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It was only an annual event, but Rose hated the time, each year, when Matron got round to organising the governors charity lunch.

It was a big event, and a lot of toffs were involved, so obviously, Matron put on a load of airs and graces and for the senior foundlings, that only meant one thing.


Rose hated hymns. They were long, boring, and the lyrics meant absolutely nothing to her.

However, this year was different. A rich man called Mr Melrose had been brought into the hospital to write a brand new hymn, which meant that for the first time, girls and boys rehearsed together.

Well, together in a classroom split by a load of chalkboards.

This morning, whilst singing, Rose noticed Matron looking particularly cross. Probably because Nurse Winterson, who normally taught music, was late.

As Mr Melrose finished on the piano, Rose stole a glance through a gap in the blackboards, over at the boys' side. She caught Will's eye, and the two smiled at each other.

"Beautiful," Mr Melrose said as he finished on the piano. "Thank you. Such impressive work for only a week."

"It was beautiful music, Mr Melrose," smiled Matron, putting on a show for the money the man possessed.

"Oh, just a little ditty, really," Melrose murmured, making Rose roll her eyes.

But then he said, slightly louder. "You know, I think that it would be better to have a foundling playing with me, and to have the first verse be a solo. Really have the foundlings take control of the performance."

Matron nodded. "Ah yes, that can be arranged, when our-"

As if on cue, Nurse Winterson burst through the door. "My apologies, Matron, Mr Melrose."

"Oh, I'm sure a lie-in was well deserved," Mr Melrose shrugged.

Rose couldn't resist the urge to giggle with the others girls. Matron's look silenced them, though.

"Now, Mr Melrose thinks the first verse should be a solo, accompanied by a foundling on the piano," Matron informed Winterson. "So if you could choose your singer and pianist and make sure they're up to it."

"Right," Winterson nodded, as Melrose and Matron swept from the room. "Back to it, then."

As she turned round, Rose demanded. "Why do we ever only sing hymns?"

She heard a snigger from the boys and looked sideways to see Will, trying to stop but failing.

Winterson spared him a 'look' before saying. "Technically, Rose, this isn't a hymn, it's a chorale."

"Same difference," Rose shrugged, before asking. "Is all music this boring?"

"You don't really mean that, do you?" Winterson checked.

Rose shrugged.

"You could audition for either of the solos?" She suggested.

"I'm alright, thanks," Rose sighed.

So began another round of the hymn.

Except this time, it wasn't so boring.

As many amused looks with Will were exchanged during the performance of it.


At the end, the foundlings that wanted to stay for the solos were kept behind. Rose was shocked to see Gideon and Ned staying. Gideon was going to sing whilst Ned played piano.

Sheila and Elizabeth were also staying, smirking the whole way.

Rose sighed as Macclesfield ushered them out the hall.

However, when she wasn't looking, her and her five friends ran round the corner with the boys, so that they could all stay behind to hear Gideon and Ned perform.

After the lines of boys and girls had left, the group snuck back round and put their ears to the door, where Sheila and Elizabeth were doing their thing.

Rose cringed to hear it. The piano playing was out of tune and Sheila's voice was terrible, it even hurt her ears.

"Eesh," she said, making Will snigger again.

"Sounds like a French horn," commented Walter.

As Sheila finished, Rose heard Winterson call Gideon and Ned up.

"Can Gideon sing?" Harriet asked. "Can Ned play the piano?"

"He- he used to be able to when we were younger, I think," Rose tried to remember. "I don't know if he can now."

However, once they started, it became apparent that Ned could play, and that Gideon could sing.

As they started, Rose couldn't resist the urge anymore. She crept into the room, the others behind her, to see Gideon, singing softly, with Ned playing the piano, perfectly in tune with him, beside.

As they finished, all of their friends clapped from the corner, bright smiles on their faces.

"Right, so, how would you like the solos, Gideon and Ned?" Winterson smiled.

"Really?" The two boys asked in shock.

Their friends clapped again as the others who had auditioned cleared out, all annoyed.

"Well," Mathias said, as he advanced forward. "You kept those skills quiet!"

"Mr Melrose's music school takes a dozen students every year," continued Nurse Winterson. "If you perform for Mr Melrose before the lunch as you just performed for me right now... you might be in with a chance."

Both Gideon and Ned seemed quite happy at this news, but Rose walked forward and said. "What? They only started five minutes ago and now you want them to join a music school?"

"Better than getting chucked in the army," shrugged Gideon.

"Probably make more money, as well," said Ned sensibly.

