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[𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 π’‰π’π’˜ π’•π’˜π’ π’˜π’“π’π’π’ˆπ’” 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 π’Žπ’‚π’Œπ’† 𝒂 π’“π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰π’•]


MARINA JUST FOCUSED ON HER DRAWING AS SHE SAT IN THE TWINKIE. It was parked outside of the chateau and unluckily for her, Kiara and Sarah had made their way over to her and sat down beside her. "He said it looked something like this." Kiara says, looking down at the paper that had the drawing of the well. "Thats about fifty feet down and they're using a hundred feet rope. So, i guess this little wagon will go, straight to the gold room." She says with a laugh and Sarah joins in.

"Who drew this?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Who do you think?" Kiara retorts, her eyes shifting over to Pope momentarily with a small smile on her lips. "Should've had Mari do it, she saw it too." She states and Sarah glanced over toward Marina.

"You draw?"

"No, im just scribbling notes on this huge sketchbook." Marina bluntly replies causing Sarah to frown and sort of shelter into herself.

"Mari, it's fine, okay? We made up. We were just messing around cause we didn't want the boys to think they won." Kiara tells her with a smile, not seeming to notice the anger that Marina had. She just grabs her bag, moving to the edge of the van.

"Thats good for you, Kiara." She responds before walking toward the house. Kiara went to call out to her but Marina didn't stop. She just slammed the door behind her, huffing as she sat down on the couch.

Marina didn't notice JJ had been in the kitchen until she heard slight shuffling in front of her. She lifts her head, seeing the man with a beer in his hand. "So... we gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" JJ asks her curiously as he walks over to her.

"I don't know what youre talking about, JJ." Marina denies as she starts to focus back on her drawing.

"Really? Youre acting like sarah killed your entire family." He points out, leaning against the side of the couch. "What did she do to piss you off?" JJ questions.

"Shes a kook. Isn't that reason enough?" Marina retorts and JJ presses his lips together tightly.

"Thats fair. But she did help us get the gold."

"I'm supposed to believe she helped us out of the goodness of her heart?" Marina asks with a scoff, rolling her eyes.

"Look, I wasnt the biggest fan of her when she joined the group, but John B likes her and her and Kie obviously made up so I mean, isn't that reason enough?" JJ didn't know why Marina had a problem with Sarah, but clearly it stemmed from something other than Kiara.

"Just forget it." She mutters as she shakes her head.

"Hey." JJ steps in front of her before holding up his hand in the same salute he did before. "Pogue honour." He tells her and she hesitates, chewing her bottom lip.

"You won't tell anybody?" She asks him reluctantly and he narrows his eyes.

"Have you known me to break the honour code?"

"Well, you just made it up last night." Marina points out, trailing off a bit. JJ laughs, tilting his head as he gazes down at her.

"I won't tell anybody." He assures her and she still seemed a bit hesitant to say anything.

"I'm serious, JJ. Not even John B." Marina denies and JJ furrows his eyebrows but nods his head. Marina sighs, glancing at the ground for a second. "Shes the reason I was sent to juvie." She admits and JJ was at a loss for words, just staring at the girl.


"She ratted me out. And i really dont feel like trusting her just because John B wants to get in her pants, okay?" Marina tells him and JJ finding out Sarah was a narc honestly wasn't all too surprising, he just wondered what had happened.

"What did she say?"

"I crashed a kook party to help my dad sell some pills when business was slow, it was the only time I did it until..." She stops herself, not wanting to think about that night ever again. JJ seemed a bit awkward as she brought it up as well. "Anyways, Sarah saw me dealing and next thing I know I'm being arrested outside the party." Marina explains to her and he sighs, rubbing his hand along his face.

"Shit." He mutter, looking around the kitchen.

"Yeah, i served a month because of her." Marina tells him.

"And kie doesn't know any of this?" JJ questions curiously.

"When she went to the kook academy I just didn't see the point in telling her shit that happened in my life. I mean, I would just fuck it up for her, you know?" Marina points out with a shrug. Kiara had a bright future, even now even when she wasn't at the kook academy. Marina truly didn't think she fit in.

"But she didn't notice you were gone for a whole month?" Jj asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Surely Kiara had some sense that Marina wasn't around.

