Chapter 6
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6:. 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
Her lids were heavy, stinging with each attempt she made at opening her eyes more than halfway. The bright light streaming through the window forced Dahyun to shut them, wincing when it sent a throbbing just behind her eyes. Her whole body felt like deadweight, and her muscles ached when she lifted her arm to shield herself from the invasive sunlight. She swallowed dryly, memories from the previous night coming back to her in flashes just behind her closed lids.
The crowded, dimly lit theatre.
Momo staring at me.
The neon pink street, and the scantily clad girls.
Momo chasing after me.
The quaint coffee shop, and the small red couch.
Her lips.
Her eyes.
Mere inches from me.
But all of this was surrounded by a thick haze that blurred certain details, and made her question the validity of some of the memories. One thing she did recall was the feeling of warmth and electricity, then rushing air and flashing lights. This memory confused her as it came with no image, just an intense but distant feeling. The more she dwelled on it, the more the throbbing behind her eyes intensify.
What the hell did I smoke last night?
Grabbing a pillow, she rolled over in protest, but collided with something solid and entirely too warm. She blindly reached out a hand and ran it across smooth skin, eliciting a faint sigh from above her. Dahyun blinked the sleep out of her eyes and set her gaze upon soft thighs, and long legs crossed at the ankles. Retracting her wandering hand, she trailed up to tiny bed shorts that left little to the imagination, then to a pair sparkling chocolate eyes.
I could get use to this.
"Rise and shine, roomie," Momo chirped from her spot on Dahyun's bed, her back resting against the headboard. She cradled a steaming mug in her hand as she smiled down at the bleary brunette.
"Forgot you're a morning person," Dahyun groaned, stretching and landing back on the soft mattress with a dull thud. "Hold up, were you watching me sleep?"
"Of course not," she blurted, before dropping her eyes and clearing her throat. "Umm, if by watching, you mean prodding you every few minutes to make sure you were still alive, then yes," she amended nervously, bringing the cup to her lips. "Coffee?"
"No thanks, the smell churns my stomach," Dahyun replied, brushing off the girl's strange response. She rolled over, tucking the pillow under her chin and looking up at her before continuing. "It actually reminds me of my father," she murmured, her voice muffled by her pillow. The girl shot her a confused look, but her brow softened after a moment in understanding.
It wasn't a big deal, and the smell didn't repulse her by any means. It was just an association she kept close to her dad. One of him late at night in his office with the door closed, going over doctor's reports and charts, cup after cup. She remembers edging the big oak door open when she was little and asking him to read to her, or come tuck her in. But she was always met with the same rejection, the same 'in a minute' or 'get your mother to'. In the end it was always Byunghee, her older brother, who got the job of kissing her goodnight, because even her own mother couldn't spare a few minutes from her social climbing club of housewives to pay her any time.
So for Dahyun, it was coffee and the sickly sweet smell of her mother's perfume that brought back memories of her childhood.
Now that was a smell that repulsed her.
"It's the same with me and Scotch," Momo said, breaking Dahyun out of her reverie. She gave an empathetic shrug and took another sip, before placing the cup on the bedside table and away from Dahyun. Momo's eyes became distant, her fingers playing with the drawstring on her shorts. Dahyun watched her for a moment, trying to read the almost wistful expression on her features; she could practically see the gears turning.
"Whatcha thinking?" Dahyun mumbled, not being able to help her curiosity.
"What do you remember?" she edged cautiously, not meeting her gaze. She could tell by the look on her face and her tone that she was referring to the previous night's events.
"I remember the coffee shop."
I remember those soft pink lips being so close to mine.
I remember doing something I'd refused to do with most of my exes.
And I remember you enjoying it.
Dahyun watched her bite her lip and nod shyly, still not meeting her gaze. Her cheeks flushed as her fingers continued to absently tie her drawstring together, and then release.
"But after that it's a blur. I remember flashing lights and heat, then it's all black," she finished after a moment. "Why?"
That scared flicker reached her distant eyes, and disappeared almost as quickly. Dahyun hadn't seen it since the Bavarian restaurant in Munich, and she didn't know what it meant.
