XVII. Sirius Black

The One with the Godfather

Y/N Lupin attends Hogwarts as a proud fifth year Eagle. Your father will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, now Professor Smallheart has retired. You obviously knew about your father's problem and kept him in your view. You knew when the next full moon was and ensured him to take his potion.

"I'll come to you right after I'm done, okay?" you ensure your father. He smiles weakly, "don't worry. I'll be fine. I'm so proud of you, you know that, right?" Those words always succeeded to make you blush, "of course I know that, I'm also very proud of you and I love you."
You left the compartment and walked to the very front of the express. Your father was even more proud when you showed him the prefect button. "Welcome, new prefects."

After the first meeting, you return to your father's compartment. You also spot three younger students. Six eyes fixed on you and you sent smile, "hello, I'm Y/N Lupin. Do you mind if I join?" Hermione and Harry looked rather uncomfortable while Ron was about to shriek.
''You're Y/N Lupin!'' Ron gasps with widening eyes. Hermione and Harry turn towards his friend with questioning marks. ''Hello, Ron,'' you smile warmly. ''Fred has told us all about you. You are the only subject he talks about!'' Ron beams. A blush reaches your cheeks, I hope father didn't hear that.
Hermione's mind races and figures out that you must be prefect, which explains your late arrival. Fred is in fifth year, the same year as you. She smiles satisfied as she has solved the little mystery. ''I'm sorry for barging in, I promised my father I would be joining him.'' You smile and glance at the hidden sleeping figure of your father.

''You must be Hermione, it's a shame you aren't in my house,'' you say, smiling to her. She blushes, ''why would you think that? The hat had to think twice but placed me in Gryffindor.'' ''You have a smart mind, you already figured how I am related to Fred.'' You send her a smirk and turn to The Boy Who Lived
"Harry Potter," you chuckle and glance at your father. "My father has been very well-friended with your father, James Potter. He was one of my father's best friends," you comment. Harry's eyes widen, "he was friends with my father?" You nod, ''he was one of the well-known Marauders.''
''I assume your father is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor? I've never seen him before,'' Hermione comments. You smirk, ''clever girl. Now I really want you in my house. But yes, Professor Lupin is the new Defence teacher.''

Suddenly, the express had stopped. You scowl, "we are not there yet." "G-guys," Ron stammers as he watches the window. Ice had covered the window and the door of the compartment opened. A long slender hand clutches itself at the door, followed by a hovering creature with a dark hood.
You suddenly feel unhappy and empty. The next moment you clutch your hands to your head when you hear a woman screaming. Your father, who laid underneath a blanket, jumped up and waved with his wand. His incorporeal Patronus scared away the hooded creature.

As Hermione and Ron cared for Harry, your father turned to you. "Are you okay?" He asks, his hands holding your face. He notices the anxiety in your eyes, "I heard her screaming." Remus' heart sank, "it's okay. It's over now. I'm here, I'm here.''
"Here, you will feel better," he says, handing everyone a piece of chocolate. You manage to produce a chuckle, your father and chocolate are like Winnie-the-Pooh and his honey. ''I'll search through the express. Eat, you will feel better.'' With that said, he left the compartment.
''Are you guys okay?'' you ask automatically. Hermione and Ron nodded, but Harry looked paler than before. ''I heard a woman screaming,'' Harry breathes heavily. ''Harry, no one screamed,'' Hermione claims. You decided to keep your mouth shut. ''Eat the chocolate, you will feel better,'' you say, quoting your father.

The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, held a serious speech about the dementors and the escape of prisoner Sirius Black. Your eyes widen and you had eyed your father, who made eye contact with you. Sirius Black, but that was father's best friend.
You had done your prefect job by leading the first years to the Ravenclaw Tower. After that, you went to the astronomy tower to meet your father. "So, Black has escaped," you say, not knowing what to think.
Remus sighs, "look, Sirius is my best friend and I know he is innocent. It was Wormtail who had betrayed the Potters." You watched the stars while thinking, you had known Sirius when you were younger. Yet, you couldn't quite remember.

You sigh again, "I believe your father, you know I do. But I can't defend him here, against all those students." "I know and you don' have to. Just so that you know, he would never harm you or Harry. He's,-" he abruptly stops his sentence and swallows the last two words. Your godfather.
"He's what?" you ask suspiciously. Remus chuckles to hide it, "you are smart enough to figure it out yourself." You roll your eyes, "fine, I'll figure it out myself." Your father gestured at the stairs of the tower and delivered you safely at the Ravenclaw Tower.

