There was a party I was going to attend. The thought alone ridiculed me because never did I dream of ever attending a party- again. Bella had somehow managed to convince me to attend- rather- forced me to attend. How the hell was I even invited to a party?!
That's something I tended to find out.
My honeyed voice of reason to not attend repeated itself the whole day but it all fell on deaf ears. I didn't even know anyone except her and Walter- well, Jaxon and Austin were included but I didn't know them well, and for the boxer guy- he wasn't on my good list.
Attending the party, would be a complete waste of my time, and knowing fully well that the Golden boy is going to be there was driving me insane.
"No complains, go get ready, we are attending the party," Bella glared slightly for the tenth time in sixteen hours. I was so done with trying, it was obvious she wasn't going to pay any more attention to my false reasons of not wanting to attend. "You need to loosen up Carl, this is college, you need to have fun."
I let out a sigh. Loosen up, I can do that.
I excused myself and went to go get ready. When I realized that it was really it and there was no backing out, I at least tried to at least look presentable for the party.
I stood in front of the mirror and took in my reflection. My long brown hair was in countless waves, clad in a black off shoulder long sleeve crop top and ripped skinny jeans, my lips were tainted with a tiny shade of red. There was hardly any make-up on my face and that was how liked it- I wasn't a fan of makeup. Even if I was a fan, I wouldn't have been bothered to do for a place I didn't want to go.
I looked and felt okay, confident even. Nothing weighed me down, I took note and gave my reflection a small smile. Even though I didn't want to attend the party, I had at least done a great job dressing for it.
I met Bella all in her glory of shimmery prestigiousness. Her long, silky jet black hair was perfectly smooth, her long dress was having a dangerous high slit, and her lips tainted with red. Her face was designed with make-up- in a way that made her look lavishing. She really was fashionable, it was obvious she took it as an art, and her face as the canvas.
The red satin material flowing down her legs stressed out her prestigiousness and confidence. She was the type that was so damn confident about her body.
She took in my appearance. "You really don't want to go to this party- at least you dressed really nicely for it, why didn't you wear a dress?"
"I'm not a fan of dresses," I told her in response. It was true, I wasn't.
"You'll get used to it, by the way, you still look hot."
Hot? Then what was she?
"Thanks, but I think everyone's going to be looking at you, rather than me- you're killing it girl," I grinned.
She smirked, and it looked out of place. "Not everyone's gonna be looking at me, a particular boxer is gonna have his eyes trained on you."
"Um, no way- we are going to be ignoring each other's presence," I crossed my arms over my chest in a stubborn manner.
"All these bickering is just for show, soon it would be a blossoming friendship, and then it'll be-"
I gave her a glare, warning her about the consequences of the next thing she was about to utter. She raised her hand in mock surrender, and let out a giggle.
"Let's go."
Bella said and so, I stilled, then breathed. Maybe it won't be that bad.
That was my mantra throughout.
It was that bad.
I wasn't shocked the slightest about all the happenings - it was a party, what I expected even. I had been to a party only once in my life- Yes, once- and I hated it. I could smell the alcohol even by just standing in front of the building, and Bella over here was eager to get in and party.
Not only that, the house I was standing in front of was oddly familiar- The boxer's apartment. Even with the dim light coming from the moon and the lights outside, I still recognized it. The house was big and classy- something my family couldn't afford- but he managed to. He's a boxer. Yeah, thanks.
I could hear the muffled sound of an unknown music blasting inside the house as I let my eyes wander around- drunk college kids were already littered around the lawn, couples making out heavily against a wall- Jeez, the goddamn party hadn't even started yet.
But, Inside the house was way more worse! Bella had grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house much to my plea. Getting inside, the ground beneath my feet thrummed, due to the loud music that was blasting in the house. As my eyes wandered around, I felt that parties shouldn't be crazy or wild rather, peaceful yet fun.
There were guys chugging beers, and girls in revealing clothes attaching to them like tick. Get a room!
"I love this party," I heard Bella say besides me, awestruck and hands still holding mine.
"I hate this."
She turned to give me a look. "Have fun girl, live the moment."
"Who exactly owns this house?" I asked, looking around the house in wonders- how long would it take to clean all this party mess?
"Ladies," a honeyed voice interrupted Bella from giving me an answer. We both turned around to be greeted by Walter. Clad in a pullover tucked in his black jeans, a grin outlined his lips. "You came Carla."
"Yeah- against my wish."
He laughed at my statement, causing me to wonder if what I and said was funny. His eyes went over to Bella, who was nervous as hell. I watched his mouth drop open slightly as he took in her dress before taking his eyes to hers. Bella must be really pleased with herself.
"I- you look astonishing Bella."
"Duh, I think I might borrow you for the night," he smirked mischievously.
