The Arise of Parzival

Kim residence

The next morning, it was Friday before the weekend. Taehyung felt energized when he learned from his mother that his father had attended a business conference in Daegu. He was pumped to be the Gunter-egg Hunter.

He completed his morning routine after a hearty breakfast from his mother. He brought a bottle of soda, a packet of potato snacks, and his favorite candy to the man cave.

His older brother, Seokjin, returned to his apartment, and Namjoon took his car this morning. He has a movie date with his girlfriend Somi and will not be home.

Life is so wonderful. He'll be at home, enjoying his time in the OASIS.

He heard his mother call after him."Will you be okay with yourself, Tae? What exactly am I asking? You'll be fine..."

"Yes, I'm fine. Eomma." He turns around to face his mother, who is standing in the hallway. Her raven hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing a gorgeous floral yellow print sundress with diamond-encrusted high-heeled sandals. His mother was still stunning despite her age of 49.

"I'm off to the spa with Ms. Go Yuna, so have fun gaming. Don't forget to get some rest. The OASIS will continue to exist. I'll see you later. I gave you the credit card so you could order takeout. Please eat..."

He ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek to express his appreciation for her love and care.  . She smiled at his affection and teasingly messed up his hair.

"Oh, Eomma! "He slickly patted his hair back.

"I love you, my dear. On Sunday, Appa will arrive, and we will have dinner with the Go's. Nari and you will have time to converse. You will see. She is a sweet and polite young lady."

She smiled at his crinkled nose. When it comes to his unwavering and strict father, Taehyung doesn't have much of a choice.

Taehyung doesn't interact much with Na-ri because she is a sassy nerdy girl who is always wearing the cutest hair accessories at school. He doesn't want to hurt his mother's feelings or her admiration for her, but Na-ri has a different side... He can sense it... She is overly nice and sweet, which he believes is a ruse to deceive people. He noticed her slap a boy across the face. Sweet and polite, my butt!

He crept into the man cave, lifted the cookbook, and opened the secret doorway behind the bookcase. He set his snacks on a nearby table and turned on all of his electronics. This is his world, where he is free to be himself.

He receives a text message from his girlfriend, Jennie, and decides to contact her later. On Saturday, she wanted to go on a date by their lakehouse. Go swimming and jet skiing. He doesn't want to go. He wants to focus on the game while also attending his daily virtual online school. . When that is done, he will log into the OASIS game and spend his time searching for the egg and interacting with his online avatar friends.

Taehyung sighed with relief as he plugged his wireless visor USB into a port on the console's side and slipped on his visor. It fit like a pair of swimmer's goggles around his eyes, blocking out all external light. Small earbuds protruded from the temples of the visor and automatically plugged into his ears.

The visor also had two stereo voice microphones built in to pick up on everything he said.

He then turned on the console and began the log-in process. Taehyung noticed a brief flash of red as his retinas were scanned by the visor. Then he cleared his throat and said his log-in passphrase, carefully enunciating, "You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada."

His pass was also verified, as was his voice pattern, and he was then logged in.

In the center of his virtual display, the following text appeared:

-Inside the OASIS -

As the text faded away, his avatar appeared in front of his locker on the second floor of his high schoolโ€”exactly where he'd been standing when he logged out the night before. He looked up and down the hall. His virtual surroundings appeared almost but not quite real.

Everything inside the OASIS was beautifully rendered in three dimensions. It was easy to forget that everything you were seeing was computer-generated unless you focused your attention and took a closer look. And that was with his previous crappy school-issued OASIS console. Seokjin purchased a new console for himself after his father confiscated and hid the school console. With It was nearly impossible to tell the OASIS from reality if you accessed the simulation with a new state-of-the-art immersion rig.

When he touched his locker door, it opened with a soft metallic click.

The interior was simply decorated.

A photo of Princess Leia holding a blaster pistol. Bangpd's Time magazine cover features a group photo of Monty Python members dressed in Holy Grail costumes. When he reached up and tapped the textbook stack on the locker's top shelf, it vanished and reappeared in his avatar's item inventory.

His avatar's possessions were limited to a flashlight, an iron shortsword, a small bronze shield, and a suit of banded leather armor.  . All of these items were nonmagical and of poor quality, but they were the best he could afford with his restricted resources. His credit card is linked to his father's, so whatever he purchases in the OASIS is reflected on his father's account, so he will receive his allowance and allow Namjoon to purchase items on his account. They had to be careful not to spend more money since his father's account would send a red flag. The OASIS credit was the coin of the realm, and in these dark times, it was also one of the world's most stable currencies, valued higher than the dollar, pound, euro, yen, or even the euro even won.

