9. Divulging the Past (7): Deepening Bonds & the Unwanted Confrontation
Hi, folks! Just dropping by to wish you all a wonderful day!
This chapter is specially for the ones who wanted to see #RohIka scenes!
Here it goes!
At the conference, (Author's POV)
A reporter, "So, sir! What do you think, is your wife your lady luck? This year even after such a tough competition you reached the semi-finals! This is a huge achievement."
Rohit exclaimed, "She is my queen! Frankly saying, before landing here, I was actually more excited to spend time with my wife than this competition. And I'm really grateful for what I could achieve."
Aashika was having a cold since last night, so she couldn't attend the conference with Rohit! It's already 10 days since they are in Paris. Rohit insisted Aashika for a lunch or dinner many times but she refused saying that he needs to practice for the competition. But now it was just 4 days which they had and neither of them wanted to waste a single second in vain.
Rohit reached his room (a kind of personal apartment or a penthouse allotted for him by the event owners) "Aashi, where are you?"
He saw her sleeping on the bed. Completely messed up in blankets and pillows... He slept beside her and removed hair from her face. She blinked her eyes. It were all red. Rohit leaned down and cradled her face with his hand.
He asked with concern, "What happened, lily? Aren't you feeling well?"
He helped her to sit beside him and gave her a glass of water. After sipping some water she said, "I forgot to take my anti-allergy tabs last night and now" she sneezed, "I've been sneezing since last 1 hour."
Rohit asked while calling the helping desk, "Why didn't you call me then??"
Aashika replied while grabbing another tissue, "You were in the conference, how could I..." Rohit interrupted her, "I could've came straight away from the conference even if you had the slightest headache."
He asked the one on the helping desk to get anti-allergy tabs for her.
After hanging up the call, he wrapped one of his arms around Aashika and asked, "Even if you take the tablet now, it won't yield any effect. So, for today we've no option. Why are you shivering by the way?"
She shouts, "I hate such cold countries. It sucks me! I've closed all the windows and curtains but still I'm feeling so cold. This is why I was wrapped in blankets and pillows when you came."
Rohit giggles, "Fine! Ig my arms will yield you a warmer place than these blankets."
She replies with a pout on her face, "My head is very hard. You're arms will go numb!"
Rohit replies with a smirk, "My chest is harder, lily. Give it a chance."
Without wasting a single second she keeps her head on his chest and he wraps her arms around her.
(I'm not able to write what I exactly mean!!🤧)
1...2...3...4...5...hours...Bro, these guys are so sleepy that they are still sleepinggg... Not to forget mentioning, wrapped around each other!
Aashika snifs, "Mmm... Which perfume is this? Titan, did you bath with perfume today?" She tightens her grip around him.
Rohit giggles, "Sorry to disappoint you lily! But it's your husband not Titan!"
Aashika shouts, "Fuck!" But it seems Rohit is still in his dreams... Aashika stares at him for a while and then smirks, "By the way, there's no difference between you and Titan while sleeping. Both of you love to snuggle your owners!"
Rohit giggles at his comment, "So, since we were sleeping for the whole day! Would you like to do some adventures tonight?"
Aashika pushes away the blanket (and him of course), "Jaldi uthooo! Now, I'm full on energy!"
Rohit yawns while resting his head on the headrest. While, Aashika had already moved to the bathroom for having a bath!
Eiffel Tower, THE LOVER'S LANDMARK! (Rohit's POV)
Aashika shouts with a cute baby face, "Pleaseeeeeee!"
But not this time! This time definitely I won't surrender.
It's already an hour since we're roaming around and she again wanna have Ice cream. Oh god! This girl! First she was suffering in the morning due to cold and now she wanna have ice cream. Just imagine, the cool, calm and bossy CEO in Mumbai is now behaving like a stubborn baby for ice cream!!
Suddenly I feel the grip around my arm loosened. I look at her, only to find her eyes filled with tears. What the hell I have done!!!
I take her away from the crowd beside a bridge and cradle her cheeks, "Lily, why are you crying? You should not have ice cream when you're feeling so cold!!"
