THE BURNING FEELING INSIDE OF DEV'S CHEST WAS NOT NEW TO HER. This was not the first time their little group had gotten their hands on a few bottles of firewhisky, although it wasn't exactly a habit. May and Dev were much too fearful of the consequences if they were to get caught, but in that moment Dev didn't care. They had just returned back, after a particularly hellish Summer, and she was determined to start things off on a good—and fun—note.
Thinking back, Dev could remember their first time getting drunk fondly. It was the summer after their 4th year, and Dev and May had just arrived at the Burrow, preparing to spend a long weekend there. Whilst the girls weren't allowed in the twin's room, Molly had given them free rein elsewhere and told them to make themselves at home, as she had always told them. The girls sat out in the field, giggling and pointing out various constellations.
"Where are the boys?" Dev glanced back at the house, half-expecting to see the two bounding towards them in that moment. "They said they'd be out in a minute, it's been forever."
May shrugged, keeping her head tilted upwards at the star-spattered sky. May was a muggleborn witch, and she always was so in awe of her surroundings when she visited the burrow. She was certain the stars shined just a little bit brighter there, and not just because it was tucked away from the pollution and smog she was used to at her family's flat in London. No, the burrow was mystical.
"I'm sure they'll be out soon," May forced herself to glance away from the sky to her best friend.
As if on cue, the girls were alerted by the sound of the twins joking loudly and running towards them from the house. Tucked in Fred's hand was what appeared to be a vase which he shook in the air as he got closer.
"What's that?" Dev queried.
"Take a sip," The boy offered, pushing the vase towards the girl who jumped back with a look of disgust.
"If you think I'm foolish enough to take anything from you Weasley, you're mistaken," She shook her head. "Not after you tested your 'fainting fancys' on me."
Fred and George snickered at the memory before plopping down next to the girls and sitting cross-legged. Fred made a show of taking a gulp of the liquid in the vase, his face contorting into one of disgust as he coughed after.
"Ah, yes, because now we really want to try it," May joked sarcastically, drawing out the word 'really.'
"Oi, give it here, Fred," George rolled his eyes at his brother's reaction. He took a swig of the vase, careful to control his reaction. Still, Dev and May noticed the hint of disgust highlighting his expression.
Dev rolled her eyes and snatched the bottle from George, sniffing its contents. Her face scrunched at the way the smell alone seemed to burn her nostrils. It was something cinnamon-y, something she was certain she had never had before.
"Is this—" She paused, the realization hitting her. "Is this Firewhisky?"
"Nabbed it from our dad," Fred nodded proudly.
"Won't he notice?" May furrowed her eyebrows, leaning over Dev's shoulder to look into the contents of the vase.
"We re-filled the bottle with pumpkin juice," George shrugged.
"For two boys as smart as you are," May sighed, grasping the vase from Dev and taking a swig. It was clear the liquid was burning her throat, but she had a remarkably better reaction than the twins. "You sure are dumb."
The twins cheered at May giving in, then shifted their eyes to Dev with waiting grins. Dev glanced between her three friends before sighing and rolling her eyes, deciding she might as well say 'fuck it.' Snatching the vase from May, she tilted her head back and took a large gulp, determined to outshine her friends. Or, perhaps, determined to impress the red-head to her left. Quickly, she realized what a mistake that was, as she began to sputter and trails of the liquid dribbled down her chin.
"Atta girl!" The three cheered, Fred throwing an arm around the girl and squeezing her shoulder.
Dev pulled her self back to the current time, silently remarking how good that night had been. Sure, they had been caught. Of course they had. How else were they to explain Dev vomiting right outside Molly and Arthur's window, or May's never ending hiccups and giggles? Molly had laid into the group as they sat in a row on the couch, a trash bin rested in Dev's lap. She even threatened to call May and Dev's guardians and send them home the following morning. Luckily, she never did.
"Whatcha thinking about?" May prodded, knocking shoulders with the girl.
They had come along way in the year and some months since then. Dev had since learned that Firewhisky went exceptionally well with a good cup of tea, a tip she'd picked up inconspicuously when she caught Bill pouring a bit in a cup of his own. She had brewed a pot for the four of them that night, and now they sat in the astronomy tower, each clasping a cup. The Marauder's Map was sprawled out between them, each checking that no feet were coming their way.
"Just the first time we did this, at the burrow," Dev admitted.
"Don't remind us," Fred groaned.
"Mum laid into us for weeks after that," George shuttered.