A small mirror was mounted inside his locker door, and as he closed it, he caught a glimpse of his virtual self. He'd designed his avatar's face and body to resemble his own in some ways. His avatar was taller and had a slightly smaller nose than him. And slimmer. And a lot more muscular. He also didn't have any teen acne. Aside from these minor differences, they appeared to be nearly identical. Only his hair was bluish-blond and straight, and his eyes were a brilliant blue.

All student avatars had to be human, of the same gender and age as the student, according to the school's strict dress code. There were no giant two-headed hermaphrodite demon unicorn avatars allowed. At least not on (Oasis) school grounds anyway.

You could give your OASIS avatar any name you wanted, as long as it was unique. That is, you had to choose a name that had not already been taken by someone else. Because your avatar's name was also your e-mail address and chat ID, you wanted it to be cool and easy to remember. Celebrities have been known to pay large sums of money to purchase an avatar name from a cyber-squatter who had already reserved it.

He'd named my avatar Alien the Great when he first made his OASIS account. After that, he changed it every few months, usually to something equally ridiculous. But his avatar had been using the same name for over five years. The day the Hunt began, He'd renamed his avatar Parzival, after the knight of Arthurian legend who had discovered the Holy Grail, the day he'd decided to become a gunter.

Other users had already taken the other more common spellings of that knight's name, Perceval and Percival. He did, however, prefer the name Parzival. Taehyung thought it had a nice ring to it.

People rarely used their real names online. One of the most significant benefits of the OASIS was the ability to remain anonymous. Unless you wanted them to, no one knew who you were inside the simulation. Much of the OASIS's popularity and culture was built around this fact. Your real name, fingerprints, and retinal patterns were saved in your OASIS account, but H.Y.B.E Simulation Systems kept that information encrypted and confidential.

Even HYBE employees were unable to determine an avatar's true identity. HYBE had won the right to keep every OASIS user's identity private in a landmark Supreme Court ruling when Bang was still running the company.

He was required to give them his real name, avatar name, mailing address, and RRN (resident registration number) when he first enrolled in the OASIS private school system. This information was stored in his student profile, but only his principal had access to it. None of his teachers or schoolmates knew who he was, and vice versa.

Students were not permitted to use their avatar names at school. This was done to avoid teachers having to say things like "Pimp kimchi, please pay attention!" "or "BigWangBang 69, would you please stand and give us your book report?" "

Instead, students were required to use their real first names, followed by a number, to distinguish themselves from other students with the same name. When he enrolled, there were already two other students at his school with the first name Taehyung, so he was assigned the student ID Taetae3.

The school bell rang, and a warning flashed in the corner of his screen, informing him that he only had forty minutes until the first period began.

He started walking his avatar down the hall, controlling its movements and actions with a series of subtle hand motions. He could also use voice commands to move around, If his hands were otherwise occupied, he could move around using voice commands.

Taehyung walked toward his World History class, smiling and waving to the familiar faces he passed. When he graduated in a few months, he was going to miss this place. He was not looking forward to the end of the school year. He intended to study programming after graduation and possibly work as a part-time gunter. He didn't have much of a choice, especially if his father reacted negatively to his career choice. So his bet is on a full scholarship, and winning the contest was his only chance to break free from his father's grip. If he wins the competition, he will be able to launch a gaming company and hire people all the brilliant but poor gamers.

As he continued down the corridor, other students began to materialize in front of their lockers, ghostly apparitions that quickly solidified. The sound of chattering teenagers began to echo up and down the corridor.

He soon heard an insult directed at him.

"Hello there! If it isn't TaeTae Three!" He heard a yell. He turned and

He saw Minoh13, an obnoxious avatar he recognized from Algebra II class.

He was standing with a group of his friends. "Nice outfit, Mr. Slick," he said.

"How did you get those lovely threads?" 

If they knew him in real life, they would be surprised at his expensive designer clothes and 

His avatar was dressed in a black T-shirt and blue jeans, wearing one of the free default skins available when you created your account. Minoh13, like his Cro-Magnon friendh13, was dressed in an expensive designer skin, most likely purchased in an off-world mall.

"Your mother bought them for me," Taehyung retorted without pausing. "Tell her I said hello the next time you stop by to breastfeed and get your allowance." He knows it's childish. But, virtual or not, this was high school, and the more childish the insult, the more effective it was.

My sarcastic quip a few of his friends and the other students standing nearby laugh. Minoh13 scowled and his face turned red, indicating that he hadn't bothered to disable his account's real-time emotion feature, which caused his avatar to mimic his facial expressions and body language.

