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what has happened all these years
During the Robert Rebellion time.
A/N : What is going to happen in this chapter will be completely different from the show and the history itself. It is just all imagined but it is also real at the same time you need to understand cause these events will be happening as flashbacks or in the second book and third books. Allison is a very different person. She has powers that she can ride more than one dragon that's part of her abilities and I know it can't happen but it will. That's just a part of her and who she is!! ALSO, IT IS WATTPAD ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN HERE!!
If you don't like how this is going then you don't have to read no one is telling you.!!
๐ฉโก๐ชย โ Daemon feels some kind of happiness to see that Allison finally woke up from death. But he also felt just like anger by her being dead and now she is alive.
"Never thought my sister would be alive after so many years that have passed," Alicent said. Daemon knows how she feels finding out that the one person who brought the best out of him is alive.
"She probably wasn't remembering us."
The screen turned back on leaving the conversation for later.
Allison remained lying down with her eyes closed. She gasped for air once more as she opened her eyes. Her eyes turned red before changing back to normal violet eyes.
The house of the dragon family gasped as they saw that Allison's eyes were red before going back to normal but it wasn't the color she had before when she was alive; those colors were different from her old life.
Cergan heard the gasping for air and rushed to Allison who was trying to look around to see where she was but when she saw Cergan she slowly started to calm down.
"Wha-what did you wake me up for? How did you find my body." Allison said as she was trying to catch her breath. As Cergan tried to help her to sit up from the stone table. There were so many questions in Allison's mind but one question she had a mind and she couldn't help but ask.
"I. . .is he dead?" Allison said forcefully crying, causing her heavy breathing. Cergan wrapped his arms around her waist and rubbed her back.
Daemon watched the screen as she was crying for him. He knew those were fake tears for him. Like him he never loved her and she never loved him.
Daemon would never admit but a part of her hopes that she had loved him just like he would but then again he betrayed her to marry his niece. And she was losing herself by grieving.
"Aww, she is crying for father," Vaemon said, looking at his mother crying for his father. only for him to realize that she wasn't crying for him.
The screen turned back to Allison who Cergan hugged.
Allison was hugged by Cergan as his arms were wrapped around her neck and she was still crying till it got quiet for a second. Cergan turns his head to look at one of the gods till he hears laughing, making him turn back his head to see that Allison is laughing. Cergan unwrapped his arms around her neck. And step back from her to see her.
Allison laughed with tears down her cheeks as she tried to catch her breath before she spoke, "Seven hells, it feels good to be alive again!"
Allison stood up from the stone table and looked around to see her friends were standing there watching her. Allison greeted them and also hugged them telling them how much she misses them.
Once Allison calmed down she walked towards the fireplace and took a seat next to it. She knows that she needs to ask what happened after her death.
Allison stared at the fireplace and just watched it till Azariah spoke up first to say why the hell they woke them up.
"Why wake us up now? After being asleep for centuries, why now?" Azariah asked as he took a seat next to Allison who was busy just staring at the fire.
Cergan sighed, "A lot of things happened after Alexandria's death. I don't know where to start at?"
"Start from the beginning after they left us to die?" Allison said, looking away from the fireplace and turning her head to face Cergan.
"They need to know the whole truth about House Targaryen as to why they are too weak to rule."
"Who is Alexandria?" Princess Rhaena said in curiosity.
"Alexandria is the one of the original gods that helps us when we conquer Westeros or so we thought. But I guess it never occurred that she was the same person. But we never thought that Alexandria, Asenyra, and Allison were the same person, just completely different bodies." The Sister-Wife Queen Rhaenys said.
She turned her head to the Dance of the Dragon families. Who was confused about it? Some are smart to think they could beat her.
Aegon the Conqueror sighed, "Alexandria is the first one to have King Harren Hoare bend the knee to her before we landed in Westeros. She had every Kingdoms on her side and she made every King pretend to bend the knee to us. When we conquer Westeros."
"If Allison is really Alexandria this whole time we have been having the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in our lives and we got her killed by betraying her." King Viserys said.
"What do you remember before the Fourteen Flames exploded here in old Valyria?" Cergan asked.
