grease - sleepover
"Hey look! It's Jan!" One of the girls said. Roxy looked at the TV that was on in Frenchy's room. It was a beaver with ridiculously large front teeth carrying a large toothbrush and toothpaste.
"Brusha, brusha, brusha, get the new Ipana!" Jan mimicked the beaver on the television as she made a brushing motion with her finger over her teeth.
Roxy chuckled a bit at her actions, looking at Rizzo who was sitting on the bed with a cigarette. Rizzo in turn gave Roxy a cheeky smile and grabbed a pillow. She raised her eyebrows to tell Roxy to grab one too. She did and Rizzo then looked at Jan.
"Knocks out decay germs fast! Fast! Faster sure are-" Jan started to finish. Before she could, Roxy, Rizzo, Marty and Franchy all chucked pillows at Jan.
"Turn it off!" Rizzo chuckled.
"Hand me a ciggie butt," Roxy asked Frenchy. She gave her the carton, letting Roxy pick out her own cigarette.
"Sandy?" Franchy offered Roxy's sister.
"Oh, no thanks, I don't smoke," Sandy shook her head.
"Please, if she did, I'd buy a fur coat for when hell freezes over," Roxy laughed as she rolled onto her backside and looked at everyone upside down. She laughed at Sandy's frown as she inhaled.
"Oh, try it, it won't kill ya," Rizzo said. All of the girls now huddled around Sandy. "Give her Hiparade."
Frenchy gave Sandy the cigarette, holding it in front of her face as the other girls leaned in, eager as to what she'll do.
As if to prove her sister wrong, Sandy took the cigarette apprehensively. She looked at it and held it between her pointer and thumb, as if to not really touch it at all, and awkwardly took a smoke from it, inhaling.
Roxy's mouth fell open. She teased her sister about these things before, but she never thought that she'd actually do that.
Immediately, Sandy started to cough wildly. Rizzo snickered from beside Roxy.
"Oh, I forgot to tell ya, you shouldn't inhale unless you're used to it," Rizzo smirked as the other Pink Ladies laughed.
"Someone drive me to Burlington 'cause I need me a new fur coat," Roxy laughed, sitting upright.
"A coat from Burlington?" Marty asked. "I got a guy in Germany who can send you over some real fur."
"Sandy, let me teach ya how to French inhale, it's really cool; watch," Frenchy offered, bringing the cigarette up to her mouth and creating a small stream of smoke going up and inhaling from her nose, making the smoke travel through.
"God! That is the ugliest lookin' thing that I ever saw," Jan gawked.
Frenchy blew away the last bits of smoke. "Nah! The guys really go for it, and that's how I got my nickname; Frenchy."
"Sure it is," Rizzo rolled her eyes playfully.
"Oh!" Frenchy swatted her away.
"Okay," Rizzo grunted as she grabbed something from the bedside table. "Okay, how about a little sneaky Pete to get the party goin'?"
The girls laughed and climbed over the bed whereas Sandy stayed put in her chair. Roxy rolled over to see the alcohol choice of the night.
"Italian Swiss Colony! Wow, it's imported," Jan looked over the bottle as Roxy read the label from her shoulder. Marty grabbed it and took a swig, passing to Roxy.
Roxy wasn't a wine fan. She liked a good rosé, but other than that, she thought all wine tasted the same. She liked a good beer, though. She took a gulp anyways, just for fun.
"Hey, I brought some Twinkies, anyone want one?" Jan offered.
"Twinkies and wine?? Oh that's real class, Jan," Marty rolled her eyes sarcastically as Jan yanked the bottle from Roxy's loose grip. She wasn't so bummed that the wine was taken from her anyways.
"It says right here, it is a dessert wine," Jan rolled her eyes. She was about to give it back when RIzzo smacked her head with a magazine.
"Hey, Sandy didn't get any wine," Rizzo chided Jan as she continued to drink some.
"Oh, that's okay," Sandy smiled a bit, leaning back on her chair while Jan came closer to her with the bottle.
"Bet you never had a drink before, either," Rizzo said slowly.
"Oh, yes I did. I had some champagne at my cousin's wedding once," Sandy pointed out.
"You blacked out after a sip," Roxy teased.
"I did not!" Sandy defended.
"Oh, ring-a-ding-ding," Rizzo mocked a bit. Jan extended the bottle to Sandy's face, like Frenchy with the cigarette.
"What's wrong? We don't got cooties," Jan said. Sandy took the bottle, giving Jan a doe-eyed look before bringing the bottle up to her lips and taking a big gulp. Jan smiled and ate her Twinkie gleefully.
"Hey, Sandy, would you like me to pierce your ears for ya?" Frenchy asked her, getting real close.
The Pink Ladies in turn started to say, "Dun dun!" As if Frenchy was going to kill Sandy.
"Oh shut up!" Frenchy chided the group. Roxy smiled form her place on the bed. The girls got in a last "Dun!" Before Frenchy gave them a glare.
