It was clear I got better sleep at Leonardo's house than in my own. Maybe the feeling of safety helped me to have such a good rest.
The apartment only had Bear and I which kept the place peaceful. After sorting myself out for the day, I did some usual stretches and yoga and not long after, Leonardo came back from what appeared to be a work out.
He covered his body with clothes, there wasn't a single peek of flesh from him as he wore a long sleeved, baggy white shirt that was drenched with sweat, clear by the circles of wet patches on him with some black trousers. What a man. I shamelessly checked him out and when I was caught, I gave him a wink.
He ignored me as usual and started to climb the stairs. I continued to pet Bear as I asked, "aren't you hot?" He didn't even reply and disappeared upstairs.
Soon after, the doorbell rang, disturbing me from my session. I paused the music and made my way to the door with Bear in tow. As soon as I opened it, a duplicate of Leonardo gaped at me in shock. I squealed in excitement at the sight of another childhood friend.
It took me a moment to guess which brother it was and I was smothered by a big hug, my legs being taken off the ground around someone. That person being Vincenzo, Leonardo's younger brother.
"Ria! I missed you!"
Laughing, I hugged him back. The guy smelt good. I ruffled his hair as he moved us backwards into the house. "Vincenzo," I greeted, welcoming him. He hugged me tight. "I'm so glad you're back." Vincenzo looked at me, beaming with happiness. Leonardo's younger brother was a good friend of mine, as was the rest of his siblings. It wasn't just Leonardo who was my best friend but them too. He had grown much from the young, boisterous boy he once was.
"How've you been?" I asked cheerfully, meeting his hazel eyes. "How've I've been? How are you? You're engaged?" He spluttered in shock, his eyes filled with playfulness. With one hand on his shoulder, I showed him the ring I bought on my left finger. "Nooo!" He groaned, using one arm to hold me up and another to attempt to pull off the ring. "You can't marry him - what about me!" He whined like a child. I chuckled at his lively spirit; some things never changed.
"Have you still got that little crush?" I teased, smirking at him as I reminded him of a mortifying period of his younger life. Vincenzo rolled his eyes about to reply until an authoritative voice interrupted.
"Put her down."
Leonardo was stood at the top of the spiral stairs and he made his way down, his eyes fixated on us. He looked emotionless as usual, but there was a hint of irritation in his tone.
Vincenzo just chuckled, loosening his hold on me which allowed me to plant my feet against the ground again, sliding my hands off Vincenzo as we separated.
"Don't worry, don, I won't steal her," Vincenzo snickered, giving me a wink. I shook my head and smiled before looking over at Leonardo who gave a glare to his brother. I tensed up slightly and my smile simmered as we made eye contact for a brief moment, as though he was checking on me. His gaze softened, making my heart return to its normal beating rate, and he quickly looked away,
"What are you doing here?" Leonardo asked his brother with a tired sigh, walking around Bear who was happy to see his owner as he came closer.
"You can't escape work forever."
Leonardo sighed again, rubbing his chin. "I left you to handle it. You don't need to come unless it's important."
"It's about-" Vincenzo began before his eyes landed on me. He stopped himself abruptly, making me curiously look at him. "That thing."
As though Leonardo understood, he nodded, avoiding my look. "Fine. Later." His tone was more serious and stern like he didn't want me to know what that 'thing' was. It made me interested, but the conversation quickly switched to the next topic.
"Mama said she was tired and had things to do. Apparently you haven't parented for a while. She also isn't happy about the fact that you haven't told her about your engagement." Vincenzo gave me a look and I blinked in surprise. He pulled out a small, pink teddy bear from his pocket and shook it gently. Leonardo's eyes expanded as he stared at it. "What-"
"The little princess on her way," Vincenzo casually said, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket as he tried to find a lighter, failing.
The doorbell rang. "Looks like she's here." Confused, I went to open the door and met eyes with a tall man with a genial smile. He had soft brown eyes and a smooth tan complexion to him. He looked familiar.
The man was holding a child, more specifically, a toddler sucking a sweet and staring at me with her large almond eyes. She was beautiful, an adorable young infant with her soft hair tied in little pigtails, curls springing out. Her plump cheeks were rosy red with a splash of freckles across them and her face was round and cute.
I was astonished to see how endearing this child was and how much she resembled who I assumed to be her father; Leonardo.
"Donna," the guy greeted, giving me a smile. I blinked in surprise, my eyes averting back to him. I struggled to remember who he was. The toddler squirmed in his arms, her little eyebrows scrunching as she wiggled her legs and slipped out of his arms, moving onto the floor.
I watched as the small figure crawl inside. Her outfit was cute; she was wearing a baby pink dress that flowed as she moved. "Come in," I briefly said to the man, slightly distracted by the presence of the child. I followed her and she reached Leonardo, her tiny hands clutching onto his leg.
It was a sight to see; such a large man with a very little person leaning down and scooping her up with one hand as if she weighed nothing.