Am I missing something?
"No reason," Momo dismissed, finally meeting her eye with a nervous, guarded smile. "I'm just glad one of us remembers something."
Did I say something after I blacked out?
"You should, umm, get up," Momo stuttered, before shuffling off the bed. "You can sleep on the train."
Okay, I definitely did something.
She padded across to the small bathroom and closed the door securely behind her, Dahyun's eyes trailing after her perfect form. She heard the swish of a curtain and then the unmistakable turning of taps, followed by running water. The calming sound sent her train of thought swimming into very dangerous territory. Most of which put her on the other side of that door. She groaned at the mental image, rolling over once again and burying her head underneath her pillow, shutting out the world for a few more minutes.
She stood in a pool of shattered blue and white light, watching as it glinted off her tanned skin and swam over the dusty stone floors. She could hear sombre hymns reverberating off the high walls and ceiling, and filling the monstrous cathedral. Thousands of candles shone orange light all over the walls, creating and erasing shadows with every flicker. Tourists brushed passed her as she stared up at the circular stained glass window, trying to make out the story it told.
"How much better is this compared to St. Marks?"
"You only like this one better because it has free entry."
"That's not entirely untrue," Momo giggled, wandering off around the wide bend, and leaving Dahyun to continue to admire the window.
The girls had arrived in Paris the day before, checking into their hotel and calling an early night. It turned out that Dahyun didn't get much in the way of sleep on the four-hour train ride, so the early night was welcomed with open arms. She'd spent the duration trying her best to concentrate on the Sudoku puzzles she'd picked up at the station before departing, and the soothing melodies coming from her iTunes. However every few minutes she'd feel those eyes watching her carefully, but when she'd turn to meet them, Momo would swiftly look back down to her journal, a nervous flush to her cheeks. Every look she gave held a certain weight about it, like she wasn't looking at her, but rather searching for something. And she couldn't shake the feeling that it had something to do with her dismissive behaviour earlier that day.
Seriously, what did I do?
They travelled to the heart of the famous city the following morning, and quickly fell in love with the tastes and smells, and the people and architecture of Paris; it was a city you could lose yourself in for weeks and still not see its entirety. There were street performers and patisseries on every corner, and famous sights at every turn. No matter which street they took, or bridge they crossed they would pass a picturesque view, or building that was better fitted for a post card.
By midmorning they'd ventured inside the famous Notre Dame Cathedral, a long line of tourists stretching through the paved square out the front. It was like the rest of Paris, old and dark, but beautiful beyond compare. A part of Dahyun wished she didn't have to share this with thousands of other tourists. She wished it were just her and Momo; taking hours to explore every level and crevice of the amazing church. She wasn't overly religious, much to the disappointment of her mother, but there was something about this place that just felt peaceful to her.
Dahyun caught up to Momo after a few minutes, finding her slowly making her way past the confessionals. She paused in front of them with that wistful look in her eyes, but quickly composed herself when she noticed Dahyun coming up beside her.
"Anything you need to get off your chest?" Momo asked, motioning towards one of the booths.
"Nothing I want to be forgiven for," she replied honestly. "You?"
"How much time do you have?" she deadpanned, before skipping away. "Come on, I'm starving."
There is something you're not telling me.
"I don't know how things fly in The Big Apple, but I don't eat insects."
"They're not insects," Momo stated. "And what happen to not judging things?"
"Oh, I'm all for trying new things, but I draw the line when I've dissected them in high school."
The girls sat opposite each other at a quaint restaurant they'd come across down a narrow side street. As soon as they'd sat down, Momo insisted they try traditional French cuisine as entrées, much to Dahyun's disgust. The waiter came out a few minutes after they'd ordered with two plates, one on each arm. He placed them delicately in front of the girls, and Dahyun had to do her best not to dry heave at the table.
"I think I just lost my appetite."
Momo picked up the small shell with the metal tongs and spiked it with a miniature fork, pulling out a slimy black ball covered in what looked like grass clippings. Dahyun's stomach churned at the sight, and had her going for her glass of white wine. She'd swallowed down a large mouthful, when playful eyes turned on her with a grin.
