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( mentions of abuse, nudity & painful injuries )
Regulus was leaning against the railing of the tower, reading a book before he noticed his brother from his peripheral vision. He looks at Sirius with furrowed eyebrows, awkwardly looking between his older brother and his book before sitting up to face him. Many things were running through Regulus's mind.
Why was Sirius here?
Why was he crying and smiling at him at the same time?
Did something happen?
Regulus was quite the overthinker - almost every possibility was popping up in his head every second as he inspected every part of his brother. It ranged from wondering why Sirius was crying to thinking it was wonderful news that all their relatives burned in a fire.
Well, not their whole family, Uncle Alphard - who both Regulus and Sirius favored. The older man was much like Sirius and Regulus combined, and despised his family for their views - well, in secret of course for his safety. He always checked up on Regulus and secretly checked up on Sirius ever since he ran away.
He actually forwarded lots of money to Sirius, so he could take care of himself when he ran away from home, which did cost himself to be taken off the family tapestry and ' disowned ' but he realized didn't give a single fuck. Then, he even offered some to Regulus if he was planning to run away too, but the young boy hesitantly declined.
"Why are you here?" Regulus asked accusingly, standing up straight as Sirius softly chuckled and quickly wiped his strayed tears.
"Can't a guy just check up on his little brother?" Sirius asked, sniffing softly as he strided over beside Regulus and passed him over to the railings of the Tower. Regulus watched his movements closely, finding it weird how Sirius was acting. Sirius had leaned himself on the railings with his forearms on top of them.
"It's just... We don't check up on each other..." Regulus muttered, stuck in his spot behind Sirius and carefully inspected the scene before him.
"Well I think I should start doing so, I haven't seen you since the library and you didn't sound too happy to see me." Sirius retorted with a laugh, making Regulus roll his eyes and take a hesitant step towards Sirius.
"I wonder why," Regulus muttered sarcastically, making Sirius's small grin almost drop but nonetheless he chuckled to mask it.
It was silent for a minute as Regulus slowly made his way over beside Sirius. The younger Black brother wore comfortable gray sweats with a dark emerald green sweater. His blue-grey eyes bore into the side of Sirius's head as he leaned his forearms on top of the railings like Sirius.
The brothers looked very much alike - blue eyes, pale skin, and their haughty good looks common in their family history. Though Regulus was a little shorter and slender than his older brother, who had somewhat broader shoulders and a taller build. And don't forget their tousled messy black hair that was iconic in the Black family. Regulus's hair wasn't as long as Sirius's and couldn't put it in a tiny ponytail like him, but it was just as soft, silky, and messy.
Regulus was trying so hard to read his older brother - just to find out what he was thinking, because it was infuriating him. Why is Sirius here all of a sudden?
"How is O.W.L.'s going?" Sirius asks, keeping his longing eyes staring out into the large Hogwarts fields and edges of the forest. Regulus stared at him confused but then looked away, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Lots and lots of studying..." Regulus mutters, making Sirius nod in agreement. Remembering last year, he didn't worry about the O.W.L.'s and breezed past them.
"Understandable," Sirius answers shortly, looking down and playing with the rings on his fingers.
"Sirius," Regulus called, making Sirius hum in response, barely audible. But Regulus sighs and continues.
"Why are you here? We're not exactly you know... On good terms to just 'chat'..." His words made Sirius gulp harshly, feeling himself about to burst into tears with the amount of heaviness on his chest.
"That's actually why I'm here..." Regulus stopped and turned his full attention to Sirius as he still avoided his younger brother's curious gaze.
"Please tell me you don't believe in the family's pure-blood supremacy." Sirius suddenly whispered, finally turning his attention towards his brother with tears in his eyes. Regulus stared at Sirius with wide eyes and his breath suddenly went silent.
"Please just tell me you don't believe in that bullshit."
Was it possible for Regulus's heart to stop and still be alive? Cause that's what he's feeling.
Of course, Regulus didn't believe and liked the way his family talked so highly of pure blood and so badly about muggles but he was terrified to speak out because he was afraid of the consequences. He saw his brother - and he was tortured with Crucio by his parents - snarled and threatened by his cousins. And now since Sirius has left, Regulus was walking on pin needles around his family. He's afraid one little mistake can now cost him his life.
"Please, Reggie. I know you don't want to despise muggles and pray death upon them...." Regulus grew silent but that only urged Sirius to continue because he needed him to hear the words out of his mouth - that he knew he was going down the wrong and very bad path.
"I desperately need you to tell me... That you don't want to take pride in their heritage and wear the Black name proudly"
Sirius never stopped loving his brother - never in his life will he ever stop loving his little brother. Desperately always has wanted what's best for him.
"I-I..." Regulus looked down, hugging his left arm to his side nervously as Sirius's eyes flickered there. Sirius's eyes grew and bit his tongue as tears began to fall down his cheeks.
Even though Walburga and Orion Black never were death eaters and didn't have the dark mark - Sirius knew if he had followed their orders, he would have been forced to have the dark mark this time around. And realizing Regulus's birthday is coming up in a month, his sixteenth... This would be a time he'd be getting the dark mark on his left arm.
