Chapter 4 - I'll Just Skydive, Thanks

Chasing after a man flying through the air was surprisingly much easier than it sounded. Together, Anakin and I located a bright yellow speeder and after flying into the thick of traffic , managed to find his wayward Master. Obi-Wan was free-falling at this point, arms and legs spread wide as he fell down, down, down.

Carefully positioning himself a few feet underneath Obi-Wan, Anakin and I waited to catch him...until he landed right beside me in the cockpit.

"Sup." I nodded my head to him and Anakin let out a snicker just as Obi-Wan huffed in response before directing his apprentice to chase after the bounty hunter.

The yellow speeder zipped in and out of traffic, deftly moving between other speeders, across lanes, and through construction sites.

"That looked exhilarating, was it exhilarating?" I asked Obi-Wan, "Did it give you an adrenaline rush?"

Obi-Wan glared daggers at me before responding, "We don't have time for your nonsense, Jetta. And anyway, what took you so long?"

This last question was directed towards his Padawan to which Anakin only shrugged, "Oh, you know, Master, I couldn't find a speeder I really liked, with an open cockpit... and with the right speed capabilities..."

"If you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do on your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman,"

"I thought I already did,"

"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice,"

"Obi-Wan, quit being so negative all the time. Anakin may be an epic failure when it comes to a lightsaber - both wielding and keeping up with where it is - but he can still outfly you any day and we both know it," I reprimanded the older Jedi Master from where I sat wedged between the two of them.

Anakin arched an eyebrow, glancing at me briefly before directing his gaze back to the bounty hunter he was tracking, "I'm sorry, was that a compliment or an insult?"

"You're too much of a sassy, opinionated little thing. How in the Force did Master Kinza deal with you?" Obi-Wan shook his head disapprovingly.

I shrugged, "I've been told I'm an acquired taste."

Suddenly, the bounty hunter's speeder twirled and took a nose-dive and Anakin followed suit. I grinned as my dark hair was blown back over my shoulders, reveling in the excitement of it. Flying with Anakin had always been fun, I thought to myself. However, it was an excitement Obi-Wan clearly did not share as we neared an incoming building.

"Pull up, Anakin, pull up!" he ordered his apprentice but Anakin only laughed in response.

I couldn't help but join in from beside him just as he pulled hard on the controls and yanked us in an upright position.

"You know I don't like it when you do that!" he scolded him.

"Sorry, Master, I forgot you don't like flying," Anakin apologized but I could see a tiny smile tugging at the corners of his lips that told me otherwise.

"I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!"

We had managed now to make our way into the part of Coruscant where all of the factories were located, very far off now from the beautiful, aesthetic section which housed the Senate buildings, storefronts, and restaurants.

"Anyone interested in some tunes to liven up the evening?" I asked, reaching for the radio dial, "I hear Max Rebo has a new one that really hits-"

Obi-Wan batted my hand from it and I pouted. He never let us have any fun. Suddenly, we were flying through a power refinery. Just up ahead were a large, set of power couplings. The bounty hunter leaned out of his window and shot it with his gun just before gliding through. The power couplings were electrified then, massive bolts sizzling with purple energy.

Obi-Wan looked incredulous, knowing exactly what Anakin intended to do. And sure enough, he did just that. In seconds, we were caught up in the electricity. The zaps of it stung my skin, making me hiss in reaction.

"Anakin, how many times have I told you to stay away from power couplings?" Obi-Wan shouted through the pain as Anakin made continuous noises of 'ow' beside me.

Afterward, we continued the path of the bounty hunter before Anakin split away, allowing him to escape down a lighted tunnel.

"Where are you going?! He went that way!" Obi-Wan pointed behind us.

"Master, if we keep this chase going any longer, that creep is going to end up deep-fried. Personally, I'd very much like to find out who he is and who he's working for. This is a shortcut... I think."

"You know, guys, why don't you just let me drive for a while?" I piped up helpfully.

"No!" both Jedis responded in unison, clearly the only thing they could agree on.

Grumbling to myself, I crossed my arms over my chest before leaning back in my seat. Anakin drove the speeder in the opposite direction for a while before coming to a complete stop outside the line of traffic.

"Well, you've lost him," Obi-Wan said in a huff.

"Wouldn't have happened if I'd been driving..." I murmured to which both Jedi conveniently ignored.

"I'm deeply sorry, Master," Anakin apologized quietly.

"That was some shortcut, Anakin. He went completely the other way," Obi-Wan still scolded, not noticing his Padawan sending frequent glances below them.

Anakin tapped me lightly, his fingers brushing the soft material of my tunic, and whispered, "Watch this."

"Once again, you've proved you-" Obi-Wan continued his tirade before being abruptly cut off.

"If you'll excuse me." Anakin announced before throwing himself off the side of the speeder.

My brown eyes widened in surprise, eyebrows hitting my hairline. The sudden loss of his warmth beside me lent a slight emptiness to the cockpit. I shook the thought aside.

"I hate it when he does that." Obi-Wan commented with a sigh.

"...kind of looks like fun, though." I mumbled, glancing down at the figure of Anakin which grew ever smaller as he fell.

Looking up, I shared a glance with Obi-Wan. Suddenly, he began to shake his head, "Oh, no. Not you, too. Jetta, don't. Jetta, don't-"

Too late. I'd already jumped off the side of the speeder just as Anakin had seconds earlier. The wind clawed at me as I fell, gravity pulling me down faster than expected. I could barely make out a "Oh, in the name of-!" from somewhere above me before the rushing sound of air and speeders honking at me was all I could hear.

I landed on a speeder then with a massive thud and possibly a sprained rib as the Quarren driver began to swear at me with an intensity that made me question whether he kissed his mother with those tentacles. Pushing myself off that particular speeder, I used the Force to propel me to the next one passing by. I slid from speeder to speeder this way until I had finally caught up with the route Anakin had taken. From the corner of my eye, I saw a speeder which had somehow burst into flame. It wasn't hard to guess that this was Anakin's doing.

Expertly extricating myself from a speeder which was slowing down near the pavement, my eyes locked onto a Jedi figure racing by and I ran after him as fast as I could. The bounty hunter evaded us both and entered a nightclub. We were about to follow him inside when we were stopped by Obi-Wan at the entrance.

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