"Its whatever. Nobody else really cared to notice either so, and why would they? Im not exactly memorable." She explains to him, fiddling with her fingers. JJ watches her carefully, not getting why she tore herself down this much. She was beautiful, interesting, talented-- and she wasn't annoying unlike half the people on this goddamn island.

"I would notice." JJ tells her and this causes her to look back up at him, a bit confused.


"If you disappeared right now for a whole month, I would notice." He states and she stares at him. Marina couldn't tell if he was really being genuine or just saying what he thought she needed to hear. Either way, she knew she could disappear tomorrow and nothing would change.

"Its fine, JJ. You don't have to lie to make me feel better, I'm used to feeling like an outsider." Marina tells him and JJ seemed a bit taken a back. He opens his mouth to say something but the door opened.

"Yo, we're leaving." John B tells them but stops, flickering his eyes between them and the awkward tension. "Everything good?" He asks curiously but Marina just walks toward the door without even a glance.

"Yeah, dude. Let's just go." JJ mumbles as he heads past John B. The man seemed confused as to what he had walked in on, especially since JJ seemed a little sad. But he didn't question it, at least he wouldn't now with all their friends around.


AS THEY GET OUT OF THE VAN, JJ examines the gold he had in his hand.
"Hell of a job melting it down, doctor Frankenstein." He mumbles as he looks toward Kiara who narrows her gaze, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Like you couldve done any better." She retorts with a scoff.

"I could have done much better. I took a welding class."


"Chill out, okay?" John B tells them, raising an eyebrow at the pair.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off. How'd I get this job anyways?" JJ questions with a small groan.

"Cause you're the best liar." Pope points out and JJ rolls his eyes a bit.

"Still think Mari should do it." Kiara adds.

"Yeah, she has a much better poker face." John B tells them and JJ glares toward his friends for a minute.

"I'm offended and quite frankly, I'm way more charming." JJ says with a chuckle and Marina places a hand on her hip, tilting her head.

"Oh, really?" She retorts and JJ turns a bit red as he looks toward her.

"Not that you're not charming. Got that whole cloak and dagger thing going on." JJ tells her, gesturing to her and she just shakes her head before they head into the shop. "Afternoon, ma'am." He says, looking toward the older woman who worked there.


"I see you buy gold." He points out and she just leans her hand on the counter.

"Thats what the sign say, don't it?" The woman responds bluntly, gesturing up at the sign. Marina went to disperse like the rest of the group when suddenly an arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled toward the counter.

"Well, i sure hope you buy a lot of it because me and my girl are about to blow your mind." JJ tells her and Marina felt her eyes widen a bit but she quickly fixed her demeanor. Her gaze shifted to where his hand was placed on her hip and she tried not to think about it.

"Really? You and venom over here? Sorry, cupcake, but you're like my little pony compared to her." She responds with a chuckle, pointing at the supposed couple.

"Thats why it works, you know, opposites attract, don't they?" JJ states, bringing her closer and she gasped lowly as she felt herself pressed up against his side.

"Mhm." The woman still didn't seem to believe it. Marina had to act like she liked his touch, adjusting herself slightly.

"He was very desperate, thought I'd give him a shot." Marina adds and JJ licks his bottom lip.

"Now that I believe." The woman admits before JJ takes the gold out, placing it on the counter.

"How about them gold apples."

"That aint real."

"That aint real?"

"It can't be."

"Feel how heavy it is." JJ tells her and she just narrows her gaze as she picks it up. "You think my girl would bring in some fake shit? Do you know her reputation?" He asks her and the woman looks toward Marina, clenching her jaw.

"Unfortunately, i do." She admits, looking away from them. Marina glances at JJ.

"Overselling it, dont you think?" She mumbles toward him and he just pulls her a bit closer.

"Never." JJ responds before clearing his throat. "Lets get some light on that." He says, watching the woman examine the gold.

"Spray painted tungsten."

"Spray painted tungsten? Really? Okay. Why don't you see how, uh, soft it is?" JJ asks her and the woman raises an eyebrow.

"You mind?" She asks curiously, trying to call their bluff.

