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The circus was amazing. Rose had finally made it!

There were tents everywhere, and loads of performers were also there, warming up. Hoop spinners, snake charmers, fire jugglers, stilt walkers, you name it, Rose was seeing it now.

But she didn't see the arial performer, Madame Adeline, anywhere.

Then, finally, she saw a sign pointing in her direction.

She began ducking tent ropes, jumping over haystacks and dodging performers to get there.

Soon enough, she arrived at a small caravan which she knocked on the door of.

No answer.


Rose had debated it, but eventually, she had decided to go in.

"Madame Adeline?"

The caravan was empty, but it was very luxurious.

It had silks and scarves of various colours, some china teacups on the shelves with extravagant paint jobs on them.

There were also feather boas, which Rose slowly held in her hand, going round the caravan slowly.

She looked at the jewellery box, which was filled with wonders and beauties. She took a glance in the mirror, and saw her appearance was just the same as it had been always.

Finally, she found a shawl and decided to put it on. It was a beautiful purple-pink colour, and as Rose looked in the mirror at herself, she had never been so sure that-


Rose jumped and turned round, being met by Madame Adeline, a furious look on her face.

"What are you doing? Take that off!" Madame Adeline continued.

"Sorry, it's just- I'm not a thief," Rose stammered, taking off the shawl and putting it back where she found it.

"Get out of my caravan!" Madame Adeline snapped again.

"But I saw you at the foundling hospital!" Rose tried to explain. "I've got tickets! I just want to talk to you!"

"Yes, well, children usually wait outside the big top to talk to me, not barge into my caravan-"

"But- but I'm not just any child!" Rose shouted. "You came to our village!"

Madame Adeline's face softened at the expression on her face. "I- I'm sorry darling, one village is the same as the next, it's hard to keep track," she sighed. "Now, I need to rest. Show yourself out."

"But you must remember," Rose was in shock. "At the circus... you reached out to me. You called me your little star. Can't you see, its me? I'm your daughter!"

"My- my daughter?" Madame Adeline gasped.

Rose went on. "My name's Rose now, but, what did you call me when I was born? What's my real name? Who am I?"

Madame Adeline just looked down at her. "Rose... dearest child, how can I tell you this?" She sat down, looking at Rose. "I'm not your mother."

And that was the moment that Rose's whole world collapsed.

"But... you must be," she said, her heart juddering in her chest. "Your... you eyes... I've never met anyone with eyes like mine..."

Madame Adeline sighed. "Rose... I'm really sorry... but you're not my child. I can't help you, I don't know what your real name is... I don't know who you are."

And Rose just stood there, her walls coming crashing down.

As she felt her body start to shake, she tried to keep the tears from falling. She couldn't cry, she couldn't.

But one fell anyway.


"Just because I'm not your mother, doesn't mean she's not out there somewhere," said Madame Adeline once Rose had calmed down a bit. She was standing up, getting ready. Rose was sat down, trying to calm down as well.

"You could help me look for her!" Rose said, perking up a bit.

"No, no, after tonight's show the circus moves on," said Madame Adeline. "I can't go with you."

"But I can go with you!" Rose tried to persuade her. "Wherever you go, I'll search for her."

Madame Adeline shook her head. "You're a foundling. The hospital will be worried, they'll be searching for you."

"No-! Please don't make me go back there!" Rose exclaimed scaredly. "You don't know what it's like!"

"Rose Green-?"

Next thing Rose knew, Matron had opened the caravan door and was lunging for her, grabbing her arm.


"Oh my goodness, how dare you?" Madame Adeline shouted at Matron. "Who are you?!"

Matron faced her, Rose in her grip. "This child has absconded from my care. I suppose she's told you her ridiculous story about you being her mother."

"This child's had quite a shock," Madame Adeline corrected.

"Well, I will take care of her from now on," Matron snarled.

"No you won't!" Rose shouted, struggling in her grip. "You're a liar, you treat us like dirt Matron Bottomly-"


In a flash, Rose had kicked Matron off her and ran out the caravan.

"Come back here-!"

But Rose's victory was short lived, as soon, she stumbled on a haystack and Matron was siezing her again, shouting.

"You won't get away that easily, Green-"

"Get off me! Stop it-"

"Back home we go-"



Rose did not go quietly. The whole way back to the hospital she was shouting, and once she was dragged back in, Matron took her to a storage room to lock her in until the Uptons arrived.

"Please! Matron, let me go! You can't send this away, you can't do this to me-"

"I can do what I LIKE!" Matron bellowed at Rose's face, leaning close and hissing venemously. "You nearly cost me fifty pounds!"

Eventually, Matron managed to get the door open and she shoved Rose into the storeroom, full of loads of old crates of junk.