"But it was fun!" Dev argued, sitting up on her knees. "I miss it, kind of. Things felt so much easier back then."
While May knew just what she was referring to, the twins sent one another confused looks. Other than graduating to N.E.W.T. students, nothing had really changed. In fact, in their eyes, this was looking to be one of their best years yet. With the Triwizard Tournament approaching and the arrival of the new schools, they couldn't fathom what possibly had Dev so stressed out.
"Why don't we play a game?" May suggested quickly, hoping to distract the boy's from Dev's statements.
"What'd ya have in mind?" George leaned forward, the same devilish grin illuminating both the twin's faces.
"There's this muggle game I always play with my friends back home, truth or dare," May suggested.
The boys eyes lit up instantly, while Dev quickly began to shake her head 'no.' Sure, she had a bit of liquid couragement in her, but she was not about to get in trouble after being forced to do some foolish dare from the twins. She knew them far too well.
"Uh uh," Dev tutted, ignoring the way the boys seemed to deflate. "If we play that, I'll be dared to snog Roger Davies or glue Filch to a chair or something. I'm not getting detention this early into the school year."
"Gross," Fred announced. "Like we'd ever dare you to snog Roger Davies."
While the rational part of Dev's brain knew he was only saying this because the four of them had always found Davies to be a know-it-all, the drunk part of her brain longed for his words to be a declaration of jealousy. Another shot of Firewhisky and she might have just found herself saying 'Would you prefer if I were dared to snog you?' The following morning, she was sure her sober self would be thanking the heavens that she kept her mouth shut in that moment.
"Well, why don't we just adjust the game then?" May shrugged. "Truth or drink, if you don't want to answer the truth, you take a swig." May grasped the half empty bottle of Firewhisky, swinging it into the middle just next to the map.
"While that sounds remarkably less fun, sure," George agreed, while Fred simply nodded disappointedly. "You go first May, it was your idea."
"Alright," May pondered, letting her eyes wander between her three friends. "Fred! Tell me the truth, was it you who dyed Church red fourth year?"
Church was May's fluffy white cat. Although old and a bit cranky, she adored the creature. He let very few people get close to him, other than May and Dev. It had not gone unnoticed to the girls that he refused to be anywhere near the twins after fourth year.
Fred's lips broke into a grin, one that was an answer alone. Despite already assuming it had been him, May gasped anyways and glared at the boy.
"Perhaps, but I didn't do it alone," His eyes wandered to his brother.
"George!" May yelled, slapping his knee. Both boys erupted into a fit of laughter.
"It was an accident, alright!" George broke his laughing, trying to keep a straight face. "Honest!"
"How do you accidentally dye a cat?" May threw her hands up in the air.
"Ah ah, you only get one truth. That will remain one of our many secrets," Fred tutted, wagging a finger at the girl. "Alright, my turn." The boy pretended to ponder, tapping his chin as he looked around the group, until his eyes ultimately fell on Dev. "Alright, Bumble Bee."
Dev had to hold back the groan that was threatening to slip her lips. Why was the boy in front of her so set on torturing her?
"Who are you hoping will ask you to the Yule Ball?"
The question hit her right in the gut. Did he know? There was no way he could, right? As Dev's thoughts raced, she was confronted with the very real knowledge that she wasn't exactly a master at concealing her feelings. May and Hermione had caught on easily. Had he noticed the way his words made her blush? Or the sadness written across her face every time she saw him flirting with Angelina Johnson at the Gryffindor table?
"No one, I'm not even sure I'm going to go." Lie. Of course Dev planned to go, she had already scoured multiple dress magazines. In fact, she had already prepared a clipping of one, planning to send it home to her Nan and ask if she could get it. But she wasn't ready to admit her feelings just yet, and drinking rather than answering would be too suspicious.
"You're lying!" Fred shot an accusatory finger towards her.
"Am not!" Dev retorted defensively.
Fred settled into his charming grin, letting his arm fall back down at his side.
"The tip of your ears—they turn red when you're lying." He stated matter-of-factly, and Dev found herself reaching up and covering both ears with her hands. "Fine, if you don't want to tell us, that's fine. But you do have to take a drink."
Dev lowered her hands from her ears and glared at the boy. She reached forward and snagged the bottle of Firewhisky. Downing one gulp, she replaced the bottle and wiped at her mouth, never breaking eye contact with him. As a chaser for the burning liquid, she raised her concoction of tea and Firewhisky to her lips and sipped. Unsurprisingly, it didn't provide much relief.