Bella's cheek turned a shade of crimson as she stuttered, trying to form words. "I-you, um-"
Walter seemed pleased with himself and I was tired of the way he was staring at her, it was creepy. "So, Walter, you own this house?" I asked, saving Bella from her embarrassment.
"Not alone, Valen and I own it."
"Valen? Who's Valen?" wait- "The boxer guy?"
He burst into fits of laughter. "That's what you know him as?"
"Actually, not just that. Arrogant prick, Mr boxer, School's golden boy, fucktard , asshole, asswipe-"
"Okay, okay," he cut me off. "Damn, do you hate the poor guy?"
Poor guy? I wish.
I shrugged.
"Yo man, Walter!" a guy's voice called out, even with the loud music his voice was audibly loud.
Duty calls.
"Well ladies, get yourselves some drinks while I go attend to some duty calls," he told us and had the audacity to wink at Bella before striding off.
Together, Bella and I made our way to the crowded kitchen- sweaty guys and girls everywhere, and it irked me like nothing else. And when Bella got us both drinks, I didn't know if I should drink or shouldn't because weird things happens at parties.
I ended up going for the first option- drinking it- because she nudged me to. Though I was having a cup of Coca-Cola, I was still conscious about it.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome the guests of honor," We heard a masculine voice speak into a- microphone.
What is this?
Everyone turned around, gasps filling the rooms, and even my mouth was slightly agape. The two guys were looking as hot as ever- though it hurt to say it but, I wasn't gonna lie. It was like everything else in the background blurred and my eyes could only make out his figure.
Valen Monroe sure did dress in the way that could give girls heart attacks- except me. I couldn't help it but, my eyes went wide when I took in his appearance, thoughts- Good knows where. It was the way his shirt wasn't tucked in, the top two buttons widely opened, and eyes that shined brightly in the room.
His sleeves were rolled up, resting just above his elbows. He ran his hand through his hair, and his eyes fixed onto mine. Why was he staring at me? I asked myself as his eyes stayed on mine, nodding to whatever Walter was telling him. Our eyes were locked. Why was I still staring at him?
Walter nudged him slightly and he broke our gaze, turning to face him with all his attention. I was also nudged by Bella, and I turned to look at her.
She was giving me one of her smug smirks which told me I was in for something. "What did I tell you Carl? His eyes were placed on you, refusing to leave," she grinned. "You two have some kind of chemistry."
I scoffed at that. "No and Never."
She was about to respond but thankfully, a voice interrupted her. "Let's party!!!!"
And there went the crazy college girls- screaming in annoying high pitched voices. The music continued and everyone was dancing, drinking and- kissing. Yuck.
Bella and I made our way to an empty couch, talking on pretty much everything. She loved the party, I hated it. We talked back and front.
After pretty much emptying my cup, I needed to use the bathroom, so I excused myself. I stood up from my seat and walked past the huge masses of drunk college kids, not wanting to have even a small talk with anyone. The last time I was at the house, I had seen the bathroom so it wasn't really hard to locate it.
As I walked down to the bathroom, I felt a sense of comfort- away from the loud music, laughters, chatters, and couples who couldn't keep to themselves. The noises were already starting to give me a painful headache, reminding me of how much I hated parties.
I made my way into the thankfully empty and did my business. The bathroom was neat- sparkling even- and it didn't lack any facilities.
I stepped out of the bathroom, ready to get back to the noise in the house, what I didn't expect however,- was bumping into someone. We both fell to the ground because of the force at which I bumped into the person. The hardness of the person's chest told me it was a guy, and when I looked at whom it was- I instantly regretted it.
Right at the moment, I was on top of Golden boy- Valen- my breath hitched in my throat at the proximity. The lights in the hall did reflect the blueness of his dusky eyes. Because of how close we were, I could make out his face the more- dusky midnight eyes, pink plump lips, and a well sculptured jaw.
He was also making out my face- proven by the way he was staring at me- intently if I may add. My blood immediately spiked up at something- where his hands were placed, around my waist.
I quickly got up, masking my cold, impassive look and shot him a glare, as he stood up. "Watch were you're going Mr boxer."
"You bumped into me," he said slowly, and damn he was right.
I had a huge ego and a self respect to keep and so my stubborn self scoffed at him. "Whatever."
I didn't spare him a glance rather, walked past him, the scent of his expensive cologne lingering.
I went back to meet Bella but didn't find her on the couch where I left her, rather she was with Walter. She waved at me, and gestured for me to come. I did come, and I was in for something- Walter requested that we both sat with the guys- and of course, Bella agreed to it.
Introductions and pleasantries did grace the surface, and of course, my cheeks were going to hurt from all the forceful smiling. We were all seated together, away from the craziness in the main part of the house. We were going around asking questions as a way to get to know one another- Austin's Idea.
Bella besides me was in, and was already telling us one of her most embarrassing moments- as asked by Walter.
