𝟎𝟏𝟑 ⸺ the breaking of the fellowship
A flock of birds circle high above, black against the pale sky. Aragorn watches them with concern.
By the time they arrived at the Anduin bank, midday has just passed. The three boats are safely stored on the bank out of the water.
Boromir hides behind a rock watching the river. A log floats down the river. A hand grasps the log en pulls itself onto it. Who or whatever it is, seems to be trying to still be concealed from the eyes of the Fellowship. Aragorn approaches from behind Boromir.
''Gollum,'' he speaks. "He has tracked us since Moria.'' Gollum watches Boromir and Aragorn stand behind the rock. The log runs into a rock on the opposite side of the river and stops.
''I had hoped we would lose him on the river,'' Aragorn whispers. "But he is too clever a waterman.'' Aragorn and Boromir continue to watch Gollum.
''And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts, it will make the crossing even more dangerous,'' Boromir says. Frodo listens to the exchange between Aragorn and Boromir.
''Have some food, Mr Frodo,'' Sam says.
''No, Sam,'' he replies.
''You have not eaten anything all day. You are not sleeping either. Do not think I have not noticed.'' Sam moves from the campfire to sit with Frodo. ''Mr Frodo-''
''I'm all alright,'' Frodo snaps.
''But you're not. I'm here to help you. I promised Gandalf that I would.'' Frodo looks at Sam, sadly, with the full weight of the knowledge of what he must do.
''You can't help me, Sam. Not this time. Get some sleep,'' Frodo says. Frodo turns away from Sam and returns to his own thoughts. Reluctantly, Sam concedes and leaves Frodo alone.
Boromir turns away from the rock to Aragorn.
''Minas Tirith is the safer road, you know that. From there we can regroup. Strike out for Mordor from a place of strength,'' Boromir argues.
''There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us,'' Aragorn denies.
''You were quick enough to trust the Elves,'' Boromir grunts, resentment lingering in his voice. Aragorn does not reply but listens impatiently. Iladya stands on the other side of the rock, listening to the conversation.
''Have you so little faith in your own people? Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty but there is courage also, and honour to be found in Men. But you will not see that!'' Boromir speaks, his tone filled with desperation. Aragorn turns away from Boromir, but he grabs Aragorn's tunic and turns Aragorn to him.
''You are afraid!'' he points out. "All your life, you have hidden in the shadows.'' Aragorn calmly listens to Boromir's ravings. Iladya sighs, considering whether to jump in. ''Scared of who you are, of what you are.'' Aragorn adjusts his tunic and turns away from Boromir, leaving the man speechless. Aragorn turns back to him.
''I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city,'' he grits through his teeth. Aragorn joins the rest of the group, leaving Iladya to stand on her side of the rock.
"You have grown weak!" Boromir shouts, not knowing what he is saying. "It is because of the Elf. You have grown attached to her. Don't think I haven't seen it." Iladya closes her eyes. Aragorn walks back to Boromir and grabs his tunic.
"You leave her out of it!" he hisses, "it is none of your business." Boromir smirks, "So you do. She said she liked me."
"You are a liar," he growls lowly. "You leave her alone."
"Or what?" Boromir challenges. "What will you do?"
"I will do nothing," Aragorn replies calmly. "It is her you need to fear, because she is perfectly capable of caring for herself." Iladya smiles at Aragorn's answer.
Boromir scoffs before Aragorn lets go of his tunic. He walks to the rest of the group.
''We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot, we approach Mordor from the north,'' he speaks.
''Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyl Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better, a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see,'' Gimli answers gloomily.
''That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf,'' Iladya speaks.
''Recover my-'' Gimli answers indignantly. Legolas turns to Aragorn with urgency, "We should leave now.''
''No,'' Aragorn replies. "Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness.''
''It is not the Eastern shore that worries my brother,'' Iladya comments, sensing the same as Legolas. Legolas casts a glance around into the Parth Galen forest.
''A shadow and a threat have been growing in my mind,'' he speaks. ''Something draws near, I can feel it,'' Iladya finishes his sentence. Aragorn looks at Legolas and Iladya, knowing full well what he means.
Sam has slumped asleep. Merry dumps a small pile of kindling at Gimli's feet.
''Where's Frodo?'' Sam sits up with a start. Iladya's head snaps around. Her eyes fly to Boromir's shield, which lies abandoned by his camp bed. She then realises Boromir has gone.
Iladya sprints away, running into the woods. Aragorn saw her leaving, leaving him with question marks. Then it hit him. His eyes search for Boromir among the others, but he is not there. Aragorn starts pursuing Iladya.
Frodo leaps off the seat, and tumbles down the stairs. The eye sweeps Amon Hen like a searchlight, seeking its Ring. With a huge effort, Frodo wrenches the ring off his finger.
Frodo lies gasping on the summit of Amon Hen, below the ancient ruin of the seeing seat. He gasps as he sees a brown, leather boot. Frodo looks up as Iladya towers over him.
''Frodo?'' she gently asks.
''It has taken Boromir,'' Frodo says numbly. Iladya moves towards Frodo.
''Where is the Ring?'' she asks urgently. Frodo backs away from her, which leaves Iladya shocked by the moment. ''Frodo,'' she whispers. ''I swore to protect you.''
''Can you protect me from yourself?'' Frodo uncurled his first, in his palm laid the Ring. It glints, gold and beautiful in the afternoon's sun. Iladya's eyes are drawn to it.
"Would you destroy it?" Frodo asks.
"Iladya ... Iladya," the Ring whispers. Iladya kneels to Frodo.
"I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor."
"I know," Frodo whispers. "Look after the others, especially Sam, he will not understand." Frodo frowns as he notices Iladya's ears are moving.