"One day we were having lunch when Daenys the Dreamer came to Alexandria's chambers looking like she was scared of something but we didn't think it was anything till she finally calmed down and Alexandria had asked about a dream she had. And Daenys had told Alexandria it was the same one she had. At first, we didn't think of anything until Alexandria had the same dream, that's when we realized we had to do something."
Severine shook her head sadly, "I remember that Alexandria had forbidden Daenys to tell her father Aenar Targaryen. Allison had a feeling that he would do something bad about it."
Rhaenyra this time wondered what everybody was thinking. "What are they talking about?"
"They are talking about what happened before the doomed?" asked Aegon the couper with a frown.
Daemon wondered what Cergan was getting himself into this lifetime.
"But yet Daenys somehow told her father and Aenar told the Velaryons, Celtigars, and Targaryen and they all got their belongings and moved to Dragonstone and left us to die. We had to watch every single person die before us and we couldn't do anything because it cost us a surprise. And that's where all the bad blood started with the Targaryens, Velaryons, and Celtigars."
"They deserve everything they have coming..." Lavinia trailed off, "We had to watch every person and dragon die before us, and while the Targaryens and Velayron, Celtigars ran away for their safety while we stayed and helped as many people as we could, but it wasn't enough for us." she said grimly.
Nesmayra placed her hand on top of hers, "There was nothing we could have done. It felt like the fourteen flames failed us by making us watch our people die." Nesmyra nods agreeing with Lavinia.
"It would change anything to us what is done is done. My biggest regret was not to put a stop to it when I had the chance."
Pity washed Allison's face, "I have seen what they could do, and I won't make the same mistake again."
"This is just so horrible. We just made the worst of our enemies." Queen Alysanne sighed, feeling pity for the gods and goddesses.
She couldn't imagine the feeling at all. What does Allison feel this way if she were in the same place as her?
The occupants in the room truly held respect for Allison Hightower, who wouldn't have.
"The Targaryen stayed in Dragonstone for years, till the main problem was born that made Alexandria show herself to the Targaryen. That's where Alexandria got the idea to change different bodies to make people think she died doomed."
"Alexandria was known to be Asenyra. She meets with Lord Aerion Targaryen and his wife Valaena Velaryon. She was given a place to stay as she watched Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys grow up and watched them from the shadows."
Allison smiled at the mention of Visenya, "I might have lived with them for years but they could be very annoying but of course not Visenya she was an angel. Allison and Visenya always got along with each other. We had a lot of things in common with each other. And of course, Aerion had to ruin everything when he wanted Visenya to marry Aegon."
"Visenya was committed to keeping her father proud. But when Aerion passed away everything changed. As years have passed Aegon would talk to me about this dream he keeps having and how he has to do something about Westeros."
"At that moment I knew what dream he was talking about and I didn't think the Targaryen would get dreams but they did and some of them didn't understand it. Only I understand them because I get them all the time when I close my eyes or when I'm trying to sleep."
"What was the dream he had?" Azariah asked.
Allison turned her head to look back at the fire that looked like it was dancing. Allison sighed, got up from her chair, and walked away, "One of the biggest mistakes I ever made in my whole life."
"Aegon saw the end of all men." Allison stood up and laid against the wall.
"But it was more than that. Aegon told me how he keeps having the same dream about the infamous Night King."
"When I returned from beyond the wall hundreds of years ago. What was the first thing you guys asked for but I didn't answer?" Allison asked as she looked at the last remaining gods.
"Why did you come by yourself and not your brother?" Nesmyra said.
"Aegon saw the end of all men and that's what drives him to conquer Westeros with his sisters. Because that dream that was very clear sooner than later will happen."
"What Aegon did was something I shouldn't be talking about. But I could tell you that he made more bad blood between him and his sister Visenya. He announced at one of the tournaments that he would take a second wife when he had one."
"Visenya was beyond mad. She wanted revenge so badly that she was willing to do anything to kill her sister. Visenya made it look like she was on Aegon's side and convinced Aegon to let Rhaenys go to Dorne where her death was waiting for her."
House of the Dragon was completely speechless hearing all these coming out of Allison's mouth.
"We made a deal with Dorne to kill Rhaenys and made it look like they were the ones to kill her and her dragon. Westeros was ready to bend the knee to me and all they just had to do was to pretend to bend the knee to Aegon. They were only loyal to me only."