"We're not leaving Paris until you've at least tried this," Momo said, holding up the fork and flipping the handle around so Dahyun could grab it.
"No way."
"Yes way."
She thrust the metal into Dahyun's hand and pushed the plate of snails closer to her. They swivelled on their tray as she swallowed back the urge to be sick. Eyeing the fork, she shifted her gaze to Momo who was looking at her with that smile and those eyes.
You are so not allowed to look at me like that right now.
"You left this city before without trying any of this stuff, so we're not leaving this table until you do."
"Fine, but you're on your own with those," Dahyun digressed, pointing towards the other plate.
"Fine," she grinned, before picking up one of the frogs legs, making Dahyun squirm uncomfortably in her seat. "But eat quickly, we have to be back at the hotel soon."
"Why's that?" she asked, slightly distracted with the fork that was now in her hand.
"Oh, just something on the long list of things I neglect to tell you."
Of course it is.
"How do I know what to wear, if you won't tell me where we're going?"
Momo popped her head out of the bathroom, drawing Dahyun's attention away from her wardrobe that was currently strewn across her double bed. Wet strands of the girl's hair hung low in her eyes and dripped small droplets of water on the hotel's white fluffy bathrobe she was wearing.
There has to be some kind of rule against that.
"Just dress up," she smiled, before disappearing again.
"Not even a hint?" Dahyun called over the low hum of the hairdryer, before turning back to the bed and to her limited selection of dresses.
"Let's just say we're going to dinner and a show."
"A show?"
The hairdryer clicked off and she reappeared, leaning against the doorjamb. She sauntered over to Dahyun's bed and grabbed her only black dress, thrusting it into her unsuspecting hands.
"I would promise no nudity, but I would be lying."
"You're just going to have to trust me," she teased back.
Trust you?
"Like that's going to happen," Dahyun mumbled under her breath, turning her back to the girl and holding the dress up against her.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Momo retorted, standing up straighter and crossing her arms across her chest. Dahyun watched her carefully in the mirror's reflection for a moment, before hanging her shoulders and spinning around to take a seat amongst her clothes.
"I just, I think you remember a little more than you're letting on," she prompted in a small voice. Momo shot her a questioning look, her arms still folded. "Did I say, or do something the other night?"
"Why would you ask that?" she laughed nervously, not meeting her gaze. She leant her back up against the doorframe and faced away from Dahyun's imploring eyes.
"Because you've been," Dahyun began, motioning towards her stance at a complete loss for words. "Ever since that night, there has to be a reason."
Momo let out a strangled sigh and wandered over to her bed, sinking down with a dull thud. She gripped the edge of the mattress firmly with both hands, steadying herself. "That night when we got back to the hotel," she breathed, looking intently at her hands. "You, um, you told me you were in love with me."
I did what now?
"I was helping you to bed, and just as I was pulling the covers over you," she continued to explain. "You whispered that you loved me."
Oh my God.
And then like a jackass I proceeded to tell you that I blacked out.
Dahyun didn't know where to look, or how to even begin to explain what she had said. Her heart was going a mile a minute as she tried to think of an excuse that wouldn't freak the girl out even further.
"You were tucking me in, I probably thought you were my dad, or something," she said in a rush as she busied herself with picking out a matching pair of shoes. She knew she was grasping at straws, but she was stuck between a rock and very hard place. "It's no big deal."
"You said I love you, Momo."
Okay, that's a little harder to explain away.
"How about we just pretend it never happened, okay?" Momo suggested, getting up from the bed. "Like I've been trying to for the past few days."
"I'm just going to finish drying my hair."
The room was a flurry of sequins and feathers. Men in tight spandex, and women in brightly coloured thongs and stilettos, danced across the stage in front of the sold out crowd. There were acrobatics and juggling acts, contortionists and of course the world famous Can-Can. It was an ambush on the senses, and Dahyun did her best to take it all in. But she could have been back in the dark theatre in Amsterdam rather than at the Moulin Rouge for what good it did her. She couldn't take her eyes off Momo, or her mind off what she was told she'd said.
