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๐“†ฉโ™ก๐“†ช โ”Š ALLISON WAS SURPRISED BY EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON HERE IN THE TOWER SHE DIDN'T EXPECT A DRAGON TO HATCH. But a fucking dragon hatched just if it was back during the rule of the House of the Dragon King's blood was still strong once again.

Allison just couldn't believe it.

Allison's eyes locked onto a small, ocular object in the flames. It wriggled and wobbled, and then split open. A gangly awkward shape crawled out of the fireplace, shaking shells off its body and Allison's heart was filled with happiness. She could only barely register that the wet nurse had disappeared.

It was a dragon. There was no other creature it could have been. It stumbled onto the floor and looked up at her with molten gold, bronze eyes, as his dark scales and wings were jade-green. The hatching leaped onto the bed and sniffed at the blood, as Allison held her hand out for the little hatching to sniff as he purred against her hand recognizing the dragon blood in her veins.

The wild wolf quivered, "It's so beautiful... isn't itโ€” your grace my son, need..."

"Don't worry they will be safe, I will make sure," Allison promises she knows what it feels like to have someone take something you love away from you.

She was once in the same place as Lyanna she remembered if it was just yesterday that she lost her son Baelon.

That name was a curse from anyone who wanted to name their child. Her mother died from childbirth, Aemma died from giving a weak King his heir and for herself, she just wanted to make Daemon happy that she gave him a son who was named after his father who died.

"He won't... hurt him right?" Lyanna gasped. She knelt, she felt her heart pounding, blood racing and it took all the self-control she had not to break down in tears. She knows that Lyanna will be dead soon, and she will leave an orphan behind to be raised by a stranger.

The hatching looked at the babe and chirped, tilting his head at the child. The Queen of Madness watched as the babe, strangely quiet for a newborn, shuffled in her arms, and reached out with a single, chubby hand for the hatching. She watched carefully to see the rider and dragon being bonded to each other. The dragon pressed his snout to the babe's palm gently.

Lyanna's smiles are painful, as her eyes filled with tears watching her son being bonded to his dragon that would always be by his side in his good times and bad times, "I know you would take good care of him, My Queen."

Allison looked at her with wide eyes. She last heard that title a few years ago. Lyanna swallowed painfully, crying as she died. "His name is Aemon Targaryen. This is his dragon that was meant to be hatched only by him. He would eventually be the Father of Dragons or so myโ€”my husband says he would."

Her husband? That's when Allison remembered Rhaegar was her husband or more like was.

Everyone that was in the theater couldn't hold their tears in as they watched scenes of Lady Lyanna slowly dying as she begged Allison to save her son's life and the little hatching. There were so many emotions that even a single person was going through at that moment.

"This is too much to watch. Having to watch as our dynasty is falling because we couldn't do the right thing. When it was Allison's fault that made us get killed by our people who were supposed to be loyal to us! We are the blood of the dragon, we have more power than anyone in this realm." Princess Rhaenyra shouts angrily as she starts to throw her little tantrum and stomps her feet on the ground like a little child.

Everyone looks at Rhaenyra as if she is the dumbest person in the whole world. They couldn't believe that she was part of their blood. Even Viserys turns his head away from the scene that his daughter is creating in front of everybody.

He couldn't believe that his daughter was more favored than the rest of his children.

Daemon looked ready for Allison to pull him out of his misery. Or begging one of the gods to just kill him again. He just wishes that Caraxes could just eat him again at least he wouldn't have to deal with toddler Rhaenyra.

Nobody realizes that someone has just entered the theater room, they are so focused on Rhaenyra being a little toddler again.

Till a very familiar voice came from behind them that made every single person in the house the dragon to be stunned by that voice, "Allison has a reason behind everything that happened to her she has the right to be cruel. What is your excuse, daughter of mine." That voice made Rhaenyra stop throwing a fit of her tantrum and look towards where that voice was coming from.

There she was standing against the wall looking at the scene in front of her. Queen Aemma was staring at her daughter who looked more pale than usual. Aemma is standing wearing the same dress as before she went into labor. No one spoke, just shocked at what was happening.

