

THEY WALKED DOWN THE AISLE'S, Jean watching with a smile on her face as Aurelia's face seemed to brighten at every new book that she would pick up. The blonde had a basket in her hand, filling it with as many books as she possibly could. She wanted to have many options, finding new reads enjoyable. And not once had she thought about her powers. Every book she picked up, she would quickly show it to Jean who would be the final decision of whether or not she would get it.

"You know, I might have to borrow some of these." Jean told her, picking up one of the book's from the basket and examining it, taking the time to read the description of it.

"Of course. What's mine is yours, sweetheart." Aurelia smiled, glancing towards the redhead who seemed to blush at the pet name. It made her smirk slightly before she quickly focused her attention back onto the books, pulling one from the shelf and cocking her head slightly as she read the inside of it. She hummed before closing it, handing it towards Jean. "What do we think?"

Jean took the book in her grasp, taking a minute to read it before humming just like Aurelia did, nodding her head. "I think it should be the last one we get. We cannot fit anymore books in that basket. It already looks like it's going to break."

Aurelia chuckled before taking the book in her grasp and placing it in the basket, nodding her head. "I think this will hold me over for the next month or two."

"Month or two? That's like a years worth of books!" Jean exclaimed, her eyes widened slightly as she pointed to the the books. Aurelia laughed at the look that crossed the woman's face, simply shrugging her shoulders in response.

"What can I say? I'm a fast reader."

"Clearly." The girl scoffed, earning an amused smile from the blonde. "Come on, let's get these and put them in the car. I'd like to walk around a little while longer before we have to head back to the school."

"Oh?" Aurelia rose an eyebrow at the girl, a smile pulling at her lips.

Jean shrugged. "Well, this is a date, right? I thought maybe we could do more than just, uh, going to a bookstore. . .?"

Aurelia bit her lip, her smile wide as she nodded her head. "I would enjoy that a lot, actually." She maneuvered the basket to her left hand, holding out her right for Jean. Jean looked at her for a moment before a small smile fell on her face as she grabbed Aurelia's hand, interlacing their fingers. They checked out the books, walking out of the store in order to place them in the car. Aurelia closed the car door before turning to face Jean. "Where to first, darling?"

"I really want a milkshake." Jean mumbled.

Aurelia smiled, grabbing her hand once more. "Milkshakes it is." The two females walked down the sidewalk, Aurelia mindlessly swinging their hands back and forth. Jean could tell the girl was really enjoying herself. Not only that, but Jean found herself enjoying herself as well. Aurelia made her feel so. . . free. Like she could be herself and she didn't have to be scared. Jean wasn't used to that feeling, and she found herself craving it more and more.

Every time she was with Aurelia Quinn, her shoulder's immediately relaxed. Worrying about her powers completely slipped her mind whenever she was with her. And as Jean pulled open the door for Aurelia, receiving a small thank you in response, she found her heart pounding in her chest. Her breath hitched in her throat and the desire to be as close to Aurelia as possible was taking over.

"Hi." Aurelia greeted the cashier. "A chocolate milkshake and a. . . Jean, what do you want?"

"Oh, uh, I'll have strawberry."

"And a strawberry one, please." Aurelia smiled. She quickly paid for the milkshakes, quickly taking them from the cashier and saying a quick thank you before turning to Jean. "Here you are, my love. One strawberry milkshake." They walked outside, sitting down at one of the outside tables and sitting in a peaceful silence as they watched the area around them.

"Hey, Aria. Can I ask you a question?" She sounded nervous as she spoke, making Aurelia cock an eyebrow at her.

"Of course. What's up?"

Jean pursed her lips for a moment. "Why do you call me pet names all the time?"

Aurelia frowned. "What do you mean? When I call you sweetheart and love? I'm sorry, does that bother you? I can stopβ€•οΈŽ"

"No, no, no." Jean quickly rushed out, shaking her head. "I actually want the exact opposite of that."

"Oh?" She looked at Jean for a moment before smiling. "Are you trying to admit your feelings for me, Jean?"

"How am I doing?" Jean mumbled.

Aurelia chuckled. "I like you too, Jean. A lot, actually. More than I've ever liked anyone." She looked at Jean for a moment. "This is new for both of us. So, what do you say we figure it out together?" She placed her hand on the table.

Jean looked at her for a moment before smiling and taking her hand, placing it in Aurelia's. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

I literally love Aurelia and Jean's relationship so much! I hope you all have enjoyed the first part of the story! For now, this story will be placed on hold until either one part of a story is completed or another story all together!

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