Thranduil Imagines: Ten


RUNNING IN THE DARK WOODS OF THE UNKNOWN FOREST is an excellent idea to let the Orcs follow her trail to whenever the land brings her. Big paws and the ability to increase her speed helped a lot to keep the huge distance from those filthy creatures. Deepened red eyes narrowed through the dark paths of the forest, big branches of the trees blocking the moonlight to see a clearer way to survive; life is on its critical stage being chased by starving horrible Orcs.

The devil was about to chase her until they heard a loud screech coming from the other side of the forest. She keep her paws on the move, running away from her enemies.

It took her for a while to turn around and see that Orcs are now out of sight, changed their directions to the nearest sound they heard. The half breed woman could not have the chance to thank whoever it is that destruct the Orcs. If it wasn't for them, she could've been in those filth's satisfied stomach.

Litte steps brought her to one of the breathtaking places of the forest; a lake where it stood with a clear running water. She sat right above the huge rock, calm herself down for a while to regain her normal breathes. Her bestfriends describes her claws and teeth were sharped as knives, ninety nine percent of her body was covered with fur as the original skin tone was faded and a growl that will leave you frightened. It was never easy to be a shapeshifter, considered to one of the most dangerous mythical creature where you're in a human posture but a head of a werewolf.

Y/N, that is the werewolve's name, a female one to be exact. Her eyes went heavy until she heard footsteps nearby, causing her to stood from where she is. Eyes scanned the whole place to see a sign of someone's presence from the woods. Y/N growled, teeths were shown as her own paws hopped her off the rock.

Suddenly, Y/N heard an arrow was released from its bow that is straight right through her legs. Y/N whimpered at the pain she felt, bring herself away before anyone could see her true identity.

Taking a different path this time, she knew for a second that she was being chased again by the same Orcs earlier. They're determined to kill the beast, to have it for their breakfast. Y/N knew to herself that with a form of a werewolf, she's not the villain of this story. Whatever sacrifice it is, no matter how difficult to run away from the Orcs and serve them as their masters, Y/N tried her best not to fall from those matters.

Senses came to her when she heard another few releases of arrows, but the attack wasn't directly at hers. Y/N kept on running, looking behind that Orcs was outnumbered. They're killed by the guardians of this forest, Y/N thought as the colours of oranges and whites appeared right above her. As she keep running, Y/N didn't even notice the sunrise. The shapeshifter was occupied by the pain she felt on her right thighs, seeing that an arrow was still on her skin, dipped inside.

Her paws kept on the path, not minding what's behind her this time. Visions started to get blurry, her body almost fall this time as the pain carried a lot of weight. Without even noticing it, Y/N collapsed anywhere from the forest. Her eyes were shutting closely, seeing a last image of a huge oak doors painted in skyblues before everything went black.

On the other hand, the Elven King was already sitting on his throne. It is unusual for him to see a lot of his people already awake by this hour. One servant came to meet Thranduil as an interruption of his own thoughts.

"Be reasonable. I don't come to terms with such stupid words. Speak!"

Epòne, one of his servants bowed his head with an emotionless face."My Lord, there's something you need to see at the front door."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because there's a unconscious woman laying herself," Epòne replied,"naked, sire. Without any clothes on."

Thranduil's awareness brought himself along with Epòne, making their way to the front door as he gave orders to his maidens bring some cloth to cover up her exposed skin. There, an unconscious Y/N lied upon the floor of Mirkwood's doorway. The Elven King's eyes were full of curiousity, quickly want to be answered once the anonymous woman came back to reality. The maiden handed the thick blanket to Thranduil, making his way slowly towards Y/N. She was laying on her side, body was barely covered by her petite arms and legs. Thranduil gently put the blanket over Y/N, pulling over to see a clearer view of her face. Thranduil cannot help but examine her features, skin were soft, lips were perfectly shaped as her black hair was fallen on her face like waterfalls. With such a strange face, Thranduil could not describe the colours of her eyes with those eyes closed, missed the opportunity to know the stranger better.

Scars were visibly seen by the Elven King through Y/N's forhead, at the side of her pale lips and a long one from her nose line down to her rossy cheeks. His eyes lowered down to see her legs covered with her own blood and an arrow stucked inside on her thighs.

"Check if there's any unoccupied chambers, inform me immediately." Thranduil ordered as lifting up Y/N right into his arms, groaning at the unexpected weight of the woman.

Once they entered the palace, Tauriel guided the Elven King to bring the unfortunate soul to his chamber while waiting for his people's report. As they reached on the highest places of the castle, Tauriel leave the King to manage to lonely woman on his arms. Thranduil lie her down at his own bed, still studying Y/N at the moment.

In his entire elven life, Thranduil wasn't bothered to know everything that it is unknown to his knowledge. But the woman who's sleeping on his bed, Thranduil wants to know her identity, why did she showed up without any clothes in the middle of Mirkwood and where those scars came from. A knock destructed him once again from questions, letting his maiden walk inside of his chamber.

"Sire, chambers were full, so as the dungeons." Freya, the maiden said calmly.

