[ I apologize in advance for my shitty writing, I really need to learn how to write action scenes better lol. ]
Lili ran faster than she has ever ran in her entire life. Who knows where the kids may be and who knows if they're safe. All her mind was on was El and how she hoped that she didn't bleed out from the claw in her leg. The fate of her sister drove Lili to run faster and faster until her legs screamed for her to stop and give up.
Lili came to a messy stop, her arms flailing as she tried to slow down her speed. She hunched over and started to dry heave. Shit, Lili thought. I pushed myself too far.
A crash sounded behind her. Lili suppressed a scream and turned around abruptly to look at the noise. Her eyes scanned the empty street, lit only by a dim lamp post. Wind blew her hair from her shoulder to flapping behind her. She shivered, this wasn't supposed to happen during summer nights.
She let out a soft breath, but then her feet were pulled out from under her. She fell to the wet ground with a grunt. The side of her face hit the edge of a pothole and she felt her cheek sting. Her eyes pricked with tears as she slowly raised her head. Her eyes picked something up in their peripheral, it looked to be an outline of a man.
Lili turned to her back suddenly, as if she was going to catch him off guard. But he was gone. She felt her breathing become uneven and she scrambled to her feet, eager to get away. To her stomach's dismay, she ran faster than before.
On the way, she was passing the grocery store that Billy took her that night when Neil hit him. She didn't bother with it since it was just a normal store, but the broken glass on the floor caught her attention. She stopped running again and slowly stepped towards the dark store.
At the entrance, she was careful not to step on the sharp pieces. It was dead quiet in the store, it was eerie. Lili peeked around some displays and looked into the aisles, but no one was there. She was about to walk back out and chalk it all up to a robbery, but blood stopped her.
Down an aisle, by the meat cooler, was a small puddle of blood. There was a bowl and a cloth that was still fresh with antiseptic. Lili knelt down and looked at the cloth, then the blood. The blood started to move but before she could get a good look, the sound of someone stepping on glass made her head snap back to the front. Lili recognized who it was right away.
Lili quickly hid behind another aisle, slowly peeking back into the one where it had, she guessed, El's blood. Billy didn't looked at anything else but the pool of blood as he knelt down to examine it, much like what Lili did. She watched in anticipation as Billy dipped his fingers in the red pool and examined them.
Lili's arm brushed the handle of a broom and it fell to the floor with a loud clang. Billy's eyes snapped up just in time to see the tips of blonde hair escape back behind the aisle. He stood up and slowly started walking towards Lili, where she gulped and held her breath.
Billy was right at the end of the aisle, where Lili was, and stepped out to face her. Only, she wasn't there. The space was empty and Lili was gone.
She was in the other aisle, running down it with the lightest steps possible. She reached the end of it where the door was close by. As she ran out of the aisle, a hand wrapped around her hair and yanked her back. Billy turned her head to face him and Lili glared at him.
He threw her into a shelf with screws and glue, making her back dig into a metal rod. Lili groaned and touched her back with one hand and the other caressing her stomach. Billy stalked forward, but before he could get closer, Lili shot her hand out and Billy flew back into the cash registers.
Lili slowly got up and Billy shook off some of the wood and metal that he crashed into. Lili didn't waste a second in grabbing two shelves with a pulse and making them collapse on top of Billy.
"It's not him, it's not him," Lili said to herself as she pushed the shelves onto Billy, forcing him to stay down. He groaned and black veins appeared on his skin. He was resisting her powers, making her feel weak as he slowly overpowered her.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake. She felt the whole store rumble as the two fought for dominance in the arm wrestle of powers. Lili's eyes were bloodshot and the back of her ears split and blood started trickling down.
Billy cried out in pain and Lili let out a cry as the roof began to shake. Dust flaked the top of her head, but she didn't notice. The walls began to crumble and the lights flickered under the weight of the whole building. The roof fell to pieces over Billy. Lili showed no mercy to the Mind Flayer, burying it in a thick layer of the shattered grocery store.
Lili looked at the disaster in front of her with wide eyes. It was clichรฉ of her, but her eyes traveled down to her hands that were growling a faint gold. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she did that. She made a building collapse... on top of the love of her life. What has her life come to?