"No, go ahead." Jj says and the woman hits it a few times. "Would you look at that? Hard as a rock. Same as the rock I'm gonna put on my girls hand as soon as you give me my money." He tells the woman before smiling down at Marina who forces a smile onto her face.

"Hes really cheap so I would love for you to give us a good amount, ma'am." Marina pleads, seeing JJ holding back a laugh as they both look back toward the woman.

"Hold your horses. We havent gotten to the acid test yet."

"Ooh, the acid test. My favourite, guys." JJ says, looking toward their friends. Marina actually felt comfortable within JJ's grasp, which was odd to her. The way his warmth captivated her, his fingers dragging along the skin of her hip, it made her shiver.

"Well, it ain't plated and it ain't painted." She mumbles, seemingly surprised to see that they weren't lying after all.

"Ma'am, I'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long."Β  JJ tells her boldly and the woman stares at it for a bit longer.

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down."

"My mom." He answers her. "She had all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to-- to melt it down. To consolidate it, you know?" JJ explains to her and Marina didn't know how believable that sounded.

"Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings."

"All right, to be honest ma'am, it's really hard to see my mom fall apart with alzheimers." He admits, faking a sniffle as he looks down at his hands. Marina fought back a smile as she reluctantly placed her hand on his arm.

"She thought she was doing something special for her son, you know?" Marina adds and the woman gives them a once over, flickering her eyes between them.

"Mhm. Give me a minute." She tells them, turning to walk away.

"Take your time." JJ tells her before feeling his arm be ripped away from Marina, forcibly moving to his side.

"Youre lucky I'm not pouring acid on you right now." Marina threatens, narrowing her gaze and he just crosses his arms against his chest.

"Cheap? Desperate?" He says, amused as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Youre lucky I didnt punch you, and I'm short, so you know where my hand goes." Marina mutters, her gaze dropping for a moment. JJ can't help but smirk down at her.

"Our first lovers quarrel, gotta document this for our scrapbook." He teases her and she bites the inside of her cheek, rolling her eyes as she looks away from him.

"Youre such an idiot." She tells him but he could see the amusement in her eyes that she tried to hide.

"So, i uh, i talked to my boss." The woman says as she walks back over to the counter.


"And, uh, this is what I can do." She says, writing down a number and sliding it over to them. JJ and Marina both look at him before glancing back at the woman.

"Fifty thousand?" JJ asks, raising an eyebrow. "We may be young, ma'am, but we aint stupid. I know what this is worth and it ain't a mere fifty." He denies with a scoff.

"Dont you kids have summer school to attend?" She questions, tilting her head.

"This is worth a hundred and forty at least." JJ says, pointing his finger down at the counter.

"Well, sweetie, you in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do i look Swiss to you?"

"Ninety, or we walk because my man knows I'm worth more than a lousy fifty grand." Marina tells her, placing her hand on her hip. JJ loved those words coming from her, even if they weren't real. Her man. Hopefully that came true one day.

"Seventy. Half price and um... i don't ask questions about where you got this." The woman answers them, narrowing her gaze. JJ goes quiet, his eyes shifting toward John B who nods his head.

"I'm gonna need that in large denominations please." He tells her, trying to contain his excitement.

"Well, here's the snag, I dont have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashiers check."

"Cash-- no, ma'am. I want the cold hard. Thats what that sign says. Cash for gold, thars what I expect. I'm gonna get it in the cold hard."

"Well, i have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that all right?" She asks them, raising an eyebrow. Marina had rested against the counter, a bit annoyed but they knew they had to go if they were going to get anything.

"Wheres this warehouse?"


DRIVING DOWN THE BACKROADS, Marina was sat beside JJ as she drew in her notebook. Her back leant against the door as the van jolted every few seconds from the gravel. JJ's arm would brush against hers but she tried to pay no mind to it. "So, they keep money out here?" Pope asks curiously as he gazes out the window at the forest.

"Thats what she said." JJ admits with a small shrug before chuckling. "Thats what she said--"

"Stop." Pope says bluntly and JJ's smile drops. Marina rolls her eyes playfully, knowing JJ just had to turn everything dirty.

"I'm surprised you didn't get your arm broken, Jayj." Kiara states as she stares at the man.

"That was the longest I've seen anybody touching Mari and that's including Kie." Pope points out, also a bit surprised.

