VI | The First Step (Part I)
A deep sigh escaped his lips.
Currently sitting himself on the balcony, just outside the ballroom, Akira starred up into the night sky. The visage of the moon reflected off his icy blue eyes, watching the sight of the cracked and shattered moon slowly moving through the dark painted canvas above.
"Can't sleep?" A soft voice spoke up.
He turned his head behind him, seeing that familiar blonde-haired girl walk up to him. Those shining blue eyes of hers sparkled, a small, but faint blush coming to his face before it receded and looked back to the dark visage in front of him. Another sigh left his lips as he wiped his face of what seemed to be sweat, resting his hands back onto the stone railing below him.
"What gave it away? Aside from the fact that I've been sitting here since they told us to go to sleep."
Corey chuckled softly, "Well, you were always a night owl from what I can remember. It took Chief and Akame to get you to sleep sometimes."
He couldn't help but laugh as well, "Yeah, you're right."
By now, she had walked up to the railing and swung her legs over it to sit next to him. Their shoulders inches apart, both their bangs moving with the subtle breeze, along with Cornelia's long hair. The blonde beauty took another glance at him, seeing that Akira was fixated on the cracked moon above. However, upon looking into his eyes, she easily caught sight of the sadness hidden behind those usually stoic eyes of his.
She then looked down at her own hand. Slowly, she began to move it closer to his. But as soon as she grazed their hands, her palms brushing the top of his hand, they both recoiled. Akira looked to the blonde girl, who had looked away, presumably with a small red hue of her own. He took a deep breath before he swung his legs around and hopped off the railing, leaning against it.
"So? I assume you came here to ask me something?" He shoved his hands into his pockets.
"H-Huh? O-Oh!" Corey was caught off guard by the sudden question. "W-Well, yes, I did, but... It can wait for another time. You seem to have a lot on your mind."
"That doesn't seem like you. The Corey I know would pester me on what was wrong. You were considered the 'big sister' of our group." He then gained a teasing grin, "Then again, it was always a wish of yours to be doted on every once and while, right?"
The red hue on her face grew even more, "Sh-Shut up! People can change in time, alright!? Besides, it was always hard enough to get things out of you!"
"Heh. Yeah, that's true. I was a pain in the ass regarding talking about my feelings and thoughts." Akira then yawned. "Anyway, I'm gonna head back in. We'll be waking up early tomorrow, so it'll be best if we get some sleep in."
"I think I'll... Stay up a bit longer..."
"You sure?"
"Yeah... I've got a lot on my mind, too, so I'll be taking a page out of your book."
"Just don't stay up too late. It won't do you any good for tomorrow if you're tired."
She laughed. "You were always one to go around, worrying for us like that."
He stopped for a moment. A soft smile couldn't help but come to his lips, but he didn't show her.
"I was made number two for a reason. It's my job to worry about us."
The black-haired teen then disappeared inside. Cornelia stared at him, watching his fading visage disappearing into the darkness of the ballroom. She couldn't help but think as she turned back to the night sky.
He certainly hadn't changed much. The fact that he mostly kept to himself and didn't share much. He was like that in the beginning. But over time, as they all grew closer together, he would open up to them. However, Cornelia knew that he was hiding something.
A much deeper pain than he was letting on.
VI | The First Step (Part I)
A black-haired boy with a pink strand wearily opens his eyes. They closed again before opening, the boy now fully awake as he's met with the bright blue eyes of a very enthusiastic orange-haired girl.
"Wake up, lazy butt!" She yelled to the top of her lungs.
She began to zoom around him, the boy getting up with a groan. As she began hounding him with cheerfulness and enthusiasm, she began singing.
"It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!~"
He sighed and got up, heading for the bathroom with the girl following after. Putting some toothpaste on his toothbrush, he began to clean his teeth, all while the girl kept pestering him.
"I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything. I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm... Well, I'm me! But's it's just crazy, you know?"
Once done in the bathroom, he heads back into the ballroom, with the girl bouncing after him. Fixing and tidying up his things, and sleeping bag, the girl still prattling on, they moved on into the next area, which was the cafeteria.
"We've been friend for soooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not 'together, together...' Not that I'm saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd be just weird, right?"
And once done with the cafeteria, they moved into the locker room to access their things. The orange-haired girl was still prattling about, this time her speech being muffled due to a pancake being stuffed into her mouth.
"Right! What was I thinking!? But still, I hope we end up on the same team together!" She ecstatically says, slurping the pancake into her mouth. "Ooohh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work. He has the school."
