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At least this time around while being kidnapped I can actually get food, take a shower like a lady, and change into new clothes. That's the only perk, seeing as Klaus makes it his mission to antagonize Stefan, and Stefan just keeps it going.

"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked feigning sympathy. I rolled my eyes at Klaus's behavior. How old is he again?

"I'm fine." Stefan replied shortly with Ray hoisted on his back.

"You sure about that? You know we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down." Klaus smirked looking back at Stefan. He was so condescending sometimes. I'll never get him. Klaus is like a book with a lock on it. You want to open and read it, get to know him, then you realized it's locked because you'll never know.

"Klaus come on man." I sighed.

"You know, I get that we're uh, we're stuck together but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great." Stefan shut down, just wanting the conversation to be over. If fed up was a person, Stefan is the poster child.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend."

"Maybe it's cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves and Amira having to deal with this for two months. She should be enjoying her summer." Stefan argued. I know he didn't want me roped up in this mess. I can tell he has regretted calling me that faithful day everything went to shit two months ago. What he fails to realize is that I would do it all over again for him every single time.

"Well thanks to our pal Ray. We found ourselves a pack." Klaus said as we walked upon the clearing where Ray's pack was. As soon as we walk closer, the packs chattering ceases. They all turned our way and stopped whatever they were doing as Stefan dropped Ray on the ground. A girl who didn't seem that much older than me with brunette shoulder length hair ran over to Ray on the ground. She was clutching his head in panic and made eye contact with Stefan who stared at her menacingly, more so unbothered and ready to rip her apart in a murderous type of way...

"Who are you?" The girl asks Stefan who doesn't respond.

"The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus." Klaus interjected, wanting the spotlight on himself. He's such a diva.

"You're the hybrid." The girl said with realization. Her and the guy next to her looked genuinely scared. Guess Klaus's reputation precedes him.

"You've heard of me. Fantastic." Klaus smirked, loving the fact he was practically a household name.

Klaus and Stefan sat on one of the big rocks while I stood behind them as Klaus went on and on about the wonders of being a hybrid. All the hybrids stood around listening to him in bewilderment and uneasiness.

"It's fascinating actually. A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon. A vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Klaus carried on as I lifted some of the leaves off the ground with my magic and spun them in a circle before dropping them. When I drop the leaves, Ray let's out a gasp.

"Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic." Klaus stated with a little smile adorning his face.

"What's happening to me?" Ray asked as if Klaus hadn't explained the process to him yesterday. Ray seemed a little slow to me, and I don't mean in running sense.

"Stefan." Klaus looked behind him as if queueing him in to know his lines.

"Are any of you human?" Stefan asked as he got up from the rock and looked at some of the werewolves before turning his attention towards Ray.

"Your friend here, he needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die." Stefan announced.

"Doesn't take much. Just a sample. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend along for the ride?" Klaus asked, getting up from the rock and looking at the wolves expectantly for an answer. Klaus then found his own answer.

"You." Klaus looked at a blonde guy before speeding towards him and biting his arm. He then pushed the guy towards Stefan who had him on the ground with his arm laid out in front of Ray.

"No!" The girl with the short brunette hair yelled as she was about to try and help the guy. Klaus hurriedly grabbed her by her hair and held her by the neck.

"If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop." Stefan said. Lord Ray just drink and let's be done with this. I'm tired of sitting in the sidelines having to watch.

"It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us or you die." I heard Klaus advise the girl. Me personally, at that point just kill me. But maybe that's just me. "I'd rather die than be a vampire." She gritted through her teeth. Well, I guess that isn't just me then. "Wrong choice." Klaus stated softly as I saw him bite his wrist and then forced his blood in the girls mouth while she struggled. He can't find a better way to give the wolves his blood.

I looked over at Ray to take a bite out of the humans wrist, which subconsciously made me cover up my own. It's just too much wrist action, I feel like mine will be next or something.

"She'll thank me for that later." Klaus voiced his thoughts while snapping the girls neck. I looked at him with creased eyebrows in disagreement. "Doubtful." I said looking his way. He ignored my comment before looking out at the rest of the wolves.