"Well, her words weren't exactly kind. I think it was something along the lines of punching me in the dick." JJ states, tilting his head toward the girl, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"I still could." Marina states, not even glancing toward him as she focused on her drawing.

"You can't do that to me, im too pretty." He denies, placing his hand on his chest and she scoffs.

"I know that isn't true, exactly why I'm letting your face go unharmed."

"My heart can't take more of these insults, Mari." JJ tells her, his head resting back against the door but it had fallen ever so slightly, pressing against her shoulder lightly before lifting back up. Marina chews at her bottom lip, trying to concentrate but her eyes flicker to him for the smallest second, seeing him laugh as he looks toward Pope and Kiara.

"I've never even heard of resurrection drive." Sarah denies, cutting into the playful conversation.

"Cause you're rich." JJ snaps back, a bit annoyed.

"Youve never heard of it either." Kiara points out, narrowing her gaze at the man.

"Thank you." Sarah seemed glad Kiara stuck up for her but she could see the scowl that formed on Marina's face briefly before the girl flicked JJ on the forehead.


"Hands off." Marina warns him and he gives her a pout.

"I was just trying to take a peek, geez." JJ responds, rubbing his forehead.

"Theres nothing but weeds back here." Kiara denies with a sigh.

"All right, just cause its just weeds, doesn't mean it's, like.." JJ trails off as he sees flashing blue lights behind them.

"Cops? Out here?" Kiara asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"God! Are you kidding me?" JJ groans out, hitting the seat. Marina sits up slightly, glancing out the back window.

"What did we do?" Sarah questions.

"Why are we getting pulled over?" Pope adds.

"Stash that." John B says, pointing toward the gold that JJ had.

"Chill, guys." Kiara tells them as they rush to get the gold hidden before the cop came up to the door.

"I hate cops." JJ mutters.

"Did you bring the gun?" John B asks, immediately worried that he had it in his possession.

"No, okay? Everybody told me to leave it back at the place."

"Thank God. Please, everything else in your bag, how much weed do you have on you, bro?" Kiara questions.

"Why aren't you asking Mari that? She smokes more than me." JJ points out, gesturing toward the smaller girl.

"Because I'm not an idiot who brings my whole stash." She retorts and he narrows his eyes at her.

"Just for that comment, you're not getting any next time." He denies but they all knew that he would give her all of it if she just looked at him the right way.

Suddenly a gun clicking caught their attention causing them to freeze. "Why dont I go ahead and see them hands in the air, all right?" The man says from the window, pointing the gun directly at John B. "All yalls hands up in the air right now!" He demands and everyone raises their hands. "You, out of the car right now!" He states, looking at John B as he opens the car door. "Out of the car! Let's go, hurry!" Marina squints her eyes, trying to get a better glimpse at the man but she couldn't.

"Let them out!" The back door opens and JJ moves his body slightly so he was in front of Marina. "What are you waiting on!?" The man shouts and everyone files out of the car, JJ making sure to stick in front of Marina, the gun never on her.

"Were broke--"Β  JJ tries to say but the man only grabs him, pushing him back.

"Shut the hell up!"

"All right! Just relax!" JJ shouts back.

"Shut up!" He warns and Marina flinches a bit as she sees the gun now against JJ. "Blow your damn head off!" He sneers and Marina grabs JJ's arm, yanking him back toward her. He stumbles a bit but at least he wasn't directly against the gun. Jj glances at her, his eyes dropping to her hand.

"Lay down in the ditch! On your goddamn hands and knees!" The man demands and they get down, but the familiarity in his voice made Marina's slight fear evaporate. "Put your face on the ground. Don't let me see you look up! That's all yall gotta do." He tells them as he moves back toward the van. Marina glances up, seeing the guys movements and studying them closely.

"Its a setup, guys!" Kiara states the obvious.

"That old bat shanked us." JJ says, banging his fist against the ground angrily.

Marina just narrows her eyes, moving slightly onto her knees. "What are you doing?" Pope asks in a hushed whisper causing everyone to look at her. "Mari!" He says but she glares toward him as she stands up.

"Relax." She responds, making her way toward the van. Marina wasn't even being quiet as she slammed the van door open, seeing him turn quickly toward her and as she looks in his eyes, her instinct was answered.