She'd know since that first day in Venice that having that experience with her would only lead to her having no control. It had always been a problem for Dahyun; anytime she would get drunk or high, the truth would come out. And it wasn't like what she'd said wasn't anything but the truth. She just didn't intend on telling her in that way, or even telling her at all.
And also, why was she so upset that I did say it?
Does she not feel the same way, or-
She must think-
Christ, I don't even know what to think anymore.
She forced her eyes forward, and away from Momo. She took deep breaths as she pushed a piece chicken around her plate in front of her. She saw the other girl turn toward her out of the corner of her eye, causing her to drop her fork to the table with masked thud. Momo's lips quirked up with the hint of a smile, before turning to face the stage once more.
I could scream it from the top of the Eiffel Tower, and it still wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
Fucking lemons.
She stumbled down the carpeted hall, her bare feet dragging against the coarse material. The long hallway was giving Dahyun vertigo as she clung to the warmth that was flush against her side. Her arm was tightly wrapped around Momo's pale neck, her nose nuzzling against soft skin. They reached one of the many doors in the deserted hall that seemed to stretch on for miles in both directions, hands thrusting Dahyun against the wall while they busied themselves with the key card. It beeped, and she was pulled into the room by her arm, the door slamming behind her.
Her back hit the soft mattress moments later, and she let out a sigh as she spread her arms out over the comforter. The cool white sheets were heaven against her heated skin, and she found herself spreading out further, seeking more contact. Those hands pulled her to the side, freeing the sheets from underneath her body, before they pulled them up around her. Dahyun ran her fingertips lightly across those hands, and down those wrists and back up, before intertwining her fingers with long pale ones. She looked up into those wary eyes that stared back at her as their owner hovered above her.
"I love you, Momo," she breathed with a lazy smile.
She dropped her eyes to the tips of her fingers as she ran them along the back of her hands, loving the smooth feeling and the slight goose bumps it caused up the girl's arms. When she flicked her gaze back up to the blonde, her lips were parted, and her eyes were nervous and slightly dilated. Momo leant down and placed a soft kiss to her lips, before pulling back.
"I love you, too," she whispered. "Now wake up."
And suddenly she was being shaken by those same hands, except when she opened her eyes she was looking into bright chocolate with no trace of hesitation. They were alert and excited as they hovered over her, crinkled in the corners from the girl grinning at her from above.
"Wake up," Momo smiled from above her. "I've got a surprise for you."
"Isn't everything we do a surprise?" Dahyun groaned, pulling the pillow back over her face, and blocking out the cheerful girl and her perfect smile that never failed to send her heart into a panic.
"Get up, shut up, and get dressed."
No one should be this happy until at least five in the afternoon.
Hands gripped the pillow and ripped it from her face. Momo threw it across the room, leaving Dahyun no discernable way of retrieving it. She sat up and death stared the girl who was currently shoving things into her rucksack, and completely ignoring the brunette's irritation.
"I'm not going anywhere," she replied stubbornly, flopping back onto the bed.
"Fine," Momo huffed, before dropping a slip of thick paper on her stomach.
Dahyun sat back up and eyed the card, before switching her gaze to Momo. The girl was feigning innocence, humming to herself while she folded her clothes. Dahyun looked back down at what she now saw was a plane ticket. She picked it up with slight confusion as she read the printed scripted written across the top of the card, her eyes going wide.
"Barcelona?" Dahyun exclaimed in shock. Momo merely nodded in response and skipped over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. "But we just got here."
"Do you want to go, or not?"
Is the Pope Catholic?
She brought the straw to her lips, sucking down the bright red liquid with vigour. Momo watched her from across the small circular table, a smile on her lips and her head resting on her palm. Dahyun let the straw drop back in her glass, the ice clinking against the sides.
"This is so good," she gushed.
"And I didn't even have to force you to try it."
"Shut up," Dahyun retorted.
Ever since the plane landed it was like the two girls were transported. Not just in the physical sense, but mentally and emotionally too. Call it the Sangria, or the Spanish music pumping out of the bar's speakers, but everything just felt more relaxed and freeing. The warm breeze from the open balcony window touched Dahyun's skin, and had her breathing a content sigh.