"We will be learning how to cast a Patronus," professor Lupin tells and eyes the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw - including you. A few weeks had past and your father thought it was clever to have students who are able to cast a Patronus charm. "It's not an easy charm, many aren't able to cast a full Patronus. It's called an incorporeal Patronus."
"Your Patronus will be guarding your positive memories against dementors." Lupin's eyes bore into these of his students. "There are two sorts of a Patronus, like I already said, an incorporeal form. And a corporeal form, which takes the form of an animal."

"Repeat after me, Expecto Patronum." "Expecto Patronum." Professor Lupin repeats it once more before saying, "alright. Go ahead." With a wave of his wand, the tables had disappeared.
Expecto Patronum was heard through the classroom. You tried it too, causing a silvery vapour from your wand. "Almost, Y/N. Concentrate on your happiest memory." You nod and take a look around the classroom. You catch Fred looking at you, who turns away with his head as red as his hair.
You thought of the moments your father had sprinted towards you and hugged you in full delight. The moments like getting into Hogwarts. Or becoming a prefect. You concentrated on these moments, "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver vapour bursts out of the tip of your wand and it takes the form of a wolf. It ran through the classroom and everyone was caught off guard, even your father. "Well done, Y/N! Well done! Lovely!"
You spot Fred, watching with open mouth. You giggle and comment, ''you'll catch flies, Weasley.'' George nudges his brother and points to you. ''You'll catch flies,'' you giggle. Fred closes his mouth and blushes.
''Miss Lupin, do you want to help some students?'' Lupin suggests. You nod and look around to see how everyone was doing. The Ravenclaw students are going great, well, a lot better than the lions.

''Fred,'' you call and draw his attention, ''you have the wrong wand movement.'' You stand next to him and cover his hand with yours. Fred starts to blush heavily as he feels your hand on his. ''Like this,'' you say, showing him the right movement.
Fred's eyes shift shortly to Professor Lupin and back to his wand, noticing that he has been looking at him. ''You get it?'' Fred nods and smiles, ''t-thank you.'' Even though it hasn't happened, yet, he thinks of something that would definitely make a memory. ''Expecto Patronum,'' Fred beams and a silver vapour bursts out of the tip of his wand. It wasn't a clear animal, but it took its form.
''Do it again, you almost have a corporeal Patronus,'' you beam excitedly. ''Expecto Patronum!'' This time, the vapour took form into a Magpie. ''Excellent, Mr Weasley!'' Lupin cries happily. ''T-thank you, for h-helping me,'' he stutters. You giggle, ''no problem.''
Lupin was watching these two from afar and decided to keep an eye on the Weasley.

One night, you were on prefect patrols and passing a window that showed the Whomping Willow. You saw silhouettes near the Whomping Willow and then disappeared. You abruptly make your way outside, to the whomping willow.
You slower your pace as you spot Professor Snape near the tree. He managed to get the tree numb and went inside. You quickly followed his movements, ending up in the Shrieking Shack. Somehow, you found the group faster than the professor.

Your father's facial expression dropped as he saw you. ''Y/N, what are you doing here?'' ''I can ask you the same question. All of you,'' you say in a stern manner. ''Ah, my dear Y/N,'' a rough voice reaches your ears and it sends a shiver down your spine.
The man came into the picture and you had to blink a few times to recognise the man. ''S-sirius?'' you question with open mouth. ''The one and only,'' he tries to smile. ''You've grown so much,'' he awes, ''she has your eyes, Moony.''
''Y/N, what's happening?'' Hermione asks suspiciously. ''This is Sirius Black, he is the godfather of Harry and me,'' you say, waiting for them to take in. Remus knew you would have figured it out. ''He was innocent when he was sent to Azkaban. The real betrayer is Scabber, Ron. Your rat.''

''Revelio.'' you didn't use your wand, yet it worked. Remus looked at you with pride in his eyes. The rat had turned into a man, who looks like garbage. Sirius dived on the man and pinned him. ''Let's kill him now!'' ''Not yet, Pad,'' Remus said calmly. ''I did my waiting! Thirteen years!''
Professor Snape came in barging, pointing his wand at Sirius. Harry points his wand at Snape. ''I'm sorry professor, expelliarmus,'' you say and Snape is sent to the back. Sirius looks at you with pride in his eyes, taking down Snivellus.