The black-haired teen with the magenta-pink streak in his hair merely rolled his eyes in amusement before he grabbed his two weapons in his locker. His weapons of choice were two deep green automatic pistols, fashioned with sickle-like blades that were attacked vertically under the barrel. He examined them, making sure they were fully functional and fully kept up to date.
"I know!" The girl beamed with a smile, "We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal!" She gasps, "A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?"
The boy finally responds. "Nora?"
"Yes, Ren?"
"I don't think sloths make a lot of noise," he said, sheathing his weapons into his sleeves.
Nora was quiet for a moment. "...That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!"
Ren smiled at the girl, "Come on, Nora. Let's go," he said whilst shutting his locker door closed.
"Not 'together-together'," she said while giggling.
The two pranced off to somewhere, their designated area, most likely. On the way, they passed the three siblings, Yang, Ruby, and Akira. The blonde girl and black-haired teen were standing around Ruby's locker, who were readying themselves.
"Wonder what those two are so worked up about?" Ruby wondered aloud.
"Oh, who knows? So, you awfully seem chipper!" Yang quipped.
"Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting-to-know-you' stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking," Ruby smiles with glee, stroking Crescent Rose as she sighs in happiness.
Akira looks at her younger sister with weirdness. "The way you're stroking your weapon is creepy. Stop that."
Yang shook her head, "Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."
"You sound like dad!" Ruby exclaims, sighing and groaning in frustration. She then slams her collapsed scythe back into the locker. "Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!"
Akira facepalms. "Okay, one, you will be meeting new people when you're fighting. Enemies, rivals, or allies. And secondly, drinking milk doesn't work like that."
"Yes it does! Shut up! You can't change my mind!" Ruby retorted childishly.
"You say that now..."
"Shut up!"
A new voice then spoke up, "Well, they aren't wrong, Ruby. Meeting new people to grow is quite essential. Especially when you need people to lean on in a certain time of need."
The trio looked at the new voice, seeing it was Cornelia walking up to them, a pleasant smile on her face as usual. Akira gained a faint smile himself, keeping it unnoticed. Whether to compare on whose smile was more radiant, Cornelia or his wife's, was a bit of a debate. But he couldn't lie, back then, seeing a cheerful smile on the blonde beauty's face as she made her rounds to everyone after finishing her chores was always a pleasant thing to see.
Upon seeing Cornelia, Yang raised an eyebrow. She remembered Ruby telling her last night that this girl somehow knew her elder brother. And she found it hard to believe, especially considering she's found it rare for Akira to ever leave the house unless it was to accompany her father, her uncle, or her and Ruby on a little grocery expedition. And to add to boot, this girl was extremely attractive and beautiful. Long golden blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, a pretty face along with a beautiful smile to accompany her visage. It would even be unbelievable if Ruby had told her if this girl was her brother's girlfriend. However, her shock grew when she looked to her brother, seeing that faint smile on his face as he brought a hand up and waved to greet Corey.
"Corey. A smile on your face as always."
"Well, better to start the day with a smile rather than a frown, right?"
"I suppose."
Ruby quickly interjected, "Excuse me, what is the relationship between you and my big brother?" She gasps, "Are you his girlfriend!?"
At that statement, the two instantly blushed. It was already known to Akira that Cornelia held a small crush for him, even feelings. Hell, he promised her a date, an event that never came to light due to certain circumstances in their old world. Cornelia looked at him, watching his flustered expression turn to the right to look away, making her smile internally because she thought his reaction was adorable. It was the little things like this that made her fall in love with him, but it was his overall caring nature he showed once you got to know him that really made her fall in love with him completely.
Akira then looked back to Cornelia to see her reaction. Like him, she was flustered, the red hue on her face and the way she rubbed her arm with her hand to show a bashful nature, along with a slight smile. Then again, he wouldn't be surprised if she still held feelings for him.
"Ahaha... I wouldn't say I'm his girlfriend..." The blonde beauty said shyly, "I would say that we're... Friends."
The icy blue-eyed teen coughed awkwardly. "Yeah. Just friends. Yep..."
"Hmm..." Ruby narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
"Oh, phew." Yang had breathed a sigh of relief. "For a second there, I thought you were serious. I mean, I would have found it very hard to believe that you were my brother's girlfriend. Especially with how he barely leaves the house and all. ...Wait, friends?"
Corey nodded her head. "Yeah. We've... A couple of times outside of Vale's borders."
Yang grinded her teeth with a forced smile. "Oh... I see..."
