As soon as they reached Tarpon Point, a gun was automatically in Brian and Reyna's face. "It's all right, let them out," Verone ordered as he and Monica got out of their car. Reyna walked over to stand with Verone once he motioned for her too as Brian headed towards the trunk of the car. "Pop the trunk," Roberto orders Brian as Reyna anxiously watched the scene play out. "Hurry up," Verone says as he paces around Monica and Reyna.
Verone looked at the two bags before looking at Brian, "Where's the rest of it?" Brian looked up at Verone, "The other car." Reyna crossed her arms against her chest as Verone glared at Brian, "Another car. Where's the other car?" Verone glanced at Reyna before focusing back on Brian. "On its way," Brian answers as he lifts the third bag while Verone smirks, "On the way, huh?" Brian nodded, "Yeah. Here's your money." He placed the third bag on the ground in front of Verone.
"So you know nothing about the agents that stormed my jet?" Verone questioned Brian causing Reyna to tense up as he stepped closer to her. "The funny thing is that I only told two people about the airstrip." He looked down at his watch humming to himself before raising a hand to caress Reyna's face causing Brian to tense up. "Customs agents sure are gettin' pretty, aren't they? Put them on the boat." A man grabbed Reyna and Monica, both girls shoved his hands off them.
Verone raised his shotgun at the girls causing the two of them to look at each other than at Brian, Reyna swallowed dryly before turning and walking with Monica onto the pier then onto the boat. Reyna and Monica stood close together as they both worried about Brian and Roman along with what Verone was going to do with them. Reyna just knew something was going to go wrong and she only hoped that Brian would think up some escape or Roman would show up in time to help him.
Roberto ordered Brian back into the car before getting Brian to drive the car into the trees hidden away from sight. "End of the road. You know, I like you, but I still gotta kill you. It's my job," Roberto rambled on as Brian pushed down on the eject button though something seemed to be jammed as it wasn't working. "What's that? What's that?" Roberto questioned as Roman drove up crashing into the car behind Brian.
Through the distraction, Brian quickly grabbed Roberto's gun causing three shots to fire through the windshield. Roman opened Roberto's door causing him and Brian to fall out of the car, Brian quickly gets away with the gun while Roman kicked Roberto. The two spots the yacht taking off causing them to quickly climb into the car, both guys kicked out the windshield. "I thought you were dead, man!" Roman tells Brian as he worries about Reyna, he couldn't lose his kick-ass little sister.
"Yeah, me too. Thanks for saving my ass, bro." Brian responds thinking up a plan on how to save Reyna and Monica. "What are you doin', Brian?" Roman asks as he notices the expression on Brian's face, he was trying to come up with a Reyna plan but was coming short so he decided on something else instead. "I don't know, but if Verone sees a helicopter or Customs boat, they're both dead," Brian responded as he revved the engine. "Boat. Car. Boat... You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do?" Rome asks slightly panicked.
Brian sighed, "Yeah, I think so. You got my back, bro?" Rome nodded with a smile, "Yeah." Brian looked back through the windshield spotting a ramp ahead of them, "Put on a seatbelt." Brian pulled on his seatbelt as Roman shook his head in slight disbelief, "Show 'em some real Dukes of Hazard shit!" Brian sped up, "We're gonna do this big. Hold on, Rome. Hold on!" Rome began to panic more as they head straight for the ramp, "Oh! Brian, you crazy, man! What the hell you doin'?"
They drive up the ramp flying through the air as they head straight into the yacht, Roman breaking his arm in the process. The two of them hear a shotgun cock before Verone comes into view with his shotgun raised at them, "Get the gun!" Brian quickly grabs the gun before shooting Verone in the shoulder. Monica and Reyna made their way up the stairs, Reyna kicking the gun away from Verone's reach as Monica moved to stand with her.
Monica picked the gun up, "It's over, Carter." Reyna let out an uneasy breath as she walked over to Roman who climbed out the window of the car. "That arm isn't looking too good," Reyna said as she carefully helped him to his feet, Roman pulled her into a side hug careful not to hurt his arm. "I'm all good, are you alright?" Roman asks as Brian checked on Monica. Reyna smiled up at Rome before looking at Brian, the two locking gazes causing them to smile at each other. "Yeah, I'm good," Reyna responded with a grin.
"So, there were three bags total, huh? The three from the boat," Markham questioned as he approached Roman, Brian and Reyna. "So we good, right? My record's clean? And Reyna's?" Roman questions him as Reyna rested her head on his good shoulder with a smile as Markham nodded placing his hands on his waist, "You held up your end. Your records are clean." Reyna moved her head as Roman walked off returning with the other three bags, "So maybe there was six bags. I guess we can call it even." Reyna smiled at Roman.
He walked over and stood with Reyna again as Markham looked at the three of them, "Agent Dunn. We found some more evidence. Come on. Let's take it to the truck." Dunn and Markham grabbed the final bags before walking away leaving Brian, Roman and Reyna alone together watching as they arrested Verone. "Don't drop the soap, big homey," Roman taunted Verone whose shoulder is being stitched up causing Reyna to laugh quietly.
Brian looked at Roman, "I hope you know that when he gets out, he's gonna kill your ass." Reyna laughed as she stood up while Roman looked at Brian, "He ain't getting out." Reyna shook her head as Verone spoke up, "I'll see you soon." Roman looked from Verone to Brian and Reyna, "You think he gonna get out?" Roman was slightly worried but Brian and Reyna smiled sweetly at him. "He'll be out," Reyna says as she walked over to Bilkins and Monica.
"We took care of your decoys. They're free and clear. There's a Sedan out on the road for you. Try to bring it back in one piece," Bilkins explained causing Reyna to let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah. Thanks a lot, Bilkins," Brian says as he shook his hand. Reyna left them to talk saying goodbye to Monica, she let herself relax completely. Brian and Roman caught up to Reyna, the three of them heading towards the Sedan with relaxed minds.
"Mm. Imma have to stay out here in Miami, man. Keep you out of trouble, brah. You know what I'm talking about," Rome says as they walked causing Brian and Reyna to laugh. "So you gonna kick it in Miami, bro?" Brian asks him making Roman smile, "Oh, Man. I love Miami. Miami's off the hook. Brian looked around for a moment before looking at Reyna and Roman, "Open a garage together." He looked forward as Roman looked at him, "A garage? How we gonna do that, brah?" Reyna smirked as she lifted her zipped up jacket, "Pockets ain't empty, cuz."
Roman chuckled with Brian, "And we ain't hungry no more either, lil' sis." He lifted his shirt to reveal stacks of cash in his waistband causing them all to laugh as they climbed into the Sedan driving straight to Tej's garage laughing together as they discussed the events of the day followed by what they planned to do next. Brian and Rome were gonna kick it in Miami but Reyna wasn't too sure what she was gonna do but something was calling for her, she wasn't sure what it was yet.
But for now, Miami was the place to be... After all, she owed Tej a date.
- Rose <3
Sorry, not sorry...
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