"Why do you want to know anyways?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Just figured, if me and Georgie here could make it happen, maybe it'd pull you out of this slump you're in," Fred shrugged. Although his tone was still joking, Dev couldn't help but feel warm at the sentiment.
"Well, it's my turn, so who do you want to ask?" Dev narrowed her eyes, no longer fighting back the smile that wanted to break free.
"Technically, I did just answer a question for you, but I'm feeling nice, so I'll tell ya anyways," Fred teased. "Thinking maybe Angelina Johnson, I reckon she might fancy me."
Dev's face fell instantly. She had foolishly hoped the boy was secretly harboring her same feelings, and that he would be just ballsy enough to admit them to her. Of course he didn't feel the same way, he had never been able to see the girl as anything but a sister. May slowly reached out and placed a comforting hand on Dev's knee, seemingly the only one to notice her sudden change in mood. Luckily for them, neither boy noticed this gesture either, as they were too busy fighting with one another.
"I wanted to ask Angelina to the ball!" George threw his arms up.
"Sorry mate, I don't think she looks at you that way," Fred shrugged.
"And what makes you so sure things are different with you?" George narrowed his eyes.
"Well, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but..." Fred trailed off, a cheeky grin gracing his features.
Dev decided she had heard enough. She downed the last of her cup in one gulp, not sure if the burning sensation in her throat was coming from the Firewhisky, the temperature of the tea, or her sudden need to scream. Perhaps it was a mix of all three.
"I really think we should be heading back," May announced, breaking up the bickering of the two twins.
"What? But we've just started the game?" George furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at the two girls. He took notice of May's hand on Dev's knee as well as the empty cup resting in her hands, something his slightly less emotionally-intuned brother didn't.
"Well, we still have classes in the morning, I don't want to be too hungover tomorrow," May feigned a yawn. "We can polish off the rest of the bottle this weekend, yeah?"
Despite their confusion, both the twins nodded and began scrambling to their feet. George's eye remained on Dev the entire time and she could feel the way he was trying to read her. May offered out her hand and helped to pull Dev up before squatting to gather their belongings.
"You girls take the map," George offered, pushing it their way. "Me and Freddie have gotten used to sneaking around the halls without it anyways. Just make sure to say—"
"Mischief managed, yeah," Dev muttered numbly, nodding her head. George pursed his lips into a fine line before following the girls down the stairs of the tower, his brother on his right.
They said their goodbyes before parting ways at the bottom of the steps. As the boys faded out of vision and May was sure they could no longer hear her, she stopped walking and positioned herself in front of Dev, who was refusing to meet her eye.
"Are we gonna talk about it?"
"What's there to talk about?" Dev sighed. "He doesn't like me that way. I already knew that."
"That doesn't make it any less hard to hear," May reasoned. In their five years of friendship, Dev had never known the girl to have a crush on anyone. Still, here she was, being as emotionally aware and helpful as Dev could ask for. Sometimes, she wondered what she did to deserve such a godsend of a friend. "Fred's a right git, we both know that. He can also be just about the most clueless person I've ever met."
Dev sniffled, knowing her friend was right. She forced herself to look up and meet the girl's eyes.
"Don't let that boy make you this sad this early on in the school year. Remember what we said? This is going to be our best year yet." May's hand rested warmly on Dev's shoulder.
"You're right," Dev sighed, her eyes wandering up to the ceiling so she could force away any tears threatening to spill. "I know you're right. Plus, I mean, with everything going on with me, I don't need that sort of distraction anyways."
May knew what she meant without her having to explain. While the two girls hadn't exactly verbalized what it was that Dev was going through, they both knew. May had been there every night, after every vision that tore her from her slumber. She had stood by and watched when all of the things Dev confided in seeing came true. At this point, she was sure she had more belief in Dev's abilities than Dev did.
"Let's go get some sleep, yeah?"
Dev nodded numbly, beginning to walk with May at her side. May's arm was wrapped comfortingly around Dev's shoulder as they both held the map between them. As their eyes ogled the page, they found themself giggling at the sight of Fred and George's feet hurrying along with Filch and Mrs. Norris not far behind them. It was a helpful distraction. One that allowed Dev not to the think of the boy with fiery hair and a smattering of freckles, or of the hellish scenes that unfolded every time she shut her eyes.
author's note !
oof this is kinda long, so I apologize for that.
but, I really like this chapter, and I hope you do too!
May is my sweet sweet angel. That is all.
rose <3
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