She mumbles almost impossible for me to hear, "Only 1 scoop.. "
She changed her views seeing my done face, "Okay, only half a scoop..."
I tease her, "How will you ask for a half scoop?"
She replies in her baby voice (Hayee! Mai mar jaunga iski ye awaaz sunke🤧), "Okay, to aadhi tum kha lenaa!"
(I'll die hearing her baby voice🤧)
(Okay, then you eat half of it!)
I chuckle at this and we move to an ice cream stall without wasting much time! I was about to say but she interrupted, "A scoop of Butter Scotch ice cream, please."
I stare at her blankly. She glares at me first and then utters some rubbish, "Kya! Mere jaisi sundar ladki kabhi dekhi nahi kya!!?"
(What! Have you never seen such a beautiful girl!!?)
I couldn't help but laugh while heartedly at this moment. After a while I answered, "Your highness, you know what jis ladki ko aap itna sundar keh rhi hai na, I have the whole rights to embrace her beauty till the end of this world! And why butter scotch? You like mint chocolate na! "
(Your highness, you know what the girl who you're addressing as so beautiful, I have the whole rights to embrace her beauty till the end of this world! And why butter scotch? You like mint chocolate na!)
She replied, "You love butter scotch, so I ordered this. Okay, leave all thta, have a bite!" She forwarded the cone to me.
I said, "No, you have first, I'll eat at the end!"
She was looking so adorable. At the end, it was just a bite left, she forwards the cone to me, "Look, I won't be able to resist myself anymore. So, have this last bite or I'll finish it!"
But I had another plans, I took the last bite and then I said, "Mmm.. It was really tasty. I wanna have more!" She looked at me in amusement. I asked, "May I have some more?" She nodded her head with happiness. And in no time I pressed my lips against hers. Yeah, we were on the street but it's not a thing to be surprised in Paris, the city of Love!
She could not reciprocate it because it didn't last for long. She was looking at me blankly. I smirked, "You only told me that I can have some more!" She was trying really hard to hide her already so red face from me!!
I don't know what this trip has given me, but still I'll always remember this!
Next morning, (Aashika's POV)
We returned around 3 at night. Now it's already 11 a. m. and he's still wrapped around me. Though I have been awake for half an hour, but I don't want to get up from here! By the way, I must say he looks really cute while sleeping... 😌🩵
Suddenly something clicked in my mind and I got up without moving him. I ran towards the kitchen. Actually I think I should give him a treat for buying me ice cream last night. Or maybe for fulfilling my lifelong dream of kissing my partner in front of the Eiffel Tower!!!!
I took out a pan and started making kheer for him. I don't think he will wake up before an hour. So, I did not hurry much. After I prepared kheer, I quickly got a bath and settled myself in some comfy clothes. But guess what this man was already inspecting the kitchen before I could get there.
He held the bowl of kheer in his hand and asked me if I made it. I nodded my head in agreement. He took the bowl with himself and went towards the room without even uttering a single word. Didn't he like it?🫠
I rushed after him and saw him taking pictures of the bowl from different angles.
Then, after the photo session, he came towards me and kept my hand on his head, "Meri kasam khao, ki tum isme se ek bhi bite nhi churaogi jab tak mai brush krke nhi aata!"
(Swear on me, that until and unless I come back after brushing, you will not steal even a single bite from my kheer)
I gave him a deadly glare for making me so tensed. In turn he just couldn't help but laugh. After coming he devoured on it and did not even allow me to have a single bite!🫡
THIS MAN AND HIS OBSESSIONS! (And yeah I'm one of them!)
Today, we planned to go for shopping and at the end of the day we were completely exhausted. So, we slept with out thinking about our night routine!😶🌫️
Next day, (Rohit's POV)
I was sitting and munching on some chocolate beside Aashika. She has been working since morning on a recent project. It's about 5 p.m., suddenly my phone rang. These network issues are sucking me now. I had to go to the balcony for talking. The call was from one of my old and best friend.
