𝟎𝟎𝟗 ⸺ a journey in the dark

The Fellowship's path leads away from the Misty Mountains. As they emerge from the storm, they decide to take a rest and warm up from the coldness.
Iladya makes sure to swiftly get a fire going so that they could warm their hands. She seems to have lost track of herself because she only checks upon others instead of herself.
"Sit down, my lady," Aragorn pleads. "You are cold as well." His hands touched her cold hands as she handed him his warm drink.
"I am not," she says and turns away, however, Aragorn disagrees. He reaches for her hand and pulls her down next to him. He buries her hands with his as concern flashes in his eyes.
"Your hands are freezing," he says in a soft tone. He pushes the mug in her hands as his hands are still around hers. Iladya glances down at their hands before looking him in the eyes. She sees the concern in his eyes.
"Thank you," she breathes.
Boromir's gaze lingers on the two and watches with disgust. That ranger who calls himself Isildur's Heir daring to love an Elf. It is another feeling he cannot stomach, his growing affection for Elf. He does not want it.
The rest of the Fellowship watched as well. They saw how Aragorn took care of Iladya, never seeing such side of the Ranger. Most of them brush it off as precious friendship. However, Legolas and Gandalf know it is more than friendship they wield.

''The Walls of Moria,'' Gimli praises in awe. The Fellowship walks by the side of the lake.
''Yes, Gimli. Their own master cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten,'' Gandalf grunts.
''Why doesn't that surprise me,'' Legolas says, rolling his eyes. Frodo's foot slips into the water, causing him to gasp. Iladya lays her hand on Frodo's shoulder for assurance. Frodo glances over his shoulder to see Iladya looking down at him with an assuring gaze.
Gandalf makes out an outline of the doors. ''Now, let's see,'' he mutters. ''Ithildin ... it mirrors only starlight and moonlight.'' The cloud moves away and the light of the moon shines upon the wall. The light illuminates the doors. ''It reads the doors of Durin – Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter.''
''What do you suppose that means?'' Merry asks.
''Oh, it's quite simple,'' Gandalf answers, ''if you are a friend you speak the password and the doors will open.''
''Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen!'' The doors remain closed.
     ''Fennas Nogothrim, als to beth lammen.'' Still, nothing happens.
''Nothing's happening,'' Pippin whispers to Iladya.
''I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves, Men and Orcs.''
''What are you going to do then?'' Pippin asks.
''Knock your head against these doors Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them and I'm allowed a little peace from foolish questions, I will try and find the opening words.''

