07 | we need that book
"๐๐, ๐จ๐๐๐ฉ, ๐ง๐๐๐ก๐ก๐ฎ? ๐ฝ๐ง๐ค, ๐ฌ๐๐ฎ ๐๐๐๐ฃ'๐ฉ ๐ฎ๐ค๐ช ๐ฉ๐๐ก๐ก ๐ข๐? ๐๐'๐ซ๐ ๐๐๐๐ฃ ๐ก๐๐ซ๐๐ฃ๐ ๐ก๐๐ ๐ ๐ฅ๐๐๐จ๐๐ฃ๐ฉ๐จ ๐ฉ๐๐๐จ ๐ฌ๐๐ค๐ก๐ ๐ฉ๐๐ข๐ ๐ฌ๐๐๐ฃ ๐ ๐๐ค๐ช๐ก๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐ ๐๐๐๐ฃ ๐ก๐๐ซ๐๐ฃ๐ ๐ก๐๐ ๐ ๐ฉ๐๐ ๐ ๐๐ฃ๐ ๐ ๐๐ข?"
Sawyer slouched in his chair in the auto body shop that Stiles dragged him to so Roscoe could be patched back up after Erica defaced it just a few hours before. He officially hated the blonde and beautiful werewolf as he grimaced at the scent of dumpster that littered around him and Stiles. Thanks to him being a werewolf, Sawyer had only been out for all of five minutes before he came to again and got his bearings back to him. Stiles followed only a bit later after Sawyer had climbed out and gotten them both back into Roscoe where he'd called for a tow truck to take said Jeep to the repair place. Sawyer had all but flashed a pearly white smile to Stiles when the boy eventually groaned, holding his head and said you smell like a whole toiletย to the boy who merely shot him an unamused look.
Since Sawyer had nowhere else to be, he'd let Stiles drag him to the repair shop. Something he was currently regretting as he was bored out of his mind. Seriously, how long did it take to place a piece back in a Jeep and set it back on its way? Didn't this guy know the duo were teenagers and had a crazy, supernatural filled life to get back to. Scott had already sent Sawyer three text messages about yet anotherย body being killed by the scaly, lizard creature and it was currently at the animal clinic. Said male also just so happened to be a hunter connected to Gerard and Chris Argent, which just made things that much more exciting.
Note the sarcasm.
"No, Dev, I don't need you to pick me up," Sawyer sighed into the phone as Devin rambled his ear off from the other end.ย
"Are you sure? We both know how crappy Roscoe is. You could be there a while."
Sawyer's lips twitched slightly at Devin's teasing tone, the eldest Bowen male secretly loving Roscoe just as much as Stiles did. "It's a pretty nice, crappy Jeep, though. Besides, I can't leave Stiles alone. Lord knows what he'd do without me here. I'll just get a ride home with him once this dumbass is done with the Jeep. Seriously, Dev, the guy's been at it for an hour. All that Erica ripped out was the engine. It can't take that long to put one back in . . . can it?"
A snort came from the other end, along with a bit of shuffling as Sawyer was sure that Devin shifted the phone from ear to the other as he worked on paper work for Noah. "Kid, you are asking the wrong person about cars. Ask me how to kill a werewolf, I can do that."
"You know, if this is you secretly threatening my life again, I might have to call up Noah and report harassment," Sawyer mused to his brother, a smile finally fighting onto his face as his eyes flickered up to see Stiles storm into the repair room to yell at the mechanic inside. "Then again, you wouldn't have the heart to kill me. I'm too pretty to die, Dev."
"Right and I'm the queen of England."
"Oh, shit, really? Bro, why didn't you tell me? We've been living like peasants this whole time when I could have been living like the king I am?"ย
"I actually hate you. I'm hanging up on your ass now and I hope you're forced to walk your little ass home, too."
"Love you, too, Devvy," Sawyer sang, obnoxiously blowing a kiss to his brother as the line went dead on the other side. He shook his head in amusement as he pulled the phone away from his ear, locking his phone and shoving it into his pocket just as Stiles stormed out from the repair room.
Stiles grumbled to himself as he wiped his hand along his sweater and shook his head. "Sawyer, this place is the worst. I mean, they have some gross ass goo on their doorhandles for crying out loud."
Sawyer smirked and jerked his head to the picture frame behind Stiles as the spastic boy whipped out his phone to text his dad. "Yeah, looks like muscle head in there was on the BHHS lacrosse team."