I sprang up with excitement because I was just so eager to meet her but she was in USA since last 7 months. "Hey Mita!! How are you? Do you even remember my name or not??"
Mita, "Uff! Rohit, the day I forget about you, I'll forget about everything else in this world! Just now, I got to know you're in Paris. C'mon, I'm also in Paris. Meet me rn!!"
I exclaimed, "That's great! I have a huge surprise for you! Let's meet today at 6 p. m."
Mita, "Sure Rohit! Bye!!"
I hanged up and went to Aashika. Mita was my bestie since childhood. She doesn't even know about my marriage. I'm so eager to make her meet Aashi!
I asked her, "Hey! I've one of my friends here! Will you accompany me to meet her?"
She replied with a serious expression, "Sorry Rohit! Today I've a meeting, I can't accompany you!"
I nodded my head and made my way forward to meet Mita!
At Chez Nicos, (Rohit's POV)
I just reached the restaurant and heard someone shout, "How late yaar! I'm waiting for him since so long!!"
I banged in and exclaimed, "Your late guy is here!!"
She came forward and gave me a sweet hug!
We settled ourselves on the table. She started, "So, where's your surprise?"
"Bro!! Why are you so desperate!! First tell me, what are you doing nowadays?" I answered back! (Actually questioned her😁)
She hesitated a bit, "Actually, baba sold his business in USA, actually he.. he moved his business from USA to Mumbai.. So, we all are going to Mumbai now!"
I said, "That's soo great!"
She again came back to the same topic, "What's the surprise? Okay, whatever actually I've a surprise for you as well!"
My eyes lit up! "Wow! So, no arguments! You'll show your surprise first!"
She nodded her head and went towards a waiter. She took a plate from him and came towards me. She kept the plate on the table in front of me and insisted me to uncover it!
I took away the lid and got the WORST surprise of my life. It was written beautifully on the plate, "I love you, Rohit! Will you marry me?"
My eyes widened. I got up from my place and threw away the plate, breaking it into a few pieces and my heart into a millions of it. My eyes were fuming with anger. I could sense anger flowing through my veins with my blood. Yes, I had really bad anger issues since childhood but it used to happen like once a year or maybe not!
I shouted at her, "Have you lost your mind, Mita? For fuck's sake, I'm married since the last 7 months with the love of my life! I love her more than anything. And now when my queen has started to reciprocate my feelings, you're coming and saying me that you love me!"
She had her gaze constantly fixed on me. I continued, "Mita, it should be absolutely clear to you that I LOVE AASHIKA AND NO ONE ELSE! AND THIS IS THE TRUTH OF MY LIFE!!"
She rose up from her seat. Tears welled up in her eyes. "It's just 10 months that I went away from you and you fell in love with someone and married her!" She almost shouted her next sentence, "Didn't you give a fucking concern to me that I have loved you! What will happen to me after you get married?"
I squinted my eyes at her, "Do you even know what are you blabbering? It's all nonsense! We're just friends, THAT'S IT!! And I've loved Aashi for more than 4 years! She's not a random girl. She's the one with whom I've woven each and every moment of life with the thread of love! And that's true love, Mita! Not some fucking one-sided love, which can do nothing but ruin people's lives!"
She started crying! I consoled her, obviously it was my duty to do that , she is my best friend since childhood, but nothing more than a best friend, "Mita, listen, You're an amazing lady and I'm sure you will find someone just like you. And I'll be really happy then. We are best friends. We shouldn't ruin our friendship for just a mere chaos!" But it seemed like nothing of it effected her.
She rose her head and clutched my arms, "Rohit, please...Please give me a chance, just forget about everything! Everything about your 4 year's love. We will start anew, just leave that Aashi or Aashika, whatever. And we will begin our own relationship together. I promise we will be happy forever with each other. I just love you to the moon and back. I'll die without you, Rohit, please, please don't say no. We will be the perfect match!" She kept on crying and I looked at her in disbelief. I pushed her away from me.