"After Aegon became the King of the seven kingdoms just as we planned. Years turned years and Aegon died of old age. Aenys was sick to be King so we made Maegor King. The High Sept was finding ways to blackmail Visenya that she wasn't the reason that King Aenys died or Aegon was too."
Cergan keeps telling them about Maegor's reign and into King Jaehaery's reign leaving the party for the dance of the dragon's war.
"After the death of Prince Aemon and Prince Bealon. House Targaryen was at its weakest point. And I don't think I should be the one to tell you guys about what happened."
"Here we go," Daemon started feeling the pressure coming soon.
The screen turned to Allison who was pouring water into a cup.
"After what I saw what Maegor did I needed to find a way to stay in the shadows to watch House Targaryen. In 101 AC King Jaehaerys called a Great Council to choose an heir to the throne. That led to many successions to be heard but only two were heard." Allison mused as she sipped her cup of water. "Princess Rhaenys was the King's eldest descendant, and her cousin, Prince Viserys Targaryen was the King's eldest male descendant."
"Over a thousand lords and ladies went to harrenhal..." Allison trailed off, "I was given a choice to watch as the lords chose a weak prince who could do nothing without his lord's hand."
"I'm not like where this is going." King Jaehaerys said.
"I have a feeling this is going to end very badly."
"You guys have no idea."
"When the lords choose Viserys as the next heir to the iron throne everything falls apart from theirs. He failed to produce heirs because he had no idea that his lord and hand Otto Hightower was poisoning his wife Aemma Arryn. I watched as she tried to bring every child into the world only for them to die days later. Eventually, she started to get weak and she didn't survive long. But one night I overheard Otto and his idiot brother talking about how they were the ones to poison the Queen and that's why she failed to have any male heir."
"I saved her only two pregnancies and I knew about it. One being Rhaenyra and the other being a male Rhaegar who I saved and took away from Westeros and a bastard babe to take his place as we made Viserys think he was born as a dragon."
"Eventually Aemma was tired of getting pregnant so she made me promise that if she didn't make it I would do everything in my power to make sure Rhaenyra and Rhaegar would stay protected." Allison replies, "I kept her promise. I was in the shadows when the Maesters came to Viserys to tell him, he has to choose between Aemma and the babe."
Viserys knew what was going to happen next he kept his head down looking at the floor.
"As a tournament was going on at the same time as Queen Aemma was trying to give hope it was the heir that the King had always desired. Without thinking he chose the most important thing ever."
Allison sighed, "Viserys didn't care about Aemma. He just only wanted his heir so they had her cut open as she begged Viserys to stop but he didn't listen and let the Maesters just open up her as she screamed and kept begging him."
Queen Alysanne gasped in horror as she tried to get up from her chair to walk up to her grandchildren and smacked Viserys in the face but luckily for her. But luckily her daughter Princess Alyssa, Daella wanted to smack him in the face as they tried to grab him by his neck and tried to kill him.
"YOU WILL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY POOR DAUGHTER!" Princess Daella yells as she tries to hit him again and again.
Princess Daella just breaks down in tears as she falls to the floor and just breaks down in tears as her sister Princess Maegelle hugs her as she keeps breaking down.
"I can't be with you right now! I teach you to be better and not only did you hurt a girl who is very powerful but also you butchered your wife's stomach only for an heir!" King Jaehaerys I said as he looked at his grandchild who was named heir after him. He couldn't believe that the man standing inching away from him was capable of doing something like this.
Poor Viserys didn't feel right now. Maybe he shouldn't have done what he did to poor Aemma. But it is too late now for him to make things right.
"After he killed her aย boy was born only for him to die hours later. It was like the gods were punishing him for what he did to his wife."
"Not even a day after the funeral the lord's hand had summoned the Council members to a meeting to select a new heir. I knew Otto Hightower's plans. Otto Hightower at least some of his daughters go to the king's chambers to comfort him. Only six months later he announced that he would take a second wife. But before that, he made a decision that broke a thousand years of tradition by naming a girl the next heir to the throne. Only for him months later to take a second wife."
"Viserys named Rhaenyra to be the next to the iron throne and many of the lords won't be happy about it," Allison said. "Otto never found out that me and Alicent had changed spots. So originally I was supposed to marry Viserys and she was married to Daemon. Now that I think of it, maybe we shouldn't have changed places.