Her feet tripped over themselves as she ran backwards, making sure that Billy didn't move. She sped off into the darkness of the night, not looking back. But, if she did, she would've caught the slight movement of the pile, and then Billy's hand shooting up from the pile as he dug his way out.
Lili arrived at the Starcourt Mall soon after, eyeing the dimly lit building. She was standing in the empty parking lot and it hit her that she probably shouldn't be standing out in the open if there was a threat inside. She quickly ran to the gated area to the right where it led to the hallways that Robin let Sue and her escape to the theatre a few days ago. It felt like a century to Lili.
The grey hallways seemed to never end, so Lili turned left to a door and pushed it open carefully. She peeked out and let her eyes scan the area. It seemed that this door led to the part of the food court where the car showcase was. Lili quietly slipped through the door and pulsed it to keep it from slamming.
If the group was here, wouldn't they be making noise? Lili thought, but she shrugged it off. They were here, she knew it.
Suddenly, something black caught her eye. She quickly ducked into a corner, peeking out. She spotted an evil-looking men with machine guns surveying the area as if they were looking for someone. That might be the reason why they're quiet, Lili concluded.
One of the men stalked a little too far from the group and came close to where Lili was hiding. Letting out one small breath, Lili leapt out from the spot and caught the man off-guard. Before he could say anything, Lili tilted her head and like that, she pulsed his head away and a sickening cracking noise sounded. His body fell back and Lili sent out a pulse, like she did with the door, to catch the man before he fell to the floor before setting him back down.
Lili walked a bit forward, hiding behind another wall that was next to a food booth. She scanned all of the booths and finally settled on one that had five figured huddled behind it. She recognized Steve immediately, but the other four were obscured by the other booths.
Lili's eyes snapped up to the three men that were stalking forward to the booth that Steve was in, guns poised. Lili felt a rush of adrenaline as she ran forward, stepping onto one of the counters and onto a man's shoulders, pulsing him so that his insides turned to mush and blood trickled out of his mouth, ears, nose and eyes.
Inside the booth, Steve turned his eyes up at the sound of grunting and saw the familiar flash of blonde hair flying over the group he was with.
"Is that...?" Dustin questioned next to him.
"Yep," Steve answered.
The other two men took too long to realize what happened to their comrade. One held his gun up to Lili who was busy throwing a man up on the ceiling. Robin peeked out from the booth to look at what was going on. It only took her a millisecond to realize what was going on and she stood up quickly.
"No!" Robin screamed. "Lili!"
Lili turned around when the man pulled the trigger. Robin covered her ears and fear and trauma filled her features. Tears pricked her eyes as she watched helplessly as the bullet traveled through the air, straight for her best friend.
Lili pulled her hands up to cover her face and sent out a pulse, making the bullet bounce off her invisible shield. She let out a breath and turned to Robin who looked at her with an amazed expression.
Lili returned it with a slight laugh, but it was cut short when the evil man tackled Lili to the ground. Robin almost screamed, clasping her hand around her mouth and jumping a little. Steve stood next to her, watching the whole thing play out, wanting to help Lili.
The man pinned Lili's arms down as she thrashed around under him. The man leaned in close to Lili's ear to whisper, "Dasvidaniya."
Lili surprisingly understood what he said just based off of movies she's watched in the past. "Save your Russian shit!"
She pulsed him off her, making him fly back and to the far wall where another booth was. Lili walked forward, ready to end this Ivan guy, but she felt her body lift in the air. Lili screamed as the pressure on her released, making her tumble through the air.
Something red and shiny passed under her and Lili soon realized that it was the show car she saw earlier. The question was, why was she face-to-face with it while she was free-falling thirty feet in the air?
The car passed her and caught the evil man and squashed him between it and the booth. Lili felt the pressure return to her and she fell back down, making her stop right before she hit the ground. But then she was released again and she fell to the floor.
Groaning, Lili turned around to look at what did that. El and the group stood on the second floor balcony and El had both hands out, blood trickling down her nose.