God, I love Barcelona.
I love their food and drinks.
And I love-
Well, I love a lot of things here.
Some of them blonde, and sexy, and staring at me.
"Number one," Dahyun sing-songed as she fiddled with the straw.
"I'm just going to go ahead and expunge that one from our list. It's impossible to hold either of us to it," Momo stated simply. "Plus, I made that one up when you had just had your tongue down my throat, I wasn't thinking clearly."
Dahyun had to bite her lip to stop the whimper that was threating to escape. She turned her head to looked out at the night sky, trying her best to ignore the throbbing between her legs the girl's words had just caused. She could hear celebrations from the street below, and laughter from the surrounding restaurants and bars. The city was so alive after the sun went down, and even though she had only been here for a few hours, she got the vibe that every night was a party for them.
Dahyun fanned herself uselessly, the humid air causing her singlet to stick to her back, and for a light sheen of sweat to coat her neck. It was impossible to escape, or wear anything that really resembled appropriate clothing.
So much for number five too.
A supermodel of a bartender came over to them a moment later with a bright smile and collected their empty glasses, before going back to the bar. He pulled out a dishtowel and began cleaning shot glasses from the rack behind the counter top.
"He's cute," Momo stated innocently.
"Don't start."
"Come on, let's go," she laughed, hopping down of her stool and heading for the stairs.
They hit the crowded street and continued up the main strip of Barcelona. Family and friends were just starting to have their dinner, even though it was getting late by the girls' standards. But people seemed to do things differently here. Their style was colourful and vibrant, their conversations louder, and their nights longer.
They had made their way down three blocks when she felt it, Dahyun smelling the first drop before it fell. But once the second and third hit the pavement it was a full blown down pour. She squealed and ran for cover against the sudden shower, taking shelter under a bus stop. She turned round to see if Momo was following her lead when she saw her standing in the middle of the street and looking up at the sky. She looked so at peace, and the most beautiful smile was on her lips as she closed her eyes against the rain. The girl opened her mouth and let the water droplets hit her tongue, and soak her-
White shirt.
Dahyun's cheeks flushed red as Momo turned those eyes onto her and beckoned her forward. She only hesitated a moment before running out to join her friend. The rain was cool against her heated skin, and her singlet and denim shorts were wet through in seconds. Momo grabbed onto her hand, slick with rainwater, and spun her round on the spot.
Can we just stay in this moment forever?
Just stop time, and stay like this.
She pulled her hands through her damp hair, and brushed her fringe out of her eyes. She looked around to see that they gained a few on-lookers from the surrounding restaurants, most of them shaking they're heads with grins on their faces.
"Number eight."
"Huh?" Dahyun hummed.
"Number eight," Momo repeated, pointing to the brunette's chest.
Dahyun looked down to see-
Oh, hello.
Momo giggled nervously, before diverting her gaze away from Dahyun's now see-through top, and wandered ahead further up the damp street.
She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her mascara was slightly smudged, and loose bits of her hair we're coming out of her high ponytail. She looked a mess, but she couldn't help the giddy smile that stretch across her lips. After all that had happened over the past few days, tonight was the first night she felt like she could breathe again. It felt like she was back in Vienna at the amusement park, or back in the bar in Hopfgarten. She felt liberated and free, and she had no idea why.
Nothing had changed.
The rules were still in place. They were still set to say goodbye to each other in a week's time. Maybe it was because for the first time since they kissed she saw Momo finally let go again. The terrified light had gone out in her eyes, and she looked like the Momo from Venice that first day, carefree and full of life. She didn't know what prompted the change, nor did she care to argue it.
She heard the sound of voices from behind the closed bathroom door, dragging her attention away from her reflection. She shrugged after a beat, figuring it was Momo switching on the TV in the living room and grabbed a tissue to start wiping away the mascara from under her eyes. She came out of the bathroom a few minutes later to find Momo sitting on the edge of her bed with her iPhone cradled in one hand and her forehead in the other, the widescreen TV switched off. Her eyes were downcast as her knee bounced nervously on the spot. She didn't look up when Dahyun entered, continuing to worry her fingers across her phone's touch screen with a distant, unreadable expression painting her beautiful features.
