11: USJ

It was the third day as usual I walk into my classroom and take my seat. "Good morning Cotton." I hear Sero say as I take my seat. The only thing was that this time it sounded different. "You know English?!" I ask shock on my face. "Only small amounts, I asked your friend, Uraraka, she said you were American so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to put my English to the test." He smiles and also says in English. "Well then looks like I can teach you more! Also, I am American but I wasn't born in the states I was actually born here in Japan." I say. "Wow just learning new things every day about my friends." He says.

Morning classes go on and it is lunchtime now. I walk into the cafeteria and take my lunch which was a bowl of ramen and some rice. I notice Pony sitting at a table with some other people, possibly friends, so I walk over there to sit with her. "Hey Pony!" I smile. "Hey hey, Iris sit come sit." She says smiling. I take the seat next to her and across from us are three other people one is a girl with short black hair, another is a boy with blonde hair, and the other is a girl with orange hair tied into a side ponytail. Next to Pony is a boy with spiky white hair that reminds me of a boy in my class. "Iris these are my friends and classmates!" Pony says. "Guys this is my friend I was telling you about." She adds. "Iris Cotton from Class 1-A of the Hero Course nice to meet you." I smile. "1-A huh? So what you think you're better than us?!" The blonde boy asks but quickly is hit on the head by the orange-haired girl.

"Monama shut up." The orange-haired girl says. "Sorry about him he's just losing it today." She says. "Oh, it's fine." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm Itsuka Kendo by the way, and the idiot over here is Neito Monama." She says. "Oh-oh! And that's Yui Kodai and this is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu." Pony says pointing to the black-haired girl and the silver-haired boy. "Hello." The girl named Kodai says. "Yo." The boy named Tetsutetsu says. "Nice to meet you all! I'm so happy Pony has made so many friends." I smile. I notice a familiar blonde boy from across the room so I excuse myself to go say hi to my brother.

"Hey hey, Ricky!" I say to my brother taping him on the shoulder. "Oh hey Rainbow how's your day been?" He asks. Ricky was with two of his friends Nejire and Tamaki. "Good, and hello Nejire and Tamaki." I smile at his friends. "Hey, Iris so nice seeing you here!" Nejire says. Tamaki just keeps his head down. "Hey, I heard you got Eraser Head for your homeroom teacher. Is that true?" My brother asks. "Yup," I say. "Welp good seeing ya but I gotta go finish lunch peace." I say waving to my brother as I walk off. I sit back down at the table with Pony and her friends. 

"Hey who was that third-year you were talking to?" Kendo asks. "Oh that my brother! He's a third-year here in the Hero Course." I say. "Wow!" Kendo replies. I finish my food and take the tray back. I say my goodbyes to Pony and her friends before taking a seat at the table Ochaco sits at with four of her friends. "Hey, Iris!" Ochaco says as I sit next to her. "Hey!" I smile. "Guys this is my friend Iris." Ochaco says to her friends. "Ribbit! Nice to meet you." A girl with long dark green hair says. "I'm Tsuyu Asui but please call me Tsu. Ribbit!" She says. "Nice meeting you Tsu!" I smile.

"Tenya Iida!" The boy with blue hair and glasses from the first day of school says. "Hello!" I smile. "And Deku right?" I ask the messy green-haired boy who I also met on the first day. "Mhm, my real name is Izuku Midoriya though." He says. "Oh and that's Todoroki." Ochaco whispers to me pointing to a half n' half-haired boy with a burn scar on his left eye. He reminds me of a character from an old show my parents showed me when I was younger. After, a loud alarm sounds and a voice says a breach in the school gates has happened and we needed to calmly exit the building.

Of course, no one did so and everyone was crammed into the hall being pushed and shoved. Iida jumps onto the exit sign and calms everyone down and the crowd settles. Apparently, some reporters got through the gate wanting to ask All Might about being a teacher at UA. After lunch Class 1-A goes back to their classroom where we are told we will be having rescue training and we need to change into our costumes. I change into my costume and leave out to the rest of my group. I take a seat on the bus next to a girl with pink hair and pink skin with small yellow horns atop her head.