I made my last statement and walked away, "Mita, there's something in this world called true love. I have always loved Aashika, I still love her and I will always love her. No matter what, my everything will be for my queen. I'll live for her and die for her!"
She could not help but just look at me. I left the place with a sense of anger, hatred and sadness rushing through my veins. It was all dark around me. I could not see anyone but those horrible moments which I just had with Mita. She has turned my whole life upside down in just a moment. I just somehow managed to get back to the room asap. The world around me was fading, it was seeming to me like, whatever I have gathered throughout my life will be lost in just a moment.
The Lovely Night, (Aashika's POV)
Why is this man always so late on special moments!! Suddenly I heard someone opening the door and yesss! he entered!
He was trying to figure out what was all around. The whole room was dark, as I planned. And then I went behind him and pushed him into the bedroom at once. THAT'S IT! TOTAL SILENCE!!!!
"A-aashi, what's all this?" He looked at me as if I have given him some kind of shock therapy. "You were the one who was giving me millions of surprises till now. But now, it's my turn!" I had lit the whole room with numerous floral candles and switched off all the lights. It looked enchanting. But he didn't give me any reaction, it seemed like he had been arguing with someone!
Suddenly he held both my arms and wrapped himself around me. But it was different from the other times, the flow of feelings was different.
He said all of a sudden, "Aashi, trust and love should grow day-by-day but expectations shouldn't."
I mocked, "Is lily dead?" But he took it too seriously, "Stop it, Aashika! Don't blabber nonsense!"
He left my hands and went towards the window. This was not something I expected. I went towards him and stood by his side but he did not utter a single word.
But then, it started raining, the outside view seemed faded. Instead we could see our faces being reflected on the glass window. I patted his shoulder lightly, he looked towards me with almost no expressions, but I was determined to make this night memorable for us, "Let's go to the terrace!"
He mumbled, "Aadhi raat ko rain dance krne ka shauk chadha hai!"
(Got the urge to do a rain dance at midnight!)
"It's not midnight, stop blabbering nonsense!" I dragged him to the terrace. It was raining hard. He pulled be back to go down but I dragged him into the rain with me. It was so magnificent!
Initially, he seemed uncomfortable, but now he's enjoying this. His face looked like all his stress and tension has been washed away with this rain.
I said, "Okay, Rohit, now tell me what if someone asks you to explain our relationship in one sentence?"
He enveloped his arms around me, like a reverse hug, "A princess needs a prince to glorify her, but a king needs a queen to glorify him. Similarly, you're the queen who completes me in every aspect, for whom I want to live and for whom I want to die!" His eyes were reflecting some rare expressions. It seemed like he meant every word he said to the core of his heart. Now it feels, like, this was the best decision of my life!! He planted a kiss on my cheek and then on my forehead sharing a rare flow of feelings. I kissed him back on his neck and together we embraced each other in the rain and it seemed like the world was fading around us!
At Bhardwaj Villa, (Ruhan's POV)
Finally, today our mischievous gang will be reunited! Aashika and Rohit will return back today. Also Nysa and her husband, Arjun are coming.
Arjun is indeed a blood sucker. So, whenever Di comes here, we try to keep her away from him so that she can be relieved for a few days. Also we've organized Nayantara and Ehsaas' roka at our home.
(Roka is a kind of marriage ceremony done before marriage)
At around 2 p.m., Rohit and Aashika entered the house. Nysa and Arjun were already there.
Nysa, "Hey! Aashika, how are you?"
Aashika replies back with a smile, "It's been really good! What about you, di?"
She replies with a reserved smile, "Absolutely fine! Meet my husband, Mr. Arjun Ranawat!"
Arjun interrupts her, "I don't think she needs an introduction. We're already business rivals."
Aashika looked at him in disbelief. She didn't know how bad can this man be!
Arjun continues, "By the way, being a businesswoman, what brought you here in this family and get married to a doctor?"
But our Aashika ji is no less, "Actually I don't eat too much apples. So, you know, I am not away from doctors; this is why I married one!" Rohit lets out a chuckle, whereas Arjun had to zip his mouth this time.