To her, the blonde bombshell was thinking that they met during the time Akira was staying with their mother. A mother that she never got the chance to meet or spend time with at all. But of course, Akira didn't dare wish to tell them the truth of his origins. At least, not yet, anyway. He believed he would only tell them when they were ready or prepared to know. To know of the monster he actually is, a demon that hides under the guise of a human.
Seeing that troubled expression on his face made Corey worry. To take the subject off the current situation, she doubled back to the matter of meeting new people.
"Speaking of meeting new people, Ruby, you will have to when we form teams."
Yang was snapped out of her disgruntled thoughts, "Oh, yeah! She's right about that."
"Um, I don't know," Ruby began, looking nervous, "I... I'll just be on your guys' team or something..."
"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang proposed, bringing her hair around her shoulder and stroking it.
"My dear sister, Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?" Ruby gave Yang an accusing glare.
"What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... Break out of your shell!"
"She's not wrong, Ruby," Akira agreed, nodding his head. "We won't always be there to help you. Consider this a stepping stone on gaining new friends."
Ruby's stubbornness persisted. "What the—!? I don't need to 'break out of my shell' or make new friends when I have you guys! That's absolutely ridiculous!"
Akira sighed. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
"Get back here, young man!"
A sudden crash was heard behind Yang, prompting them to turn around and look at the commotion. Though, it seemed Akira and Cornelia had caught sight of another familiar face, this face being a less desirable one out of all the kids of the Elite Seven. That familiar brown hair that accompanied his burly and well-built body, and known to be quite the pervert in the whole entire group. He wasn't creepy and weird like a certain green-haired teen with glasses, but there was no denying regarding his libido and his perverted nature was very different when it came to the rest of them.
Lying on the locker room floor in a confused daze, swirls for eyes as stars were over his head and circled him in a cartoonish manner, dressed in nothing but a brown vest with white short sleeves and white pants, along with some normal combat boots, was the Elite Seven's number three. Guy.
Guy was knocked out of his confused daze, glancing up. He marveled at the sight of a curious and puzzled Yang and Ruby staring down at them, especially noting how Yang's bust was quite appealing, but he lit up in excitement upon the sight of his old friends. However, he soon heard the clicking and clacking of heels behind him, seeing a very angry Glynda Goodwitch marching up to them.
With a plea of help, he looked to the two former Elite Seven members. "Oh! Akira! Corey! Am I glad to see you guys! Quick! Tell the hot blonde lady coming over here that my accidental appearance in the girls' bathroom was nothing but an accident! You guys can vouch for me, right!?"
Ruby darted her eyes over to Akira, "What!? Big brother, you know this guy!?"
"This pervert!?" Yang points her finger down at Guy in an accusing manner.
"Ouch! So rude!" Guy remarked.
Though, with a nonchalant look, both Akira and Cornelia looked at each other for a moment before turning around and walking away.
"Nope, don't know him," Akira simply replied.
"Never seen him before," Cornelia agreed.
Guy's eyes shot wide open in pure shock. "What!? You're just going to leave me!? Wait, come on, you guys can vouch for me! Please!"
"You're on your own." Akira doesn't bat an eye.
"You did this to yourself.~" Corey simply waved.
A tick mark appeared on Guy's head, "You guys are horrible friends, you know that!"
Soon, a pink aura surrounded the burly young man and he was soon dragged away, his screams of terror echoing throughout the locker room. Yang and Ruby slowly look up, seeing quite the eerily and "scary" looking smile on Glynda's face.
"Children. I recommend you head for the Beacon Cliff. The initiation will begin soon."
"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Ruby and Yang stuttered, hurrying off.
The two girls rush past Akira and Cornelia. But they didn't seem to pay any mind to them, lost in their own conversation. Looking to the icy blue-eyed teen, she couldn't help but gain a faint smile.
"As much as I enjoyed leaving Guy behind, we should probably vouch for him that we are his friends."
Akira snorted, "The dumbass did that to himself. Not surprised his habits haven't changed at all.
She laughed, "Should you be talking? Your own habits haven't changed at all as well."
"I believe you've already pointed that out, yes."
"There's no need to be annoyed about it," she said, noticing his annoyed look. "I'm just teasing you."
"Haha, very funny."
"But still... Who would've thought we'd run into Guy here of all places? Makes you wonder who else we might meet, right?"
A transition to the Beacon Cliff, the first-year students had gathered as they were instructed. Akira stood next to Jaune, who was standing next to his younger sister whilst she was standing next to Yang. Cornelia stood next to him, standing pleasantly while the same couldn't be said for the black-haired teen next to her, who stood bored and disinterested.