Thranduil sighed, nodding his head gently before he stood up."Find some dresses you can find in this castle for her, dress her up and let her have some rest."

Freya looked at him with confusion."In my bedroom, of course. Where else she should be?"

The maiden nod her head immediately, approached the woman who whimpered and move a little."My Lord, one more concern. Where will I find dresses?"

The Elven King took a deep breathe and exhaled sharply."To my late wife's wardrobe."

It took for a minute before the maiden excused herself out of the chamber. There is something that the Elven King desires to know about Y/N, but thoughts also came to his mind that this woman might be a dangerous threat from his people. But someone tells him that he wants to know about this woman. Later on, advisors from Rivendell came to see Thranduil to discuss some important matters.

It only lasted five hours when Y/N's consciousness came back. She finally open her eyes to see a white a ceiling, scan it immediately to know where she is. Y/N look around only to see such a mesmerizing room. Confusion was all over her face to see herself on a clean white night dress. Y/N happily moved to the side as she whimpered, feeling the freshness of the pain on her thighs.

"One of my maiden stitched the wounded skin of yours." Y/N was met by a handsome voice played behind her.

The woman turn around to meet such a beauty of one elves' icy blue eyes, warmth covered her whole anxious body that caused her to form a small smile.

"You're maybe wondering where you are. Please, let me welcome you to my kingdom." Thranduil started, pour himself a red wine on his goblet.

"Kingdom? Your kingdom?"

Thranduil grin, taking a sip of his wine before he replied."My kindom, yes. Mirkwood to be exact."

A couple of second make Y/N realize that she's actually talking to a King, the head among those body who serves him in this palace. Y/N's eyes grew wider as the Elven King enjoying himself watching the precise reaction from his patient.

"I'm sorry, everything is unclear to me. Please, enlightment me Lord-"


Y/N furrowed her brows,"Beg your pardon?"

"Just call me Thranduil." A smile formed on his lips that summoned Y/N easily on how perfect it is.

The Elven King place his goblet gently at the nightstand and decided to sat beside Y/N."One of my servants saw you on my territory's door way."

"What happened to me?"

Thranduil look at her then pointed out her thighs that was covered with stitches."I supposed that wound caused you to collapsed there."

Y/N smiled, sighing as she look at the bandages wrapped around her wound."My apologies, Thranduil. It is never my intention to let myself put in this situation. Including yours."

"Who are you?"

Once again, Y/N furrowed her brows at the King's direction.

"I'm sorry?"

"Why are you here roaming around in the forest that was bewitched by such an evil?" Out of nowhere, Thranduil was greedy to know her identity right now.

"I was lost, Thranduil."

Sincerity can be seen through the emerald eyes of Y/N, believing it is true what has been told.

Y/N took a deep breathe before continuing,"Actually, I was with my other two companions. We were travelling down the North when suddenly-"

The woman sighed, trying not to remember how pain cost her to feel alone in the Middle Earth.

"What happened?" Thranduil asked, listening very closely to what Y/N says.

"Until Orcs killed them, cut their heads off. And that brought me here, into the woods of your territory. I lived here for a week starting tomorrow, it is actually feels home for a lonely woman like myself."

They shared a chuckled once Y/N finished her little background story.

"And what happened to your thighs?"

"Oh this?" Y/N repeated, looking down at her almost cured body part,"It was a shot from those filths. Gladly it wasn't a Morgul blade, I would be dying at this very moment."

Soft laughs filled these four walls as they continued their lovely conversation. Thranduil found it interesting to have someone to occupy her empty thoughts.

"I haven't ask your name, what it is?"

Y/N giggled,"Y/N."

"Y/N, what a quiet beautiful name you have." It caused the smaller woman to rolled her eyes, cheeks heated once she heard the compliment.

The two of them were having a good time since Thranduil decided to let her stay in the Woodland Realm for a while, thinking it would be safe for Y/N to avoid some foul creatures out there. Every time that full moon was on the whole appearance, Y/N locked herself in Legolas' old chamber. It is difficult for her not to make any sounds or else the elves might ended up being suspicious towards her. Y/N always find her way to sneak out into the woods then come back right after in sunrise. The Elven King was curious, unable to know Y/N's true identity because she's not saying a word. He wanted to know where she got those scars and why she doesn't want anybody to bother her every night.

"Y/N, I'm your friend since the day you got here. Why are you bleeding?"

Reports came to Thranduil immediately when his servants caught Y/N's back was wounded. Her white dress soaked in blood, her raiven hair was messed up and her puffy eyes tells the Elven King that she had a rough night.

"Your stubborness won't help you, Y/N. You have nothing to fear, just tell me."

Tears formed into Y/N's eyes, bitting her own lips to stop from falling. Thranduil's eyes soften as a horrible sob escaped from Y/N's lips when Freya patted her fresh wounds with a white cloth. Without being said, Thranduil took off his tunic and tied his hair. Freya gently undress the poor woman who kept on her miserable sobs, pain was too much for her to handle it.

Thranduil's eyes locked on her back with a multiple scratches, causing him to give Y/N a sympathetic look.