"Well done," Mathias smiled at the two of them.

Rose suddenly felt a hand on her arm and looked up to see Will.

"He's not getting taken away from you, don't worry," Will said to her, offering a small smile as the others walked out the room. "On the other hand, you clearly have a future job as a comedian."

Rose rolled her eyes. "I want to be a writer, Will."

"Well, you could be that, too," Will shrugged. "Just don't waste your talents on becoming a maid, please?"

Rose smiled. "I'll try not to."

As Will also smiled, Winterson said. "Rose, Will, back to lessons, please."

Rose turned to her. "Will Ned have to leave?"

"Of course not," Winterson said.

"See, told you," Will said in a 'told you so' voice.

Rose sighed. "But he's good, you heard him, and Mr Melrose will, too."

"Talent doesn't do much hidden away, Rose. My father taught me that," said Winterson.

"Does he play piano?" Will asked with interest.

"He used to, in music halls," Winterson explained.

"And now?" Rose asked.

"He's a war veteran, and I look after him," sighed Winterson. "That's why I'm here, if I didn't work, we'd end up on the street."

Rose frowned, but Will asked. "What's music hall?"

"Stage shows," Nurse Winterson explained. "Songs, comedy, dances."

Will nodded, but Rose's face lit up.

"Can you teach us?"


It was amazing. Whilst Winterson played piano, the foundlings yelled out songs, not worrying about keeping their voices in tune. The boards had been pulled back, so girls and boys were together, and everyone was dancing about daftly, having a fun time.

Where did you get that hat?

Where did you get that tile?

Isn't it a nobby one and just the proper style?

I should like to have one just the same as that!

Wherever you go, I shout 'hello'!

Where did you get that hat?

Rose was having so much fun, laughing with all her friends and yelling out the words.

"Oi!" She shouted when Will took her bonnet off and put it on his own head, laughing loudly as Mathias did the same thing. "Stop it-"

She stopped, and everyone else stopped, however, at the sight she saw then.

Matron, standing in the room, her face stony.

Winterson stood up immediately. "Matron."

"A word, nurse?" Matron asked, leading a very embarrassed Nurse Winterson out the room.

As they left, Matron said. "Go to your dorms."

Rose felt her body freeze, every muscle locking up.

The problem wasn't what punishment they were going to get.

It was what one Winterson would get.


She had been fired. Dismissed. Matron had relieved her of her duties.

It didn't take long for the news to travel round.

It turned out Winterson had been at a music hall the night before, and that was why she had been late. Still didn't make what happened to her right, thought Rose bitterly.

That night, she called a meeting in the tower.

"If Winterson did something wrong, then she deserved to be punished," Harriet said.

"All she did was go to a music hall!" Rose exclaimed.

"Matron had it in for her," Will spoke angrily.

"She still broke the rules," said Harriet.

"Her dad's sick," Rose snapped. "She works so she can look after him. I bet all she wanted was one night off."

Will nodded. "We've got to get her back. Somehow."

"Whatever we do, it's still up to Matron," Harriet was still against it.

"Not if we leave her with no choice," Rose smirked. "We could protest..."

"Or strike."

Everyone looked to Polly, who had spoken.

"I read this story in one of Nurse Macclesfield's old journals," she began. "These girls at a matchstick factory were getting sick, because of the poisonous stuff they were putting into the matches. They were getting paid barely anything for it, too. So, one day, they refused to work until the boss agreed to change things.

"Obviously, the boss said no. But, when the girls stopped working, the factory didn't make any money. So eventually the boss had to give in."

Rose's eyes flashed. "Matron's desperate for us to impress Melrose, so if we refuse to sing until she gets Winterson back, she'd have to give in!"

"Matron would just punish us," Mary spoke up.

"She can't punish everyone," Rose shook her head. "We'll outnumber her, like, thirty to one."

"So, how do we get the other twenty people onside?" Will raised his eyebrows at her.

Rose shrugged. "You work on the boys. And we'll work on the girls."


She had thought it would be easy.

"Urgh! No one wants to strike!" She moaned next morning at recreation, holding a piece of paper and pen in her hand. However, the paper only had five names on it. She needed more.

"We can't strike on our own!" Mary exclaimed.

"I know that, I just don't know how we get people to sign up!" Rose sighed, turning to face her.

"Just make them," said a voice behind her.

Rose turned to see Sheila, and looked at her. "Make who... do what?"

"Don't be dumb, if I was going to rat, I'd have done it already," Sheila snapped.

"Wouldn't put it past you," Rose retorted.