"It would have kept me from being in a miserable relationship and also wouldn't have stupid kids that didn't deserve to be born."
"I'm not going into details about that is a whole different story here. Alicent gives birth to a boy named Aegon. Many thought that Viserys would name him heir but the weak King still kept Rhaenyra as heir. Alicent went on to keep having more children for the king. But the king was also getting sicker by the day. Some thought maybe it was the punishment of gods giving him for what he did to poor Aemma."
"The King forced Rhaenyra to marry Leanor Velaryon cause he denied the hand of Lady Laena Velaryon which caused the Velaryon to forget about him and the house of the dragon whom they supposedly stand together as a family only for the stupid king to break it," Allison replied.
"Seven hells, that is too much information," Nesmyra said.
"She still hasn't got to the bad part just yet," Cergan said.
"The King was getting sicker by day and his precious daughter Rhaenyra was busy birthing nothing but bastard children who were to be one of the Lord Commander of the City Watch. And the king didn't do anything about it just kept playing with the little toys he had in his chambers."
Allison kept telling them everything when done during the dances only to get the good part.
"After the incident in Driftmark Rhaenyra needed to find a way to be a step ahead of the greens so she convinced her uncle to marry her in the old Valyria tradition. Even though he was with me. He still did what he thought by marrying Rhaenyra and I had to come up with a plan that would cost them their lives."
Allison smirked and continued to tell the story, "I let Daemon and Rhaenyra get married only to frame them. What they didn't know is that I told Alicent if something had happened to me while I went to Dragonstone to pick up some things I had left behind. If I didn't return in the next two days, I would send a raven to Lord Stark and he would know what to do next."
"Cergan here summoned all the lords of the seven kingdoms to prepare for a war that the Targaryen didn't expect to happen." Allison points at Cergan.
"What happened next?" Azariah asked.
"The Dance of the Dragon is starting to slowly come together. Two days had passed and Alicent started to get worried about me. So she sent every guard to look for me in Dragonstone and couldn't find me till one day Rhaenyra and Daemon were summoned to Kings Landing for the succession of Lord Corlys Velaryon who was injured during the battle of the Stepstone they were questioning the legitimacy of Luke Velaryon and his Vamond Velaryon should have been the rightful lord of Driftmark. So they all went to King's Landing while that was happening some of the guards that Alicent sent had found."
Allison sighed, "Had found my body in the exact place where Daemon and Rhaenyra got married. They brought back my body during the questioning. The king himself saw what the guards were carrying and it was my body. The guards had told the king that they found my body in the same place where Rhaenyra and Daemon got married." Allison said.
"The King was furious at what had happened so he made a decision that caused the Dance of the Dragon. He changed his mind by naming Maekar to be the next heir after him. Leaving Rhaenyra without the power of the throne. And that's where the Dance of the Dragon began."
"Dragons vs. Dragons till there were no more dragons in the world and left House Targaryen to the weakest point," Allison says.
"Cergan you might continue telling what had happened after the Dances," Allison asked.
"I'm going to need to hit something. I never felt this anger before!" Aegon the Conqueror said.
"Fuck! You did us so dirty like Viserys by naming a girl to the heir of the iron throne who is probably not worthy of it. And not to mention that she sold someone else, husband and children." Princess Saera said so impressed. She thought she was the worst, but it turned out to be Viserys.
The screen turned back to Cergan who was telling them what had happened over the years and it just kept getting worse and worse.
"And it leaves at this moment right now. Now you guys probably understand why I woke you guys up." Cergan said as he turned to see the gods just frozen in their spots.
"I'm going to take showers 'cause I need to think about what just happened," Allison said, not letting Cergan speak again.
"What are we going to do with this Rhaegar and this rebellion not to mention this King that is so mad," Severine asked. She knows that she needs to convince Allison to do something about this situation.
Allison turned around and started to walk towards the waterfall but about stopped she kept walking to the waterfall and didn't say anything just kept walking.
"So we made House Targaryen to the ruins just great, just great." Princess Rhaenera was angry that her mother was alive and that she didn't mention any of them.
The screen turned into the waterfall where Allison was in the water staring outside of the cave.
