Step Into The Grand Tour!
I'll try and have Y/n act similarly to Uub but with a few minor add-ons.
Here is a small bio for you
First Name: Y/n (Your Name)
Last Name: Majuub (Majin Uub)
Techniques: Dragon Blitz, Flash chaser, Kamehameha, Super Kamehameha and Lightning Impact.
Forms: Kaioken (Can only manage to hold onto Times Eight.)
I might give him a new form maybe idk.
Age: Fourteen or Fifteen.
Weapon: Nyoi Bo/Power Pole.
Pov Y/n:
I can't believe I managed to get twelve hits on Goku! It's like a wish come true! I always thought I'll manage to get eight or four hits on him but nope! I got twelve now.
Goku: "You're getting the hang at this fighting gig Y/n!"
Goku said, ruffling my spikey hair. Laughing I chow down a large bowl of noodles after having a afternoon sparing lesson with Goku Sensei.
Y/n: "Thanks! I don't know why, but I feel like I can possibly manage Kaioken x10! What do you think?"
Asking I watch my master quickly panic and cartoonishly wave his arms around in a disagreeing manner.
Goku: "Easy! Easy! Look you only barely manage x8. What makes you think you can handle x10?"
Goku asked with a raised brow, quickly swallowing the food in my mouth, I sheepishly answer his question.
Y/n: "Well we've been in the Hyperbolic Time chamber for five months and I think I can pull off the Kaioken much easily?"
Goku: "Yea but you can only handle the first state and x3 but not x8. Using the Kaioken is a do or die technique and should only be used for emergencies for ongoing fights that last too long."
Pulling out a notebook, I wrote down everything master was telling me. I could use this information for future battles and training.
Cha-La! Head-Cha La!
The sound of Goku's phone rings in his gi belt and he reaches to pull out his phone. Squinting his eyes a bit, he puts on some reading glasses to see properly and I quickly hit the green phone button to answer.
Bulma: "Hello? Goku-san are you there?"
Goku: "Bulma! Hey what's up?"
Bulma briefs from what I know about her, is that she's a brilliant mind and inventor and owns capsule corp and has made so much technological advancements!
Bulma: "The same old same old, but something's up with the Dragon Balls."
Goku: "What do you mean, what's wrong?"
Oh yea! There are these seven Mystical orbs known as the Dragon balls, when United they summon a massive green wish granting dragon known as Shenron! Who can grant you any wish that is within his power!
Goku: "I'll be right over!"
Pulling the phone away, Goku had a hard time finding the button to hang up and squinted his eyes again through his glasses.
Y/n: "It's The phone icon Sensei!"
Goku: "Oh it is? Thanks Y/n!"
He pressed the icon and hangs up. Putting his phone away, Goku does some light stretches and rolls his arms about.
Goku: "Bulma needs me at her lab, wanna tag along?"
Y/n: "Oh! Of course, yes please!"
Jumping out of my seat, Goku puts a hand on my shoulder and uses other hand to place two fingers on his forehead.
In an instant, we teleported to bulma's lab Seeing her tinker with a strange device. Goku quickly walks up to her and waves hello to his best friend.
Goku: "Hey Bulma! So what seems the problem?"
Bulma: "So the Dragon balls are currently stuck somewhere on these four islands."
She said pulling out a device and pressed a button to show a holographic projection of the islands.
Y/n: "That's so cool! Wait there's five not four."
Bulma: "That's just a tropical beach and it's way too small for it to be an island."
Bulma shows a projection of the seven Dragon balls suddenly being used.
Bulma: "For some reason, when I summoned Shenron awhile ago. They suddenly freaked out and were grabbed by this invisible force and were flung towards the islands."
Goku: "but why though? They don't usually do that?"
Bulma: "well the cause might be from this strange electrical current surrounding the island's either pulling them and possibly preventing them to leave."
Although Goku was somewhat confused, he at least understand half of what she was saying.
Goku: "So you want me to go check it out?"
Bulma: "Yep! I think it'll be easier if you do it."
Goku nervously scratches his cheek and laughs awkwardly.
Goku: "Well you see Bulma, I promise Gohan and videl to watch Pan for a few weeks, since their going on a business trip."
Bulma deadpans at the Saiyan's problem. The blue haired inventor sighs and thinks for a bit.
Bulma: "Well I can't ask Vegeta since he's off training at Beerus and I don't know if the others will do it cause they might be busy."
Bulma ran through several idea's and questions on who to ask. Seeing the predicament she was in, she slumps her shoulders.
Y/n: "What if I go? Maybe this could be a good opportunity to try out my energy Sensing abilities!"
Bulma: "Huh!? No way I'm not sending some kid somewhere that they could get themselves killed!"
Goku thinks for a moment on this. On one hand this could be good training and the other certain death.
Goku: "Let's do it!"
Bulma suddenly falls to the ground. Legs twitching to hear how Goku just decided for his student to go to somewhere dangerous.
Goku: "Okay! Is that everything? You got the Nyoi Bo and the flying nimbus under control?"
I sat on one of Goku's oldest ways of transportation and held his first weapon. The legendary Nyoi Bo!
Goku: "All you to do is say Extend! And it'll do all the work."
Goku had explained to me how it worked and I quickly nodded. Bulma appears and hands me the Dragon Ball Radar.
Bulma: "If you see any white dots blinking then there's a Dragon Ball near or close by. It has pretty good range and DON'T break it ok?"
I nod and put the radar into my jacket. Goku quickly remembers something and pulls out a small pouch.
Goku: "I also stopped by at Korin's tower and got you a couple of senzu beans! They only treat Injuries but not illnesses okay?"
Y/n: "Got it! Only injuries and not sickness, I'll remember that!"