Sheila rolled her eyes. "Look, just because you're not scared of Matron, doesn't mean everyone else is. You can't nag people into striking. You have to make it worth their while."

"You mean bribe them?" Rose asked.

"I mean negotiate," Sheila rolled her eyes. "And you don't have to do anything. I'll do it."

Rose chuckled wryly. "What's in it for you?"

"Glad you asked," Sheila smirked cruelly. "I want the solo at the concert. And Elizabeth wants to play piano."

Rose's eyes widened. "But Winterson gave it to Ned! And Gideon!"

"Matron won't care," Sheila shook her head. "It'd only be if the strike works, and Gideon and Ned'll be so happy to have Winterson back, they won't care less about the performance."

Rose slowly turned round to look at Polly and Harriet, who were behind her. Both of them shook their heads.

But Rose turned round regardless, and handed the paper and pen over to Sheila reluctantly. "Alright."

Sheila grinned. "See you at rehearsals."

Rose sighed as she watched her go.

And tried to fight the feeling that she'd made a horrible, horrible mistake.


Next hymn rehearsal, and Rose didn't look over at the boys, despite Will trying numerous times to catch her eye. She didn't want to look at them, however. Considering what she had done to two of them.

There was also the problem that Macclesfield was now on the piano whilst they practiced, and Matron was at the front of the class. With Winterson gone, and no new music teacher, this was how things were to be from now on.

Rose was glad when the piano stopped.

But she wasn't glad when she saw the reason why.

"Matron," Mr Cranborne announced as he walked in, handing Matron a piece of paper. Rose had a sneaking suspicion she knew what was on it. But she prayed she was wrong.

As Matron read it, her face contorted.

"Who made this?" She asked, turning the paper over. Rose couldn't see much but she could see Strike for Nurse Winterson written at the top.

When no one owned up, Matron snarled. "Mr Cranbourne, take everyone on this list to my office. They will all be caned."

For the first time that lesson, Rose looked over at the boys, and locked eyes with Will. His face was hard, his eyes unblinking.

So Rose stood up.


Matron's eyes snapped to hers but she didn't back down.

"It was my idea, Matron," she continued. "I wanted Nurse Winterson back. I talked the boys into it."

There was a small silence in which Matron advanced forward. "Get out," she hissed at Rose. "Get out!"

She took Rose's arm and pulled her down the aisle. "Get the boys, Mr Cranbourne!"

Then Will stood up. "It wasn't Rose, Matron, it was me! It was my idea!"

Polly stood up. "And mine!"

Then Harriet and Hetty. "Ours too!"

And then everyone started to stand up, the boys included.

"No Matron, it was us-"

"It was me-"

"It was me-"

"No, it was me!"

"It was us."

"No, we did it!"

"It was me!"

Until everyone was on their feet.

Everyone except the she-mob.

Then Sheila got to her feet. "It was all of us."

And out she held the girls' paper for the strike.

Matron grabbed it, and looked at it.

At which point Rose yelled at her. "Give Nurse Winterson her job back!"

Matron laughed angrily. "Who do you think you are?"

Rose shrugged, turning around and shoving the blackboards in between the girls and boys, so that two groups became one.

Then she sat down on the floor in front of Matron.

And everyone followed her.

"What is this? Get up!" Matron roared

But soon the ground was a sea of indignant foundlings, all looking up at her, making it clear they weren't budging. Then Rose finally spoke.

"This is a strike."

She continued. "Do what you like, just force us to go to your stupid concert tomorrow if that's what you won't, but we won't sing or play or do anything unless you get Winterson back. You can't make us."

"Hm," Matron smiled, then her face straightened. "We'll see if I can't."

As she left, Cranbourne and Macclesfield went with her.

Will, who had settled himself next to Rose, touched her arm so she looked at him. "Now what?"

Rose sighed heavily before answering.

"Now we wait."


It was getting late when Matron came in. Some of the foundlings were talking, but Rose wasn't. She was lying on the floor, her bonnet off, Will right beside her.

It had been a pretty boring day, but Rose wasn't giving up.

However, when Matron and Macclesfield came through the door, wheeling a tray of way better food than the foundlings usually got with them, it was safe to say Rose was confused.

They wheeled the tray to face them and then Matron said. "Children, children, you must all be very hungry."

"Hm, and there's plenty more in the dining hall!" Macclesfield nodded, as many foundlings advanced to the trays immediately.

Then Matron said. "Come, come and eat, and you have my word, you will not be punished."