"What is it?"
Momo snapped her head up to meet her gaze with a glassy stare and a sad smile; something was definitely wrong. She looked defeated and tired as she swallowed audibly and looked away. Dahyun's smile dropped when she bit her lip and let a heavy sigh escape.
"That was my boss, Christopher," Momo began in a tight voice as she proceeded to lock and unlock her phone. "The guy I'm doing the internship with in London."
The pit of Dahyun's stomach twisted uncomfortably for reasons she didn't know. The atmosphere was thick between them as she waited for Momo to continue; scared at the response she could see rolling off her tongue. Scared, but needing to hear her say the words.
"And I have to be back sooner than I thought."
And there they were.
Dahyun's knot rocketed into her chest, and sent the incessant, ever-present ache into overdrive. She let out a shaky breath, trying to breathe around the lump in her throat. But it was no good. She couldn't breathe without it burning, and she couldn't speak without it hurting. Even thoughts sent blood rushing to her ears, and a throbbing just behind her lids.
"How soon is soon?" she asked in a clipped tone, bracing herself against the wall behind her.
"He has a train ticket waiting for me when we get back to Paris."
"When?" Dahyun's snapped, making the other girl jump slightly. "Mo?"
Her heart clenched.
"Sunday," she mumbled, keeping her eyes on her cell phone.
And then it shattered.
"But that's less four days from now," Dahyun choked. "We still have over a week left, you promised."
"I know," Momo breathed in a defeated voice, finally looking up from her lap. "Dah-"
Turning on her heel, she marched back into the bathroom and slammed the door closed. The wood vibrated off the doorjamb as she twisted the lock and sunk down onto the tiled floor, her back against the door. She couldn't stand there and listen to her anymore; she'd heard enough. She'd heard those words she was scared to hear come from those lips, and it was too much for her to take. can...
She heard a sigh and the dull shuffle of footsteps, followed by a light knocking. Her head hit her knees as tears began to fall. She knew this was coming, she'd know since the platform in Venice. But she figured if she didn't think about it, if she swept it under the rug, this day would never arrive; the day when Momo would leave and take her heart with her.
The knocking continued, accompanied with the vain attempts of twisting the handle. It echoed in her ringing ears as she tried to shut it out, but it was no use. Every breath Momo took, every slam her fist made reverberated around the small room and drowned out everything else. She couldn't escape it no matter how badly she wanted to.
"Dahyun, open up," came Momo's muffled voice.
She shook her head as her silent tears continued to fall, knowing the other girl wasn't able to see her refusal. She didn't want to have to look into those perfect eyes and watch her say goodbye to her. She just wanted to stay in the safety of the bathroom, and pretended like it didn't feel like her whole world was ending.
She let out a choked sob, swiping away her tears with the back of her hand. She felt a dull thud high up on the door, like someone had leant their head against it. She heard a breath, before that tired, angelic voice spoke again from the other side.
"We both knew this was inevitable," Momo sighed. "Please open the door."
And there is no point prolonging the inevitable, is there?
Dahyun pushed to her feet, and checked herself briefly in the mirror. Ugly dark smudges coloured her eyes again and streaked down her cheeks. She shrug empathetically, not really caring at this point at keeping up the appearance of collected. She took a deep breath, before clicking the lock and edging the wooden door open just enough for Momo to see her face; those eyes looking back at her mirroring her own.
"This isn't fair," Dahyun sniffed, swallowing hard against the lump that was still high in her throat.
"Number nine, no saying how much this sucks," Momo jested, making both girls laugh, though it came out as more of a strangled sob. Dahyun smiled sadly at her, the other girl's attempt at cheering her up succeeding, no matter how in vain it was.
This fucking sucks.
Dahyun opened the door wider and made a move to walk the rest of the way out of the bathroom, but the blonde blocked her advances. Momo stood her ground, and if anything edged closer to her. Dahyun's heart beat out of her already broken chest as the girl leant in, prompting her to close her eyes against her intense gaze. She felt her hot breath dance across her parted lips, and Momo's fingertips graze her own that hung limply by her side. Her body arched closer to her own until it was flush against hers, and she could feel the girl's heart thump wildly through her thin singlet, close and warm.
