"And yet change mocks us, with her beauty." -Olaf

At some point during the time from Kings Cross, to the train station everyone in the compartment had fallen asleep. Lalia was the first to awake, she was seated on the floor with Sirius' head in her lap. James was laid across one of the benches, using his robes as a pillow.

Their sugar rush ended rather quickly, resulting in the trio being very groggy- then falling asleep. Lalia yawned, stretching her arms above her head. She lent over Sirius, watching his peaceful, sleeping face. "Sirius, James!" She hissed, yanking a strand of Sirius' curly hair.

"Ouc-" Sirius jolted up, smacking his head right into Lalia's nose.

"Merlin!" Lalia grumbled, cupping her throbbing nose.

James jolted up, and looked around rapidly. His eyes land on Sirius who's hand is clasped to his forehead, and Lalia's hand cupping her nose. "Looks like I didn't miss much." He smirks.

A knock on their door made all their eyes snap up, a Hufflepuff fifth year walks in smiling bright. The girl's prefect badge gleamed under the orange light, she tucked a strand of soft brown hair behind her ear. Her eyes land on Sirius, and she instantly beams.

"Oh- hey SB!" 

Sirius grins, "Hey Andy."

'Andy' gazes around the compartment, and looks over the first years. "Seems you're already in your robes," she sounded impressed, "Okay, well just gather any belongings you have in here, and proceed off the train."

Lalia gave her a gentle, ghost of a smile. "T-thank you."

Andy winked, and waved one last goodbye to Sirius and left their compartment closing the door gently behind her. The trio scrambled up, shoving as much candy as they could into their robe pockets.

"How do you think we'll be sorted?" Lalia asks, as they step off the train and into the mellow sun. The sun was beginning to set, casting an array of orange, yellow, and pink of various shades. The light was mellow, soft even- swirling together making the sky a beautiful pigment of peachy orange.

She inhaled sharply taking in the smell of rain water, and melted chocolate that seemed to cling to the air. James shrugged, "I dunno, Mum and Dad never told me." 

The pair turn to Sirius with expectant looks, "How should I know?" Sirius laughs, "The two words I exchanged with my parents today was: Hi. Bye."

Well that didn't ease their nerves.

"Firs' years! firs' ye'rs! Follo' me!" Standing in front of a rather large crowd of first years, was a half-giant man. He had bushy brunette hair, and was at least 11ft tall.

They shuffled along the crowd, following the giant man over to a line of small, wood boats. "Wha's my name?" The man laughs, as he smiles warmly down at a first year in the front. 

"Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid." 

Hagrid held his lamp higher, and a grey dog beside him gave a soft whine. "Alright, four ter five in a boat. Chop chop."

James and Sirius grinned, and scrambled to the boat closest to them with Lalia on their heels. The boys clambered into the boat with ease, and turned around to face her. Lalia starred blankly into the inky, black water. "W-what if I fall?" Her hair flashed black.

Sirius stands up, making the boat wobble a bit. "I won't let you." Her eyes graze his outstretched hand, and she felt safer knowing he was there. 

Gently, with her eyes fixated on the water below her fingers laced with his and he tenderly pulled her over the small gap between the shore and the boat. "Thanks." She breathed.


James made a noise that was half scoff, half chuckle. A noise Lalia would become very familiar with over the years. 

He lifted the lamp higher, as Sirius sat back down beside him. The boat wobbled again, but only Lalia seemed to notice- she turned around and saw a lanky boy, with sandy hair, and deep scars and fresh gashes all over him. Purple bags were under his eyes, and he looked extremely tired.

The boy attempts to step onto the boat again but slips, with a slight panicky shriek from Lalia she reaches out and grasps the boy by the hand. With all her might, she leans over the boat and yanks the boy out of the water. He pulls himself up, and seats himself beside her. 

The boy was drenched head to toe now, and had a frown like expression as he ringed out his clothing. "Not to worry," Lalia points her wand at him and using the Draught Charm he instantly dries.

The boy gave her a weak smile, "I promise, I'm not usually this clumsy-" He reached into his pockets, and pulled out a big block of chocolate. He snapped it, handing her the bigger piece. "I'm Remus, Remus Lupin." Lalia gave him a small smile in return.