"I was in middle school and my back-to-school outfit was a simple shirt tucked in a black high waisted skirt. When I got out of my mom's car, I threw on my new backpack and walked inside the school premises."
"There's not wrong there," Walter said as he sipped on his beer.
"Oh, I'm not done Walt," she held up a finger.
We all paid close attention as she went on with her story. "So, on my way to my locker, I heard snickers from both sides of the hallway, and being the timid girl I was, I ran to the toilet to check what was wrong-"
"You had a booger or something?" This time Austin asked the question, and Bella shook her head no.
"I wish that was what happened," she had a pained look on her face as she struggled to say the last part, "The zip of my backpack was stuck to the hem of my skirt, and. . . and-"
"AND?" Walter asked loudly, already knowing what was coming.
"And, it had pulled my skirt up past my butt!"
Simultaneous laughter broke out amongst everyone and even I- who had hardly said a word- joined them. While Bella's face was heating up with embarrassment, we were all chocking on our laugh.
"You guys promised not to laugh," she whined.
"We had no idea your story was gonna be this hilarious," Austin responded, chocking out between laughs.
All Bella did was groan, and cross beer arms around her chest- and Walter wasn't willing to let the poor girl be. "I wish I was there, I could've gotten the view too."
Everyone else burst into laughter while she slumped into her seat in embarrassment. Valen was also seated with us- hardly ever making a comment only when he was asked a question- and while others laughed like maniacs he let out a low chuckle.
The laughter soon died down and he was back to staring at his phone not uttering a word- he was always quiet, hardly ever saying anything. His eyes found mine, and he raised his eyebrows at me.
I rolled my eyes and looked away. Even though I had been sitting with them for the past thirty minutes, there was no speck of comfort, and sitting in the same place as him made me more frustrated. I was feeling out of place and a tight knot formed in my stomach- I needed this misery to end, fast.
Everyone went to back and forth talking, and Walter went back to stealing fries of Bella's plate. The latter, all but groaned and smacked his hands anytime he tried to take a fry.
Just as I slumped further into my seat, I saw someone from the left corner of my eye, sauntering towards us. With tanned skin, blonde hair perfectly straight, bright green eyes shinning and lips wreathed in smiles, Veronica Blythe graced our table. She was indeed a human manifestation of a Barbie.
Her arrival not only put a frown on our faces, but also caused us to roll our eyes simultaneously- which of course, she didn't notice. It was obvious why she came over because she was already sitting close to Valen, and batting her fake lashes at him- but he paid no heed.
"Hey Valen," she smirked. "Wanna have some fun?"
What did I tell her?
Valen didn't spare her a glance, instead kept his undivided attention on his phone. Little Miss Barbie doll's eyebrows furrowed. "Val? C'mon babe." She held onto his arm, with a smirk.
Babe? The guy doesn't even want you.
This girl didn't seem to get the hint because she placed her hands on his exposed chest, running her slender fingers up and down. I noticed his body tensed up- he was angry, so angry- she had intruded his personal space.
"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me."
She was shocked, visibly shocked and she took her hands away, immediately. She replaced her shocked expression with a smile. "It seems like you are in a bad mood."
"He was in a very good mood -until you showed up." Walter's comment originated a loud snicker from me which only reduced when Veronica acknowledged my presence.
"What is she doing here?"
"She's our friend," Walter responded immediately and my head snapped to his direction. Friend? Do they really see me as their friend?
The word 'friend' melted my icy heart- maybe I was wrong, maybe they were nice guys after all. All guys aren't the same, so I shouldn't let my past eat up my social life. With all the happenings in the past, I never trust the male genders-guys- because I felt they were all the same.
Maybe, just maybe I was wrong.
Veronica scoffed. "Friend? Walter, you have to be joking, I mean she is one year below you, and not to forget," she gave me a look of disgust, "She's a middle-classed girl who depends on her daddy for money."
I felt my blood boiling, my hands curling inwards as the tip of my fingers met with my palm in a crushing grip. My knuckles had turned pale and it's like everyone could feel the thick wave of fury rolling in as they turned to give me a look of concern.
I stood abruptly from my seat, hands clenched and angry glare fixed on Veronica. I wanted to break her bones. My posture was stiff, and an unkempt anger was brewing inside of me. I couldn't punch her but I could do one thing. I walked around and stood in front of her slender figure- without thinking, I slapped her.
"Listen bitch, you don't have the fucking right to say such about me, this is only the beginning slut, the next time you say something like that again-" I stepped closer to her red face, "I'll break your bones."
I stepped back, and without giving anyone a glance, I walked away.
Parties would forever be the worse.
Anyway, please do drop your thoughts about what you thought of this chapter, and oh- it doesn't stop here, there's more drama awaiting in the next chapter. See ya soon.
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