"Don't start something you can't finish," Dahyun breathed against Momo's lips as she edged even closer.
The heat and the light touch on her fingers stopped, only to be replaced by a soft tugging against the waist of her jean shorts. Dahyun snapped her eyes open to see Momo unbuttoning the top of her denim shorts, her eyes on her hands, and the soft flicks of her hair brushing against the underside of Dahyun's chin. The brunette shivered as a tight knot formed low in her stomach, and her breath came out in short bursts.
Momo pulled down the zipper and locked dark eyes onto deep brown ones. Dahyun watched her every movement, not questioning her, just watching and waiting. She waited until she felt warm fingers hit her lower abdomen, and she watched as they trailed down underneath the hem of her underwear. She let out a strangled moan when they hit their destination, Momo's scared but lust filled eyes never leaving hers.
Holy shit.
Dreams did not do those fingers justice.
Momo made small, tight circles as Dahyun leant into the touch, those fingers making coherent thought impossible. She gripped the side of Momo's neck with one hand and her arm in the other, feeling the muscles clench and release underneath her fingertips.
"We can't," she moaned breathlessly, her short nails digging into her pale arm.
"Why not?"
Her voice shook. She sounded terrified, but her movements were precise and sure; the only sign that she had no intention of stopping.
"Because we'll regret it. Because you're leaving me. Because-"
Soft lips cut off her excuses, and took what little breath she had with it. Those lips massaged hers purposefully and lovingly until she didn't have any more reasons to stop. The kiss was short, Momo breaking it to trail up to Dahyun's ear. She pressed her lips lightly to the base of her jaw line, before meeting her eyes once more.
"I don't think I could ever regret making love to you."
Number ten, no saying-
Oh, fuck it.
Dahyun surged forward, knocking Momo to the bed, her hand still firmly down the front of her shorts. She shuffled them both up the soft mattress as they reconnected their mouths, delving deeper, Dahyun needing the contact and needing to forget what this meant to both of them. She rocked her hips forward as she straddled her thighs, gasping when Momo's hand slid lower, dipping inside her without warning.
Oh fuck.
Dahyun sat up, gripping Momo's singlet in her fists and pulling her up with her. She ripped off her shirt with one swift pull, then made to do the same to Momo, but paused when she remembered where her hand was. She debated internally whether the blonde being naked was worth the brief interruption of her fingers that continued with their rhythmic movements. But when they curled inside her she dropped the idea instantly.
Much, much later.
Momo's free hand gripped at the back of her shorts and ripped them lower, revealing bare skin that she palmed roughly. Her lips moved along her exposed collarbone, and down toward the swell of her chest, Dahyun's hand gliding through soft hair and holding her in place.
Her mind was swimming; she couldn't think, or breathe, or do anything but feel. Feel those heavenly fingers push, and pull, and curl in the most amazing and breathtaking ways. Feel those soft lips suck the tanned skin of her neck, and mark every inch of her. And feel the blonde's hand hold her closer, and her heart beat faster.
She was everywhere.
With every thrust of her hips, and with every kiss of those perfect lips, it took a little of Dahyun with it. Her whole body ached in the best way possible. She could feel the delicious pressure building deep in her stomach as she gripped Momo's shoulders tighter, and moved in sync with her hips and her fingers.
Two weeks of sexual frustration.
Two weeks of staring into those perfect eyes.
Of fantasizing, dreaming what this moment would be like.
Two weeks.
And now I have less than four days left.
"I love-"
"Don't say it," Momo moaned against her neck. "Please."
So she didn't.
Instead she said it with every roll of her hips. She said it with every arch of her back. And with every kiss she gave that mouth, and every tender stroke she gave to that tongue.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Deep in the back of Dahyun's mind she knew this wasn't Momo's way of saying I love you, or I can't live without you. Or even that the world sometimes isn't fair. It was her way of saying goodbye. And as she rode out her orgasm she tried to forget that in less than four days the love of her life would be leaving hers.
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