Shining Beacon And New Friends!

The next chapter of Rwby GT! Hope you enjoy

It was the day for our young warrior to enlist into Beacon academy. Summoning Nimbus you hoped onto the yellow cloud and flew towards my destination.

After a few two full hours of riding Nimbus, I arrived at my location and hop off and looked to see how grand and massive the school is.

Y/n: "This is a pretty big school Ozpin has here."

Buu: "Eh, I've seen bigger. Besides this is what you are competing with? Their power levels are so weak! Like their in the mid hundreds."

Buu was right, everyone possibly has a mix Power Levels between one hundred to four hundred. But I wonder if someone has something MUCH higher than that. Who knows? maybe I will never find them.



A explosion suddenly went off from a distance and I decided to head towards it. When I arrived at the scene I saw three girls, one with white hair with suitcases, another with black hair and finally the same girl from last night who me and Glynda saved from the robbery.

Y/n: "Seems I missed something?"

I thought to myself, that's when the black haired girl and white haired girl left and the girl from last night just fell down to the ground, so I decided to head over and lend her a hand.

Y/n: "Hey you alright?"

I asked extending my hand for her to grab, which she did and I pull her off the ground and she dusts her combat skirt to rid some dirt off them.

Ruby: "Not really, thanks though. Hey I remember you! You're that boy who saved me last night! I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose!"

I smiled and introduced myself.

Y/n: "Y/n Majuub! Uhm, what happened here exactly?"

Ruby could only sigh and looked away nervously.

Ruby: "It's a loooong story, I'll probably bore you with the details."

That's when a blonde haired boy walked over to us.

Blonde Boy: "I heard an Explosion, are you guys alright?"

Y/n: "Yeah! We're alright!"

Ruby: "Just a bit of soot, but I'm good!"

Buu: "Hmmm....Interesting."

You were confused by Buu words, but just played it off as him being Buu.

Uhm....King Crimson?

Me, Ruby and Blonde boy had been wandering around for a couple of minutes, but right now Ruby was laughing her butt off.

Ruby: "Hahaha! Look I'm sorry! But vomit boy was the first thing that come into my mind!"

Buu: "The first thing that came to my mind was....Shit I'm inside a kid what now?"

Blonde Boy: "Oh yeah? How about I start calling you crater face!"

Ruby: "Hey! That explosion was on accident!"

You couldn't help but laugh at their argument, it sorta reminded you of master Goku and his rival Vegeta.

Jaune: "Anyways, name's Jaune arc! It's short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it!"

I looked at him and smiled.

Y/n: "Do they? THAT'S SO COOL!"

Jaune sheepishly laughs and pats your head and quickly explains.

Jaune: "Not really! well, I-I hope they will. My Mom always says that....Let's change the subject please!"

Ruby giggles before a short and awkward silence falls in.

Buu: "This just became awkward, Hey! I got a new Highscore on my pinball machine!"

I look upward and raised a confused brow.

Y/n: "When did you get a pinba-"

I stopped thinking and rolled my eyes annoyingly.

Y/n: "Very funny, I almost fell for Tha-


Buu: "Huh? Fell for what? Oh I'm going to put ASS as my highschool name, cause I'm very immature hehehe~."

Ruby: "So what do you have Y/n?"

Y/n: "Huh? You said something?"

She nods and points at the Nyoi Bo strapped around your upper body.

Ruby: "Is that your weapon?"

You took the Nyoi Bo off your body and held it out.

Y/n: "yep! This is Nyoi Bo, a pole that can extend."

Ruby: "So cool!"

Jaune: "That's actually awesome!"

You smiled at their compliments and put the Power Pole back on your body.

Y/n: "Well it was a gift from my master, who once owned the Nyoi Bo."

Jaune: "Master? Like a teacher or something."

You nodded and your smile widens more.

Y/n: "Yea! His name is Goku and he's the coolest person I ever known! I wouldn't be who I am, if it weren't for him!"

Ruby: "You must've always looked up to him huh?"

Y/n: "Mhm, someday I'll surpass him! But that's just wishful thinking."

Ruby: "Well it's nice to have a goal!"


Ruby: "So.....Y/n why did you help me out back there? At the robbery?"

Y/n: "Well....Because I have been trained to protect others! But I would've helped either way! Even if I wasn't trained, it would be pretty scary to think if I wasn't strong enough to protect you."

Ruby then starts staring at you and smiles softly.

Y/n: "What is it?"

Quickly, Ruby looks away with a blush on her face.

Ruby: "Ah it's nothing! Just thought of some cool weapons, y-yea that's it!"

She laughs awkwardly and Jaune looks around and notices something odd. Quickly looking for any sign of directions he looks at his new friends nervously and asks.

Jaune: "Hey uhm, where are we going?"

