Note: Video above is the song at the end if y'all would like to listen while ya read. Hope ya'll like it! ^_^
Episode: Season 9 - Bloodlines
"I'm telling you, it was him!" I protested, strands of dark hair whipping in my face from the slight breeze in the night air as I leaned up against the fender of the Impala along with Dean.
"No, it wasn't," he waved me off before stuffing his hands in the pockets of forest green army jacket.
"Excuse me but who's watched more Vampire Diaries - me or you?" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Real men don't watch that mess, sweetheart. Real men watch-" he started to explain, puffing himself up a bit in the process.
"-Taylor Swift videos in the library in the dark at 2 AM?" I cut him off, smirking as I arched my eyebrows for emphasis.
Dean only glowered at me in response. He was about to retort something unsurprisingly snarky I could tell when Sam walked up to us.
"So, get this - the, uh, the coroner says this guy, this, uh...Julian Duval shows up, drops three grand to see Sal's corpse," Sam told us as he leaned against the fender on the other side of me.
"And he lives in a castle?" Dean huffed, rolling his green eyes in annoyance, "Who is this guy?"
"Well, if we're lucky - someone who knows what happened in that monster bar." Sam shrugged.
Suddenly, a scream piercing the air followed by a gun shot rang out in the air, grabbing our attention. We were running across the lawn in an instant. Another scream - this time a woman's - rang out in the night air and we followed the sound into the dense copse of trees nearby. When we pushed through the leaves though, we happened upon the boy we'd met earlier, Ennis, along with a very familiar looking (at least to me) man.
"What's going on?" Dean asked gruffly, gun raised in front of him threateningly.
"They took her," the man said in a panic.
"Wait, who are you?" Sam said from behind Dean, pointing a finger at the stranger.
"His name's David Lassiter. He's a shapeshifter," Ennis explained.
I scoffed, a wide grin finding its way onto my face, "Oh, no, it's not. It's Kol Mikaelson and he's a vampire. An Original to be exact,"
The man, David, frowned in confusion, about to say something when Dean cut him off just as a car alarm sounded.
"We got to go. Now! Let's go!" he ordered the four of us.
I rolled my eyes. Why did older siblings always have to be so bossy? Not that I'd know, I suppose - being an only child and all. It was a short, awkward car ride later when we all filed out of the Impala. Now it was time for the explanations.
"So you're telling me there are five monster families that run Chicago? What is this, Godfather with fangs?" Dean asked in disbelief mixed with annoyance.
"Well, if it is, I'm gonna need all the help I can get." Ennis cut in abruptly.
The crisp air surrounding us nipped at my bare arms and I shivered slightly as I glanced over at the sandy-haired man standing beside me, anxiously checking his phone for a missed call from that girl, Violet.
"You know...I always thought you should have cut off Jeremy's arms like you wanted to - I was rooting for you on that one. Although I never shipped you with Davina 'cause come on, she was such a little-" I gushed suddenly, eyes lighting up before he cut me off.
"What in the world are you talking about?" he asked me, shaking his head.
I pouted, "Seriously? Come on, you know, the Original family? Best vampires of all time not including Dracula and Damon Salvatore? Well, apart from Finn that is 'cause he was so BORING, oh my gosh-"
"Enough, Parker. So this girl, she's a Shifter, too?" Sam cut me off before directing his question to David.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, moving to stand next to Dean. It wasn't hard to figure out who was knocking off members of the monster families though and once we did, we rescued Violet. After that, it was pretty much case closed for us. Later, we bid the boy, Ennis, goodbye and all piled into the Impala.
I leaned back into the worn, leather backseat as Dean gunned the engine down the mostly deserted Chicago street. A loud sigh escaped my lips and Sam glanced back at me, frowning.
"You okay?" he asked in concern.
Slowly, I nodded, a slightly melancholy expression on my face, "I just hate to leave my poor baby Kol with those people. They don't understand him like I do,"
Dean let out disgruntled noise and I smirked a bit, reaching over to briefly pat him on the shoulder. Sam turned on the radio then and music filled the otherwise silent car. I grinned as I recognized the beat, Sam doing the same.
I was just an only child of the universe
I bit my lip, nodding my head to the music, relating to it so much.
And then I found you
And then I found you
My eyes flicked between the brothers in the front seat then and I smiled, thinking of them, of our children - how my life had changed so abruptly when I first started hunting with them. It all seemed to fall away into the past now, only to remembered again with this song.
You are the sun and I am just the planets
I pushed myself up to a sitting position then, dark hair falling across my shoulder as I did.
Spinning around you
Spinning around you
My elbows rested on the backs of both their seats then as I stared through the windshield, watching the world go by around us.
"You were too good to be true, gold plated, "Dean began to sing then and I laughed, shaking my head at his childish antics.
He never really did grow up - not truly.
"But what's inside you, but what's inside you," Sam started singing along as well and I snorted, grinning like a mad woman.
Okay, so they both never grew up.
Rolling my eyes heavenward, before throwing on the shades lying on the backseat beside me and joining in loudly, arms spread wide, "I know this whole city thinks it needs you but not as much as I do, as much as I do!"
"'Cause you're the last of a dying breed, write our names on the wet concrete!" Sam sang out, head-banging to the music.
"I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me!" I sang, snickering at the end as I pointed to Sammy only to have him bat my hand away in mock-anger.
"I'm here in search of your glory, there's been a million before me!" Dean fist-pumped the air, every now and then banging his fists on the steering wheel to the beat.
"That ultra-kind of love you never walk away from," I winked at Dean, earning a chuckle from him.
"You're just the last of the real ones!" we all sang out as we sped down the roads, all dancing along to the music like maniacs, re-living our glory days in full.
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