Grabbing the bag, I tied it to my gi belt and put the Nyoi Bo around me and put my hands on my lap.
Goku: "Cya Y/n! Make sure not to befriend any weirdos!"
Y/n: "Like you master?"
I joked and he couldn't help but laugh at it with his goofy smile.
Bulma: "And be careful! We don't know what that electrical currents could do to organic bodies."
I nodded and navigated nimbus off the ground and towards the coast of Hercule City at a speed of 64MPH.
a few seconds go by and Goku suddenly remembered something.
Goku: "Crap! I forgot to tell y/n not to listen to Buu!"
We see four people gather around the seven Dragon balls. They finally got their hands on the wish granting orbs and will be able to use it's power to help them protect Remnant.
Ozpin: "How do we summon the Dragon?"
Ozpin asked looking at the others who shrugged. Ironwood rubs his chin and walks up to the orbs and coughs quietly.
Ironwood: "Dragon! I demand for you to come forth now!"
But nothing happened.
Ironwood: "I expected that for it to work?"
A blonde woman rubs her tired eyes and sends a glare towards James.
Glynda: "It's not one of your Solider's, why did you expect for it to happen?"
The general could only shrug. Meanwhile we see Qrow sleeping on a flat rock doing nothing to help his friends.
Ozpin had ran through many possibilities for summoning a Dragon. Long ago he asked jinx if there was a way to save Remnant and she explained the existence of the seven Dragon balls five hundred years ago.
Ozpin: "what if I said this?"
Ozpin coughs into his fist and looks at the Mystic Orbs.
Ozpin: "Shenron! Come forth and grant my wish!"
There was an eerie silence. Nobody speaks as they waited for something to happen......Which it did!
The sky darkened and dark clouds roll in. The crackle of Thunder showed that something wonderful was about to happen.
Ironwood: "What's happening!?"
Glynda: "I don't know!"
Qrow: "....Short skirts..zzz...whiskey..."
A pillar of light erupted from the Dragon balls and began to curve left, right and loops over and over again.
What felt like minutes was nothing more then seconds as the bright light dispersed and was revealed to shock the three individuals and except the sleeping drunk.
A massive Green Dragon towered them like they were the size of ants.
It's glaring red eyes sent chills down their spines and when it opened its mouth, they expected to be scorch into nothing but Ash.
But yet again they were shocked that it spoke!
Shenron: "I am Shenron, the Eternal Dragon! I shall grant any wish that is within my power! State your wish."
Ozpin began to think of what he needs, the Dragon was able to possibly grant only three wishes!
Ozpin: "I wish I knew what I need."
Shenron's red eyes glows brightly confusing everyone as it spoke again.
Shenron: "Your wish has been granted!"
Ironwood looks around wondering who made one of the three wishes and Angrily points at the sleeping Qrow.
Ironwood: "You IDIOT! thanks to yo-"
Ozpin cuts the general off with a raised hand.
Ozpin: "That was my fault. I accidentally thought of a wish so be careful when thinking or speaking."
Everyone nods and Glynda rubs her tired eyes and spoke.
Glynda: "Wish we knew that beforehand."
Shenron's eyes glowed.
Shenron: "Your wish has been granted!"
There was a silence as Ozpin and Ironwood slowly look at an embarrassed Glynda.
Back with Y/n
Y/n: "I spy with my little eye.... Something blue!"
Buu: "Let me guess.....Water?"
Y/n: "How did you know? Are you psychic!"
Buu: "No! Because we're flying over a fucking sea of water you dumbass!"
We see Y/n riding the nimbus as the Young Martial artist was playing some eye spy with Super Buu when suddenly the sky darkened and clouds appeared.
Y/n: "Somebody summoned Shenron!"
Now with a newfound determination, he stands on the cloud and clenches his fists tightly.
Y/n: "Come on nimbus! We gotta hurry!"
Nimbus does as it commands and speeds towards the five...Er...Four island's.
Back with The Ozcrew
Ironwood: "Nobody think of a wish! Nobody saying anything that has 'I wish'....Got it!"
With a mumble and nods of agreement. They look at Shenron and before Ozpin could say the last remaining wish.....Qrow woke up and beat him to it.
Qrow: "Oh Hey you summoned the Dragon? Okay I'll go first!"
They look at Qrow and charge towards him.
Ozpin: "Qrow no!"
Rubbing his hands together he starts his wish.
Qrow: "Hey Dragon!"
Shenron: "Hm? What is your wish!"
Ironwood: "Don't do it!"
With a clear of his throat qrow spoke the last wish.
Qrow: "We wish for you to summon a powerful warrior that can help us save Remnant!"
Oz/Glyn/James: "NOOOOOOO!"
Shenron: "Your last wish....Has been granted! Farewell."
With another fancy lightshow the Dragon disappear and along with the Dragon balls that shot into the sky and spread themselves across the kingdoms of Remnant.
Qrow: "Wait last wish?......Oh no."
Ironwood: "You idiot! How can you not realised and read the room."
Qrow: "Clearing actually!"
Ironwood held himself from strangling the Huntsmen and clenched his fists.
Ironwood: "We already fucked up two wishes and we only got some warrior we don't even know!"
Y/n: "Well for starters please stop shouting."
Everyone turns around and spotted a young fourteen year old teen sitting on a yellow cloud and weapon strapped around them.
Y/n: "And second of all let's start with introductions!"
The teen holds his hand out for a handshake and smiles.
"Name's Y/n Majuub! Nice to meet you all!"
So what do you guys think of this first chapter? Pretty good right!
Well this is something I am writing till I get my motivation to write Union Academy's Purple Dragon again.
Oh and make sure to comment and give feedback that would be very appreciated! And as always
Cya next time!
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