"Why do I not believe that?" Will muttered so only Rose could hear him.

"However..." then Matron delivered it. "Be in no doubt, when this strike breaks, and break it will, those who do not surrender will be punished. Severely and permanently."

Macclesfield lightly smacked a cane against her hand.

Then Matron gestured to the food, without another word.

But before any more advances were made, Rose stood up and told her. "We're not going anywhere."

"And you speak for everyone, do you?" Matron's lip curled.

Will nodded, standing up beside her.

However, from the back of the room, Judd, one of the boys' enemies, said. "I just wanted extra dinner! That's what you promised us!"

"I'm not starving for you lot!" Vince, another enemy, added, looking at Will and Mathias.

"Come on, it's just a few hours," sighed Mathias.

"We're done for, anyway!" Vince yelled. "What's the point?"

Then he and Judd got up and left, without a backward glance.

"Good boy!" Matron smirked, as with Vince and Judd came a few more boys and a couple girls. "Well done."

Rose rolled her eyes, turning round to address the group. "Matron's bluffing. She's doing this because she's desperate. We are winning. We can't back down now."

Nobody made any further advances towards the food.

"Very well," Matron nodded, heading out the room.

Once they were gone, Harriet remarked. "That didn't feel like winning."

Rose stamped her foot, facing Sheila. "Why did you have to go and promise people stuff? Matron'll just trump us every time!"

Sheila smirked. "Wasn't just us, though, was it?"

And in that moment, Rose closed her mouth, unable to speak or reply. However, she knew what was coming.

Sheila took her speechlessness as an opportunity to announce. "Rose said that if I got everyone to join her strike, I'd get to sing at the concert, and Elizabeth would get to play piano."

Rose froze.

"She's been making deals just like the rest of us," finished Sheila gleefully.

As Rose looked down, Ned burst out. "Why would you do that?"

Rose turned. "We needed everyone, Ned!"

"We?" Ned exclaimed. "You mean YOU needed everyone!"

"There'll be other performances!" Rose was shouting now, leaning over the desk.

"Not like this one!" Gideon stood up, too. "And you knew that!"

"It's not about you two, alright?!" Rose shouted. "This is about getting Winterson back!"

"No, it's completely about you!" Ned shot back.

Rose then found herself losing it, like she did every time she was annoyed. "Do your stupid piano! Let Melrose take you to his music school! I don't care!"

And at that, Ned barged past his sister, Gideon too, and both of them left the room, the door echoing in a slam behind them.

Rose clenched her fists, ignoring Will when he murmured to her, asking if she was alright.

She addressed the room. "Winterson gave up everything to look after other people! All we care about is ourselves! Who sat with you when you were afraid of the dark? Who didn't rat you out to Matron when you wet the bed?" She pointed to people in the crowd. "Winterson was so kind to us! We should be striking for her and not ourselves."

She sat down at the desk, putting her head in her hands and biting her lip to stop herself crying.

She was angry. But angry at herself, too.

She was just angry at everything.


The next morning, Rose counted everyone still in the room, and felt confident that Matron still didn't have enough singers for the lunch.

"Here we go," she said to everyone, standing at the front of the group, Will just a fraction behind her, as they heard Matron's footsteps down the hall.

She came in, dressed in a purple and blue tartan dress with a lacy bonnet, looking around at the group. "Well, how are we?"

Rose shrugged. "Your guests are here."

"I know," Matron said. "A shame, too. Ned was so excited about playing the piano for everyone. He's very gifted, Gideon, too. I heard them practicing. But, without everyone present, I am afraid that I shall simply have to cancel the concert."

Many people gasped, but Rose remained stony. "No you won't. You need us to sing for Melrose. You're bluffing."

Matron just nodded. "Yes. I am."

Rose narrowed her eyes.

She sighed. "I didn't want to have to say this, but you leave me little choice. If you do not give up and come to the chapel in the next ten minutes, I will send Ned to the tench... for a month."

Rose hoped no one could hear the sharp intake of breath she took.

Matron raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to know if I'm bluffing now?"

"You can't!" Rose exclaimed. "You said you wouldn't punish them if they surrendered!"

"It's all up to you, Rose," Matron told her. "It's your decision. Ten minutes or Ned goes to the tench."

As she left the room, the others retreated backwards, all whispering. Rose, meanwhile, stayed where she was.

"Maybe... maybe we should give up," Monica said.

"No way! I'm not losing my solo just cause Ned and Gideon got selfish!" Sheila yelled.

"Yeah!" Elizabeth agreed.