Amidst all this, I could observe Nysa being too quiet, which was actually rare. After having coffee, we all decided to engage ourselves in the preparation of Nayantara and Ehsaas' roka.
The whole day, we couldn't talk to Nysa because her husband was humming around her like a mosquito all day long!
Next day, (Nysa's POV)
Tomorrow is Ehsaas and Naina's roka and these annoying people are already here!! Annoying people refers to my brother-in-law, Ehsaas, my father-in-law, Anwesh Ranawat, and my mother-in-law, Rashmi Ranawat. Just because of these freaking people, I can't even talk to my family properly. I swear one day, I will feed all of them sleeping pills and lock them in a room!
But why the hell am I thinking so much about these people today?😕 Aaj tak to kabhi socha nhi!
(Till now, I've never thought about them!)
But why am I even THINKING!!??
No... No... No... Not again!!!
Uff! Idk why but I'm suffering from morning sickness nowadays. I've already consulted a doctor, she said it's nothing to worry about, but still she will do some tests.
I went to the kitchen to check on what's going on! And here's the bitch, "Shree Shree Shree Rashmi Ranawat," annoying Aashika. But the signs of annoyance were clearly visible on Aashika's face; it felt like now she will take a hammer and stammer it hard on my mother-in-law's face! Though this is what I wanted, but still I managed to get her out of the kitchen.
"So, how are you feeling after cooking with my mother-in-law?" I mocked her.
Aashika gave me a done face!!
Suddenly, I received a call from my doctor. Maybe it was something about the reports.
"Congratulations! Mrs. Ranawat, you're going to be a mother soon!" she exclaimed.
I couldn't even speak a single word. It just felt like my whole world was breaking into pieces. I never ever loved Arjun. It was just a situationship or maybe just an alliance. He was a manwhore. I cannot be the mother of such a disgusting man's child! He married me because he needed the fame of Bhardwajs to expand his business. And my family agreed because this family of dogs and bitches looked so calm, composed, and intellectual from the outside.
No one could even imagine the real face behind this mask.
I broke down just then. The whole world around me was filled with the deadly pictures of my dark future. It felt like everything has been destroyed. I thought to end this situationship soon, and now I AM GOING TO BE THE MOTHER OF THIS MAN'S CHILD!! NO, NO! I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN DO THIS.
"Ouch!" This was the first word I exclaimed after being conscious. Everyone was gathered around me. Maybe I got a panic attack.
"Di, are you fine?" Ruhan exclaimed with a serious expression. I nodded my head. I don't think anyone knew what happened except Aashika because only she was in the kitchen with me.
Mom told everyone to excuse me so that I can take some rest. But I have to talk to Aashika, that she should not say anything to anyone. So, I told her to bring a glass of water for me.
After everyone went away, I asked, "A-Aashika..."
She interrupted me, "Are you in a situationship with Arjun?"
I had no answer to this question. It was just me and Ruhan who knew about all this chaos. Because I never wanted anyone to be stressed for me. But Ruhan knew everything; this is why he put his medical studies apart for some time and now he is juggling between his studies and business.
It is actually like he is the one who keeps on feeding Arjun with money and several alliances so that he treats me well.
Aashika, "Why the hell don't you leave him!?"
"I can't! I'm pregnant with his baby. I have no scope to leave him now." I couldn't stop my tears anymore.
Then, she said the real truth, which my ears never wanted to hear, "Great then, don't divorce him! Raise your child with him, and one day when your child will also become like him, that day you'll moan and wail, but no one will pay heed to you!"
She continued, "Nysa, this is the right time. Your whole life will be destroyed if you don't divorce him now. It's not that you can't make your own future. Your whole family will support you if you believe in us!"
"That will never happen, Aashi! Ruhan, Ajay, Rohit, and Rivan have nothing in their hands. All of them are bound to follow the decisions taken by dadi, and even if she takes the right decision, Bua ji will manipulate her!" I answered back.