Steve bolted out of the booth along with Robin to help Lili up. The blonde took both of their hands and they helped pull her up.
"Robin, what the hell are you-?" Lili started, but a head popped up from the booth as well. "Sue?! What the fuck?!"
"Hey, Lili," Sue shyly waved. She was still in her Imperial Panda work uniform and she looked like she needed some water.
"What's going on?" Lili asked Steve, gripping his arms forcefully. Dustin jumped from the booth and ran past Lili to hug El who was coming down the escalator with the help of Mike.
"Haha! You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!" Dustin's voice cracked. A little girl followed Sue, Robin and Steve and stopped right in front of Lucas.
"Lucas?" She asked.
"What are you doing here?" Lucas asked, his head shaking.
"Erica?" Lili asked, getting a good look at the girl. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever."
"Yeah, when did you get all..." Erica pretended to chop things in mid air. "Ninja?"
"Like, just now," Lili answered.
"What are you doing here?" Lucas asked again.
"Ask them, it's their fault," Erica pointed to Steve, Robin and Dustin. "Except Sue, she and I are best buds."
"Yeah, it's all their faults that we dropped a million feet in an elevator down to hell," Sue said, wrapping an arm around Erica's shoulders.
"True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault," Steve nodded.
"What?" Lili raised her brows.
"I don't understand what happened to that car or those men," Robin pointed to the bloody mess in the corner.
"Ditto," Sue nodded worriedly.
"El and Lili have superpowers," Dustin pointed at us nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tilted her head.
"Super powers, El threw that car with her mind and Lili can kill people with pulses. Come on, catch up," Steve snapped his fingers at Robin.
"That's El?" Erica pointed at her.
"Who's El?" Robin shouted over the little girl.
"Remember Ponyboy?" Lili asked.
"What?" Robin furrowed her eyebrows.
"Oh! That night we were drunk at the Snow Ball," Sue said.
"You really expect me to remember that night?" Robin rolled her eyes.
"I'm sorry," Nancy butted in. "Who are you?"
"I'm Robin, I work with Steve," Robin said.
"She cracked the top secret code," Dustin nodded.
"The who-what-what-now?" Lili asked, her hands in front of her like she could stop this word mess.
"Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place," Steve nodded.
"Russians?" Jonathan asked. "Wait, what Russians?"
"The Russians!" Steve pointed to the car.
"Those were Russians?" Max asked with her eyebrows raised.
"Wait, I just killed, like, four Russians?" Lili held her head with her hand.
"Um, three," Dustin corrected her. "Because... El killed the last one."
Lili glared at him. "I would've killed him if she didn't fling me in the air like a pancake!"
"I helped!" El shot back.
"Yeah, and the landing was so graceful! I could've had a miscarriage, thank you," Lili rolled her eyes. Steve, Robin, Sue and Dustin all stared at Lili.
"You're pregnant?!" They all screamed.
"No?" Lili cringed.
"Wait, what Russians? What are you guys talking about?" Lucas asked.
"Didn't you guys hear out code red?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah, but I couldn't understand a word you were saying," Mike said.
"Goddamn low battery!" Dustin cursed.
"How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery!" Steve shouted.
"Yeah, well, everything worked out, didn't it Steve?" Dustin said to him.
"Worked out? We almost died!" Erica said.
"Yeah, but we didn't, didn't we?" Dustin said to her.
"I was pretty damn close," Steve mumbled.
"Okay, Russians?" Lucas asked again. "As in, they're working for the Russian government?"
Lili saw El walk away from the group from the corner of her eye. She brought her hands up to her ears to plug them.
"El..." Lili called. El suddenly fell to the floor. "El!"
Lili ran to her and turned her body so that she could see her face.
"El, El!" Mike shook her. Lili tried to get him off but he wouldn't budge.
"What's wrong with her?" Erica asked.
"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Mike asked her quickly.
"My leg, my leg!" She barely got out.
"Her leg, her leg, okay," Jonathan nodded and pulled her pant leg up. He unwrapped the bandage and everyone craned their necks to see. Her cut seemed to have something pulsing underneath, like another animal was inside her. Everyone but Mike and Lili gagged.