"Bitch, i said get on the ground, don't make me tell you a third time!" Barry shouts at her but she just places her hands on her hips.

"Put the gun down, Barry. We both know you aren't shooting me." She denies and she could see the hesitation in his eyes. Her friends look beyond confused as they stare up at her from the ground.

"You know him?" Pope asks, bewildered.

"Take the mask off, you're not fooling anybody." Marina states, not about to play this game with him. Barry didn't seem to know what to do so he just moved the gun closer to her.

"Just get on the ground!" Barry demands and JJ uses the diversion to sneak behind the man.

"Make me." Marina responds before he was pushed to the ground by JJ, the gun scattering from his hand. John B picks up the gun before Barry can, JJ kicking his stomach and forcing him onto his back.

"You son of a bitch!" Kiara screams as she also kicks him while Sarah hits him with the car door. Barry groans as he holds his side while JJ rips his mask off.

"I know this piece of shit! He's a base head." JJ tells them, looking disgusted.

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah mutters, shaking her head.

"He sells coke to my dad." JJ states.

"How'd you know it was him?" John B questions as he looks toward Marina.

"He comes to my house way too often to get supplies from my dad." Marina explains before bending down in front of the man. "Now, you're gonna leave us alone, or, I'm gonna make sure your little business runs dry as dirt." She threatens before tilting her head. "Or, I'll tell my dad you put a gun to my head and we'll see which one of us leaves in a body bag." She finishes and Barry chuckles, spitting out some blood onto the dirt.

"You don't gotta wound me like that, doll. I wouldn't have touched ya. Your friends, well, that's a different story--" He doesn't get to finish as JJ had thrown his fist down, punching the man harshly.

"Jj!" Kiara scolds as JJ bent down, searching through Barry's pockets.

"Dude, Chill, man." Pope tells him as the man stands up, holding up Barry's wallet.

"We got one last stop." JJ tells them, taking the id out before slamming it back down on the ground and heading toward the van.

"Hey!" Barry screams out.

"Lets go see where this son of a bitch lives." JJ states.

"I'm gonna remember this shit! You can't run from me! I know exactly who yall are!" Barry says but none of them listen to him, following after JJ.

"You know, i could've just told you, right?" Marina asks the man, raising an eyebrow and JJ just sends her a smirk.

"This was more fun." He admits, shrugging his shoulders. Marina shakes her head but jumps into the van with the others, heading off down the road and far away from the drug dealer.


"WELCOME TO CRACKHEAD WASTELAND." Sarah says as they drive toward a trailer park. Marina glances out the window, recognizing the place as she had been there quite a few times. Pope sighs as he shakes his head.

"I don't know about this, man." He denies.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B questions but JJ just parks the van, getting out of the drivers seat.

"This'll only take a second." JJ tells them, closing the door and John B sticks his head out of the window.

"Where you going?" John B calls out toward him.

"Yo soy justicia."

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asks with an annoyed tone. John B just runs a hand over his face.

"You know, somebody should probably..." Kiara trails off a bit.

"I got it." John B mumbles as he opens the door to jump out, heading off toward the trailer.

Marina watches him momentarily before also opening the door to the back, causing Kiara to look at her confused. "Where are you going?" She asks curiously and Marina doesn't even glance back at her.

"I'll be back in a second." Marina tells her.

"You should just stay here with us."

"Seriously, Kiara, I'll be fine." Marina mumbles and this catches Kiara off guard. She almost never called her by her actual name unless it was just casual. Her eyebrows furrow and she just sits back in her seat.

"Whats up with you two?" Pope asks, looking toward the upset girl.

"I don't know, she's been icing me out since last night." Kiara admits, fiddling with her fingers.

Marina makes her way into Barry's trailer, catching John B's attention but he was too distracted trying to stop JJ. "What are you doing?" He calls out to his friend who had headed down the hall.

"Getting even!" JJ shouts back at him.

"Mari, just wait in the car." John B pleads but Marina just stays where she was.

"Hes right, John B, Barry was gonna steal from us."

"Its great that you're on his side but we really don't need people going along with his bad ideas." John B denies.

"Well, thats fine because this is my idea." Marina responds as she moves through the living room. John B closes his eyes momentarily, his fingers going to the crease in his eyebrows.