"Hello!" She says as I take the seat next to her, in the back of the bus, in which I give her a small smile. "Hello, I'm Iris by the way Iris Cotton." I say to her. "Mina Ashido!" She replies. "Nice meeting you Ashido." I smile. "You too Cotton." She says. The bus stops and we come to a huge dome-like building. Standing in front of the door is the Pro-Hero, rescue hero, The Space Hero: Thirteen. Thirteen is one of Ochaco's favorite Pros because Outerspace and Ochaco's quirk is Zero Gravity so she has a huge liking for all things space. 

She explains to us that we will be doing rescue training and practice using our quirks for rescue instead of combat. Ochaco said that when she becomes a hero she wants to be like Thirteen, a rescue hero, and use her quirk for more rescue things and less combat. We enter the building, the USJ as Thirteen called it, and it reminds me of Universal Studios Japan and funny thing USJ and Universal Studios Japan both use U, S, and J for the abbreviation. No, but seriously it looked like an amusement park of some sort!

After our teacher explains what we will be doing, in more detail, a purple mist forms in the center plaza area. A student points it out and the rest of us look at it in shock. All of a sudden it grows bigger and people, no villains, start pouring out. The mist forms around us students and two boys, one being the explosive blonde whose name I've learned is Katsuki Bakugo, jump at it and try to pin it down. They were unsuccessful and the mist surrounds all of us students and some falling through, me being one of them, and end up in another place. I look around to see where I was a notice I was in the area that Thirteen called the Landslide Zone. I see three of my fellow classmates one being that Jiro girl and the others I didn't know. 

The other two were a boy with yellow hair with a black streak and the other being a girl with black hair tied into a ponytail. "Jiro!" I shout at the girl. I run over to her and her friends. "Cotton you were sent here too?" She asks. "Yeah, I have no idea whatsoever how though." I say rubbing the back of my head. "That villain, his quirk must be some sort of portal." The black-haired girl says. The ground shakes and we all brace ourselves before looking up and seeing villains all around us. Woah! I say to myself. 

The villains charge at us trying to attack. I use my Sleep quirk to put some of them out and use my Animate quirk to draw a sword and use it to protect myself. I could feel my energy starting to fade and try to defend myself as much as I can. The others were helping aswell and the yellow-haired boy, his quirk Electrification, uses his quirk but then says that he can't go to his full potential without hurting us. I learned his name is Denki Kaminari and the other girl's name is Momo Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu uses her quirk, Creation, to create a giant blanket to cover me, her, and Jiro from Kaminari's electricity.

Her clothes being ripped to shreds though and exposing her chest. I feel my energy fade even more to the point where I pass out. About an hour later, I think, and I wake up to the sight of Recovery Girl's office. "Good you're awake." I hear the old woman's voice say. "You had gone past your quirk limit and passed out. You had a few scratches and bruises that I could heal but it didn't help your stamina either." She says. "What happened? Are my classmates ok?! What about the teachers??" I ask frantically. "Thirteen and Eraser were hurt the most All Might aswell but your classmates are all right. It is late and you're all healed so I think you should get going, there might be someone waiting for you." She winks at me.

I give her a small laugh before standing out of the bed. My head spins as I might've stood up to fast. I walk to the dressing rooms and put my uniform back on. I take my bag and walk out to the front gate. Sat on a bench on the outside of the gate was Sero. So this is what she meant. I say to myself. "You didn't have to wait for me." I smile at him. "It was the gentleman thing to do, also I have no one to walk home with." He says. "Well, my house isn't that far so you're free to walk with me." I smile stepping in the direction of my home. The sky looked like a yellow-ish and orange-ish sunset.

As we walk we talk about ourselves and what we like and dislike, favorite songs, favorite food, favorite Pro, just things to get to know each other. "Well, this is me." I say as we approach my small home. "Well it was nice talking with you Sero, I'm glad I have a friend like you!" I smile. I could see his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink at my comment. "Oh! One thing I wanna give you before I go." He says taking out his phone. "Could I get your number? To talk and stuff." He says handing me his phone. "Sure and here you put yours in mine." I say handing him my phone. 

We exchange numbers and then go our separate ways. I walk into my house and slip off my shoes and hang up my uniform blouse and backpack. I turn to see Mia standing in her PJs with her hands on her hips and her face a serious almost angry expression. "Who was that??" She asks. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" I ask crossing my arms and changing the subject. "Smooth." She says her face turning into a small smile. I put her back in bed and then do the same with myself passing out almost instantly.


Hihi lovelies I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and stay safe!!!



PS: ya'll deserve some loves ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 and some mushrooms🍄🍄🍄🍄

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