"Okay, who's next?" Klaus asked with his hybrid face on display and blood dripping from his mouth.


"There. Good as new. Now you relax okay mate. We're gonna need you when the rest of them wake up." Klaus said to the human as he and Stefan just killed the wolves in order to complete their steps to hybridization, or whatever.

"They're dead. They're all dead." Ray trembled as he looked around at his pack. "He's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." Klaus told us as Ray continued to shake like he had a fever. 

"So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan questioned Klaus, basically voicing what I was thinking. Well that and Klaus wants other people out there like him. It's like he wants a family and he's trying to find it in the hybrids he plans on creating. That and a protection detail.

"No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Klaus responded.

"For what war might I ask?" Stefan rebutted. Probably the war against the scooby gang, just a thought.

"Oh, you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick the fight."

"What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?"

"Well it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn, you and miss James, once you both shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulders." Klaus slid me into their back and forth. I swear it's been like this the whole trip. They're arguing with each other and one of them mention me.

"Is that why you keep us around? Because our attitudes amuse you?" I asked, looking at him thoroughly, awaiting an answer. If that's the case, he should've left us home. Stefan even laughed at Klaus's statement and mine.

"That's why you're, uh, keeping us around." Stefan remarked as Klaus then looked over at Ray who was sputtering out blood and looked to be getting visibly worse. Klaus then grabbed Ray's face and saw blood coming out of his eyes.

"You'll know why I keep you both around when I've decide that I want you to know." Klaus briefly looked at the both of us.

"Well that's rude." I remarked.

"You'll learn to live with it. Something's wrong." Klaus brushed me off before announcing his diagnosis on Ray.

"Well is he supposed to be bleeding from his eyeballs? I mean it looks he just walked out of a horror movie. Specifically the Texas chainsaw massacre." I questioned and voiced my opinions out loud as I saw Klaus glare at me somewhat softly. Stefan then put his own two cents and asked Klaus if that should be happening.

"Well, obviously." Klaus scoffed at the both of us.

"You said it was gonna feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?" Ray then asked Klaus. Looking up at him while Klaus pouted with his arms crossed in response.

"Well he lied to you Ray. Welcome to the club." I looked at Ray. Stefan snickered from behind me at that. Stefan then whipped out his own rebuttal, commenting on Klaus's master race.

"Knock it off and lose the attitude." Klaus told off, looking from me to Stefan.

Another one of the wolves woke up, we all looked over to see that it was the girl with the short brown hair again.

"Derek...come feed your girlfriend." Klaus commanded as the human named Derek stood up. Then, Ray makes the bright idea that running away will solve his problems. Stefan and I looked at Klaus who ordered us to go get him. Stefan then grabbed my hand as we ran after Ray. I was about to do a spell on him when Stefan tackled him to the ground. Ray then bit him and Stefan groaned in pain. I rushed over to him as Ray took that as an opportunity to run away again.

Stefan then got up and was about to chase Ray again until he stopped. I looked at him dumbfounded wondering what the hold up was. Stefan then grabbed my hand and took me to a clearing between the trees. In the distance I saw Elena, Damon, and Alaric. Stefan and I looked at each other worriedly before we both heard a twig snap and turned around to face Klaus.

"Where did he go?" Klaus asked us. Stefan and I then brushed past him simultaneously and informed him that he got away. Stefan then said to forget him. Klaus grabbed our arms and examined them before seeing Stefan had been bitten.

"A fatal werewolf bite. Ouch." Klaus smirked as I ripped my arm from his grasp while he still held Stefan's.

"Yeah. I'm gonna need your blood to heal me." Stefan stated like it was obvious.

"Well I tell you what, you and Amira find Ray and then I'll heal you."

"You're kidding right?" I asked rhetorically as Stefan scoffed.

"You better hurry cause that bite looks nasty and I would hate for something to happen to the lot of you." Klaus stated coldly before walking past us.

"Shit." I muttered as I covered my face with my hands before Stefan and I looked at each other realizing what we had to do.