"I'm gonna lose my damn mind." He mumbles before watching the girl search through a few cabinets. "Mari, just go back to the car, please?" John B tells her and she just continues what she was doing.

"Youll have to drag me there, John B." She states as she opens up part of the shelve. Marina sees a baggy inside carrying a few pills. Taking it, she shoves it into her pocket before turning around.

"All right, took care of business." JJ admits as he comes back from down the hall. John B stops him before he could leave.

"Hey, look at me. If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad--" JJ grabs his collar, his fists tightening as he glares at his best friend.

"You watch your mouth, man." JJ warns him as Marina walks over to them.

"JJ chill, okay?" She says, knowing John B was realistically just trying to help, but he just wasn't doing it in the right way. JJ glances at her for a moment but let's the man go.

"Arent you tired of being messed with?" JJ asks him.

"Thats not the point, JJ."

"Cause i am."

"Dont let them get the upper hand, John B, it's the rule of the jungle. You do that, you're dead." Marina adds before leaving the house with JJ.

"All right, so, we're looking at five grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit. Sorry about that, yall." JJ tells the rest of the group who seemed more confused than ever.

"So, thats what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" Kiara questions with a scoff.

"This Barry guys gonna find out and he's gonna come after us." Sarah points out and Marina just rolls her eyes a bit.

"Yes, he will. This is not the time to start wilin' out." Pope denies.

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" JJ asks them, raising his eyebrows.

"Relax, okay?" John B tells him, getting in front of him.

"He had it right here on you, bro." He says, putting his fingers to John B's forehead.

"Look, we've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me the shit. We're putting it back." John B states, going to grab it from JJ who just grabs his shirt, pushing him against the van, numerous gasps being heard. "You feel like a tough guy, huh?" He asks, staring at his best friend who let's him go. "What are you gonna do when he comes after us?" John B questions.

"We punch him in the throat."

"Yeah, good fucking idea, JJ."

"I'm not putting it back." He denies, jumping into the van. "You guys getting in or what?" JJ asks as he stares at them. The whole group seemed annoyed except for Marina who understood why he was acting this way. She would do the exact same thing. "What?" He asks with a scoff as he gets back out of the van.

"Were sick of your shit." John b tells him.

"Oh, my shit?"


"Your pulling guns on people shit." Kiara adds.

"You acting like a freaking maniac--" Pope starts but JJ cuts him off, taking a step closer to him.

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man! You know how much money I owe because of you?" JJ questions, pushing him back slightly.

"I'm gonna pay you back and I didn't ask you to do that!"

"I just did! Pay it back, right here, right now, by myself." JJ sneers as he stares back at the man before shaking his head and separating some of the cash. "Mari is the only one getting something because she's the only one of you dimwits that has a brain!" He shouts, holding some cash out to Marina who takes it from him. Their eyes linger for a moment before he looks back to the group. "You know the only reason I even have a dent of it paid of is because of her? She got in trouble with her dad because of me and she was sent to that goddamn kook party because of--" He stops himself, looking away from the group.

Marina couldn't help but frown. She didn't know that he blamed himself for her going to the party. He had nothing to do with it but it didnt seem like he thought the same way. "You know what? Thats exactly what I'm gonna do. Go off by myself." JJ mutters, grabbing his bag and beginning to walk away from the group.

"Jj." Pope calls out after him, going to walk but John B stops him.

"Hey, wait, man."

"Just let him go." Kiara says with a sigh before watching Marina climb into the van. "Youre not keeping that, Mari." She denies and Marina just scoffs as she places the money into her own bag.

"Watch me." She retorts. Kiara clenches her jaw but only gets into the van as well, followed by the others. The tension still thick and lingering between them. Marinas eyes move to the window, catching a glimpse of JJ's disappearing figure. Her heart jumps a little bit, small shudders appearing down her spine before she just looks down at her hands.


AS THE TWINKIE DROVE DOWN THE ROAD, Marina was the unfortunate last one in the van with John B and Sarah. Her two least favourite people right now. She never had an issue with John B until now, the way he blatantly listened to whatever Sarah said and believed she could do no wrong. How stupid he was to believe that. Marina was just drawing, trying her best not to make awkward eye contact or start any small ended conversations.