Freya guided the wounded woman through the terrace, brought a bowl of warm water and a towel to clean the blood off in Y/N's back. Thranduil offer a help, position himself infront of Y/N as they sat their comfortably.

"Lean on, Y/N."

Y/N sniffed, shaking her head off."I don't want to ruin your slocks."

"Forget about those slocks. It is important for you to get cleaned up."

His big hands wrapped around Y/N's arms firmly as she lean on to the Elven King.

Freya cleared her throat."This is might sting a little, now hold still."

Once the warm water mixed with a healing oil in it, Y/N roared loudly as her hands tightened its gripped at Thranduil's arms. He groaned with a sudden pain but he wouldn't mind it at all, Y/N's pain are much worse. It took them ten minutes before the blood stains were gone, leaving only the open wounds from those scratch. Y/N collapsed into Thranduil's arms for a second, wrapped a towel around her body gently as he guide her inside his chamber. The Elven King went outside to give Y/N and Freya some privacy, cleaning up before she went to get some rest.

Thranduil finally came inside of his chamber, approaching the woman who's staring blankly outside the window.

"Thankfully the sunrise saved me from my death." Y/N whispered, her lips were pale and dry.

"What do you mean."

Those exhausted emerald eyes of Y/N met the King's oceanic eyes. It was soft and harmless, a sudden smile appeared on Y/N's face at the thought.

"Thranduil," Y/N said, reached out to grab the King's hand gently,"Thank you for helping me out."

"The pleasure is all mine, Y/N."

There was a silence between them, eyes were just staring to one another."This happened a lot of times. Could you know please tell me what's going on?"

"Thranduil, you know you can't. We've been in this conversation before."

"Yes and it will be." Thranduil replied with a stern voice causing the woman sighed deeply.

"You'll hate me forever if I tell you, it is better off this way. Unknown."

"There's no valid reason for me to dislike you, Y/N. Unless you came here on purpose. You came here to kill me nor my people."

Y/N break the eye contact with him, staring again at the window as a tear formed into her eyes again.

"I was nine years old," Y/N began, tried to sat up but the pain refused her to do.

Thranduil immediately held her arms firmly, placing a pillow so she could lay her back safely.

"I was nine years old when our house was attacked by several death eaters. There is one, a dangerous creature came inside our household to threaten my family, especially my father. At the age of nine, I was too young to comprehend the words he's telling my father. But I heard the word revenge and death slipped through his uncontrollable mouth. And then I saw myself being cuffed by the death eater, my parents kneeled down for begging. I was crying, really loud that time and it became a scream when I felt a sharp thing deepend into my skin. Life a knife being stabbed on my neck."

Thranduil attentively listen to the woman's story. Y/N look at him, sighing deeply and continue the story.

"That's where I found myself transforming into a mythical creature, a dangerous one." Y/N carefully choose her words so that she couldn't scare Thranduil, but the Elven King remained calm.

"I'm a werewolf, Thranduil."

His eyes soften, speechless when his questions has been answered. Y/N cautiously study the King's expression, unsure about the reaction drawn on his face. It wasn't a mad or suprised one, it was sorrows.

"Why did they do this to you?"

Thranduil found himself giving the woman a sympathetic face, sorrows are visibly seen through his face. It was like he put his own shoes to Y/N's life, imagine how miserable it is to spend the rest of her life like this.

"Are you not scared? Frightened? I'm ready to leave here just in case you want to."

Thranduil's heart sinked deeper to hear those words. His hand grab Y/N's small ones, squeezing it gently to assure the woman there's nothing wrong with her.

"I've grown very fond of you, Y/N. It is my obligation as a King to protect you at all cost."

Y/N smiled, placing her hand at the top of Thranduil's."It is never your responsibility to protect me, Thranduil. Besides, I'm used in living in the woods alone. I know I can take care of myself, with my scars and wounds."

"Those scars. Where did you get those?"

"These scars were made by none other than myself. There's no enemy outside your palace except for gigantic spiders and Orcs. I scratch myself instead of hurting other people."

The Elven King imagined how Y/N went through the cursed someone put her in. Thranduil grab her hand and plant a soft kisses on her hands, causing Y/N to form a smile on her lips.

"Thank you for trusting me this time."

Y/N shook her head."No, I should be the one thanking you. For understanding me."

"I'm not a king but a friend of yours who will understand you."

Everything seems perfectly fine without hidding secrets of identities. It is like someone pulled a knife stabbed on your heart for a long time, being able to breathe a fresh air again. Thranduil let Y/N stay for the rest of her life living under his castle but letting her wander the forest of Mirkwoods every night. Y/N thought she owe the Elven King a lot, accepting Thranduil's offer to be the only brave guardian of the woods.


This update consists of 3,000 words, might be the longest chapter I ever made! I'm actually considering this imagine to be one of my new story, but I'm afraid to start another book while this is still open.

Please don't forget to VOTE if you liked the content, give me FEEDBACKS through the comment sections and SHARE this imagines with your friends! Also, I am accepting REQUESTS in this imagine so my messages were always open! Thank you!

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