"Isn't that awfully dangerous?" Sandy asked, hiccuping.
"Oh, no, I know what I'm doing!" Frenchy said as Sandy passed the bottle away, back to Jan. "I'm gonna be a beautician, you know."
"What's the matter, you afraid?" Rizzo teased. Sandy got a look in her eye as she responded.
"No, I'm not," Sandy said, but her voice quivered.
"Alright," Roxy got up from the bed and walked over to her sister, "She just got her heart broke, smoked for the first time and she's probably about to pass out black. Give her a rest, will ya?"
"Fine," Rizzo smirked. "There's a first time for everything."
Marty, who wasn't paying attention to anything, leaned over the bed to give Frenchy a pin. "Here, Frenchy, you can use my virgin pin."
"Yeah! Nice to know it's good for something," Jan patted Marty on the back.
"Perfect," Frenchy said, examining the pin before 'sanitizing' it with her mouth, rubbing it clean on her jammies.
"Frenchy, I really don't think it's a good idea," Sandy shook her head.
"Seriously, French, maybe another day," Roxy said quietly.
"My father won't like it, I promise you-" Sandy started to ramble, but French already pierced her ear. "Ow!"
"Ooh, uh, Sandy, why don't we go into the bathroom; my mother'll kill me if I get blood all over the carpet," French said, dragging Sandy away.
"What?" Sandy asked, turning green.
"Oh, it only bleeds for a second," Frenchy shrugged off.
"Frenchy, I don't feel very well," Sandy shook her head.
"Don't worry about it, Sandy," Rizzo said. "If she screws up, she can always fix your hair so your ears don't show." Rizzo motioned to her hair with a cigarette hanging loosely from her fingers. Frenchy just glared at her.
"Roxanne," Sandy looked back at her sister, beckoning to come with her. Roxy glided over to the bathroom and slipped in before Frenchy closed the door completely.
"Sandy, Sandy," French said, poising the pin over Sandy's earlobe, ready for puncture. "Beauty is pain."
"Ow!" Sandy screamed in pain again. Roxy had to keep from gasping audibly from how much blood there was seeping out from Sandy's ear.
"Keep her over the sink!" Frenchy said. Roxy made Sandy lean over the sink so that the blood would drip down the drain. Sandy turned her head to see what was running down he drain, but Roxy turned her away. "I'll see if the girls'll get me some ice."
"I'm so sorry, Sandy," Roxy patted her back."I'm an awful sister."
"No, it's okay," Sandy said uncomfortably. "This is good."
French came back inside in a hurry. "Marty gave me an idea. Here, Sandy, I'm gonna run some cold water over your ear so that it'll numb, okay?"
"Alright," Sandy said, sounding sick. They ran her ear under the faucet and Frenchy tried again. This time, everyone saw the blood.
"Oh no," Sandy gagged at the blood.
"Oh no," Roxy groaned. Sandy always had a light stomach. They rushed her over to the toilet so that she could throw up.
"Hey, uh, Frenchy," Roxy said. "Can you get her toothbrush?"
"Yeah, of course," Frenchy rushed out.
"Just let it all out," Roxy patted her back.
"Here," Frenchy stuck the toothbrush through the door.
"Thanks, French," Roxy took it and handing it to Sandy who was getting better.
"Go back out there, I'll probably be a little while," Sandy said.
"No, it's okay," Roxy said as Sandy was finishing cleaning up. They walked out together, but saw Rizzo with a blonde wig and acting extra posh.
"You making fun of me Riz?" Sandy asked.
"Some people are so touchy," Rizzo said, taking it off. The rest of the Pink Ladies did so as well.
Suddenly, the sound of an engine firing back could be heard outside. All of the girls went over to the window, giggling.
"They can't come in here, my folks'll flip!" Frenchy said, peering out.
"You goody-goodies are too much for me," Rizzo said, pulling on her flats. She was all dressed, ready to go out. "I'm gonna get my kicks, while I'm still young enough to get 'em."
With that, she disappeared behind the window. "What's she gonna do, shimmy down the drain pipe?" French asked, pointing out the window with her thumb. Roxy moved towards the window to watch Rizzo go. She climbed down the plant ladder and landed safely on the ground.
Kenickie was in the car. Roxy could clearly see him watching Rizzo climb down and strut over to the car. The way his eyes raked over her made Roxy's blood boil. How could he forget her so easily?
He looked up for a second and saw Roxy. She couldn't move, she couldn't look away. Even if she could, she didn't want to. At least he saw her, right? To remind him of what they had?
"I don't know what I ever saw in Danny Zuko," Sandy moped next to Marty on the bed.
Marty rolled her eyes. "Don't sweat it honey, have one of mine," she said, throwing her her photo album of men.
"There's so many of them!" Sandy laughed.
"I know," Marty smiled cheekily.
"Damn," Roxy walked over to look at the photos. "What do you do to make them fall in love with you?"
"I have an irresistible charm about me," Marty smirked. "Why? Want the secret love potion or someone?"