In front of them was Ozpin and Glynda, along with a tied up, unconscious Guy. Foam was leaving his mouth and a bundle of rope restricted him, most likely having been taught a lesson for peeping in on the girls' bathroom.
While they all curiously stared at the unconscious burly boy, their attention was brought back to the headmaster. Ozpin cleared his throat, and with a light tap of his cane on the ground, he began to announce the instructions of the initiation.
"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest," he spoke.
Glynda pushed up her glasses while the other held a tablet. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of 'teams.' Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... Today."
"What?" Ruby began to grow nervous. "Ohh..."
"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon," Ozpin said. "It is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work with."
Ruby's groans of nervousness and despair increased a little.
"That being said," Ozpin continued, "the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."
And then her nervousness, shock, and despair increased tenfold, Ruby's whole world shattering like glass.
"See? I told you—!" The orange-haired girl from before was soon interrupted by Ozpin.
"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... Or you will die," the headmaster explained rather grimly.
Jaune could be heard laughing nervously and gulping in response.
"You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"
Jaune raised his hand, "Yeah, um, sir?"
"Good! Now, take your positions."
They all did. All except for Akira. It seemed he wasn't paying attention to Ozpin's explanation, simply staring out into the vast green forest. Yang seemed to have eyed her older brother out in the corner of her lilac-colored eyes.
Normally, she wouldn't care. But what caught her interest was the subtle clenching of her brother's fists, that slight hint of fear in his usually dull and emotionless eyes as he stared out into the forest ahead. She narrowed her eye at him.
One by one, students were launched into the air. Mechanisms under the metal platforms they were standing on were heard, whirring and shifting before it suddenly launched the students into the air. Seeing as they were all getting launched, Jaune had grown nervous, looking back to the Beacon headmaster and raising his hand up a little higher.
"Uh, sir? Um... I've got a question. So, this landing... Strategy thing... Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?"
"No," Ozpin simply replies. "You will be falling."
He fails to see more students being launched. "Oh, uh, I see... So, like did you hand out parachutes for us?"
"No. You will be using your own 'landing strategy.'" His reply was another simple one.
Jaune continues to fail seeing the others being launched, "Uh-huh... Yeah."
Once her turn arrives, Yang looks to her younger sister and winks before putting on a pair of aviators. She was soon flung into the air, yelling out excitedly. Ruby then follows, an excited grin on her own face.
"So, what exactly is a landing strateggyyyy...!"
His last part of his sentence had been yelled out as he was finally launched. The blonde's scream knocked Akira's out of his senses and then, he too, was launched into the air. Instantly, his motion sickness began to take in as it seemed to have simulate a familiar memory in his head. The memory of flying on top a giant ray.
"You son of a biiiittttccchhh...!"
Ozpin watched Akira's trajectory before merely taking a sip from his mug.
A loud crash and boom could be heard nearby.
In a clear, open space, an explosion of ice was seen in a crater, the icy blue-eyed teen having landed there and used his ice to soften his landing. Although, he crashed through a few branches which helped slow down his momentum. But he still cursed the Beacon headmaster for launching him unexpectedly like that.
"That damn headmaster... When I fucking get my hands on him..."
He was soon cut off by a low growl, which could be heard all around him. Instantly, Akira became alert and stood up, drawing his katana that was at his side and looked around, seeing the ominously glowing red eyes of the creatures of Grimm that were surrounding him.
Nothing he couldn't handle, putting his blade back into his saya as he took in a deep breath and awaited for his moment to strike for a quick draw of his blade. He honed in his senses, closing his eyes as he listened carefully, feeling the light footsteps of the Beowolves' paws stepping onto the soft grass, the creatures of Grimm coming out into the light.
They snarled and growled, carefully pacing around him before they eventually pounced. Now was his chance.
Opening his eyes, he went to lunge forward and dash. But a quick, black, and purple blur soon came out from the shadows and cut the Beowolves down. The figure that had dashed out soon came to a stop a few feet away from the former reaper of the Empire. With a slight sigh, Akira turned to thank the figure for having quickly stepped in, but he soon paused and caught himself.
He furrowed his brow, tightening his grip on the handle of his katana tightly as he watched the lime-colored eyes of the girl slowly turn to him.
It could've been anyone that he wished to be paired with. Preferably his sisters, Cornelia, or hell, even Guy if he was launched into the forest too. But, no... It had to be her. One of the first few people that had initially given him pain and began his descent into despair.
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