It was dark out now. Stefan and I saw Elena, Alaric, and Damon running out of the mountains when Elena tripped, no surprise there, and came face to face with a werewolf. Stefan and I looked at each other with fear for her. I may not like the girl but even I had to admit she was in a scary position right about now, considering she can't defend herself. Damon then said here doggy doggy to the wolf leading it to follow him. Stefan sped after Damon while I went to help Ric and Elena.

"You guys should not be out here, especially not right now." I announced my presence as they both looked at me with shock and relief on their faces.

"Mira." Ric sighed as he rushed over to hug me. I hugged him back tightly before pulling away and grinning sharply. I hadn't known how much I missed Ric until this very moment.

"You guys need to keep moving and get out of these mountains." I reprimanded, actually wanting them to be safe and not for Klaus to find them.

"We came here to get you and Stefan, Amira. Your parents are worried sick and so are your friends. We can't leave you, Stefan, or Damon here." Elena voiced.

"Damon is a big boy, he'll be fine, trust me. As for Stefan and I, you're going to have to let us go. It's for your own safety."

"What about yours Amira?!" Elena questioned me.

"I owe Klaus a debt. Stefan and I are paying it so you don't have to, any of you."

"That's not your decision to make, yours or Stefan's. It isn't fair." Elena remarked.

"It is and if you respected it and us you would leave. We don't have time for this Elena! Get out of here now!" I yelled at her before looking at Ric.

"Come on. Let's go."  Alaric said. Elena looked at him before looking my way stubbornly.

"Elena now!" Alaric exclaimed before she followed him reluctantly. I sighed as I walked up back to the clearing to see that Ric and Elena made it back to the car.

Stefan then walked over to me and checked me over to see that I was fine while I looked him over beyond his fresh werewolf bite.

"They aren't gonna stop. You know that right?" I voiced as we watched Damon get in the car.

"I know." Stefan sighed from beside me before he grabbed my hand and sped us back to the campsite with Ray in tow. Well dead Ray in tow.


When we made it back we saw all of Klaus's potential hybrids on the ground dead. He saw on a rock with a beer bottle in his hand staring at the ground solemnly.

"They went rabid. Some of them I killed, the others just...bled out." Klaus announced before trailing off towards the end. He got up from the rock and saw Ray on the ground dead before he continued. "In the end...they're all dead." Klaus finished before screaming in frustration and throwing the beer bottle he had at a tree. I feel like Stefan and I are interrupting something...it's okay though he's a valid crashout..sometimes.

"I did everything I was told!" Klaus shouted, scaring the living daylights out of me as I scooted closer to Stefan. "I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelgรคnger." Klaus said a bit more calmly, looking down before looking back at Stefan and I.

"You look like hell." Klaus smirked looking at Stefan.

"Last I checked, I'm dying...and you don't wanna heal me. I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do." Stefan apologized before accepting his fate. I looked at him sideways in response. Is this dude for real right now? He's not going to die a martyr! That was the whole reason I wanted to be with him on this little trip Klaus had us on.

"It should have worked." Klaus stated before he turned around, grabbed a beer bottle, turned back to Stefan, then bit his hand and poured the blood in the bottle. I know Stefan loves Elena, I know this, but he and Klaus had crazy tension. I couldn't put my finger on it. I was gonna tease Stefan about it later.

"Bottoms up." Klaus handed the bottle for him to drink from. Stefan took it from him as I looked around, really taking in the fact that Klaus's plan failed. Meaning we were gonna be with him for probably a lot longer than we expected or anticipated.

"It appears you're the only comrades I have left." Klaus stated before walking away.

"If that's what you want to call us." I said as I followed him and Stefan finally drank his blood then followed me.

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man i am on a roll with this chapters! as I should be because i hadn't updated this book in almost two years, so i have a lot of catching up to do to make up for it. we're now officially getting in the swing of things. in the beginning of this season, everyone's split up and off doing whatever so i just stuck to Amira's pov since hers is the most crucial. i mean her face is on the cover, so it's only fair. in the next few episodes we'll be seeing some faces we haven't in a while, and faces we all know and love (rebekah!). you guys are in for something for sure! i hope you all enjoy this chapter, i will be finishing writing up the next one and get it to you all in a similar speedy fashion. see you soon!!!

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