You made your way outside and immediately noticed the moon. ''Father, no!'' But it was already too late, Lupin stood in the light of a full moon. He never wanted you to see him as a werewolf, yet it was about to happen. His clothes shredded, his eyes turned, his face changed.
''Father?'' you ask cautiously, stepping closer. He roars and leaps forwards, his nails digging deep into your skin. You fell down and the wolf hovered over you, but then you were saved by a black hound. You look down to see several cuts of his claws.
You clutch your hand on your stomach to prevent the bleeding a little. Snape rushed forward to protect Hermione, Harry, and Ron. The wolf was distracted by a female howl and took off. The black hound laid unconsciously.

''Y/N!'' Hermione shrieks. Snape turns to you and gasps in horror. He scoops you up and hurries to the hospital wing. Leaving the others with the human form Sirius. Hermione and Ron took off to the hospital wing, giving Sirius and Harry some time alone.

You had lost a lot of blood and fell into the darkness - in Snape's arms. Madam Pomfrey took care of you.
The news went like a fire through the school. Fred sprints to the hospital wing, anxiety is written all over his face. Madam Pomfrey wanted to protest but allowed him after he had begged. He gets a hold of your hand and looks at your - now - sleeping figure. ''Y/N, please wake up. I don't know what to do without you,'' he silently cries.

''I have started to like you, you know,'' Fred silently admits, not being aware of the black hound. ''Since the moment I saw at the owlery, second year. I couldn't stop looking at you, thinking about you. You always succeeded in increasing my heartbeat by only a glance.''
You open your eyes the slightest, which needed to get used of the amount of light. ''You know I wasn't in a coma, right?'' you question, startling the Weasley. Fred's eyes widen and he buries his head in his hands. ''Hey,'' you say softly, causing him to show you his tomato head. ''I like you too.''

It took him several seconds before he realises what you have just said. ''Y-you do?'' Your mouth curved into a smile, ''yes, I do.'' You look around and then you spot a certain black hound, watching you. You feel your hands getting sweaty, ''uhm, Fred.'' ''Hmm,'' he hums happily. ''You might want to go now.'' You point at the hound and Fred shoots you a confused look. ''That's my godfather.'' Fred's eyes widen once again.
He rises on his feet, hesitating if he should do what his mind says. He turns to you and quickly leans in to kiss you on your cheek. He leaves you with a satisfied feeling and you flustered.

The hound transforms back into Sirius and he looks at you with raised eyebrows. "Care to explain yourself?'' he asks playfully. Your face reddened even more and hid your face in your hands. ''I'll leave that to your father, don't worry. I've come to say goodbye.''
Your head perks up to look at him. ''You are wanted, huh? The Ministry wants your head,'' you say with no emotion in your voice. He sighs, ''Harry and Hermione have been helping and I can escape with Buckbeak.'' ''It's great to have you back,'' you smile as a tear rolls down your cheek. Sirius took you in a tight embrace, ''me too. Me too.''
''I'll see you the next time we meet. Take a good care of you and your father,'' he says and kisses your head. ''Goodbye, Sirius.''

The next moment you know, you are being embraced by your sobbing father. ''I'm so so so sorry!'' Hearing him like this broke your heart. ''Dad, it's okay. I'm fine!'' You say, pulling him apart to look him in the eyes. ''No, it's not. I've attacked my own daughter. The one I swore to protect,'' he sobs.
''Dad,'' you whisper, ''it's okay. Madam Pomfrey healed me, I'm totally fine. I won't blame you, it wasn't you who hurt me.'' ''I have sworn to protect you from that.'' ''Dad,'' you call sternly, ''I'm alright. This wasn't your fault and this will never happen again.''
Lupin took you in another embrace and snuggles his head in the crook of your neck. ''I am so proud of you. Of how you have cast a full Patronus. Of how you are able to cast a spell without wand.'' ''I'm also so proud of you, for being there for me. All these years.''


Extended Scene

Fred visits you during lunch. ''Hello,'' he beams happily. ''You are far away from sad,'' you chuckle. ''Do you want to know why? Because my crush said she liked me too.'' He stands next to your bed, gazing in your eyes.
''No hound nearby?'' he asks, checking the wing. ''Nope, where were we?'' He smirks and leans in. Your faces are a few inches apart, ''Oh, I remember.'' He closes the distance between your lips and his.Now this is will be a happy memory, bloody hell.

''Ahum.'' caused the two to separate. Fred turns around and turns crimson. ''Good afternoon,'' he smiles sweetly. ''G-good a-afternoon, P-professor L-lupin,'' Fred stutters. Your cheeks reddened.
''I-I will leave,'' he stutters again. He shot you one more glance before walking off - embarrassed. You close your eyes, waiting for a lecture. But it never came. You open carefully one eye to see your father smiling. ''You already knew, huh?''

Remus continues smiling, ''yes.''

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