Y/n: "I have zero clue, I was following you Guys."

Ruby: "Same here, I'm so confused here."

Buu: "Y'know? I should add a jacuzzi right here and move the coffee table over there. Oh! I could get those cool fairy lights and spread across the kitchen!."

Jaune: "is there like a sign here? A direction maybe? Food court? Any recognisable landmark?"

You sighed and looked at Jaune and gave him a look of defeat.

Y/n: "unfortunately, I have zero clue of where we are."

Ruby laughs and stares blankly in front of her.

Ruby: "We're screwed."

That's when Buu decided to be the saviour and suggests.

Buu: "Why not sense the other students energy? I mean one of them HAS to have a high power level or something?"

I nod and close my eyes to detect if there were any energy signatures and I felt someone with a power level of two thousand and forty-five!

Y/n: "Uh....How about we go that way!"

I pointed and they shrug their shoulders and head off to the direction I pointed.


We entered one of Beacon academy's giant auditorium, filled with people.....alot of people.

Jaune: "There's so many people here, it's surprising that everyone wants to be a Hunter here."

Y/n: "Well I don't know about the pros and cons of being a Huntsmans. But I could only guess that the pay is good."

Jaune hums in agreement and Ruby looks around and spots someone she recognises before running off.

Ruby: "Yang!"

Yang: "Ruby! I saved you a seat!"

Y/n: "Bye....I guess?"

Jaune: "Ah great, where am I going to find a nice and cute girl to talk to?"

You couldn't help but laugh and pat his shoulder.

Y/n: "Don't worry, I can be your nice and cute girl you could talk to!"

You joked and he couldn't help but rolls his eyes finding your humour to be rather.....Humerous.

Jaune: "Haha, thanks Y/n. Although you aren't a cute nor a girl, but you are nice!"

You both laugh and that's when you both stopped to see Ruby, Yang and the same white haired girl from earlier.

Ruby holds out her hand and clears her throat.

Ruby: "Hello Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

Weiss looks at Ruby's hand and then back to Ruby before sarcastically replies with a bit of false enthusiasm.

Weiss: "Great idea! And we can paint our nails and try on new clothes and talk about cute boy's, like tall, black haired, and muscular over there!"

She points at you and Jaune looks on confused.

Jaune: "Who is she pointing to?"

Y/n leans in and answers blissfully thinking she was pointing to Jaune.

Y/n: "I think she's talking about you, obviously your the tall one here!"

Jaune: "Oooooh!"

Ruby smiles assuming that Weiss was being serious.

Ruby: "Wow really!"

Weiss then glares at Ruby.

Weiss: "No."

Y/n: "Now that wasn't very nice, honestly if she met Vegeta, best bet she would be obliterated in a matter of seconds."

Buu: "Oh I like that!"

Suddenly everyone turns where Ozpin is standing on stage setting up a microphone and taps it few times and speaks.

Ozpin: "Let's get this over with alright?.....You have travelled here in search for knowledge...To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have succeeded, you have plan to dedicate yourself protecting the lives of people, Good or Evil. I look upon everyone's faces and only see one with large amounts of potential while the rest....Not so much but wasted energy, in need of purpose, and directions."

Few angered whispers began to slowly form.

Ozpin: "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time in this world will prove that your knowledge can carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.....Into new territory."

As Ozpin leaves, Glynda then walks over to the stage and speaks through it.

Glynda: "You will all gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Y/n: "Only one of these people has a great amounts of potential. What does Ozpin mean by that? Is there someone powerful hiding in beacon?"

Y/n: "What do you think of Ozpin's speech jau-.....Where did you go?"

You look around only to find him walking up to Weiss.

Jaune: "I'm actually a blonde! A natural blonde!"

Weiss puts her hand on her face to show annoyance.


The first night of beacon and the students were spread out in sleeping bags.

I was currently sitting up in my sleeping bag, trying to work how to use my scroll.

Jaune: "Something wrong?"

I look up to see Jaune wearing a onesie and I couldn't help but hold in a laugh.

Jaune: "Y/n? Is something wrong?"

Y/n: "yeah!...Pfft!....Nothing wrong here...snrrk!"

Jaune shrugs and mutters a "Alright" and sits down next to me.

Weiss: "What in the world is going on here!? Don't you realise some of us are trying to sleep!"

Y/n: "This is getting annoying, and they weren't bothering anyone actually."

You decided you didn't wanna hear this argument and promptly left into one of the hallways to get yourself some alone time.

Ruby: "Shh! Guy's, she's right! People are trying to sleep here!"

Weiss: "Oh, now you're on my side?"

Ruby glares at weiss and replies.

Ruby: "I was always on your side!"

Yang: "Yeah! what's your deal with my sister? She's only trying to be nice!"