"Lalia Pierce."

James and Sirius had turned around at this point, to see what the loud shrieking was about. "James Potter, Sirius Black." James introduces, "And you're clumsy." James cocked a smirk.

Remus smirks himself, "Remus actually. But yes clumsy-ish." He holds out some chocolate, to which both boys take gently.

As they set sail, wind running through her orange hair she felt at peace. Her and Remus marvelled at the castle in awe, as the fog cleared and it came into view. It was tall, and grand with little splotches of light radiating from far off windows.

It was truly the most breath taking thing she'd ever seen.

"I think I'm gonna hurl." Were the words that snapped both Lalia and Remus out of there trans-like state.

Her eyes rolled, as she watched Sirius lurch. "If your gonna vomit, at least aim it at Potter."

"Yeah," Remus chimes in, "That would be general decency."

"-Hey!" James defends, as he watches wide eyed as Sirius turns to him.

"Over the boat!" James shrieks, as Sirius pretend lurches. 

He swallows, and smacks his lips together, "It's all gone-" Sirius pauses, a look of calculation on his face. "I don't remember eating carrot."


They entered the castle, moving staircases loomed above them changing in all directions. A large chandelier with clear crystals hung elegantly from the middle of the ceiling. Ghosts floated through the walls, and moving paintings greeted the first years merrily. Lalia's eyes fluttered over the crowd, and her gaze landed on Lily's awestricken face. She smiled to herself.

"Keep up, c'mon yer lot." Hagrid laughed, leading them up a staircase. The first years scurried up after him, not even bothering to try and match his long strides. 

They were led up another staircase, before being met with a woman. She wore emerald green robes, and a black pointed which hat. Golden glasses hung down her neck from a gold chain, and her brown hair was braided to the side- with grey flecks scattered throughout her hair.

"Their all yers Professor McGonagall." 

"Thank you, Rubeus." 

Hagrid gave the kids a small wave and cheeky smile, before turning, opening two wooden doors behind the woman and disappearing into the light.

Professor McGonagall turned towards the first years, her green eyes twinkling. "Welcome to Hogwarts." She sounded as if she had a Scottish twang. "Now, before you can enjoy the feast- you must be sorted into your houses."

Lalia gulped from beside James.

"They are Gryffindor," James beamed, "Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." The Professor's eyes skimmed over a select few, sour faced looking children in the crowd as if she thought they would be the Slytherin ones.

McGonagall clasped her hands together, "While you are here, your house will be like your family- Triumphs will earn points, and any rule breaking will lose points." Her eyes skimmed over to James and Sirius who wore mischievous smirks.

The poor Professor looked as though she wanted to quit then and there.

"The points will be added up at the end of the year, and the house with the most points will win the house cup." Everyone was excited and jittery, but also nervous wrecks.

"Alright. With that being said, let's get you sorted." McGonagall smiled a warm smile, and led them through the double wooden doors. Lalia inhaled a sharp breath.

Professor McGonagall led the crowd of first years through the Great Hall, and if they were amazed before- that feeling was definitely tripled. The ceiling was as if non-existent and replaced with the starry sky.

"It's not really like that," Came a voice from behind her. "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it, in Hogwarts a History." Lalia turned her rainbow flashing head around, and saw a small black haired girl with a dreamy smile on her face. The girl smiled softly, and Lalia awkwardly did in return.

She was nervous, and breathed out deeply forcing her hair to stop flashing various colours. Her hair settled on anxious white.

"Is that her?" Noah points to the white haired girl in the crowd, she was tanned, green eyed and looked nervous. 

"That's her." Spencer responded, as he watched Narcissa pick at her nails anxiously with her head down. 

Narcissa's leg began to bounce out of nervousness, and knowing it would help- Spencer's hand rested on her knee he felt her leg go limp under his touch.

Rab's eyes flickered up for a brief moment, "The white haired one?" His eyes flicked back to his book.

"Yeah, she must be anxious." Spencer replied, feeling the tips of his hair change itself. Lucius rolled his eyes, earning a sharp glare from Bellatrix.