Clearly they weren't thinking the same way. "So, we just dropping you at home?" John B asks her curiously and she wanted to roll her eyes. Where else would they be dropping her? She could've left with Kiara but then she'd just be nagged about Sarah or something else she'd rather not talk about.


"Still have a little time to consider giving that money back." He points out and Marina scoffs.

"Just talk to your rich, entitled girlfriend, John B. Don't act like we're friends." She responds bluntly. Marina wasn't looking at the man but she could hear the deep sigh that left his lips.

"Okay, what is your problem with Sarah?" John B snaps slightly. Sarah shakes her head but he keeps going. "No, seriously? You have an issue with her, you can just speak your mind right here and now cause im sick of this shit." He explains while Marina just stares at her page. "Just because she's a kook doesn't mean she doesn't belong in the group. Don't forget you only just joined too because of Kie." He states and she raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, because of Kie? What happened to, you're a pogue Mari, we have your back?"

"Well, right now youre icing kie out and treating Sarah horribly so--"

"John B, just let it go, okay?" Sarah tells him, staring down at her hands.

"No, Sarah, she's being--"

"Seriously, just drop it." She says, a little more sternly and John B was confused as he stared back at his girlfriend.

"See? Even she knows she's not innocent." Marina mutters, glaring at the couple. Sarah closes her eyes momentarily before turning to face the girl.

"Look, Mari--" She starts to say but is cut off by the reving of an engine behind them. "Oh shit, that's rafe." Sarah points out. Marina looks behind her, seeing a motorcycle speeding up to them.

"Hey pull that piece of shit over!" Rafe screams as he gets the the drivers side window before pulling in front of them, causing John B to slam on the breaks. He goes to open the door but Sarah stops him.

"Shit, no, no, no. John b."

"What?" He asks, turning back to her.

"Let me handle him." Sarah says before getting out of the car to go and talk with her brother. John B sighs but doesnt say anything, rather moving his eyes back to Marina.

"It would be way easier if you just told us what happened." John B points out and Marina only closes her book, shoving it into her bag.

"Oh, so you can take your girlfriends side and act like it's all forgiven? I'll pass." She admits, putting the straps onto her shoulders.

"At least if we knew, we could figure out a way to get past it together."

"Always the peacemaker, John B." Marina mumbles, opening the door beside her. "Did it maybe ever occur to you that I don't want to forgive her?" She asks, not waiting for a response as she gets out of the van, closing the door.

Heading over to where Rafe and Sarah were arguing, she ignored Toppers presence entirely, just stopping next to them. "Rafe, just leave her alone." She tells him and she could see Rafes eyes roll as he lets his head tilt back for a moment.

"Of course." He mumbles underneath his breath before meeting her eyes. "Mari, you know who Barry is--"

"Yeah, and he won't do shit." She denies and Rafe bites his tongue.

"Maybe not to you. But he wants his money back."

"Well, he can always go into prostitution." Marina suggests bluntly and she could see that Rafes anger was building.

"Marina, it's fine, i got this." Sarah denies, not wanting her to get caught in the crossfire.

"I'm really not here to defend you, Sarah." She denies, not exactly looking the friendliest as she met Sarah's gaze. Rafe ducks his head, moving close to Marina.

"Come on, i helped you out and this is how you're gonna repay me?" He points out, his voice a bit low and this causes her jaw to go slack. Was he really about to use what happened to her as a bargaining tool?

"Oh, so what i owe you now? Suddenly just because you're a decent person for one second, I'm supposed to be in debt to you for the rest of my life?" Marina retorts, not understanding where he got the nerve to say something like that.

"At least give me some gratitude." She scoffs, glaring up at him.

"Go fuck yourself, Rafe."

"Yeah, I'll go do that and take your witness statement with me." Rafe suggests, chuckling underneath his breath. Her jaw clenches a bit.

"Wow. I really didn't think you could be even more of a dick." This was exactly why she didn't even bother going to the cops. Rafe pulled this sort of shit and would probably say she was indebted to him forever.

"You, my sister and all your little pogue friends are gonna give Barry his money back, you got that?" Rafe states as he steps closer to her but Marina doesn't even budge.