"We can't just let Matron chuck Ned in the tench!" Will shouted at her.

Sheila shouted. "Who cares about Ned?!"

"We do-"

"He's our friend-!"

"I don't-"

"It's my solo-"

But Rose just stood in the middle of the shouting, torn.

If she stayed, Ned would go to the tench.

If she left, Winterson would never come back.

And then eventually, she found herself walking towards the door.

"Rose! Rose, where are you going?" Will shouted, grabbing her hand to stop her from walking further.

"I'm not letting Ned get punished because of me," Rose snapped, more forceful than she meant to be.

All the shouts fell silent.

"You can stay if you want, but I'm going," Rose said, letting go of his hand and leaving the room.

Everyone followed within ten seconds.

Outside the chapel, a line was forming, and Rose knew that Ned would be at the front, so she took a place at the back.

"What's going on?" She heard Ned ask Will.

"Matron was gonna chuck you in the tench if Rose didn't give up," he answered sadly.

Rose sighed, exchanging a sad look with Ned from the back of the line.

Then Matron came through, with Sheila and Elizabeth. "You two, stand at the front, you will be soloist and pianist."

She told them that this didn't spare them punishment, and it wouldn't, but it would also make them unbearable.

Matron sighed, going in to make her big speech which Rose only heard bits of.

She heard a faint clap, which clearly signified that it was their time to come on.

But instead of Sheila going on, Gideon and Ned shoved past her, running into the hall. Rose's eyes widened and she fought a smile as she heard Ned start to play the piano and Gideon sing.

Where did you get that hat?

Where did you get that tile?

Isn't it a nobby one or just the proper style?

And then all the foundlings crowded in, taking Gideon and Ned's lead and singing along.

I should like to have one just the same as that!

Wherever you go, I shout 'hello'!

Where did you get that hat?

At the end of the song, Rose revelled in seeing Mr Melrose's expression. However, after a very confused second, he started to clap.

And everyone followed his lead.

Matron, too, had to.

"Wonderful, wonderful," she said, a slight smile on her face. "Now, after that, um... popular opening, let us move on to the piece de resistance!"

She looked angry, but Rose couldn't help grinning.

They had done it.

They had beaten her.


As Gideon and Ned left the hall, all their friends followed them, yelling out praise and happy shouts.

However, when Rose got a moment alone with Ned, she smiled. "That was amazing. I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't've said what I did."

She lunged into his arms and Ned hugged her back, both of them smiling.

"It's alright," Will told her once they pulled back. "You just wanted to help Winterson."

"Oh, Ned, that was marvelous, just brilliant!"

Both Ned and Rose turned to see Mr Melrose hurrying down the corridor, Matron on his heels.

"The vaudeville, the music hall!" Melrose grinned. "How on earth did you learn that?"

"Nurse Winterson, our teacher, taught us," Rose smiled at him.

"Nurse Winterson, of course," smiled Melrose. "Well, where is she? I-I really must thank her-"

"She got the sack," said Rose, hoping she was laying it on thick enough.

"Is this true?" Melrose turned to Matron.

"I- um- she was a bad influence on the children," Matron stuttered.

"Okay, here's a deal, I will donate my hundred pounds to upkeep the organ, if you get the girl back," smiled Melrose.

Matron struggled, but nodded eventually. "Of course, Mr Melrose."

"Now then, um, Ned, what's your friend's name?" Melrose asked the boy.

"Gideon, sir," answered Ned.

"Well, you and Gideon are a little young for my music school, and a little raw, but what say myself and your Winterson give you two some private tuition, and then, this time next year, we'll see where we are?" Melrose proposed.

Rose's face burst into a smile as Ned said. "Yes, sir!"

She resisted the urge to hug him again.


"Shhh! Matron's coming!"

In the dorm that night, everyone blew out their candles as Monica hissed this around.

However, when the door opened, someone else was revealed.

"Nurse Winterson!" Everyone squealed as they ran towards her, hugging her.

"What a welcome!" Winterson smiled as she hugged everyone back before guiding everyone back to their beds.

Rose didn't notice her coming over.

"I hear I've got you to thank, Rose," she said, sitting down on her bed.

But Rose shook her head. "No. Thank Ned."

Winterson gave her a small wink before getting up. "You know, Matron doesn't just forgive and forget. You all need to be careful from now on."

Rose nodded as Winterson slowly leaned forward and hugged her, both of them savouring it for all it was worth.

Rose smiled gently.

The strike hadn't worked.

But the purpose they were doing it for. It had.

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