Sirius's throat dropped to his stomach at the thought and quickly sat up, grabbing his brother's left arm. Regulus was looking at his brother with wild eyes, not knowing what he was doing till he realized. Suddenly tears began to form in the younger brother's eyes.
"Oh thank God," Sirius mutters, lifting Regulus's left sleeve, revealing no dark mark that would have permanently stained his younger brother's pale skin.
Out of relief and instinct, Sirius pulled Regulus into his arms for a hug. Sirius had wrapped his arms around Regulus's shoulder, holding him tightly against him like he was trying to shield him from all the 'bad' in the world. Shield him from their mother, their father, from the dark lord - from anything evil corrupted.
Regulus stood there in shock, not reciprocating the gesture, and stood there with wide eyes. Never in his whole life has he received physical affection, especially from his brother. He doesn't even think he was held as a child.
But the feeling of the warmth from his brother and comfort radiated from him as Sirius not only hugged desperately so tight, but he also was whispering various "thank you's" and "bloody hell, I thought I was gonna lose you" in his ear... Regulus let out a choked sob and finally wrapped his arms around Sirius.
He never was the one for affection, but once he finally received it, he realized how much he had been craving it for so long.
"I-I'm sorry!" Regulus expressed, stuffing his face in Sirius's shoulder as he cried.
"No, it's all my fault. I should have stayed or at least forced you to come with me, like dragging you or something. I was a terrible brother..." Sirius whispered, pressing a hard kiss on the top of Regulus's head.
They pulled away after a second and Sirius put his hands on Regulus's shoulder, taking a deep shakey breath. Both their eyes were bloodshot red, Regulus's eyes weren't as bad but it was only because Sirius felt like he'd been crying all day.
"I'm so sorry. Please tell me, they never hurt you..." Sirius whispered desperately, his hands tightening on Regulus's shoulders.
Never will Regulus tell him if they ever did physically abuse him. He knew Sirius - it'd turn out ugly. Not saying they did ever abuse him, but they were very much emotionally abusive and loved threatening the living hell out of him. It's been close that he's been Crucio'd with his mother's wand to his neck. It was the one time he defended Sirius during their 'family' dinner and they were talking badly about their eldest son - and Regulus decided to stick up for him... And this was his very first time doing so and he immediately got threatened by his mother and father to be Crucio'd by protecting the name - Sirius Black.
They didn't even refer to Sirius as their firstborn son or Regulus's older brother. They used his name, spitting out venom with the hurtful words - 'blood traitor' and even more hurtful names.
So Regulus had shaken his head as an answer and Sirius let out a sigh of relief. A small smile appeared on his face before pulling Regulus in for another hug.
"Good... That's good." He pulls away again from the second hug, patting Regulus's shoulders and wiping his face looking down.
"Regulus... I'm so sorry, so bloody sorry for everything - I don't want us not to be in each other's life because you're the only blood-related family I have and love... Other than Andromeda, but anyways - I don't want to leave each other on bad terms from now on, please..."
Regulus looked at him confused, furrowing his eyebrows. He was already in jeopardy being here with Sirius and talking to him - especially if Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Mulciber, Parkinson, or Severus saw. They would tell his other cousins or Lucius's parents and get him in a deadly amount of trouble. He knew Andromeda wouldn't say anything since she was in Sirius's case and not talking to her family anymore as soon as she graduated from Hogwarts a few years ago, she ran away and married a muggle -Ted Tonks. And now she has a four-year-old daughter named Nymphadora.
When Regulus is in the Astronomy Tower, it's honestly the only time he gets away from the blood-awful Slytherins - who were all bloody insane.
Regulus had other friends that thankfully didn't agree with their parent's motives but of course, in secret. There was Pandora Malfoy, who got in Ravenclaw and was practically disowned by her family and only brother but he only hanged with her in secret. And then there was Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadowes, and Barty Crouch Jr... They were in the same situation as their parents.
"Come live with me." Sirius finally breathed out, bringing his head up so his eyes traced over Regulus's features.
"What?" Regulus replied sharply, his eyes bulging like it was the craziest thing he'd ever heard.
"It'd be fine - I mean, when I turned sixteen, I ran away! I mean, I had to deal with our family completely disowning and hating me! But I'm fine now - I have a place to live at the Potters until I and the boys get our place. And Euphemia and Fleamont would gladly bring you in-"
"Sirius." He stopped his rant, his shoulders deflating seeing the look on his little brother's face. "I can't do that... And you know that."
Sirius shook his head, trying to get the thought of his brother hurt or getting the dark mark, out of his head. He knew if Regulus and himself weren't careful, they could put one another in grave danger. And since Regulus was Walburga's and Orion's 'only son' and they hoped for him to carry on the Black family name - it's difficult to guess what would happen to both of them.
"But..." Sirius mutters, putting his hand over his mouth in deep thought before raising his bluish-grey eyes to his brother's identical ones.
"You know they're gonna probably force you to marry one of our cousins" Sirius mutters, trying to lighten up the mood with a small smile and Regulus lets out an airy laugh.