"I'll be back for you at six when Lord Upton's carriage arrives!" Matron yelled angrily at Rose. "Next stop for you is far-off India!"

And Rose tried to fight, but as soon as the door was closed it was locked.

She continued to shout, and bang against the door, but it was no use. No one was coming to save her.

So she would have to save herself.


She instantly began searching the room for something she could use to pick the lock.

Eventually, searching in a crate that contained a load of springs, Rose found what she was looking for.

A small spring, which she managed to bend into a straight metal rod.

A lock pick.

Rose smirked, running at the door and kneeling down in front of it, sticking her pick in the lock and beginning to move it around. She just hoped she would manage-


Rose grinned as she reached up to the handle and it turned, the door opening slowly as she checked that no one was in the corridor.

Once she established she was alone, she slowly snuck out of the room, one thought in her mind.

I need to find Hetty, Harriet and Polly.



She found them whilst running down a back corridor. Hetty, Harriet and Polly, all holding piles of bed linen and sheets, looking at Rose in confusion and relief.

"What happened out there? What about Madame Adeline?" Polly asked quickly.

"There's no time to explain," said Rose breathlessly. "You have to help. Matron's selling me!"

Hetty scoffed. "What, like a slave?"

"As good as, and we have to stop her!" Rose exclaimed.

"That's why we're here, the boys are already on it!" Polly said as she and the other two dumped their sheets on the windowsill.

"They're searching her quarters, looking for paperwork," Harriet explained.

"We'll search her office. We have to expose her and quick!" Rose said. "Upton's carriage arrives at six to take me away. We have two hours."

"It's not safe for you, Rose, you have to let us do it," Polly said.

Rose hated sitting on the sidelines, but this time, she had to agree that she must, otherwise she would risk being caught.

"We'll meet in the tower," said Hetty, Rose nodding to signify she agreed.

She handed over the metal lock pick that she still held. "Use this to pick the lock."

And then, without any of the four planning it, they rushed into each others' embrace, all four of them squeezing each other so tightly, not ever wanting to let go.

Rose smiled to her three friends as she ran off towards the tower in the opposite direction to them.

Who needed a mother when you had such amazing, supporting and loyal friends?


Rose waited for about an hour in the tower before Harriet, Hetty and Polly finally chambered up into it.

"Well, did you find anything?" She asked expectantly of the girls.

"Matron lied, Rose. We've got proof," said Polly.

"Everything. Written here," Harriet handed Rose a piece of paperwork.

On it was stipulated that Rose would be a maid, not a companion, and that she was now apparently fourteen, even though she was actually eleven.

"This is all we need," Rose said triumphantly.

Next question was - who to go to with it?

"Nurse Winterson?" Polly put forward.

"No, she won't risk her job again," Harriet said immediately.

"Cranbourne," Rose said decidedly. "Come on!"


But before they could get out of the tower, all the boys crowded in, Will at the forefront. As soon as he saw Rose, he hugged her fiercely, and Rose hugged him back, hoping he couldn't feel her racing heart.

"The girls found some paperwork," Rose said as she and Will pulled back. "We've got to go-"

"Wait!" Ned said, smiling at his sister.

"We found this, behind a secret panel in Matron's quarters," said Will, his voice suddenly turning angry as he handed Rose a whole roll of money.

"It's the money she got from selling me," Rose said, rolling her eyes.

"Money?" Ned did a double take.

"They're making up a stupid deal," Rose said, handing them the paper Harriet had given her. "It's all down here."

"Listen, Rose," sighed Will. "We found this, too."

And then he handed her a yellow file. Her file.

"My file."

This would contain everything. Her token, her parents' names, her real name-

However, when she opened it, all the pages had been ripped out.

"It looks like Matron got there first," Ned commented.

"Where is everything?" Rose asked, outraged. "My details! Who I am, my real name, everything! It's all gone! Everything about my past! She destroyed my record like I don't even exist!"

She felt like crying again, but a gentle hand on her back stopped her and her eyes snapped to connect with Will's. He gave her a sad look; an apologetic one. But also an admiring one.

"But if we put all this together, Rose," he said to her. "Your file, the money, and a big fat lie-"

"It means we can stop them from sending you away," Ned said decidedly. "This is the proof."

"You reckon, do you?"

"Sheila?!" Rose was so surprised to see the girl climbing into the tower, out of the hatch, that she stumbled back slightly, losing all train of thought.

Sheila looked round. "What is this place?"

"Where we go to get away from you and your she-mob," Rose snapped.

"This is our place, Sheila," Mathias said to the girl. "You're not welcome."

"What's Matron gonna say about it?" Sheila smirked.

Rose let out a small gasp. If Sheila told Matron where she was, she was dead. They had to get to Cranbourne before that happened-

"Looking forward to the hot Indian sun, Green?" Sheila smirked, standing on one side of the tower, Rose standing at the front of the group of her friends on the other side.