"Do you think she'll end up here?" Narcissa asks, adjusting her green tie. Spencer removed his hand, without drawing attention to notice it start bouncing again. He sighed, "Don't know."

"She better." Rodolphus' voice was a mix of authority and warning. Everyone in the group eyed the first years, trying to pick out the one's who'd most likely be Slytherin. "Isn't that your cousin?" Noah asks, pointing to a curly haired, grey eyed boy in the crowd.

Narcissa and Bellatrix nodded, "That's Sirius." Bellatrix sighs, watching as her cousin laughed at something the boy in glasses said beside him. "He's a lost cause."

McGonagall cleared her throat, making everyone in the hall go abruptly silent. "Now when I call your name, you will come up to the stool and the hat will be placed upon your head." McGonagall placed a tatty, old-looking hat on top of a wooden stool.

She glanced at the long roll of parchment, "McKinnon, Marlene." A blonde girl separated the crowd, she was fairly pretty, with round, vibrant blue eyes and a playful smirk. 

"She's a looker." Lalia watched as Sirius elbowed James in the shoulder, and grinned. James hummed in response, and she followed his gaze to see he was looking at Lily- who was talking in a whisper to Severus a few feet in front of the small group.


Lalia jumped, startled as the hat called out Marlene's house name in a loud yell. The hall erupted in cheers, and claps but mainly from the Gryffindor table. Lalia clapped softly, watching as the girl sprung off the stool and headed to the red tied table.

"Fortescue, Alice."

The short girl, with the dreamy voice gently glided from the crowd and sat upon the stool. The hat seemed to be unsure, and the girl just smiled a dreamy smile. 


"Chang, Bao."


"Potter, James." With confidence, James strutted up to the stool and sat upon it with a grin on his face. The hat was on his head for barely a second, when it had made it's decision.


The Gryffindor table erupted in whooping, and loud cheers. James, Remus and Lalia clapped the loudest and smiled brightly at him. James strutted past them, throwing Sirius and Lalia a sly wink before shaking hands with a second year.

"Abbot, Hayley."


"Black, Sirius." Narcissa seemed to be the only one holding her breath, she still had the slightest bit of hope that he'd end up in Slytherin. She didn't want him to be ousted in the family, like Andromeda was.

After a long moment, where everyone in the hall swelled with curiosity the hat finally made it's decision. "GRYFFINDOR!" Narcissa slumped in her chair, as she knew the disapproving look that would be etched into her older sisters face.

Andromeda stood up from her seat on the Hufflepuff table, from beside Amos Diggory. She clapped wildly with pride, she was incredibly proud of him. Sirius met his older cousins eyes, and a small blush crept onto his cheeks as he sat down beside James.

"I knew it." Bellatrix hissed, venom laced in her tone. "Andromeda." She drawled out the name in distaste, "Has been to much of an influence." Her eyes skimmed over to her proud looking sister, on the other side of the Great Hall. Bellatrix shuddered.

"Evans, Lily." 

James visibly perked up, as he watched the nervous looking muggleborn girl get the Sorting Hat placed on her head. Lily's eyes met Lalia, and she gave the girl a small thumbs up earning a weak smile in return.


Lily beamed, much to Severus' dislike and skipped over towards the Gryffindor table. Lily purposely sat as far away as she could, from James and Sirius. Instead sat beside Marlene and Alice, who introduced themselves with beaming expressions.

"Pettigrew, Peter."

A short, stout looking boy with blonde hair emerged from the crowd looking more nervous than Lalia and Lily combined. He bit his inner cheek, as the hat was placed on his head. The hat took awhile, and Peter genuinely looked horrified.


Peter let out a breath of relief, trotting over the to the table where Sirius introduced himself.

"Snape, Severus." Most of the Slytherin's had been holding their breath in anticipation. If a Prince's son, was anywhere but Slytherin he'd be considered as MORE of a 'blood traitor'


The Slytherin table cheered louder, then she'd heard at all tonight. Severus strutted over, nose in the air to be greeted by Spencer and his whole friend group. Narcissa met Lalia's eye and gave her a weak smile, before leading Severus over to sit with them.