"All our cousins are now married, while Cissa is already technically betrothed to Lucius"
"I'm sure they'll figure out a way to keep it in the family..." Sirius mutters with a laugh, making Regulus shake his head with a playful smile.
This has to be the first time they're joking around with each other and weren't scolded. They haven't smiled or laughed with each other since they were a lot younger - a little before Sirius ran away. It makes their hearts warm at the thought, of realizing how much they've missed one another in each other's life.
"I've missed you, Reggie"
"I know you're probably not gonna say it back - because we've done enough lovey dovey shit already... But I have, and I just wanted to let you know..." Sirius says with a smirk, making Regulus glance at him and roll his eyes with a grin. His older brother takes a deep breath and crosses his arms over his chest, a shudder of cold air coming out of his mouth as he takes a step back to leave.
"I do care about you... And you should think about my proposition and consider it." Sirius pronounced, stuffing his hands in his pockets and giving Regulus one last look before turning around and leaving the Astronomy Tower.
Regulus watched as his older brother fully disappeared and he couldn't see his head anymore when Sirius reached a certain step of the stairs. Regulus looked down at his hands and turned to look out the Tower and out to the fields and trees around the castle.
"I've missed you too, Sirius"
"Ow ow ow!" Maggie whispers, arching her back in pain as Harry clenches his teeth, saying several sorry's.
"I'm sorry!" Harry exclaims, cleaning the blood around the wound with the shower hose.
Magnolia was sitting in the tub with no clothes as Harry cleaned her wounds and washed her hair. She was still a little exhausted but the stinging feeling in her back was keeping her awake. He was sitting on the edge of the tub, running his hand down and down her back with soap to clean off the excess blood.
"Are you feeling better?" He asks, running his hand through her now long white-gold hair, and his other hand was putting the shower hose over her head.
"A little..." She whispered, humming in content as he put shampoo in his hands and started massaging the soap to her scalp.
"Our parents are getting us snacks in the kitchen" She giggles softly at that, making him smile at the sound of her laugh. As he cleans her right arm, his left arm is on her bare shoulder to keep himself up. She leans her head against his arm and places her hand on top of his, pulling her knees up against her chest.
"Our parents..." She whispers with a warm smile, a little dazed at the little few words he told her.
"Would you have ever thought you'd see your parents again?" Harry asks, not trying to turn down the mood - just a playful question in wonder. Maggie shrugged, playing with the low water in the tub with her fingertips as Harry rinsed the soap out of her hair with the shower hose.
"In person, no... But - in the Mirror of Erised? Yeah, definitely" She says with a laugh, making him agree beside her. As he finishes cleaning her hair, he kisses the top of her head as she closes her eyes in bliss and looks up at him.
"I love you, love you." She whispers, looking up at him as he smiles leaning down to kiss her lips.
She smiles in the soft kiss, bringing her hands up to cup his jaw. She felt addicted to his lips, savoring the taste of chocolate from this morning when they got hot cocoa before going to Dumbledore's office. It was her favorite taste, and his lips felt like pillows against hers. She felt the gentleness he used with her against her lips, making her press her lips on his a little harder.
He ran his hand from her lower back up, making her shiver out a small giggle as he smirked. As he brought his hand up, he cupped her jaw, smoothing his thumb over the soft pale skin on her cheek. Once he pulled away, she tried chasing his lips for more than just a small kiss, making him chuckle against her lips once she pouted.
"I love you, love you more" He replies as she finally opens her blue eyes and quickly pecks his plump lips again.
"I love you, love you most." She whispers, her eyes softly closing again as she grazes her lips over his carefully. As he rests his forehead against hers, closing his eyes softly too - she rubs her nose against his affectionately, making him subconsciously smile.
"I love you, love you more than most - HA! I win!" He expresses with a wide smile, making her let out a loud laugh, showing her pearly white teeth as she smiles up at his triumphed expression.
"I don't know what I'd do without you..." She says as he traces his thumb over her lips. His green eyes met her blue ones and flicked her bottom lip with his thumb, making him childishly chuckle to himself.
"When you flew off... I realized..." His breathing cut short and avoided her eyes out of shyness, making her look up at him curiously.
"Being without you is harder than being alone..." He answers, reaching her eyes again. She stared at him, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles as his opposite hand was no longer teasing her lips and was grazing up and down her bare back.
"We're such love-sick fools... Going through a time travel crisis." She says with a laugh, making him chuckle and kiss her temple. "But we'll get through this together, right?"
"No matter what. We're in this together."
He tells her reassuringly, making her hand squeeze around his hand tighter. While they sat in silence for another minute - one clothed and the other not. Maggie traced his veins on his hand, his brown-toned skin soft under her fingertips. Harry watched her movements carefully and silently, watching her soft pale fingertips on his skin, shuddering slightly as her clean nails grazed his skin.
"Come on, let's get dressed."
authors note !!!
i love this chapter - i say that about everyone but idc i love this so much! it's so calming in my opinion and it makes me so happy for sirius and regulus!
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