Cergan walked towards the waterfall and just stared at Allison. Allison moved her head just a little and just kept staring outside. The couple didn't say anything, just stayed in silence for a moment till one of them just spoke.
"What did you do after you left the Wall?" Cergan asked. It is one of the questions that Cergan had in mind for years now.
Allison turned her body around tilted her head a little and smirked before she spoke, "Where did you think I went?"
"Before we are taken to King's Landing you need to do something and just leave?" Cergan replied.
"I had received an anonymous message from someone that Daemon was waiting for Aemond in Harrenhal. I knew what Daemon was planning so I made my way towards Harrenhal." Allison said as she remembered it as if it was yesterday.
"What happened, what did you do?" Cergan questioned.
Allison looked down at the water before looking up at Cergan again, "They fight each other till death." Allison shrugged.
"Daemon challenged them to a fight so they got on their dragons and fought till one of them gave up. Till Daemon didn't strip his chain, once they went very high in the sky Caraxes and Vhagar fought each other it was tough to tell from the ground only I saw as Daemon grabbed Dark sister and plugged them into Aemond's right eye and the sword went all way through till it came out his back of his head and all four of them fall into the water."
"But somehow Daemon didn't die in the fall. But I need to make sure." Allison said.
"What did you do Allison?" Allison looked at Cergan and smirked, "I once promised him when we first met that I would be the one to kill him and I would be the one I told him so"
"A part of me wanted to kill him at that moment but a part of me still had a love for him yet I could forget what he didn't to me. I waited for days to see if I had the guts to do it but I still could do it. Till a red priestess came to me telling me that she could bring him back from death but I told her no and he needed to die by my hands." Allison said.
Allison sighed, "I took him back to here in the cave and waited till Caraxes and Vhagar were okay so I made a decision and commanded Caraxes to eat him."
"His dragon eat him?" Cergan said.
Allison nods, "That's happened when you make enemies out of me."
Prince Daemon was shocked to hear what Allison did to him. King Maegor was laughing because he was stupid enough to make her enemies.
"Shit, you pissed her off! I didn't think she would do this to you." Princess Rhaenys said as she was laughing.
"This just keeps getting better. I can't wait to hear more about this." King Aegon the Second said laughing.
"I did warn you about her." Princess Rhaenyra said. The screen turned to see Allison still in the water.
"What happened after that? You must have known that we had taken the red keep. But you haven't returned yet why?" Cergan asked.
"I didn't return to King's Landing 'cause I needed to deal with one or two that cost me so many problems. She needs to deal with it." Allison said.
"I went to Dragonstone where I knew she would be there and so was Aegon. I could kill two dragons with one word."
Allison started to walk to the steps from the waterfall, Cergan tried to look away as she was getting out of the waterfall naked.
"Could you pass me that towel, please? Why look away when you have seen it before." Allison said.
Each manย in the theater stared at her body naked as she came out of the water. I mean she does have a gorgeous body with tattoos on her whole back and left of her hip.
"It sucks she is alive, we are dead." King Maegor said. All of the kings and princes nod understanding what he is trying to say about her.
"I managed to get into Sunfyre's mind and watched as Rhaenyra and Aegon were talking and I had enough and commanded Sunfyre to burn her alive as her son Aegon watched. And once she died I poisoned my nephew Aegon and killed her annoying son Aegon."
"And the dance officially ends by having your son on the throne?" Cergan Stark said.
"All these Targaryen are the continuation of the bloodline of my son and my daughter and what I couldn't do. Each Targaryen has my blood and Daemon's blood, not Rhaenyra because I kill every single child of Rhaenyra under my order dear friend." Allison said smirkingly as she put on her dress.
"Dragons didn't die because of Rhaenyra. Because I commanded them to be hidden when the time comes." And with that, Allison left Cergan alone in the waterfall.
And the screen turned black and the Targaryens took a moment to themselves.
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i. หหยฐโข*โโทย ย โ โฐโฐย ๐๐๐๐๐ . . . โจ
Sorry, I take so long it literally takes like two months to finish this whole chapter!!
If you have any questions please let me know or any ideas about what you want to happen next please comment!!
ii. หหยฐโข*โโทย ย โ โฐโฐย ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ . . . โจ
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