I couldn't hide the shock I had at his daughter. It was as though I didn't know she physically existed - it felt strange seeing her and I felt a sudden distance between Leonardo and I.
I began to question things; would we work out? I proposed to him because I knew he was the only person I could marry in the world, because I loved him and I knew some way, somehow he loved me and we would be fine eventually. It wasn't just the two of us, I would have some responsibility for the toddler. I started to question if I could.
He was smiling at her, the light to his inner darkness. The child squeaked with laughter at his playfulness, a more happier side was shown through him. I was stunned at how easy it was for her to make him so cheerful. She was so excited to see him, giggling joyfully and holding onto him. He did have some emotion and he was giving it all to her.
"Marco." I turned to face the man who spoke and realised where I had seen him before; Giovanni's gala. He was with Leonardo that night. Pulling myself away from my tsunami of thoughts, I shook his hand and smiled back. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Maria."
"You're more beautiful in person."
I had heard that many times before but nevertheless, I widened my smile and humbly shook my head at his kindness. Vincenzo had gone onto the balcony to smoke and seemed to be on a call too.
"I'm Leonardo's consigliere. You can trust me with any task you need." I nodded, thanking him before looking back at Leonardo.
"She's cute, isn't she?" Marco commented. I sighed, watching her laugh happily. "I'm slightly envious," I responded nonchalantly. The two of them were in their own little world. He began to move towards the kitchen and I followed as he was still talking. Marco chuckled before saying, "she's probably the only thing keeping him alive."
Surprised by the sudden change of tone, I watched as Marco filled a glass of water and drank some. "What do you mean?" I asked him seriously.
"I'm glad you're back." The second time I had heard it that day. "Before, it was only you keeping him strong." I questioned whether I had met Marco before and how he came to that thought. Staring at him curiously, he continued, "he's struggling. A lot. There are periods he can go missing for days without a word and come back as if nothing happened." My eyebrows furrowed at his words as the sound of the child giggling increased from the other room.
"Leo?" I stupidly questioned, confused.
Marco nodded before placing his cup in the sink. He sighed, looking over at me. "Before Amalia was born, he was seriously unstable. He had his own demons messing with his head." I frowned, feeling the gravity of the situation. "He told me a lot about you." My eyebrows raised as a response, surprised he even thought of me.
Marco smiled, "that's why I know it's a good thing you're here. He'll get better." I bit my lip, taking in the information.
"He. . .talked about me? In what way?"
He softly chuckled and shook his head. "I can't tell you everything."
I recognised that I had reached a dead end. Marco was loyal. I asked, "how long have you been friends with him? He doesn't really keep many people close to him."
"Maybe not too long after he became the don. It took a while to get here." I nodded slowly at his answer. At least he had someone to talk to and not just himself.
Marco's revelation gave me insight on the man I was living with. I grasped the fact that it was true, Leonardo was in some sort of struggle, just like when we were younger. His lack of emotion and liveliness had a meaningful reason behind it.
When Marco and Vincenzo left, I was introduced to his daughter Amalia.
She was shy at first, hesitating to sit near me on the floor; she kept close to her father, clutching onto him as if he was going to run away. The bribes with the toys that Leonardo had tied away in a cupboard persuaded her to interact with me and she was sat on my lap stroking a Barbie doll.
I thought of her mother and how it was possible to leave her young child. There were mothers could be so cruel to their children. I was reminded of my abusive mother. I felt a sense of protection over Amalia as I watched her play. She was in her element, having fun just by playing with imaginary thoughts. I didn't want anyone to harm her but for her to stay a happy child, comfortable in her life.
"At least hold her properly," Leonardo grumbled as he organised the colouring sheets she had used into a neat pile onto the pushed away coffee table.
I would have a lot to learn in taking care of Amalia. I softly laughed at his nag and tried adjust her properly on my lap. At that time, I didn't know much about children: That may be seen as 'unfeminine' to some but it was the truth. I had never cared for a child and barely knew how to hold Iris's son when he was born. Never once had I changed a diaper in my life or sat for hours building wooden blocks to entertain one.
"She's adorable," I murmured, stroking her soft hair. "Your mom must have so much fun being with her." Leonardo folded his arms as he sat on the sofa, watching us on the floor playing with the toys.
I felt his gaze on us and met his intent eyes and offered him a smile. "I love her," I told him seriously. He glanced between us. "What's it like being a parent?"
"Rewarding," he replied quietly, watching Amalia crawl out my lap for another doll that appealed to her. "The responsibility is the difficult part. I don't want to screw up and ruin her." Nodding slowly, I gently pulled her back to me, rocking her.
"You won't," I reassured him though he looked uncertain. He seemed insecure about the topic and worried. His eyebrows creased and his eyes suddenly looked sadder. Nonetheless, I continued, "you aren't like him, Leo." He met my eyes appearing slightly brighter. But there was a darkness in his eyes, a look of emptiness and despair as he was reminded of his traumatising past.