"Figures," Stiles scoffed and turned to face the picture as his hands began to shake. He furrowed his eyebrows as Sawyer slowly pushed himself up, concern taking over for the spastic boy. A genuine emotion that only Stiles seemed to pull out, causing Sawyer's heart to race and throat to dry at the thought of Stiles being hurt.
"Sti, dude, what's wrong?" Sawyer asked, stepping up to the boy, but his eyes snapped to the repair room at the sound of claws along metal. He and Stiles both gaped as they noticed the long tail of the lizard creature swish down from above, the creature gripping to the side of Stiles' Jeep as he slowly climbed down. Sawyer went to shout for the mechanic when the creature flicked out its claw and slashed along the mechanic's neck from behind, causing him to crumble just as Stiles did from the paralyzing effects.
Sawyer watched momentarily as the creature grew closer to the button for the machine that would lower Roscoe, right where the mechanic laid paralyzed. He barely thought as he hopped over Stiles to grip the handle of the door, only to see that the creature had gotten it's gross goo on that side as well and Sawyer cursed to himself as he wiped at his own jean jacket, feeling the paralyzing effects already beginning to tingle in his toes and the tips of his fingers. Just as Sawyer stumbled back and crashed to the floor next to Stiles, their heads just inches apart, Stiles' shaky hand reached out to dial 9-1-1 the best he could. The voice of the dispatcher could be heard through the speaker not even a second later, but it was too late.
Roscoe had fully lowered and crushed the poor, innocent mechanic ย and the creature rushed off without a second look to Sawyer or Stiles.
"I told you, I just - I walked in and I saw the Jeep on top of the guy, that's all," Stiles said to his father and Devin as the duo stood before him and Sawyer who sat on the back of the ambulance. He continued to stretch out his numb hand that still had to fully release the tingly feelings from the effects of the creature. Sawyer had reached out his hand and subtly healed Stiles of the annoying tingle of his hand. The warmth from Stiles' hand was enough to scorch Sawyer's and he could hear the way Stiles' heart rate tilted slightly at the connection. He quickly took his hand back, thinking that Stiles didn't want Sawyer to be holding his hand longer than he needed to.
"Look, boys, if there's something that either one of you can't tell Devin or I - " Noah cut himself off with a soft sigh, running a hand over his wet hair from the drizzle that had taken over the town of Beacon Hills. "I'm just worried about you. The both of you and Scott. Now, if either one of you saw someone do this, then you need to tell us, okay? We won't let either one of you get hurt if you give us the information."
Sawyer poked his tongue into his cheek as his hand fell limply back into his lap and shook his head softly, though his eyes snapped to Devin after with a secret look in them. "Stiles and I didn't see anything but what Stiles just said, Noah. We swear. Can we just go now?"
Noah's eyes bounced between the two teenage boys before him and his shoulders slumped when he realized he wasn't getting anything out of the boys. "Alright, you guys can go, but not in Stiles' Jeep. We need to impound it because it's currently evidence. Sorry, bud. See you at home."
Stiles whined as he threw his head back, Noah patting Devin on the shoulder as he passed him by to get to the crime scene. "Dad, at least make sure they wash when they're done, please!"
Devin's brown eyes waited for Noah to get a certain distance away before he turned back to his baby brother and Stiles, crossing his arms across his chest with a ticked eyebrow. "Okay, now that Noah is gone, how about you two tell me what really happened then?"
"Um . . . you know that really weird lizard like thing I told you about that's more annoying than Godzilla?" Sawyer inquired his brother, grimacing when Devin shot him a deadpan expression as he was unamused with Sawyer's inability to ever be serious. "Right, okay, sorry. The creature was here . . . it attacked the mechanic. Stiles and I got paralyzed when we touched its gross goo thing on the door handle. We couldn't save him in time before Roscoe crushed him. I - we don't know the connection right now, obviously. We have to call Scott."
Devin puffed out his cheeks, slowly taking in all of Sawyer's words as he'd rushed them out to his big brother. A hand went through Devin's dark hair that only grew darker thanks to the soak of rain water that continued to pile up in his hair. "Right, okay, I hate that I asked you. Though, at this point, I always hate when I ask. Just . . . get home with Scott and don't do anything stupid, you hear me? After what you told me about Gerard, I don't trust anything right now."