She mocked her, "Vo to hai hi kalesh krne ke liye. Leave her aside. Ruhan, Ajay, Rohit, Rivan, and I'll help you to do this if you support us! I repeat myself again, if you support us!"
It was a tough decision for me. But I thought to give it a chance because if I say yes to this and we fail, I'll have to suffer, and if I say no to this, still I've to suffer. So it's better to give it a chance.
She consoled me, "I promise you, we will definitely take a way out of this!"
Let's give it a try. The conclusion is simple, if we succeed, my lifelong slavery would end, if we fail, I will end my own life!
A trouble... NO THE BIGGEST TROUBLE! (Rohit's POV)
The roka of Naina and Ehsaas was going fine while this lady again called me. It's around the n'th that she is calling and texting me. So, I thought about meeting her and clearing everything, but for that I had to leave the roka. Everyone asked me a million questions but I said it was a medical emergency.
As I reached to the park, I saw her waiting for me.
Mita, her eyes glinting, "Rohit, I knew you'd come. I knew you couldn't resist."
My tone was as cold as ice, "I'm here because you left me no choice, Mita. This has to stop."
Mita, stepping closer, her voice soft but insistent, "Stop pretending, Rohit. You know deep down, you belong with me. Aashika will never love you like I do."
My jaw clenched, "Firstly, you don't know what is love, Mita. What you feel for me isn't love-it's obsession, it's possessiveness. It's toxic. You're a psychopath! You just want to marry me out of obsession, seriously?"
Mita, shaking her head, "No, Rohit. You're wrong. I love you. I know you better than she ever could. We're perfect for each other. And if you think it's obsession! Then yes it is, I'm obsessed by you...I hate it when someone else is around you, Neither I want your family not anyone else to be close to you! Just you and me!"
My voice rose up, "Perfect? Mita, what we had was never perfect! You only want me because you can't have me."
Mita, her voice trembling with desperation, "Don't say that, Rohit. You're just scared. Scared to admit that you have feelings for me too."
Now she was making me furious, "Feelings for you? I only feel pity, Mita. And guilt-guilt that I ever let you believe there could be anything between us. But love? No. The only woman I've ever loved, the only woman I will ever love, is Aashika."
Mita, her eyes filling with tears, "She doesn't deserve you, Rohit! She doesn't understand you like I do. She'll never be able to love you like I can!"
I stepped closer to her, this time my voice was soft but intense, "You think you know what love is, Mita? Let me tell you what love really is. Love is wanting the best for someone, even if it means you have to let them go. Love is respecting their choices, supporting their dreams, and standing by their side, no matter what. That's what I have with Aashika. She's not just my wife-she's my best friend, my partner, my everything."
Mita, shaking her head in disbelief, "No, no, you're wrong, Rohit. I could be all of that for you, and more. Just give me a chance!"
My eyes were blazing with conviction, "A chance? You want a chance? Mita, I would die for Aashika. I would move mountains, cross oceans, do anything and everything to make her happy. She's the light in my life, the reason I get up in the morning. She's the one who completes me. And you think I'd throw that away for some twisted fantasy you've built in your head? Never. I don't just love her, Mita. I live for her."
Mita, her voice breaking, "But... I love you too, Rohit. Doesn't that mean anything?"
My voice softened but still firm, "It means you need to find someone who can love you back, someone who can give you the kind of love I give Aashika. But that someone will never be me. I belong to Aashika, heart and soul, and nothing you do or say will ever change that."
Tears were streaming down her face, "You'll regret this, Rohit. You'll regret not choosing me."
Why the hell isn't she understanding what I want to say!!
I turned back, my voice was resolute, "The only thing I'd ever regret is not fighting for the love I have with Aashika. This is the end." I knew each and every word I said to her and I was sure that I'm committed to only one and that is Aashika.
End of the Chapter (5k words)
Tell me your views about:
- #RohIka
- Mita's sudden entry
- Nysa's decision
Next chapter will be posted soon!! (With some scenes you guys must be waiting forrr!🌚
Till then, loads of love to you guys and take care!!🩵
With regards,
🩶𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ
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