31. Chris Hemsworth
When you read tap on this story, which you did ;). You see I have hit the 8K😱...! It's amazing to see how many people are reading this book! Thank you so much! <33
I have to tell you something... I am in a Harry Potter period, which means I'm all hyped about it... I blame -myapplejuice ;). So, my apologies if the following chapters are about Harry Potter.
However, I do hope you still like it. This one is pretty long, so enjoy. Now, I will stop talking!
I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good!
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''Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!'' Madama Hooch begins, ''we may present you the team of Slytherin House!'' The team appears on the field, causing many cheers from the public. ''They will face the champion, Ravenclaw!'' The Eagles have made their entrance, standing opposite of Slytherin. Everyone cheers when the team showed their faces.
You are on the Quidditch Team, as fifth years. You are the seeker since year one. You have the most important role of the game. Catching the snitch, which is released after playing for a time.
Tom, Benedict, and Tom are the chasers. They have one job, just one. Passing the quaffle to each other, end up throwing it through the hoops for points.
Chris Evans is the keeper of the game. He has to guard the three goalposts, attempting to stop the team's chaser from scoring.
At last, but not least, you have the beaters. Chris Hemsworth and Sebastian. They only have a bat, their job is protecting their teammates from the bludgers.
Chris Hemsworth is the Team Captain. You've noticed that Chris has been looking at you, quite some times. Sanne has been telling you that he has a crush on you, but you don't think so. Why would he?
''Teams in the air!'' she commands and blows her whistle. Everyone takes off. You are the fastest of the team, you have the newest broom. The Firebolt. You fly high, not getting in the way of your teammates.
Draco, the seeker of Slytherin, does the same thing. ''Exciting, right? Playing the finals,'' he says sarcastically. You don't look at him, keeping your focus on the field. ''Finals are always exciting. It's only your second, mine fifth.''
After 7 minutes or so, your eye catches something shiny. You dive towards the field, Draco pursuits you. He flies next to you, trying to get rid of you. However, you are faster. You make a feint, causing to get rid of the seeker.
You stand on your broom, trying to catch the little yellow thing. You trip and fall off your broom. You vomit the snitch in your hands. Everyone cheers loudly, knowing that Ravenclaw is the champion. Again.
Your whole team surrounds you, hugging you, and cheering loudly. ''That was amazing, Y/N!'' Chris, the captain, says. He walks closer in your direction. ''Do it, Chris!'' Tom Hiddleston yells. You look with furrowed brows to Tom. The following few seconds went by fast. Chris cupped your cheeks and kissed you. The whole stadion cheers and claps. He broke the kiss, looking you in the eyes. You smile and pull him in another kiss.
That night, it was a feast in the tower of the Eagles. The cup is shining proudly in the flames of the fireplace. You had fun all night. Yet, you disappeared a moment to get some air. However, Chris had followed you.
He wraps his arm around you, from behind. You squeal when someone grabs you from behind. ''Shh, it's just me,'' Chris says. You let a sigh out of relief. ''You scared me.''
''This was an unbelievable day,'' Chris says after a moment. You smile, ''it was.'' The sky is full of stars, the moon is the light in the darkness. That reminded you of Professor Dumbledore's words;
'Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to put on the light.'
"Y/N?'' Chris asks while looking you in the eyes. You look at him, waiting for his announcement. "I have to tell you something. I have caught feelings for this girl," he says, his cheeks are slightly red.
"That's good for you, do I know this girl," you ask playfully. He nods," yes. She is the most amazing and beautiful person I have ever seen. She's on the Ravenclaw team. As the seeker."
Chris closes the distance between you. Your lips touching his. You smile when he breaks the kiss. ''Do I have the honor to have you as my girlfriend?'' ''Yes, you have!''
Weeks later...
''For today's class, we are going to represent our Patronus,'' Professor Lupin says, ''does anybody know what a Patronus is?'' You raise your hand. ''Miss L/N,'' he says. ''The Patronus is a defensive charm. The aim is to produce a silvery-white guardian or protector, which takes the form of an animal. The exact form of the Patronus will not be apparent until the charm has been successfully cast.''