"Awww, you do care about me, Devvy!" Sawyer cooed, beaming up at his brother.
"Stiles, make sure my brother walksย home in the rain," Devin mumbled, pushing Sawyer's head as he passed him so he could go help Noah before the older man got suspicious of where he'd been.
"You're only making me know you care more!"
After calling Scott and waiting for him to finally pick them up, Stiles and Sawyer both jogged over to Scott's car, clambering into the vehicle and out of the onslaught of rain as the rain had picked up since Stiles had first called for the other teen wolf.ย
"Are you guys okay?" Scott checked, eyes bouncing between his two best friends as he scanned them both over for any injuries.
"I still got my good looks, Scotty. We're all good," Sawyer teased, chuckling when Scott swiftly punched his shoulder. "I'm kidding. I'm fine, but don't let Stiles lie to you, I can still smell his anxiety around him."
Stiles rolled his eyes with a short huff, slouching down in the front seat next to Scott. "Look, Scott, you were right. This . . . thingย . . . it's not like you or Sawyer. I mean, its eyes were almost, like, reptilian. There was something about 'em, though. You know when you see, like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes. You feel like you know them, but you just can't figure it out who it is?"
Scott furrowed his eyebrows and he glanced to Sawyer for confirmation who nodded in agreement. When Sawyer had taken a good look at the creature's face before it ran off, Sawyer felt like he knew who was behind the eyes, but he didn't know who. "Are - are you saying you know who it is?"
"No, but I think it knew Sawyer and I."
"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying and we'll get through this. I know, because I love you. I love you more than - oh my God!"
Sawyer burst out into laughter, his hands falling to his knees as he double over. His back pack slid along with his movements as he had it slung over one shoulder as usual and it slid down to lightly tap the back of his head. Stiles had been helping Scott for the past twenty minutes on how to speak to Allison and apologize for not being able to see her the night before when she had never showed for their meet up. She'd texted him a bit later while Scott drove Stiles and Sawyer home to let him know she'd been caught up by Gerard and that's why she'd shown up late. Something that Sawyer knew the Argent girl felt guilty over.
Stiles glared daggers at Sawyer as the Bowen boy stood back to his full height, wiping away his tears from his eyes with the sleeves of his jean jacket. "No, no, Stiles, please do go on. Tell Scott how pretty his eyes are in the light next. Oh, oh, or better yet. Go on and on about the softness of his lips."
"No, screw this! You and Allison need to find a better way to communicate!"
"Come on, Stiles! You and Sawyer are the only ones that we can trust right now. Is she coming to the game tonight?"
Sawyer snorted and nodded his head, arms crossing across his chest as he leant against the wall next to the step that Scott and Stiles sat on. "Yes, she's gonna be there. Now, can you tell us what Deaton said to you last night at the clinic?"
Scott's eyes scanned the hallway around them as it slowly began to grow quiet with kids rushing to their next lesson of the day while the trio still had a bit longer of their free period. "Uh, he thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they have hunted. Like a book."
Sawyer scrunched up his nose in distaste and groaned quietly. "Gross, we have to read?"
"Wait, he must mean a Bestiary," Stiles informed, both him and Scott ignoring Sawyer's childish comment. "It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."
"How are Scott and I the only ones that know nothing of this stuff? I mean, my family were a bunch of hunters - hell, Devin is one, even though he doesn't actually hunt - and I know nothing."
Stiles shot a smile to Sawyer, one that screamed a sarcastic comment was coming and Sawyer raised an eyebrow at Stiles. Practically daring him to try it, which, both him and Stiles knew Stiles wouldย be trying it. "Okay, you know you and Scott are my best friends. You're both not exactly the sharpest tools out there, but, me, however, needs to keep tabs on all of this. You know, make sure my two best friends don't do anything stupid and get themselves killed."
Scott nodded and leant his arms on his knees, eyes flickering up to Sawyer who leant forward to flick Stiles' forehead for calling him stupid without actually saying the words. "Okay, so if we can find this book, and it can tell us what this thing is - "
"And who," Sawyer supplied, pointing a finger at Scott to remind him they still needed to figure out who the creature was.
"Yeah, we need that book."
โ the way i missed my son is insane !!! also, him and stiles need to kiss already cause i'm DYING . . . but all in due time . . . soon :)
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