. "Even though it is no crime, we aren't quite used to someone hearing our words, you know what I mean?" Lily sends them a warm smile.
ย  ย ย  "Well, I can't know for sure but I assume it is because none would hear you as children because of the fury problem?" Lily ends her sentence in a questionable tone. Vivian nods. "That sounds about right," Before Lily could say another word, her father's voice echoed from downstairs.
ย  ย ย  "If you wish to get to King's Cross Station before eleven o'clock, we should get going," her father calls. "Coming," Lily answers, yelling over her shoulder.
ย  ย ย  "We should go," she smiles to which the twin agrees and they hop off the bed. Vivian walks across the hallway as she notices a door opening. It is Lily's sister, Petunia. Vivian sends her a small wave, expecting nothing in return as she walks down the stairs.

Lily's parents are in the front seats as Lily is scooched between Remus and Vivian. The Evanses were so kind to let them stay for the Summer.
ย  ย ย  "Remus and I are extremely grateful for your hospitality, Mr and Mrs Evans," Vivian breaks the silence, apart from the radio. Mr Evans meets Vivian's eyes through the rear mirror and beams a smile.
ย  ย ย  "You are most welcome!" he beams. She sends him a smile however she doubts his words. He wouldn't be this kind, in fact, he would have denied us on the doorstep if he knew what we were. She glances at Lily who is looking at her prefect badge. A badge with the colour of her house and prefect written on it.
ย  ย ย  "I cannot believe that we are all prefects," she says, fiddling with the metal pin. Vivian's eyes shift to Remus as she meets his eyes. He, too, has a smile on his lips. They couldn't believe it either.
"We do be responsible students," Remus smiles. "You shouldn't hand that pin over to James," he adds, cracking a joke. It causes the girls to chuckle as Vivian leans closer to Lily. She clasps her hand to her mouth as she imagines James with a prefect pin.
ย  ย ย  "I can see him strut through the corridors like a proud lion," Vivian speaks as she impersonates James, which causes Lily to laugh harder. Remus looks at Lily with a surprised look since she is mostly composed.
ย  ย ย  "I'm sorry," she snorts. "I just can't."

"Lily, dear," her mother called. "Your Hogwarts letters have arrived." As her mother selected the letters for the three students, she hears someone rushing down the stairs. She appears in the doorway with widening eyes.
"The letters?" she questions. Her mother nods and extends her arm to hand over the letters. Lily takes only but three steps until she is within her mother's arm range.
"Thank you," Lili says, taking the letters out of her hand and rushes back upstairs. "I have them!"
"You know we heard the conversation," Vivian reminds, pointing to her ear. Lily smiles as she forgot but she hands them their letter. The three open their letters and besides the letter, a badge is left in the envelope.
"Do you have a badge?" Vivian questions.
"Merlin's beard, I do," Lily gasps. The two girls shift their gaze to Remus, who also pulls out a prefect badge. Lily squeals and jumps at the two. She embraces them in a hug.
"This is gonna be amazing!"

Once they arrive at King's Cross Station, they make their way to platform nine and platform ten. "It is fascinating how this works," Mrs Evans breathes, approaching the wall. "Now, give me a kiss, Lily-dear," Lily says to her parents goodbye as the twins watch.
"Look after yourselves," Mr Evans smiles and pats Remus' shoulder. He sends him a smile in return, remaining silent. He extends his hand to his sister, who clasps her hand in his.
"Shall we go?" he questions with a smirk on his lips. Vivian squeezes his hand. "We shall," she smiles before they run toward the wall between platform nine and platform ten. After a moment, they are welcomed by the Hogwarts Express and a full station. A smile graces Vivian's lips as she is just hours away from home. Home.
ย  ย ย  "Moony! Luna! Red!" Lily, Remus and Vivian glance over their shoulder to see three familiar boys, approaching them with wide grins. James embraces Remus while Sirius embraces Vivian.
ย  ย ย  "Even though this summer was pleasant, I missed you," Sirius speaks. Vivian pulls away from the hug and holds onto him by his arms. She looks him in the eyes and just smiles. She has missed her friends.
ย  ย ย  "Aw and we sent out letters as well," Vivian pouts at Sirius, who rolls his eyes. He glances at her brother. "Has she become even more insufferable over the summer?"
ย  ย ย  "I missed you too, Pads," Vivian smiles before Sirius turns to Remus, James turns to Lily and Peter embraces Vivian.
"I missed you the most, Red," James smirks, squeezing Lily tighter in the hug before letting her go. Lily rolls her eyes and shakes her head as if she hadn't been laughing about the thought of him strutting through the corridors with a prefect badge pinned on his chest.
ย  ย ย  "Don't call me that," she mutters.
"Let's find a compartment before we are without one," Remus suggests, to everyone's agreeing. They board the Hogwarts Express before searching for an empty compartment. However, many of the compartments are crowded which leads them to pass compartment after compartment. Vivian follows the group but she freezes in her steps as she catches a vague scent of a cologne. It takes her back to the end of the fourth year where she too scented this smell. Creases form on her forehead as she wonders how this scent outdoes every other. She is pulled back into reality as other students lightly push her to make their way around her. She shakes her head, shaking off the feeling before searching for her friends.
ย  ย ย  "Hey, where were you? You walked behind me and then you were gone," Sirius mentions as Vivian enters the compartment. She takes a seat at the window as she does not want to share what she just experienced.
ย  ย ย  "My shoelace came undone," she waves away. Her friends tilt their heads yet remain silent. Remus glances at his sister with a concerned expression. Vivian notices his stare and sends him a reassuring smile. Remus remains weary but tries to shake it off.