''Very good, miss L/N. Ten points for Ravenclaw,'' he compliments. ''For a fully Patronus, you have to think about your happiest moment. If not, the Patronus is not fully cast. Don't worry, it's a difficult spell so you won't succeed in the first time,''
The school banks are set aside by one single swing of the professor's wand. ''After me, Expecto... Patronum.'' ''Expecto Patronum.'' ''Very good, give it a try!''
From every student, you hear the charm. ''Expecto Patronum,'' you say. Some silvery-white spark left your wand. 'Almost,' ''Y/N,'' you hear Chris calling your name. ''Yes?'' ''What will happen if we think about the same happy memory?'' ''Then it would be a special spectacle,'' professor Lupin comments, looking at you in curiosity.
You understand what he's trying to say. You both thought about the Quidditch Finals.
''Shall we?'' you smile. ''Expecto Patronum!'' you two say in unison. Two silvery-white guardians left your wand. One was a fire fox and the other was an ice wolf. They dance alongside each other and run around you and Chris. You hear everyone gasping by the show. Professor Lupin laughs out loud, he finds it's amazing. They disappear through the windows.
''Chris, Y/N. That was wonderful,'' professor Lupin says while clapping, "fifteen points for Ravenclaw." Everyone is quiet, listening to the professor's words about how special it is that two have shared the same memory.
After class, you walk through the halls. Someone grabs you by your arm, into a cupboard. You wanted to scream, but he covered your mouth. "Shh, don't be mad. Just let me talk," the voice said. It was a male voice, you recognize that voice. "Draco, what are you doing?"
"I... I don't know," he stutters, "I don't know what I'm doing." You just stood there, not knowing what to do. "Shall we take a walk?" you suggest. He nods uncontrollably while laughing a bit. "Yeah, I would like that."
As soon as you walk outside, you notice that he acts a bit strange. "Draco?" you say, looking him in the eyes. "Yes?" "What's wrong?" you ask gently. "Will you promise not to laugh?" he says, he seems so vulnerable. ''I promise,'' you vow. ''I like someone,'' he states.
Now you have become curious. ''Who is the lucky one?'' you ask curiously. His blood flows to his cheeks. ''She is a few years older than me, but she is not in the same house,'' he says a bit disappointed. ''Do I know her?'' you say. He sighs and draws his attention to the lake. ''Yes, you know her. You know her very well,''
''Is it Sanne?'' you ask, trying to look him in the eyes. He refuses to look at you, so his gaze is focused somewhere else. ''Yes.'' it sounded almost muted. ''What did you say?'' you ask to be sure. ''Yes, she is the girl. I don't know what to do."
''I'm sure of one thing, she is single,'' you smile. He smiles by the idea of him being with her. ''Do you think she likes me?'' he asks softly. There it is again, that vulnerability. ''I don't know, she has mentioned you a few times. Liking is maybe a big word for now, but maybe she will if you show her you do,'' you say, putting your hand on his hand.
''Thanks, Y/N. You have really helped me,'' he says while hugging you. ''Hey, not a problem. Friends when we are not on the Quidditch Field?'' you smirk, holding out your hand ''Of course!'' he smirks accepting your hand.
That night, you and Sanne are studying at the fireplace. ''Have you noticed that Draco Malfoy has been starring at me during dinner?'' she says, starring into the fire. ''No, why would he do that?'' you act. ''I don't know, I have caught him a couple of times,'' she says. ''Maybe he likes you,'' you joke.
She gave you a nasty glare, "iewl no."
"Why 'iewl no'?" you ask, finishing your essay. "He's in Slytherin, that's one. He's such a bully to many kids here," she arguments. "Yeah, okay, but I have to admit. He is cute," you say. However Sanne doesn't agree.
''How are you and Chris doing?'' she asks curiously. ''We are doing great. The Patronus is the thing that really connects us. Even more than before," you try to explain. "That was, one, really cool. Secondly, very very cute."
Somewhere around Christmas :)
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it's inception on Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I except each and every one of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance," Professor McGonagall tells the house of Ravenclaw. It causes some noise between you all.
"Silence! Although I'm Head of Gryffindor, I will not have any student in the course of a single evening besmirching Hogwarts by behaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons."
The Professor of Transfiguration kept talking for a while. She has learned you how to dance, you all have a secret swan inside. Inside every boy, a lordly eagle prepared to prance. She also told you that she has learned every house, year four and higher, how to dance.