"Something like that," Roxy said, staring out the window to see Kenickie and Rizzo riding off into the night. They kicked out the other T-Birds, which could only mean one thing.
"For a T-Bird?" Frenchy ran over to Roxy, getting close enough. Roxy looked at her, then the girls. They all looked at her with interested eyes.
"Yeah," Roxy shrugged.
"Eek!" Frenchy laughed. "Which one?"
"Yeah, which one?" Jan looked at her, her head titled.
"It doesn't matter," Roxy said, looking back outside when she heard the rumble of an engine. She saw a black car with a flame design on it. There was a guy in the front seat with a leather jacket and slicked-back blond hair. He was the guy from the shop over the summer, Balmudo. He stopped in front of the house when he saw Roxy in the window. He beckoned her over with a jerk of his head. Maybe she could get her mind off of Kenickie after all.
"Who?" They all pressed.
"Kenickie," Roxy said quickly, changing into her street clothes.
"Kenickie?!" The Pink Ladies screamed.
"Uh, huh. We had a fling over the summer and I'm still not over it. Please don't tell Rizzo," Roxy said. She didn't bother to button her top all the way up. She tied the bottom part around her ribs and yanked on her tight black pants. Like Rizzo, she slipped on her flats and stood on the bay window bench, gripping the window to go out.
"Wait!" Frenchy said, looking outside to see the guy. Frenchy tugged on Roxy's sleeve. "Don't you know what you're doing?" she whispered.
"You could get kicked out!" Marty said, running over to the window too.
"I'm fine!" Roxy said, stepping out of the window. All of the girls started to yell, clamoring over themselves.
"Listen! Don't tell Riz or Kenick anything. I'll be fine," Roxy said. With that, she slipped out of the window and down the plant ladder. Like Rizzo,she landed gracefully on the ground. She ran over to the car with Balmudo so that he didn't have to wait any longer.
"What changed your mind?" Balmudo asked. Roxy closed the car door and situated herself in the seat, not bothering to put on a seatbelt.
"Figured you're a better time than any of them T-Birds," Roxy said, giving Balmudo a cheeky smile. He smirked and shifted the car into gear, riding away from Frenchy's house.
"There's beer down there if you want one," Balmudo motioned under the dash on the passenger's side. Roxy looked down and saw a bunch of beers in their package.
"Always," Roxy smirked and took one out of the carton and another for Balmudo. She opened it by quickly swiping it on the dash. She opened up Balmudo's and handed it to him. He took it and took a sip. Roxy took a sip of hers too, running a hand through her blonde hair as the wind whipped in her face.
"So what's your actual name?" Roxy asked. She knew he told her this summer, but she didn't remember.
"It's Leo, remember?" Leo smirked in her direction. If he was offended that she didn't remember his name, he didn't show it. "What about you, doll?"
"It's Roxy," she replied cooly.
"Roxy," Leo repeated, making sure to remember it. He slung his arm over her shoulders as he drove on. "Roxy."
Roxy tried to act cool, but her heart was racing at the small touch. Even though she was with Leo, she couldn't help but think of Kenickie. She squeezed her eyes shut to rid him of her thoughts and turned back to Leo, looking at him to remind her that she was here with him, not Kenickie.
They arrived into a parking lot overlooking the entire Venice city and most of LA. There were already cars lined up at the view, shaking and radios on.
"I thought we were gonna go somewhere else? This is always so crowded," Roxy frowned a bit. She didn't really like an audience.
"We are, I'm just paying someone a visit," Leo said, shifting to reverse and backing up.
"Who-?" Roxy turned to look at the car that was going to suffer, but saw Kenickie's rust bucket instead. "Oh, God," Roxy said, turning around so that Kenickie didn't see her.
"Hey what the hell you think you're doin'?" Kenickie asked quickly, stifled by Rizzo's body.
"You parked in a no parking zone, creep," Leo said, smirking as he did so. Roxy kept herself hidden from Kenickie's glare.
"The whole place a no parking zone, Crater Face," Kenickie bit back.
"Oh yeah?" Leo asked, shifting gears.
"Yeah!" Kenickie responded, only to have Leo back into his car, taking off his number in the process.
"You're gonna pay for that!" Kenickie yelled back.
"Yeah, well, I'll give ya 75 cents for the whole car, including your chick," Leo said. Roxy could help but snicker a bit at his comment. Leo put his arm around Roxy, laughing along with her as he revved his engine back up, exiting the parking lot.
As soon as Leo pulled up to another view point and put the car into park, Roxy immediately had her hands all over him, kissing him with so much pent-up anger.
"Woah, someone's eager," Leo laughed a bit when Roxy pulled back to get a break.
"I just wanna jump your bones, that's all," Roxy said, resuming her previous act. Soon, Leo didn't even resist. They fell back into the back seat, continuing with their session.
Hi all! Sorry for the hiatus, but with difficult times like this, you'd think there would be a lot more writing! Truth is, I'm hang a hard time getting motivated, but once i write, I can't stop :)
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