Aemma was in the theater with the rest of the Targaryen. She is alive and breathing. Aemma pushed herself off the wall and walked towards her daughter who was frozen on the spot.

Aemma didn't think twice before slapping Rhaenyra across the face as everybody grasped at Aemma and slapped Rhaenyra.

"Oh shit," King Maegor whispers, before going to grab a cup of wine and take a seat to watch the drama that is about to happen. It didn't take long before his brother Aenys decided to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Aemma turned around to see Daemon was trying to hide from her but stopped when she turned. She walked towards him and grabbed him by his ear. Not caring if anyone tries to stop her she ignores Daemon was whiny as she pulls him from his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Daemon yells as he whinnies. He couldn't do anything to stop Aemma from ripping his ear off. He knew that Aemma would make him pay for what he didn't to Allison.

"You don't seem to understand that phrase, 'don't ever wake up the dragon in her,' and yet that was the first thing you did," Aemma says as she pulls him to one of the chairs and forces him to take a seat.

Daemon stayed silent knowing that Aemma would tell him all the mistakes he made towards Allison. Aemma was the one to tell him and warn him about not hurting Allison yet that was the first thing he did.

"I warned you not to do anything stupid and yet here we are! So are you going to tell me what you did or do I have to do for you?" Aemma asked. Everyone was confused as to why she was the only one getting Daemon in trouble.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with or what you just created." Aemma says, "You think Allison is worse then maybe you should think about what Alexandria is about to do."

Aemma didn't say anything, just watched the screen that was still in the same scene. Aemma turned her head back towards Daemon, "I gave up my life for you to be with your soulmate and this is how you repay me and Allison.

That made everyone just become speechless when these came out of Aemma's mouth. Aemma looked around at everybody who was watching her and Daemon.

"The first thing I told you not to do, you still do it. I had to marry a weak prince who didn't deserve the crown or to become King. I didn't deserve to give birth to a mini Maegor again, no offense Maegor," Aemma says as she raises her hand throw in the air.

Maegor just shook his head and shrugged, "None taken, I'm used by now."

"I have to give up my only son to make sure he doesn't become like your brother," Aemma says pointing toward Daemon.

"You don't deserve the love of Allison." Aemma shook her head.

"But what you're going to see on this screen will hunt you for the rest of your life. Just remember that you are the most costly of all those who die in future events. And sooner than later you will be forced to watch what kind of person Allison becomes." She says she was just a ghost and disappeared in thin air. Everybody looked around to see where didn't she was going but they didn't find her.

The screen started to play once again, making some of them relieved that it was starting again and didn't have to watch the drama unfold.

"Aemon needs him, your graces," Lyanna begged her. "Please, you have to promise me."

She looked down at the babe, the heir to the Iron Throne. That babe would be heir or not but he does come from Allison's bloodline which makes her be his seventh great-grandmother of his. She knows the green and bronze dragon would not be pulled away from his rider or his father. She knows how strong the bond between the rider and the dragon is.

"I promise you I will keep him safe and raise him like my own son," Allison makes another promise. "I promise."

Lyanna nods, muscles slacking again. Her eyes almost fluttered shut. But she keeps them open. Keeps them on her son. Like she's taken a look at her as long as she still can. "I love you my dragonwolf," she whispers, her voice barely there.

She exhales shakily, her eyes closing at last. "I see them." She mutters, her voice filled with tiredness and wonder. "I see them, your grace. They're... they're waiting for me. I see my Rhaegar."

Allison had a glimpse of what Lyanna was talking about. She tells her, "You can go to them and be at peace. It's alright. I will watch over your brothers and your little dragon." And she does and waits and takes her hand into the Lyanna's. Allison gently runs her thumb over Lyanna's cold skin, letting the heat of dragon blood flow through Lyanna one last time. She waited until the light didn't fade away. She watches and listens to Lyanna's shallow slow breaths. In and out, In and out. Out. She waits as her chest rises and falls for the last time. Lyanna's hand goes limp in Allison's as the life leaves Lyanna's body on that last long exhale.