"You and Chris are obviously going to together," Sanne comments. "Of course we are. I guess, you're going with him?" you furrow your brows playfully. You can see Sanne's cheeks turned into a shade of red. As you expected, Sanne has developed a little crush on the Slytherin. She has started to look at him in another way.
"I hate you sometimes," she says with a little laugh. Suddenly you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist. You tilt your head to the Team Captain of the Ravenclaw. "Helloo," you greet. "I want to ask you to be my date for the Yule Ball," he says with an adorable smile.
"Of course, I am," you smile back. "I'll see you at the fields?" you ask. He nods, "yeah, we will play a friendly match against Slytherin." Your eyes shot to Sanne's, who gave you an 'I really hate you' look.
"This is a friendly match against Slytherin, just because it is a good practice. For us and for them, don't go full-on them. Just hold back a little, so that we do not show them all of our moves," Chris says in the dressing room.
Madame Hooch blows on her whistle and the match has started. As usual, you and Draco are higher than everyone. "You know this is your chance to ask Sanne for the Ball," you immediately say. He didn't expect that, causing him almost falling off his broom.
"Yeah, I know. But I don't think I can do that," he says when he's sitting on his broom again. "Let me tell you something. You know that Chris and I are together, right?" you wait for him to nod, which he did. "Yeah, what has that to do with Sanne and me?"
"If you just let me talk," you say, "I have asked her if she goes with this boy." Draco furrows his brows in confusion. "Who is this boy? With who is she going?" he rambles. You patiently wait until he's done rambling.
"Yeah, you're done?" you laugh. "Y/N, it's not funny. Who is this guy?" he has that same vulnerability. "You still don't get it, do you?" you look amused. "She likes you too," and with that said, you dive to catch the snitch.
The next day, Draco went outside. He has sent off an owl to his parents. He walks through the door hole and bumps into Sanne. The two move a bit clumsy to pass each other.
"Oh, Sanne," Draco called. "Yes?" she turns around. "I... Euh... Do you want to be my date for the ball?" he stutters, getting red. Sanne smiles, "yeah, of course, I want to!"
Chris and Draco are waiting for their dates before entering the Great Hall. Meanwhile, you and Sanne are ready to go. "You look stunning," you say in union, ending up giggling.
Chris taps uncontrollably on Draco's shoulder. "There they are," he says breathlessly. Draco looks at the two girls on top of the stairs. "Wow,"
"You look stunning, love," Chris pecks your lips. You felt your cheeks heat up, "you don't look bad yourself, Captain." You lay your underarm on his, walking through the gates of the Great Hall, which turned into Christmas Ballroom.
"You look breathtaking, Sanne," Draco commits shyly. "Thank you, you look gorgeous yourself," Sanne says. They have copied your actions, waiting for the Champions to open the Ball.
After the Champions opened the Yule Ball, everyone was allowed to dance. This night, you are one school. Alongside the Durmstrangs and the Beauxbatons.
"Y/N! Chris! You guys need to help me find Draco," Sanne says frustrated. "What? When was the last time you saw him?" you ask while comforting your best friend. "I don't know, he said he had to go to the toilet. After that, I haven't seen him."
"Here, put on your coat. Where are going outside," Chris says, giving you two your coat. "Lumos." you wander through the forest, ended up at the lake. "Nox!" Chris said.
"That's Draco! What are all these creatures! What's happening?" Sanne rambles and tears are rolling down her cheeks. "Those creatures are Dementors. They will suck out your soul, leaving you alive but not able to be happy again," you say.
"What are they doing with him?" she asks. "I don't know," Chris says. You draw you wand, "we have to save him."
"Expecto Patronum!"
The charm is fully cast. The bright full guardians found their to the dark creatures, who were attacking the boy.
The Dementors are scared away by the Patronus. Sanne ran to the lake, where Draco laid. "Periculum!" she pointed her wand in the air. A red flashlight was shot into the air, giving an alarm to the others.
The next thing you know is that you're sitting in the hospital wing. Professor Flitwick, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall are talking in a muted tone.
"Sanne?" a weakly voice said. "Draco," Sanne sounds relieved, "you scared me." "Ah, mister Malfoy is awake. May I ask you some questions?" Professor Dumbledore asks. Draco nods. "We will leave you alone," Sanne says. Then she did something unexpected, she kissed Draco.
"I'll come back."
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