Time passes. The rest of the Fellowship are seated around the doors or near the lake, still waiting for Gandalf to open it.
''Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!''
Aragorn unhitches Bill's bridle. ''The mines are no place for a pony,'' he says to Sam. "Even one so brave as Bill.'' Sam brushes the pony's nose, "Bye Bill.''
''Go on, Bill,'' whispers Aragorn. "Don't worry Sam. He knows the way home.''
Merry starts throwing stones into the water. Pippin follows but Iladya stops him. ''Do not disturb the water,'' she says sharply, eyeing the water.
''Oh, it's useless!'' Gandalf says, exasperated. Frodo stands and looks at the writing intently.
''It's a riddle,'' he says, ''speak friend and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?''
The stone, heavy doors slowly swing open. Gimli jumps to his feet, as for the rest.
''Soon, master and lady elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves,'' Gimli speaks, full of pride when he walks in. ''Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine ... a mine!'' Gandalf blows on the crystal on his staff and it lights up.
''This is no mine, it's is a tomb,'' Boromir comments. Iladya picks up an arrow from the body of a fallen dragon, examines it and casts it away in disgust.
''No! Nooo!'' Gimli cries as he looks over the dwarf corpses.
''Goblins,'' Iladya grunts. Legolas, Iladya, Boromir and Aragorn draw out their swords.
''We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here,'' Boromir says. The four Hobbits are backing toward the door. Something stirs in the water behind them.
''Now get out of here!'' Boromir yells. "Get out.'' The company starts heading for the door when suddenly Frodo is grabbed from behind and pulled off his feet by the Watcher in the water.
''Frodo!'' Sam, Merry, and Pippin yell in unison. ''Strider,'' Sam yells as he runs towards Frodo.
''Iladya,'' Frodo yells as he tries to cut himself loose. Iladya draws out her bow and aims for the arm that holds Frodo.
The Watcher release Frodo for a split-second, and feigns to disappear underwater. Suddenly many tentacles come boiling out of the water. It slaps the other Hobbits aside and grabs Frodo around the leg. He is pulled out over the water and into the air.
Iladya shoots one of the tentacles holding Frodo. Boromir and Aragorn rush to the water with their swords and attack the Watcher. It flings Frodo wildly in the air. Boromir slices the main tentacle holding Frodo's leg. Frodo falls, and Boromir catches him. Aragorn and Boromir retreat towards the shore.
''Into the Mines!'' Gandalf shouts.
''Iladya!'' Boromir calls. "Aim for the eye!'' Iladya shoots an arrow straight into the Watcher's eye. It pulls back and the Fellowship race into Moria, it reaches out and slams the gates shut. Slabs of rocks drop and the roof of the passageway collapses. Total darkness falls. Then a beam of light emits from Gandalf's staff, showing the startled faces of the Fellowship.
''We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world,'' Gandalf warns.
The Fellowship carefully picks its way over the floor and up the broad steps. ''Quietly now,'' Gandalf whispers. "It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed.''
They walk through great caverns, over narrow bridges and through disused mines with abandoned ladders, and chains. Gandalf stops as he notices silvery white lines and gently touches them.
''The wealth of Moria is not in gold or jewels but Mithril,'' Gandalf says as he shines his staff into the cavern below. ''Bilbo had a shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave him.''
''That was a kingly gift,'' Gimli comments.
''Yes, I have never told him but its worth was greater than the value of The Shire.'' Frodo looks astonished.
They reach a junction with three doorways in front of them. Gandalf looks around him with a puzzled look.
''I have no memory of this place,'' he mutters.

The fellowship sits downs to wait whilst Gandalf smokes his pipe to decide which way to go.
''Are we lost?'' Pippin asks.
''No,'' Merry replies.
''I think we are.''
''Shh! Gandalf's thinking,'' Sam hisses.
Boromir glances around and sees Iladya standing apart. He approaches her and stands next to her. "What a journey," he breathes, trying to make conversation.
Aragorn's gaze lingers on Boromir, keeping him in his sight. "Hmhm," Iladya hums, staring into the mines. Boromir reaches for her hand and gets a hold of it. Iladya glances down at their hands and glances up.
"What are you doing?" she questions, rather feeling startled.
"I have seen the way you looked at me," he whispers, "back in Rivendell."
"I do not recall doing so," Iladya answers, pulling her hand from his. "And I do not want to give off an impression that I've taken interest in you." She shifts her gaze to the mines and hears Boromir walk away.
Aragorn doesn't trust the situation and walks up to her. Her gaze meets his as Aragorn stands next to her.
"What did he do?" he questions.
"He claimed I like him because of the way I looked at him." Aragorn glances over his shoulder, meeting Boromir's gaze.
"Then he should be scrupulous," he whispers, leaning in towards her ear, "because I don't do sharing." He presses a kiss on her temple.
Iladya chuckles. "Territorial bastard," she chuckles. "You are not jealous at all, Aragorn."
The Elf shifts her gaze to the mines. ''There is something in these mines,'' she whispers. "Something ancient and I do not think we want to interfere with it.'' Aragorn's gaze shifts to Iladya as his fingers graze hers. Iladya looks to her right and feels a weight falling off her shoulders. She reaches for his hand and whenever Aragorn is within her presence, she feels at peace. The moment he touches her, she never wants him to let go.
''You should not worry, my lady,'' Aragorn whispers. ''I will and shall protect you.'' He gets a hold of her hand. Iladya looks down at their intertwined fingers and smiles.
''You should not be worried for me,'' Iladya whispers and glances in the direction of the Fellowship. "But him.'' Aragorn follows her gaze and sees Frodo and Gandalf.
"Frodo?" Aragorn guesses, which is the most clearest opinion since Frodo is carrying the Ring. Yet, Iladya shakes her head.
''Gandalf?'' Aragorn asks. Iladya nods. Aragorn opens his mouth to speak but Gandalf interrupts him.
''Oh, it's that way!'' Gandalf claims.
''He's remembered!'' Merry claims and jumps on his feet.
''No,'' Gandalf said. "But the air doesn't smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose.''
The rest of the Fellowship get up and follow Gandalf out. They come out of the passageway into a great cavern with many columns arising from floor to ceiling.
''Let me risk a little more light,'' Gandalf speaks as he holds up his staff. It shines its light on the cavern.
''Behold the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf.'' A huge cavern is revealed, filled with ornate columns stretching as far as the eye can see.
''There's an eye-opener and no mistake,'' Sam says. They walk through the centre of the magnificent city.