Allison presses a kiss on the back of her hand and puts it on her chest. "You must feast in heaven with the rest of your family," Allison whispers, fingers gently stroking her still face, all the lines of pain are now gone. "Sleep well Lyanna."

Words don't describe how Lord Stark is feeling at the moment. When Lyanna took her last breath it broke Ned Stark's heart sync, as he watched from the doorframe. Hearing his sister begged Allison to keep her son and his little dragon safe.

He stands beside Grace Allison as she looks at the child in her arms, Lyanna's words echoing in her ears despite Lord Stark's sister having silence over an hour ago.

The boy was quiet, but his eyes were open and curious, even though the midwife had told Allison about the baby being born only hours old. Allison smiles as he wraps his tiny finger around her finger. She started to notice her son's facials, his eyes were dark, but Allison knew babies' eyes changed after birth. The wispy hair on the top of the child's head was the same dark brown as Lyanna's, the Stark brown.

It was said that Targaryen had their magic when it came to their blood, which is why they married within the family to keep the magic strong. Perhaps the magic in the boy understood having silver hair and violet eyes or indigo eyes, like his father, rather than statues would be only a death sentence for him. And now he has a dragon that has been seen since during the dances of the dragon.

And Allison would not let this anything happen under her watch. She will keep her promise to Lyanna and protect her son and his dragon from any danger from anyone who tries to harm him or his dragon. She would burn down the world before he could get in any danger.

She looked up as she heard heavy footsteps. It was Howland Reed, coming down the hallway, limping a bit, though his wounds had been seen too. "One of the midwives told me what happened. I'm sorry, Ned. I know how you wanted to save her."

Ned nodded. "There was nothing we could do, after all. Guess it makes sense now why Prince Rhaegar left his best men behind."

Allison didn't say anything, just kept her attention on Aemon not caring what Lord Stark and Lord Reed discussed. She had told Lord Stark who she was and what she was doing here.

"To protect a bastard?"

Ned winced, "Lyanna wouldn't have done that. I... honestly, it doesn't matter anymore. She's gone, Rhaegar is gone. Probably but now Stannis would have taken Dragonstone. House Targaryen is over."

No one couldn't describe how much pain Allison is feeling right now. All the hard work she did was all for nothing.

"She must be feeling different emotions at this moment?" Prince Baelon says sadly.

Howland nodded, "What are you going to do? You saw what happened to Rhaegar's other children. And he is just a babe that has a stronger claim than Robert, than anyone else. If people were to find out."

For the first time, Allison spoke up, "No one would know about him or his dragon. I will claim him as my son." Ned Stark and Howland Reed looked at her confused about what she meant.

"I could pretend to be Lord Stark's bastard sister who ran away from a young age and only when Lord Stark came to find Lyanna, he also found me with her after she died. Lord Stark wanted me to return home where I belonged."

Ned sighed, "Are you sure about this Allison?" Allison nods.

"We both know it is the only way to keep him and his dragon safe or in any harm from that pig."

Allison looked down at Aemon who was sleeping in her arms. She kissed him on his little forehead before handing him to Lord Stark who finally got to hold his nephew for the first time. It was a matter of silence when sobbing was coming from the Lord of Winterfell. Allison grabbed a cloth from a nearby table and dipped it into the water grabbed the next to the open and helped Lord Reed sit on it so she could clean the wound.

The Queen didn't say anything, she just kept cleaning the wound from the lord. The same cloth she used to clean the wound she dipped into the water once before grabbing a clean cloth to wrap the wound around.

"Many people thought you died during the Dance of the Dragon?" Lord Reed suddenly said. Now he was closer to her and could see the same face during the dances.

Allison nods, "I wouldn't be surprised if people still recognize me to this day. But that's what happens when you're married into dragon nets. You are constantly reminded that you don't get to have your own freedom when you're married to a Targaryen." She says as she finishes cleaning the wound and throws the cloth over the table.

