
I was on my tablet that I was gifted by my aunt...of course I tinker with it a bit for some reasons. Scanning through the place and hacking through the cameras that were in there. Looking around and zooming into some areas trying to figure out where they could be keeping them.

Sonic leaning his chin over my shoulder looking at my screen with curiosity. Kind of close to my face making me heat up a bit... strange... Maybe it was because he was kind of invading on my personal space, but I didn't seem to mind.

"Your pretty intelligent...you remind me of my best buddy tails...but you also remind me of someone else... something about those eyes..." I blinked twice before turning my head away...my eyes.

In this world only really one population has red eyes. Mostly for albinos who have no pigment... But for me I never really knew why I had them. It usually freaks people out but now I just kind of chill with it. Sonic realize what he had said-

"I don't mean it in a bad way I'm just saying they kind of remind me of someone!... If only I could remember who though..."

I pat his head. "It's fine. I know you mean well ...also thanks for the compliment. I was actually claimed as the world's smartest kid. I won trophies and even giant checks ...but y'know I guess I never really cared for it .. all I really wanted was just friends growing up. But...looks like I kinda missed that chance."

I look back at the tablet trying to find his friends again... Sonic's eyes not leaving me before he spoke out. "Y'know... Since I'm going to be stuck on this planet for a while. I can be your friend!"

He said proudly pointing at himself with his thumb. I couldn't help but chuckle at this. "Who knew my first friend would be with a talking... But you know what I'm not complaining."

We've been on the road for some time now as Sonic began to grow impatient. "It's gonna take forever to get there. I'd rather just go by foot!" He said pouting like a child.

"Relax by blue friend. Here, put this on." I said handing him a headset like device. He questions me what it's for and what it is. "It's an infrared scope. Area 99 is full of inferred motion. So, the minute you're blue but decides to run inside they'll go off like crazy. But if you put this on, you'll be able to fly by with no trouble... Well at least for the most part."

He looks at the device before putting it on and holding both of his thumbs up at me as he winks. "Do you think you can come with me inside. I might need someone to help me on the inside and out."

I think for a moment. This could be one of the most dangerous and risk-taking thing I've ever done... Who am I to pass up on and offer like that?!

"You got it. But uh... I'm not exactly as fast as you how will I be able to catch up?" A question Sonic as before I said anything else he unbuckles his seatbelt and mine and picks me up bridal. I quickly grab on to him and look at him like he was insane. "Hang on!"

Grabbing on to his head for dear life as I too put on the device on my head. My heart nearly sinking to my stomach from how fast we were going. They really weren't wrong he was faster than the speed of light. But judging based on his speed we weren't going as fast which I guess was a good thing. My body probably wouldn't have handled the amount of speed anyway.

"O-okay! Get into the main building go in through an air vent you'll see where it's at. Going through there would be a blind spot for security. Got it!" I tell him having to yell to he hears me better.

He looks up at me as he winks. "You got it, Kid Genius." I groan in my head...not him too. I could hear Chris on the other Lion of the mic asking his Gramps how they will know where they are. Thankfully I still had my tablet in hand to show us where they would be at.

"Listen to me you two, once you get inside you won't have much time, so think quickly and act quickly!" Gramps calls out through the mic as me and Sonic both nod our heads together.

"Thanks for the tip. I'm going in!" We were getting pretty closer to the base as Sonic runs faster. We get closer to the chain linked fence as with one powerful jump he makes it over with ease. But because of those stupid motion sensors the cameras already picked up that we were here quick.

"Intruder alert sector D"

A robotic female voice yells out. "There's the vent! Quickly before the camera see us then we'll be in a lot more trouble." Sonic throws me in the vent first as he follows after me. Me and him both sliding down the air vent as I couldn't help but feel the adrenaline. This was actually kind of fun... Well, risking your life in a fun way that is."

"Okay me and Sonic are in the air vents. Is updated until then stay close and try to stay far away at the same time to avoid getting caught or a guard seeing you." I tell them as Gramps and Chris wish us luck and to be careful.

Me and Sonic made it to the bottom of the vent falling on top of one another. Or mostly him falling on top of me. "Ow...it feels like I have skid marks on my butt..." He whines. "Ugh... Feels like I have a 200 lb hedgehog sitting on top of me..." A grown lifting myself up as he gets off of me.