Weiss: "She's a hazard to my health!"

Blake, who rolls her eyes at the fight, simply shuts her book Angrily, reached over to her candle, and blows it out.

Before Ruby and Yang go to sleep, Ruby noticed that Y/n isn't here and spots him exiting the ballroom.

Ruby: "Where is he off to?"

Yang: "Who?"

Ruby: "the boy who saved me yesterday, remember I told you about him?"

Yang racks her brain and "Oooh's" remembering her sister talking about how she was saved by a boy that shot a beam of blue light out of his hands.

Yang: "Oh yeah! You did mention something about him. Oh original idea, let's follow him!"

Ruby: "What!? No, we shouldn't!"

Yang: "Awww come on, Ruby I need to thank him for saving my baby sis, aaand I'm kinda curious what he looks like."

Ruby thinks for a moment on what she should do.

Ruby: "He could get in trouble for being out late."

Ruby sighs and reluctantly agrees.

Ruby: "Fiiine! But I am only going to tell that he shouldn't be out late! Okay?"

Yang: "Whatever you say!"

Then Ruby and Yang head out in one of the halls and somehow found Y/n outside pacing backwards and forward. But it looks like he was deep in thought.

Buu: "I'm telling you, we should have our own signature attack!"

Y/n: "Alright? How about Serious Punch!"

Buu: "Impact cross!"

Y/n: "Pulse Plasma!"

Buu: "Dragon Shot!"

Y/n: "Spirit gun!"

Buu: "Bankai!"

Y/n: "Rasengun!"

Buu: "Wild Cannon!"

Y/n: "How about....Gum-Gum Pistol!"

There was a silence until Buu responded.

Buu: "Thaaaat sounds dirty. Oh I know! How about this one!"

Y/n: "Let's hear it!"

Buu: "Alright how about....The Scarlet Inferno!"

There was a silence until it was broken.

Y/n & Buu: "Naaaaah!"

Ruby: "Y/n? What are you doing out here so late?"

You let out a Yelp of surprise and look to see Ruby behind you and a blonde haired girl.

Y/n: "Ru-Ruby!? What are you doing out here?"

Ruby: "Funny, I could say the same thing."

Y/n: "Well, I was thinking of new technique for my Nyoi Bo! Yeah that's right!"

Yang: "Ahem!"

You look at Yang, who succeeded in gaining your attention.

Yang: "you going to introduce me to your saviour rubes?"

Ruby: "Oh! Sorry sis, uh Y/n meet my older sister Yang Xiao-Long!"

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Yang! Sorry for not noticing you bit earlier, I'm Y/n Majuub!"

Yang: "Nice to meet you cutie~"

She grins and gave a flirtatious wink my way and I look confused but blush at the action.

Ruby: "Yaaaang!"

Yang: "What? He is. Oh yeah, thanks for saving my sister at the robbery last night."

Chuckling to yourself, you scratch your cheek lightly and smile.

Y/n: "It's no problem! I'll help Ruby anytime and anywhere if she needs me!"

Ruby begins to blush and poke her fingers together.

Yang: "Oh really? Then what about me~? Would you do the same as well~?"

Ruby: "Yang! Stop being weird!"

Y/n: "Of course! I know we only met, but I was trained to protect and help anyone that needs it!"

Yang giggles and smiles.

Yang: "Why thank you~, I'm sure am in great hands~"

Ruby: "Hey....I don't wanna be a buzzkill, but I think we should head back before we get in major trouble!"

Yang: "Ah that's right, well we should definitely do that!"

Y/n: "Well lead the way!"

The girls nodded and the three left to the ballroom, hoping to get plenty of rest for tomorrow's initiation.

Buu: "How about....Lightning Impact!"

Y/n: "Put a pin on that name!"


That is a wrap for chapter 3, I hoped you all enjoyed it and the technique names were references from different animes, and one of them is from Union Dragon.

Also planning on finishing the next chapter of Multiverse of the Y/n's, just need you guys to vote.

Btw I was thinking of making a Fem!Goku x Earthling!Reader or a Dbz x Son of Frieza!Reader.

Also me and my friends are working on a Gravity Rush x reader story, Sonic Comics and a Marvel Comics x Reader.

Rwby: Gotta Catch'em all will possibly have five chapter's.

Also if you are wondering why I haven't updated Union Academy's Purple Dragon it's because I'm taking a break from making so many chapters of it, which caused me to get tired and put it on break and work on my other story projects.

Might also make an original story maybe.

Oh and My Overpowered Girlfriend will be returning, someday later in the future.

Don't forget to comment! It would be very appreciated if you do.

If you have idea's for Multiverse Of The Y/n's please Tell me in the Wattpad Dm's okay? Ciao!

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