The animal in the leg moved and Mike jumped back. El bit back cries of pain as the thing began to move more forcefully.
"El, El!" Mike called out to her. El screamed out in pain again.
"El!" Mike grabbed her shoulders and El screamed.
"Stop it! She's in pain," Lili shoved him away. "El, sweetie, we need to get it out."
"What is that?" Sue asked.
"There's something in there!" Jonathan said and Lili rolled her eyes.
"Yes, that's why we need to get it out!" Lili yelled at him. Jonathan stared at Lili for a second before getting up.
"Keep her talking, keep her awake, okay?" He said as he ran over to the Imperial Panda booth.
"El, El," Lili caressed her wet hair. "It's your sister, it's me. It's all going to be okay, alright?"
Her eyes started to droop. "Hey, hey, stay awake." Mike touched her shoulder again. "Let's get her on the side. Get her on the side."
Lili scooped up El by her underarms and laid her on top of her. Mike was right next to her, holding her hand. They were in front of a retail store with a big glass window.
"You know, it's actually not that bad," Robin said. "There was a-a goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this othergirlslidintoherleg and like, thewholebonecameoutofhersixinchesorsomething it was insane..."
"Robin," Lili caught her attention.
"You're not helping," Sue said.
"I'm sorry," Robin said, her breathing labored. Jonathan came back with a knife that looked a bit burnt.
"Are you kidding me?" Sue said. "You're not gonna cut her leg open with my Ama's favorite chopping knife."
"I think your Ama will survive," Jonathan shot back. "Alright El," he turned out her and started to put on plastic gloves. "This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"
"Okay," El cried.
"Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this," Jonathan held out a wooden ladle and Mike grabbed it and let El bite onto it.
"Sweet Saint Christopher," Steve muttered. Lili turned and glared at him. "What? It's catchy."
"Holy shit," Jonathan mumbled as the knife hovered above her leg. He looked back up again and locked eyes with Lili.
"Do it," Lili nodded.
"Okay," Jonathan whispered, then he dug the knife into El's skin, cutting it and letting the blood ooze from the trail of the knife.
El screamed out in pain, gripping Lili's hand harder until Lili thought she heard bones cracking. Jonathan let the knife go, letting it clang not he floor. He dug his fingers into her leg, roaming around for the creature inside. El didn't stop screaming.
"Jonathan!" Nancy yelled.
"Stop talking!" He yelled back. El screamed louder as Jonathan dug his fingers further into her leg. "Damnit!"
El shook her head violently. "No! Stop it!"
"Stop!" Lili screamed at him.
"Jonathan, stop!" Nancy touched his shoulder and he immediately stopped. He looked at El who's as crying in Lili's arms. El let out a sob as she tried to sit up.
"I can do it..." El cried. Lili let her sit up, shoving Mike out of her way as she sat next to El. "I can do it."
She held out her hand at the cut and started to pull it out. El screamed in pain as the creature tried to resist, squirming around in her cut-up leg. El tried harder, screaming when it didn't come out. El collapsed into Mike's arms and started crying.
"Lili..." she cried. "Do it."
"Are you sure?" Lili asked her. "I might shatter your leg."
"I don't care," El shook her head. "Do it."
"Okay," Lili took a deep breath. She turned her attention to El's leg, letting her full concentration on gathering her power in her hand which was now glowing again. Everyone looked at her in fear. No one has seen this side of Lili's powers.
Lili took a second to consider the consequences, but then she laid her hand on El's cut and released. A ripple was sent through the air, but was concentrated on the creature. It burst out of El's leg and the windows of the store behind the group shattered. Everyone screamed and ducked to avoid getting hit by a shard of glass.
Lili sent another pulse to send the creature flying across the room. The creature landed and started to crawl away when a boot crushed it.
At first, Lili thought that Billy had found her again, but when her eyes traveled up, her eyes settled onto her father. Lili, under the circumstances, let out a sigh of relief and a smile broke out into her face.
Sorry again for the shitty writing. If anyone is or knows of an editor that could help me write actions scenes, that would be great. Just pm me!
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