"So, we have three prefects among us," Sirius announces, locking eyes with each prefect. They all nod as a response which causes James to scoff.
"Of course, they are," he gestures. "Look at them, they are the definition of a perfect student. They are outstanding." James exaggerates his sentences before bursting out in laughter, joined by Sirius and Peter.
ย  ย ย  "Be on your guard, Prongs," Vivian warns playfully. "We are allowed to give you detention." She wiggles her eyebrows as James pretends to be shocked but continues laughing. Vivian leans closer to Lily's ear to whisper: "How are we friends with them?" Lily chuckles and replies: "they are more friends of yours than mine." James notices the quiet chitchat and decides to point it out.
"Red, Luna!" he calls out. "Whispering in the presence of others is strictly forbidden." Sirius turns to the girls as well, growing curious too. "Speak up!"
"I questioned Lily why we are friends with you guys," Vivian replies. James furrows his eyebrows as he proudly opens his arms. "Because we are awesome."

Lily pulls out her pocket watch and shrieks. "Remus, Viv!" she shrieks and jumps to her feet. "We need to leave, now!" She gets a hold of Vivian's arm and drags her along, causing Vivian to stumble over her feet. "Easy, Lily!" Remus rises to his feet and silently follows the girls with a small smile gracing his lips.
"Catch you later," Vivian yelps before disappearing. The rest of the Gryffindor boys need a moment to comprehend what has happened.
"You still want Evans?" Sirius questions. James looks down as he tries to suppress a smile.
"More than ever."

Lily pushes Vivian into the compartment, causing Vivian to stumble over her feet. "That was everything but necessary, Lils," Vivian scolds. "We are right on time, see? We are among the first students to be here."
"Sorry," Lily mutters, grasping a strand of hair. Vivian turns around, her eyes falling on a boy in the corner. He stares out of the window, which gives Vivian the opportunity to release a deduction on him.
ย  ย ย  Slytherin robes. Quite tall if you focus on his posture. Pale. Sharp features in the face. Dark eyes. Dark curly hair. Handsome, people would call him. A familiar scent lingers in this room.
ย  ย ย  She moves closer to him, sitting across from him when it hits her. She glances around to see the other four prefects. Her eyebrows furrow as she is confused about where that strong scent comes from.
While she is studying the remaining students, she is oblivious to the fact that the Slytherin, across from her, is looking at her. Observing even. He too pulls a deduction on her. She feels his eyes scan her from head to toe before turning to the Gryffindor next to her, who has his eyes already upon him.
Remus meets the Slytherin's eyes and a shiver runs down his spine. His expression is cold yet there is an intimidating glint in his eyes. Remus succumbs to his gaze and averts his eyes from him. Another cold shiver engulfs his veins which he tries to shake off.
"You okay?" Vivian questions as she notices her brother's discomfort. His eyes flicker to his sister, unsure how to answer. He eventually nods, remaining silent. He does not want to burden her with his problems anymore. Not that this is a problem.

Eight fifth-year students are paying attention to the instructions of the head boy. Besides the instructions, several former prefects share their experiences.
ย  ย ย  Vivian caught herself on the lack of concentration. She blamed it on the odd scent. She was ruling out the girls because it was a men's cologne. Her brother is obviously ruled out as well, leaving Aramir Hawthorne, a Hufflepuff and the Slytherin as the remaining suspects.
Her eyes roam to the boy in front of her, whose attention is drawn to the speaking student. He must have felt her eyes upon him because his eyes flicker to hers.
ย  ย ย  His cold eyes meet her eyes. His mouth is formed into a thin line. Could he be wearing that cologne? The boy watches her eyebrows furrow as if she is buried in her thoughts. He could say he was curious what was going on in her mind, but he couldn't care less. Although, she does have something that is intriguing him. Familiar almost.
He does not know anything about her, except that she is a Ravenclaw prefect. That is all he knows.
She crosses her legs, accidentally kicking his dangling foot in the process. Vivian mutters an apology, holding his gaze. The boy remains silent and avert his gaze from hers. This talk about prefects went on and on, never coming to an end.

"Luna, are you coming?" Remus questions. Luna. The name that echoed through the Slytherin's mind.
"Yes," Vivian answers and jumps to her feet. Before she leave the compartment, she glances over her shoulder. The boy has his fist to his mouth, seemed to be lost in his mind.
He feels a pair of eyes upon him, causing him to look in the direction of the exit. There she stands, Luna. He meets her eyes and they hold eye contact for a brief moment before she leaves the compartment, leaving him alone. He has spent more time thinking about this single girl than he has with women in general.
He then decided to leave the prefect compartment to return to his, so-called, friends. They are more of a loyal group of followers. He wouldn't call it friends, because he has no friends.

Vivian, Lily, and Remus return to their friends who have been waiting for them like a dog waiting for their owner to return home. Vivian is the last one to enter the compartment as she takes her usual seat at the window.
"Well, how was it?" Peter asks curiously. The three exchange looks before Lily answers: "It held lots of information." Peter looks at Lily with a look that screams I still have no idea what you are talking about.
"The information was practical but the shared experiences were rather ... dull," Vivian adds. James snorts as he has predicted that being a prefect would have been a dull job.
"Told you so," he winks at Lily who simply rolls her eyes before shaking her head. The train signals their arrival, sending an exciting jolt through Vivian's veins. She is excited to return to Hogwarts. She is excited to return home.

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