"Smith, Kaitlin."


"Greengrass, Jayde." Another blonde girl separated from the crowd, she was taller with more slender features. She was so tall, and lanky she barely fit on the stool. Jayde looked like the type of carefree, sarcastic type.


Rabastan Lestrange, and Noah Emerson- her cousin's best friends, walked over towards her as if to collect her so she could sit with them.

"Lupin, Remus."

Lalia was in full panic mode now, her hair was black- and her eyes wide as she looked up at the taller boy with a horrified expression. Remus gave her a gentle smile, "Look, you'll be okay." Remus gave her hand, a hard yet- tender squeeze.

Lalia felt her hair shift, and slowly fade as she looked into his warm, calming eyes. With one last reassuring look, Remus turned on his heel and headed to the stool nearly tripping over as he walked up the steps.


Crap. All of her friend's were sorted into Gryffindor, and she was one of the only first years left. Lalia began to rock, back and fourth on her heels her hair was now a mix of black and bright pink.

"Zabini, Calia."

A darker skinned girl, with a bored expression walked towards the stool. She walked with her nose pointed in the air, with poise, and grace much like Narcissa. However, Calia looked as though she'd have a secret playful side hidden underneath a strict expression.


Bellatrix and Rodolphus 'collected' her this time, leaving a puzzled expression on her face- why did it seem as though they were  collecting them?

"Pucey, Anson."


"Pierce, Lalia." Lalia was startled to hear her name, and she noticed the hall went deadly silent- every eye was on her as she nervously walked from the crowd. Pierce-Emrys, were a powerful, feared family- if anyone dared doubt their power, it could be the last thing they did.

There was a phrase, a phrase that was instilled into their mind since a very young age. Her relatives constantly reminded her of it, it was like a second family motto. 

"You can be two things in life: A warrior, or a vizard."

 Which in simpler terms meant, you could either go on the path that was made for you, and do it with pride. Or you could pretend to go on the path everyone wanted you on, but disguise the path you were truly on.

This moment, as she sat upon the wobbly wooden stool was the moment she figured that out.

"Well, well. A Pierce." The hat's voice startled her, as it spoke low in her ear. Lalia didn't know what colour her hair was at this point, her emotions were all over the place. "Hmmm..... your ambitious, but so filled with courage, and bravery." the hat paused, "There's a light, pureness in you, but your bravery outshines that all...."

"You are very hard to place, but nevertheless..."


Lalia grinned proudly, and the hat was removed from her head. Her hair began to flash, red and yellow. The Gryffindor colours.

The whole Gryffindor table cheered wildly, and the Slytherin's sat their stunned, and in confusion. Spencer's eyes were wide, as he watched his baby cousin shuffle over and sit beside a sandy haired boy.

"W-what?" Narcissa stuttered.

"I'm just letting her do her own thing." Lucius mimics, in an impression of Spencer. Bellatrix couldn't hide the shock evident on her features, as the first year Slytherin's just sat there in pure confusion.

Rodolphus ran a hand through his hair, and grunted. "This is on you Emrys." He pointed a shaky finger at Spencer, as Bella ran a hand up and down his arm in attempts to calm him down.

Noah however, tried his hardest to hide a curious smile.

Lalia sat down beside Remus, who gave her a shy, blushing sideways hug. "Hi, I'm Marlene. This is Alice." The blonde formally introduces.

She smiled brightly, "Lalia." They shook hands, and Alice offered hers next. Now that she was closer up to the girls, she eyed them in awe. Marlene was super pretty, her hair was a deeper blonde than Lalia's blonde-white, she was lightly tanned and had a contagious smile.

Alice seemed to always have a dreamy expression, she had short black hair and was very pale, and defined.

"Would you like some ham?" Remus asked her, loading some onto his own plate.

"Erm- yes, thanks." Lalia stammered awkwardly, watching as his long fingers stabbed some ham and gently loaded it onto her plate.

As she dug in, Lalia didn't dare glance at the Slytherin table.

She was scared of all the threatening, disapointing looks she'd see.

end of chapter

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