Gimli's eyes caught a room in front of them and he runs towards it.
''OH!'' he gasps.
''Gimli!'' Gandalf hisses. Gimli runs into the room and kneels in front of the tomb in the centre.
''No, no,'' Gimli keeps repeating while he bows his head.
''Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria,'' Gandalf reads the Dwarven rhunes. "He is dead then... It is as I feared.'' Gimli lets out a cry as Gandalf notices a skeleton next to the tomb holding a large book. He passes his hat and staff to Pippin and picks it up. Pages fall out of it.  Gandalf blows off the dust.
''We must move on,'' Legolas whispers. "We cannot linger.''
''They have taken the Bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums — Pippin is walking backwards looking around him — Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. — Pippin glances behind him at a well on which a skeleton is sitting holding chains — We cannot get out. They are coming,'' Gandalf reads.
Pippin reaches out a hand to touch the arrow in the skeleton's hand. Its head falls off and into the well, bouncing off the walls.
Gandalf turns around swiftly as the whole skeleton, and the chains it holds fall into the well. It bounces down, and echoes are heard throughout the mines. Pippin grimaces.
Everyone holds their breath, but nothing is heard. Aragorn and Boromir breathe a sigh of relief.
Gandalf closes the book as he looks furious. ''Fool of a Took!'' he hisses. "Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity.'' He takes back his hat and staff. Pippin looks forlorn.
As Gandalf turns away a drum is heard. The drums get louder and faster. Everyone looks around. Sam looks at Frodo's sword, ''Frodo!'' Frodo unsheathes his sword, which is glowing blue. Screeches are heard from afar.
''Orcs,'' Iladya says with disgust. Boromir runs to the door. Two arrows fly past his head, narrowly missing him and stick into the door.
''Get back! and stay close to Gandalf,'' Aragorn demands to the Hobbits. Gandalf puts his arms around them. Boromir shuts the doors quickly. Aragorn comes to help him bar it shut.
"They have a cave troll!'' Boromir says as if things couldn't get any better. Iladya throws aces to them to bar the door. Gandalf draws his sword, Galmdring, while the Hobbits follow his lead. The door is being battered and Gimli gets up on Balin's tomb.
''Agh! Let them come!'' Gimli yells, ''there is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath.''
Aragorn, Iladya and Legolas have their bows drawn. Boromir stands with his sword at the ready. As the door battered down, Iladya fires an arrow through a hole in it. An orc screeches. Aragorn fires an arrow. The door is broken down and orcs run in.
The fellowship fight off the orcs with arrows and swords. Sam suddenly pauses in the fight. Aragorn looks over to the door as a cave troll, enters, a broken chain around his neck, bashing the walls with his fists. It roars.
Legolas fires an arrow into its chest. It sees Sam and raises its club above his head to strike Sam. He dives through its legs, confusing it. It turns and follows it. Aragorn and Boromir pull on the chain around its neck.
''Pull!'' Aragorn yells. The troll stumbles backwards and swings around to face them. Boromir is still holding the chain when the troll grabs hold of it and uses it to fling him against a wall. An orc advances on the dazed Boromir. Aragorn throws a knife into its neck. Boromir looks at him. Aragorn nods.