I noticed that to be one of his greatest fears, being like his abusive father.
I knew him, having living next to Leonardo's family home for a few years, and he was a despicable man who would hurt his family in horrendous ways. Leonardo was the oldest and he always got the worst treatment or what was called a punishment to re-educate him. His father was evil and caused Leo to suffer.
We were both damaged and used to seek refuge in each other emotionally.
There was once a day we met at our usual spot; the bridge that was mourned over a small river not too far away from our houses. It was an enclosed place surrounded by a beautiful landscape of pine trees and parakeet grass growing across the whole area. Being secluded and quiet meant not many people passed this place, in fact, not everyone knew about the river so it was the perfect spot for us to meet.
It was spring and the sun was setting but its warmth was still beaming down at me as I was sat on the grass making a dandelion necklace with as many flowers as I could find.
My parents were arguing as usual and I sought to escape through the natural scenery. It was tranquil and nice in comparison to my own home where I could barely have a good nights sleep because of all the noise.
It wasn't long until I heard the sound of footsteps against the grass and sticks, crushing the leaves and flowers as they approached me. I looked up to see Leonardo staggering towards me and smiled as I stood, excited to see him until I discerned the blood seeping through his shirt.
I squinted in the darkness; my eyes struggling to detect whether he truly was hurt. My thoughts were confirmed by the sight of his hand against his wound as he struggled to come closer to me. I gasped as his body lowered itself onto the floor as he gave out.
Running over to him, I moved my hair strands over my ear and evaluated the extent of his wound. It looked like he had been burned. It was most likely the iron again. "Leo!" I exclaimed, my hands in the air panicking as I had no idea what to do. "What happened?" He was fine only a couple of hours ago at school.
He winced, groaning as he struggled to sit up. I went to touch his shirt but he gently pushed my hand away with his bloodied one. I fought back the tears beginning to form in my eyes, distraught at the sight of pain he was in.
"He was going for Dante," he managed to answer, giving a small cry out in agony. I wiped my eyes, anger filling me at the thought of his father. Leo always took the hits for his siblings - his father was inhumane. "How could he do this to you?" I said in frustration.
"Just. . ." He groaned and pushed me gently so I was lying on my back on the grass. With a small gasp, I lifted my head slightly to notice he was lying besides me, wincing. "What-"
"I just want to lie here. .just for a little bit. ."
"We need to get you to the hospital-"
"You know there's no hospital for us."
I sat up and frowned at him. He was right - what happened at home, stayed at home. It would only bring trouble to go to a public hospital.
"I'll get the doctor from-"
"Shh. . ." Leo murmured, closing his eyes and pushing me down again with his other hand. I sighed, wiping my wet eyes again.
"It'll leave a scar, Leo. ."
"It's not that bad. . .it hurts like hell, but there's been worse. Besides. .I'm already covered in them."
I stifled a sob, biting down hard on my bottom lip. I felt his hand over mine, gently gripping it.
"It's okay. . ." He whispered, as if I was the one who needed comforting.
"I need to get you something - water, ice - I don't know!"
"One day," he began drowsily, dismissing my words. "We'll be far away from here - from them. And we'll both. . .be. . .happy. ."
With those words said, he passed out and once again, I eventually went to find any first aid I could get.
"Anyway," he said in a louder voice, suddenly changing the topic. He stood, causing Amalia to stop babbling and look up him in curiosity with her cute eyes.
"I have somewhere to be. But Amalia. . ." Leonardo hesitated, glancing between us. I caught on and suggested enthusiastically, "she can stay with me!" He didn't seem too fond at the idea.
In an attempt to convince him, I brightly continued, "I'm going to Dream and I can bring her-"
He looked even more horrified.
"-I'm teaching today; the girls will love her." I smiled at him, scooping up Amalia as I stood and held her. I gave her a light kiss on her forehead. "It'll also give us a chance to get closer!"
Leonardo looked hesitant. He checked his watch and back at us. In slight disappointment, he came closer and adjusted Amalia in my arms so I was holding her properly. "Ah," I said, realising why it was so difficult to hold her comfortably. "I'll learn!" I reassured him, giving him look of assurance.
"Fine. Bring her back in one piece."
~ Author's Note ~
Maria and Amalia left alone? That'll be an interesting read!
Maria felt slightly hesitant towards Amalia at first. Does that seem valid? Why do you think she did feel that way initially?
Amalia has been introduced! How do you feel about Leonardo having a child? Do you think this will impact on Maria and Leonardo's relationship?
Marco works for Leonardo! Any opinions on him?
More is revealed on Leonardo through Marco; his fear of being like his father, his lack of will to live. This will be developed as the book continues on.
Thoughts on this chapter?
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Votes and comments really help me know how the story is going, if the book is captivating or not, and helps boost my confidence for more updates :)
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