I look ahead to see motion lasers all throughout the vents. "Damn... should have figured. Good thing they were stupid enough to leave an exit way in front of it." I look in front of the vent passageway beneath me lifting it up.

Sonic jumping down first quietly then me right behind him. He looks up at the cameras before grabbing my hand. As we began to zip past the cameras too fast for them to catch up to catch us. "Heh...I'm too fast for 'em. This'll be a piece of cake."

"Piece of cake or not don't be too cocky now this place is still heavily surveillance. Good thing we're not too far away from where your friend is, but at this point they already know something is inside, so we got to make a quick."

After a while of zipping past most of the cameras and leading him to wear the area should be we finally made the laboratory where his friends should be at on the other side.

"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking forget it...you can get out of here fast with them. I won't have enough room to carry all of us see just leave me behind. I'll get out of here just fine." I tell him looking at my tablet to see if there were any guards coming.

"Huh?! Forget it! I asked you to come with me for a reason not just so I could leave you behind! I'm getting all of my friends out of here and that includes you! You've helped me get this far so I'm not turning my back on you."

I don't know why just hearing those words come out of him made my heart flutter. It was actually nice hearing those words of someone caring about me. "Your right...let's keep thinking-" As just as I said that the power goes completely out.

"Abnormality detected in the electrical system."

Me and Sonic look at each other as we both smirk. "Who said good karma doesn't exist?" My tablet once again and go into the firewall as I break open the code as well as going into the password and unlocking the door. Me and Sonic both running in as we get near the glass capsule that his friends were being taken hostage in.

I grab a fire hydrant that was nearby not before motioning my hand telling them to back up so they didn't get hurt by glass. I break open the capsule as some glass flew cut my hand a little bit. I hissed out in pain as I quickly grab the two.

"Sonic! Who's this Sonic?" The little rabbit girl says as she held onto me... I have no idea who this little girl is or her little friend, but I would die for them. I only met them not even a second and I already love this little girl and her friend is cute.

"Shhh. This is my new friend, (Y/N)! She helped me get you two out of here- whoa hey!" He chuckles out as the light blue and yellow creature hug him tightly. I place down Cream as he hugs my leg. "Thank you for helping Sonic save me."


One of the scientists call out making me pick up Cream and Cheese and holding them. "We better go now!" I yell out a whisper.

We all quickly rush out as Sonic grabs my hand as I show him which way was the exit Cream hugging on to my neck and her hugging onto Cheese as well. "Wow! How did you shut off all the electricity?"

"We didn't do it Cream. Guess it just happened!" Sonic tells her. "Maybe it just happened because you bring good luck everywhere you go, Sonic." Okay seriously this child can't get any more adorable.

"You might be right. Oh! -" we all came to a halt as all the cameras now face towards us. "Uh oh...welp I'm totally grounded again..." I said put loud with a dead panned face at the cameras. "I shouldn't have said anything it must be a jinx..." Cream said sadly.

"This isn't your fault. Don't worry, okay?" I reassure her. I open up my tablet back up and look at the security system... Turning all the cameras off would have been easy if it wasn't for the fact they all had different bio codes. It would take ages for me to individually turn them all off...

"Damn it..." I groan gripping onto the tablet. Sonic fix a hold of my hand tight as I look down at him. "Hold on tight!" He said what a serious look, I'm not as I grip his hand tight as we began to keep on running trying to avoid the lasers as I made sure to keep dodging some making sure Cream or Cheese didn't get hit.

Sonic letting go of my hand yelling at us to keep on running as he jumps up to punch off one of the cameras and to hold on to the other one as he blew up the rest of the cameras. "Whoa...nice going Sonic!" I kept on running a Sonic finishes up the rest of the cameras.

I look up ahead to see one of the doors was getting ready to close shut. "We aren't gonna make it in time!" Once I said that I felt Sonic picked me up once more quickly sliding underneath the doors before they had completely closed shut.

Before we thought we were in the clear there was more cameras actively ready to attack us. I got in front of Sonic and cream as I look at all the cameras... Before hearing something come close. Then all of a sudden, these tiny micro paper airplanes of some sort began to cut off all the cameras as they fall onto the floor.

"Interesting tech work... definitely something higher tech than the governments technology..."

"Well, we can't stick around to find out! C'mon!" Sonic says to me. Grabbing my hand once more and drags me and Cream along with him.


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