But soon, it was Will, as he shoved his way in front of Rose, shielding her. "You tell Matron where she is and you see what happens, Ormsby-"

"Is that a threat-"

"Don't you dare-"

"No, let her," Rose stepped out from behind Will, giving him a reassuring look. "And then Matron will sell me - and she'll get away with it. After that it'll be someone else's turn. Maybe even yours."

"You, your friends," Will spoke with malice and venom. "Who knows where you'll be shipped off to?"

"No one would ever find out," Mathias also piped up.

"You'd be gone forever," Rose picked back up again. "You're a foundling, Sheila! Nobody cares about you, about any of us! Now whose side are you really on?"

"Green?" Matron's voice boomed up to them.

"We've got to hurry," said Will urgently, taking Rose's hand and leading her and the rest out the tower.

"Thanks for that," Rose whispered to Will. "I kinda lost myself a bit there."

Will smiled and whispered back. "It's okay. I'll always be here to catch you if you fall."


The group ran throughout the corridor, Vince and Judd yelling. "Rose?!" When they saw the girl, confused as to why she was here after escaping successfully.

Mathias, however, managed to find out where Cranbourne was from the boys, shouting. "Staff corridor - quick!"

They all ran down the stairs, now accompanied by Vince and Judd as they ran to the staff corridor.

When they finally found Cranbourne, he was on the staircase, and soon, he was accosted by over ten foundlings.

"Mr Cranborne! Mr Cranbourne, Sir!" Rose shouted, drawing level with him. "Matron's selling me to be a servant in India!"

Ned nodded. "We've got the evidence-"

"What evidence?"

None other than Matron was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She climbed up them, joining the scene.

But Rose just had to go with it. She had come this far. "We found this, Sir," she said, handing Cranbourne the money. He took it.

"Good grief," he said. "There's hundreds."

Matron seemed rendered speechless until she said. "Outrageous - lying and stealing!"

Rose just ploughed on, unfolding the fake document that was selling her to the Uptons. "The contract written by Matron," she handed it to Cranbourne. "Using a false age and date of birth. And she's ripped up most of my file. After today I won't even exist!"

Cranbourne took the file as well, skimming through the few pages that were left.

"Matron..." he finally said, stepping towards the woman. "Is this true?"

"Mr Cranborne..." Matron scoffed. "This is simply a tall tale that has got out of hand."

"No, it's not!" Will shouted indignantly.

"Lord Upton was so impressed with Green, that he wanted her to be Charlotte's companion and nothing more," Matron said. "The rest is simply an administrative error on my part."

"And the money?" Cranbourne asked. "How do you account for that?"

Matron smiled, taking it from him. "From the proceeds of the foundlings' work, and private donations. I was saving it to donate to the Missionary society. To help unprivileged children."

Cranbourne nodded. "I see."

Rose, meanwhile, took a few steps down the stairs and burst out. "What?! You believe her? She's a liar and a crook!"

"Enough!" Cranbourne told her.

Matron's eyes looked dangerous. "Surely you know the truth, Mr Cranbourne. We work so closely... at times side by side."

Mr Cranbourne nodded. "To protect Matron's position..." he said, taking the money back from the woman. "I will take this money to the Missionary society myself, and obtain a receipt as proof. The governors will be most proud of your fundraising efforts."

"Thank you," Matron nodded.

"No!" Rose said. "I'm not going to India!"

"And of course, you wouldn't send an underage foundling away if they are unwilling?" Cranbourne checked with Matron.

"Oh no," Matron smiled. "I would never go against hospital rules, Mr Cranbourne."

Rose frowned. "I'm... staying? I'm not going-"

"You are not going anywhere," Matron promised her.

Rose turned to see her friends, at the top of the staircase, all celebrating and all smiling.

"Hospital punishment is over!" Matron called out to everyone, before sweeping off.

As soon as she left, all Rose's friends ran down to hug her, but she turned to Cranbourne, holding out a hand.

She was asking for her file.

There wasn't any reason why she shouldn't have it, considering that all the important parts of it had been cut out.

So Cranbourne handed it over, letting Rose go back into the hug with her friends.

She smiled.

Because, for all it was worth, this moment was better than any mother.


That night, up in the rafters, Rose went through her file, finding nothing more than the usual stuff that she had found before. All the stuff she needed was gone.


When she looked closer, she soon learned it wasn't.

It was there, in a small pocket at the back.

A penny, with a heart shaped hole in it.

Her token.

Rose's heart leapt as she held it up to her eye, looking through the hole.

It was all she really needed, at the moment.

Because the only thing that could control the fear and anger spread by the she-mob and Matron and Vince and Judd and whoever else was right there. And she was going to take it.

It was hope.

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