"Frodo, go!" she suddenly urges. Frodo hesitates as Iladya yells,
"Go! Now! RUN!" Frodo backs away into the trees. Two hundred Uruk-Hai swarm onto Amon Hen behind Iladya. Iladya attacks the leading Uruk-hai like a mad woman. She brings two down with her sword leaping into the ruins as others close in on her.
Frodo scrambles down the hillside, away from the fight. Iladya battles the Uruk-Hai, amongst the pillars and blocks of Amon Hen. Despite her bravery, she is quickly surrounded. Iladya then sees familiar arrows smashing into the Uruk-Hai. She glances in that direction and sees Aragorn running towards her. Legolas races out of the wood, firing arrows from his bow. Gimli leaps into battle, wielding his mighty axe.
Boromir charges up the hillside and blocks the stroke of the leading Uruk-Hai. He got a hold of his horn and blew. The echo of Boromir's horn reaches Aragorn, Iladya, Legolas and Gimli. They are battling their way down the slopes towards the lake. Iladya stop her movements as she speaks,
"The horn of Gondor!''
''Boromir!'' Aragorn rushes and desperately slashes his way towards Boromir, felling Uruk-Hai in his path while the others fight a rear-guard action.
Boromir tries his best to protect Merry and Pippin.
''Run!'' he yells. "Run!'' Lurtz draws his bow and aims. A black arrow thuds into Boromir's chest. Boromir stammers back on his feet, but he continues fighting. Another arrow and another, bringing him to his knees.
Merry and Pipping are scooped off their feet by the Uruk-Hair.
Lurtz aims his bow at Boromir's heart when Aragorn charges at him, smashing the bow with his sword. They lock into a deadly battle. Aragorn cuts Lurtz down and races towards Boromir, who lies slumped against a tree. His horn lies at his feet, cloven in two.
''They look the little ones,'' he painfully gasps. Aragorn quickly tries to staunch the flow of blood from Boromir's shoulder.
''Frodo,'' he panics. "Where is Frodo?!'' Aragorn glances over his shoulder.
''I let him go,'' Iladya whispers, joining next to Aragorn.
''Then you did what I could not, I tried to take the Ring from him,'' he coughs.
''The Ring is beyond our reach now,'' Iladya speaks.
''Forgive me, I did not see. I have failed you all.''
''No, Boromir,'' Aragorn steps in. "You have fought bravely. You have kept your honour.''
''I am sorry,'' he gasps. "For my behaviour toward you, Iladya. I have now realised.''
''It is alright, Boromir,'' Iladya whispers. Aragorn tried to bind Boromir's wound.
''Leave it! It is over, the world of Men will fall, and all will come to darkness and my city to ruin.''
''I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you. I will not let the White City fall, nor your people fail.''
''Our people,'' he gasps. "Our people.'' Iladya had silently left the two to have their moment and she made her way to her brother. He opens his arms, allowing her to seek slight comfort in his arms.
Boromir reaches for his sword. Aragorn places Boromir's sword in his hand. Boromir's fingers tighten around the hilt.
''I would have followed you, my brother ... My captain ... My king.'' Aragorn lays Boromir down as he watches him breathe his last breath.
''Be at peace, son of Gondor.'' Aragorn bends and kisses Boromir's forehead.
''They will look for his coming from the White Tower, but he will not return.''
Frodo pushes the elven boat into the water and starts paddling away.
''Mr. Frodo!'' San yells anguished. Frodo whispers, ''No, Sam.'' Sam looks at the water, then at the boat. Frodo turns to see Sam launching himself into the water.
''Go back, Sam! I'm going to Mordor alone!'' Sam splashes hopelessly toward the boat.
''Of course, you are and I'm coming with you!'' he shouts.
''You can't swim!'' Frodo yells. Sam starts to go under, spluttering and coughing. Frodo drops his paddle and scrambles backwards in the boat.
Sam is underwater, hands flailing helplessly as he sinks. Frodo's hand grasps Sam's and pulls a bedraggled and half-drowned Sam into the boat. Frodo and Sam look at each other, out of breath, tears and water streaming down both their faces.
''I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise,'' he says and recites Gandalf's words. "Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee.'' He starts sobbing. "And I don't mean to. I don't mean to.''
''Oh, Sam!'' The two friends hug.
After the four watches Boromir drifts away, Legolas pushes the last boat into the water.
''If we are quick, we will catch Frodo and Sam before nightfall,'' Legolas says. Iladya looks forward to the far shore. Frodo and Sam's small boat can be seen lying on the distant riverbank as Frodo and Sam make off into the forest. Legolas turns to the three and points his gaze at Aragorn.
''You mean not to follow them-''
''Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands,'' Aragorn speaks.
''Then it has all been in vain. The Fellowship has failed,'' Iladya comments.
''Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left.'' He looks his lover in the eyes. He pulls a hunting knife out of his pack and straps it on.
''Leave all that can be spared behind,'' he says. "We travel light.'' He turns his gaze back to Iladya.
''Let's hunt some Orc.''
''Yes!'' Gimli grins.
Frodo and Sam scramble onto a high ridge. A distant line of saw-toothed mountains below a dark, oppressive sky. Black volcanic smoke rises behind the mountains of Mordor. Frodo and Sam look with grim determination.
''Mordor,'' Frodo sighs. ''I hope the others find a safer road.''
''Strider'll look after them,'' Sam answers simply.
''I don't suppose we'll ever see them again,'' he breathes, thinking of Iladya as well.
''We may yet, Mr. Frodo. We may.'' Frodo looks at Sam with great affection, despite the grim outlook.
''Sam? I'm glad you're with me.'' With that said, the two hobbits set off toward the dark lands of Mordor.
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