He was about to reply back when Taehyung muted him, so he couldn't hear what he said. Taehyung grinned and continued his walk.


One of his favorite aspects of online schooling was the ability to mute his classmates, which he used almost every day. The best part was that they could see he'd muted them, but they couldn't do anything about it. On school grounds, there was never any fighting. It was simply not possible in the simulation. The entire planet of Ludus was a no-PvP zone, which meant that there was no player-versus-player combat allowed. Because words were the only real weapons at this school, he'd honed his skills with them.

He'd gone to regular school until tenth grade, where he was class president, drama club president, basketball protege, and avid photography student. But he was overjoyed when the OASIS recruited kids with an average passing grade in the private school system. He now attends online school, but he and his twelve-grade class usually come in three times a week for one-on-one consultations with their teachers and if they have trouble understanding the online syllabus.

During these three mandatory days, he met and fell in love with Jennie. They've been dating for five months and are getting ready to graduate. He and Jennie would be able to see each other for the next three days. without scrutiny and go on several dates. Jennie, the only downer in this relationship, dislikes being bothered by gaming. She never went online or braved enrolling in the OASIS online school with an avatar. 

She does not participate in the OASIS - virtual reality games. Nothing. She simply does not share his enthusiasm for virtual reality. Her and some of the other parents who were opposed to the online system made their children attend the physical section of the school. His father prefers that he attend a physical university rather than an Online University run by the OASIS.

In his avatar form, he cherishes the online school. Nobody knows who he is except the school principal and OASIS; he would seem to be a typical teenager who has struggled tremendously in real life, however, it protects his identity and allows him to be himself. Confident and cool,  not wealthy, and is dissatisfied with his life. In reality, his life is complicated by his controlling and demanding father. He knows his father only wants the best for his sons, but he must forge his own path, grow up in this difficult and turbulent world, and make his own decisions.

When he first enrolled in the OASIS online avatar had never left Incipio, the planet in the heart of Sector One where new avatars were created. There wasn't much to do on Incipio except chat with other newbies and shop in one of the massive virtual malls that covered the entire planet.

If he wanted to go somewhere more interesting, he needed to pay a teleportation fare, which cost money, which he didn't have at the time. He needed to wait until his enrollment was complete. As a result, his avatar was stranded on Incipio. That is until his new school e-mailed him a teleportation voucher to cover the cost of his avatar's transportation to Ludus, the planet containing all of the OASIS public and private schools.

On Ludus, there were hundreds of school campuses spread out evenly across the planet's surface. Because the same construction code was copied and pasted into a different location whenever a new school was needed, the schools were all identical. . And because the buildings were just pieces of software, their design was not constrained by monetary constraints or even physical laws. So every school was a grand learning palace, complete with polished marble hallways, cathedral-like classrooms, zero-g gymnasiums, and virtual libraries containing every (school board-approved) book ever written.

He thought he'd died and gone to heaven on his first day at his new school. He was completely addicted to this online school. His father was initially excited until he realized that with Bang's death, it had become a rat race to find the hidden egg. . When he attends online school with his avatar, he uses all of his resources to log into the OASIS game and spend the majority of his time there with his peers, being a gunter.

Online school shields him from jealous bullies, overzealous fan girls, negative influences, and rude and snide remarks from kids who walk to school. His avatar is self-assured in the OASIS school. Average, but still attractive.

Outside of the virtual world, his looks earned him a lot of enemies and envious looks because he naturally attracts most of the cutest girls, which the other boys despised.

When his avatar entered my World History classroom, several students were already seated at their desks. Their avatars sat motionless., with their eyes shut. This meant they were "engaged," which meant they were currently on the phone, browsing the Web, or logged into chat rooms. Trying to talk to an engaged avatar was bad OASIS etiquette. They usually ignored you and left you with an automated message telling you to leave them alone but in a more rude way.

Taehuyng sat down at his desk and tapped the Engage icon at the bottom of his screen. His own avatar's eyes slid shut, but he could still see what was going on around him...ready to log into his messages...


Another update: Taehyung is now engaged in the virtual reality world.

Shout out to all the brave first-time readers. Thank you for giving this fic a chance. Your votes and reads highly inspired me. 

" Hidden in the Oasis ' is the new baby and already received 118 views. Thank you so much.

I hope you like this Sci-fi version of TaeTae.

1. Will Taehyung and Na-ri's real-life relationship be hostile or friendly?

2. Do you believe his relationship with Jennie will continue after graduation?

3. Do you prefer in-person or online classes?

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