Allison takes a deep breath before walking toward the bed where Lyanna's body is lying. She carefully grabs Lyanna's body and wraps one of her arms around Lyanna's body as she grabs the comforter and any sheets of the bed.

She carefully wraps the sheet around Lyanna's body. She knew that Lord Stark wanted to take her bones back to Winterfell. So she went outside to find some wood to help build a pyre to lay Lyanna before burning her.

She felt someone's presence she didn't turn to know it was Lord Stark behind her. Allison nods before continuing back to grab more wood to burn the king's guards and Lyanna.

"How did you survive?" Ned finally breaks the silence between them.

Allison chuckles and laughs as she shakes her head before throwing the wood to the ground; she sits down on the dirt and starts to make the pyre. She knew that Lord Stark was following behind her so she ignored him and continued doing what she needed to do before the sun started to set.

"I was put to sleep while the dances were happening. The gods thought it was a good idea to have me put in a sleeping coma without a single warning or at least that's what I thought." Allison laughed again as she shook her head.

"I was put asleep and next I knew hundreds of years had passed and only to be awakened up because the faith of the Realm was falling apart so the gods thought it was a great idea to wake me up."

Once Allison finished building the pyre she went back into the tower to grab Lyanna's body to lay it down on the pyre. Once she put Lyanna on the pyre, she did the same with the four Kings guards. She walked up to Howland who was holding Aemon in his arms. His dragon was sitting on Lord Reed's shoulder. Howland hands the prince over carefully, adjusting him in Allison's arms and extending her arms to let the little hatching crawl toward her arm to be near his rider. The hatching dipped his head forward to sniff her hand, the little dragon was curious and started to try to fly towards her and landed on her shoulder. She stares at him smiles at him and scratches his little head as he lays his head down to Allison's neck and has his little tail wrapped around her neck.

"She rarely smiles when she ever is with us." Princess Jahaenara said, looking at the screen and seeing her mother as a good mother to the princes.

She slowly walked towards the pyre with Aemon in her arms, she looked up at the sky and saw that the sun started to set. She sighed as closed her eyes and called up Dreamfyre to land behind her. Dreamfyre lands with a characteristic rumble the sand hissing sibilantly as her sheer mass forces it to resettle. Allison smiled and took a step forward to make her way towards her. Dreamfyre dips her head forward so that she proffers her customary greeting, a brush of palms at the very end of her muzzle, and the puff of hot air that ruffles powerfully through her hair only to make Allison laugh.

"Hey, beautiful! I need you to do something for me?" Allison asked. "I know it is too much to ask but it is just a small favor," Allison tilted her head to Dreamfyre who looked very curious at Aemon who was in her arms. She looked down to see Aemon who was wide awake from his nap.

Dreamfyre nudges her as gently as the dragon tries to get a better look at what it is in her rider's arms. "Huh, aren't you a little curious about what I have in my arms aren't you?" She shifts before Allison, a giant reptilian eye coming into her immediate vicinity fixed and unblinking. She retreats, pressing an equally large nostril to Allison and inhaling.

"He is just like a little hatchling like his very own dragon," Allison says as she carefully moves the part of the blanket away from Aemon's face for Dreamfyre to take a good look at him.

Aemon stuck his little hand out and Dreamfyre sniffed his little hand and purred. Allison knows what Dreamfyre is about to do; she quickly covers Aemon with the blanket as Allison steps back. Dreamfyre picks her head spreads her wings and roars toward the sky as the little hatching begins to do the same thing as Dreamfyre.

Allison smiles at Dreamfyre welcoming Aemon into the family. She turns her head to see Lord Stark and Lord Reed's jaws dropped on the ground and pale from their faces. Allison remembers they haven't seen a dragon in centuries.

Dreamfyre was the mother of all dragons during the dances and she felt like that little hatching was part of her blood just as Aemon was to her rider.

Once Dreamfyre calmed down was ready to do anything that her rider commanded her to do. Allison turns her head to look over at Lord Stark if he is ready for her to burn his sister's body.

Lord Stark nods to Allison letting her know that he is ready to get his sister's remains after what was left of hers.