The troll smashes its club into the tomb, causing Gimli to fall to the ground. Sam, Merry and Pippin hide behind a pillar. The troll continues to swipe with its club, sending orcs flying and Gimli to the ground. Iladya stands in front of it, two arrows loaded in her bow and fires, sending it stumbling. Gandalf fights the orcs with a sword and staff.
Iladya stands on a platform, fighting off some orc. The troll heads for her, swinging his chain at her. Iladya ducks and weaves to avoid it. The chain wraps itself around a pillar. Iladya stands on the chain, then nimbly walks up it to the trolls head. She stands on its shoulders and fires an arrow into its head. The troll screams and reaches for Iladya who nimbly jumps down. The chain snaps, leaving just a collar.

Meanwhile, Sam fights the orcs, hitting them on the head with his frying pan.
''Think I'm getting the hang of this!'' he calls. The troll finds Merry, Pippin and Frodo. They look at it in horror. Merry and Pippin run to one side as the troll smashes his club down. Aragorn shouts to Frodo amidst the fight.
Frodo hides behind a pillar. The troll's face appears around the pillar sniffing. Aragorn fights his way over to Frodo. The troll goes around to the other side of the pillar as Frodo sidles around it. As Frodo sidles around, once the troll is gone, he breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly the troll's face appears in front of him and roars. Frodo stumbles back into a corner. The troll reaches out and grabs him by the foot, dragging him along. He shouts for Aragorn and Iladya.
''Aragorn!'' Frodo shouts, grabbing hold of a pillar, ''Iladya!''
''Frodo!'' Aragorn and Iladya yell in unison. Iladya rushes over to him. The troll pulls Frodo off the ledge and he drops to the floor. Iladya jumps down in front of the troll as it lifts its club to strike. She drives a stake into its chest. The troll screams.
Pippin and Merry throw rocks at its head. The troll now takes a swipe at Aragorn, flinging him across the room where he falls, knocked out. Iladya watches with widening eyes.
"Aragorn!" Frodo hurries over to him. The troll behind him, pulls the stake from his chest and plunges it at Frodo. Frodo moves quickly and the stake goes into the wall instead. He dodges the troll as it lunges for him again. He tries to run away, but the troll blocks his path. Frodo falls back against a wall.
The troll plunges its stake into Frodo's chest. Frodo gasps. Gandalf turns around. Merry and Pippin look on in horror as Frodo gasps for breath. The troll snorts. Merry and Pippin look at each other and run towards the troll, swords at the ready. They jump onto its back and attack it. Gandalf looks on.
Sam suddenly notices, ''Frodo!'' Frodo gasps. ''Frodo!'' Sam calls. Sam fights his way over to Frodo, as do Gandalf and Boromir. Frodo collapses to the ground. Merry and Pippin continue to stab the troll, still on its back. It reaches up and grabs Merry, dangling him by his legs and throws him to the ground as Gimli faces the troll, attacking it with his axe.
The troll swipes him to the ground. Gandalf attacks it. Iladya stands in front of the troll and draws an arrow and fires it directly into its mouth. The troll groans and stumbles. They watch it, as it stumbles and falls to the ground, flinging Merry, who is still on its back, to the floor. Gandalf hurries over to Frodo.
Aragorn crawls over to Frodo as Sam watches on.
''Oh no!'' Aragorn groans. Aragorn turns Frodo over. He gasps and groans. Sam can't believe he is alive and rushes over as Frodo holds his chest.
''He is alive!'' Sam shouts, breathing a sigh of relief. Gandalf breathes in relief. Frodo sits up and looks around.
''I'm alright,'' he pants. ''I'm not hurt.''
''You should be dead,'' Aragorn says in disbelief. "That spear would have skewered a wild boar.''
''I think there is more to this Hobbit than the eye meets,'' Gandalf smirks. Frodo parts his shirt to reveal the Mithril vest, causing Sam to touch it.
''Mithril,'' Gimli gasps in awe. "You are full of surprises, Master Baggins!'' Gandalf looks around as he hears screeches behind them with shadows approaching.
''To the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm!''

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