"And I said he ain't getting shit."

"You think I'm messing around, Mari? You don't get the money, we're all as good as dead." Rafe scoffs as he brings his fingers up to his temples momentarily.

"As long as he goes for you first, I'm good." Marina admits, crossing her arms against her chest. Suddenly she was shoved back, causing her to stumble a little.

"Maybe i should give liam a call, hm? Tell him exactly where you are since you're such a conniving pain in the ass you fucking bitch." Rafe sneers, his eyes full of anger but Sarah gets in the way, pushing him back.

"Rafe! What the fuck is wrong with you?" She accuses, glaring at the man before looking back at Marina who didn't seem to show if she was affected by Rafes words or not.

None of them noticed the car that had pulled up beside them, or the man who started making his way toward them until he spoke. "Whats going on here?" Marina recognized her fathers voice instantly and as she turns her head, she sees the deadly expression that he had set on Rafe.

"Uh, nothing, sir." Rafe denies quickly, clearing his throat as he takes a few steps away from his sister and Marina.

"Really? Cause it looks like you're harassing my daughter."

"Just having a little conversation." He admits, shrugging his shoulders. Diego nods as he continues to walk closer to Rafe.

"Didnt i tell you to never come around my daughter again?" Diego questions, tilting his head a bit and Rafes eyes drift slightly, his palms rubbing against his jacket. "You put your hands on her?" His tone was deadly as he stared at the boy in front of him.

"N-no sir." Rafe denies, clearly lying as his voice shakes a bit. Diego didn't believe him, why would he? All Rafe did was lie.

"He did, he pushed her." Sarah pipes up causing Rafe to send her a glare but Diego places his hand on his shoulder, getting his attention back.

"Son, I'm not a man who gives out second chances, let alone a third." He starts to say and Rafe nods his head. "So, let this serve as your last and final warning to never step foot near my daughter again or so help me god, you're gonna wish Barry is the one who dealt with you." Diego sneers and Rafe flinches under his touch before the older man pulls away, his gaze moving to his daughter. "Get in the car." He demands and Marina doesn't say anything, only turning toward the car.

A hand grabbing her wrist softly causes her to stop. "Marina, can we talk?" Sarah asks her, her eyes pleading but Marina pulls her hand away from the girls grasp.

"I don't want to talk to you, Sarah." She denies sharply before following after her dad. Sarah frowns but doesnt try and stop her, her eyes drifting to the ground.

As Marina gets in the car, she lets out a sigh as she puts her seat belt on. "I know what youre gonna say dad but we aren't the ones who started this." She denies, knowing she'd be in trouble for the Barry mess when it was him that tried to Rob them in the first place.

"I keep telling you to stay out of trouble." Diego tells her, his fingers placed in the furrow of his eyebrows.

"Barry tried to rob us, we were just hitting him back." Marina responds, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "Isn't that what you've always told me? Don't let anybody mess with you without messing with them back?" She asks him, raising an eyebrow and he stays quiet momentarily.

"I can't argue with that." He denies but that didnt mean it was just to be brushed off. "But at least be more careful than blatantly stealing money from his place when he knows it was you." Diego points out. Barry wouldn't dare do anything to Marina but that didn't mean her friends were out of the line of fire.

"Got it."

"Your mother's gonna try and contact you--"

"And I'll ignore her." Marina retorts but her father just continues to stare at her.

"I need you to talk with her." He admits and her eyes widen in the slightest.


"Try and convince her to stand down, if she doesn't well... tell her shes a crap mother and storm off." Diego says with slight amusement in his tone but it drifts off as he sees his daughters face.

"Dad, I really don't want to talk with her." Marina denies. Her mother chose a kook and never looked back until now, she didnt want to be the second choice.

"I know. But if she stands down before the whole lawyer situation, it could save the mess before it gets started."

"Fine." She mutters with a small roll of her eyes. "But you'll owe me new acrylics." Marina tells him, not about to suffer in her presence for free. Diego smiles lightly as he nods his head.

"Sounds good to me."


Authors note;

thank you for reading, be sure to comment your thoughts and reactions throughout the chapter, leave a like if you want to and stay tuned for more updates. check out my profile for more stories <3 ~ hunnie

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