Dreamfyre's head leaned slightly forward almost waiting for her bonded to command her to burn the bodies. "Dracarys," Allison said. Dreamfyre lifted her head and released a wave of dragon fire from within herself towards the pyres.

Allison looked down at Aemon who somehow very quietly as her eyes met his eyes. The little hatching tries to release some dragon fire only to fail. Allison smiles and scratches his little head with her finger.

"Issi ao trying naejot gaomagon keskydoso mirre hae dreamfyre hmm," The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms says as the little hatching purrs against her neck.

She must find a safe way to keep the dragon from the eras of the usurper. The only way to keep him is by taking him to the wall and just watching from there until Aemon is a bit older. To understand why and who he is truly.

Now that she burned Lyanna's body, she doesn't know what Lord Stark planned after. She would have to wait for him to say anything or what is the plan.

The trip from Dorne back to King's Landing was long and hard, especially the stop at Starfall. One of the midwives been with Lyanna was, in fact, a woman from a village whose child had perished from a fever less than a week before, so she had vowed to keep the secrecy if she helped to care for the babe and Alliosn's was happy to have someone to care of Aemon when would have to leave the north when the times comes.

"My son was taken from, milady, and the Princess was ever so kind, to send food and aid once she heard my little Askr was taken from a sickness. Even the Prince sent his maester down to my hut before the man died. My payment for their kindness will be to protect their babe." Allison just spent her time with Aemon and his little hatching while Lord Stark did his thing.

She knew that Lord Stark was planning on going to King's Landing to swear to the new King which she wasn't happy about.

The arrival in King's Landing was not as she hoped either. Lord Stark had told her to stay as quiet and out of the way as possible, Allison would just roll her eyes but she understood what Lord Stark was trying to say. It would take them seven bloody months for them to return to the capital would have to make it reasonable to believe she had stopped somewhere to pick up his bastard sister and her son. Or at least that no one would question that they were grieving for the loss of their sister.

Lucky Cergan was smart enough to make his way to King's Landing. Allison had told him that he needed to make his way with something and wait till she arrived at Winterfell. Her plan was to take the hatching to the wall where he would be saved away from people and be taken care of. Knowing that her ice dragon would probably be at the Wall since she is an ice dragon and always loves the north.

"She has a fuck ice dragon? What else does she have?" King Jaehaerys says.

The screen changed to Allison and Lord Stark watching the mid-nurse taking Aemon for a walk in the sun.

Allison heard the door open from Lord Stark's chambers as the new King approached them. Lucky for Allison she managed to change her hair to all-black to make it look like Stark.

"So, whose is that child?"

"He is my bastard sister's son," Ned said, hoping his friend would take Allison blushing for shame and not guilt. "I'm not proud of my sister but she is the only sister I have now."

"I didn't know you had a bastard sister?"

"My father wasn't a saint, Robert," Ned replied.

"It was one of many secrets my father had," Allison spoke for the time as she kept watching Aemon and the nurse. She just ignored the conversion between the usurper and lord stark she needed to rest and started making her first move in the game.

Luckily she was given a chamber next to Lord Stark. She just laid in the bed looking at the ceiling thinking what she did wrong to deserve this as a punishment.

Why did she have to fall for Daemon so hard only to get stabbed by him? She didn't deserve to be alive. She just wanted to find some happiness or at least some peace. But she knows that she will never get it.

The screen turned black which meant it was over.

โ˜† โ˜† โ˜† โ˜… โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ˜… โ˜… โ˜… โ˜†
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i. หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท โ”Š โ–ฐโ–ฐ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„๐’ . . . โจŸ


We have a lot of surprises and I promise!!

HOW DO WE FEEL ABOUT THIS CHAPTER?? A lot of things happened in this chapter.

Next chapter we are in first episode maybe ๐Ÿค”

ii. หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžท โ”Š โ–ฐโ–ฐ ๐’๐Ž๐‚๐ˆ๐€๐‹ ๐Œ๐„๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€ . . . โจŸ
โ”โ” And also please start following me on my social media!!

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