𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕
╰┈˚ · ° . CALL AFTER CALL, MESSAGE AFTER MESSAGE, and still, Alec never answered even one of them.
"Answer me. Answer me." I whispered in the air, pleading him, even though he was not there, to just pick up his phone so I could know that he was fine, that he was safe. I was sitting on the couch, my legs were bouncing up and down with my nerves. My hand locked tightly around my phone. I was sure even just using a tiny bit more force, it would break a million metal parts.
"Scott is not answering me." Stiles said as he continued to pace back and forth as his anxiety increased, having no answer from his best friend. He was literally feeding me his anxiety, and as I already had mine, it was definitely not helping.
"Alec neither." I admitted just as my boyfriend's voicemail was activated. Again.
"Why are they not answering?" The Stilinski boy asked, passing his hands through his hair in despair. "Don't answer that." he said pointedly at Peter who had just opened his mouth ready to reply.
The worst thing was that I wasn't 100% focused on this. I needed to go somewhere, my magic was stirring inside my veins every three seconds trying to push me out of the loft towards somewhere. Where, I didn't know.
"I'm going." I stated after probably the 20th call unanswered from Alec. I should have just gone after we had a fight starting from Stiles' call with Scott.
"Going where, Elizabeth?" Peter said, shooting me a stern and authoritarian look. "Because for certain you are not going to that bank."
"Wanna bet." I snarky replied, already getting up from the couch and starting to wear my leather jacket ready to sprint whatever the hell this bank was.
My uncle stopped me from walking with a hand on my arm, his hold tight on me.
"Let. Me. Go." I said through clenched teeth. I had no patience left, I was only riding the waves of fear that took me completely under.
"No. It's a suicide. I'm not letting you go so you can die too."
"They are not dead." I replied, wishing more than ever that I was right. That my instinct was right. Because he couldn't be dead. Not Alec. Not him too. And that was without counting my cousin, and that I wanted or not, Scott. I knew that I was not going to be able to go through all that grief again. I didn't want to.
"How do you know?" Stiles asked, stopping the deadly stare contest between me and my uncle.
"I just know." I rolled my eyes, not even knowing how I knew it.
"Witchy thing, alright." he commented with a tight lipped smile.
My phone vibrated in my hand, Alec's name written on the display making me quickly answer the call.
"Alec!" I breathed out, quitting down the sob of relief that wanted to escape though my lips.
"Amore." He whispered. His voice was gruff, rough in a way that I knew that he was somewhat hurt. [Love]
Yanking my arm away from my uncle, I focused on my boyfriend as my heart squeezed in my chest. "Fuck. Are you-"
"I'm fine, little witch. I promise." he said softly "They had made a barrier of mountain ash but, I can't believe I'm saying this, Allison was here and broke it off and saved our lives. And before you said that you should've been here with us, the answer is no. Fortunately you weren't here."
"Shut up." I grumbled with a roll of my eyes. I was going to say exactly that, and he knew it.
"They escaped. Derek, Scott and I are going to follow their tracks." Alec explained after a deep chuckle.
"Alright." I nodded my head even if he couldn't see me. My chest tightened as I rethought of what I had heard before the call with Scott ended abruptly. "We heard Derek say a name." I gulped down the emotion that threatened to strangle me.
"Erica is dead. The other girl, the one that was with Boyd it's Cora." He said softly as he was trying to caress me with his voice even from afar and before I could ask, he continued, "Yes, Ellie, it's her. It's really Cora"
"How? Are you sure?"
"Both me and Derek recognized her."
"Okay." I cleared my throat trying to get down to business. We still had two feral werewolves out in the streets of Beacon Hills, and whatever the hell my magic wanted me to do. "I'm calling Isaac. He and Peter will help you track them down." Peter cleared his voice making me look at him. He had a pointed eyebrow raised as if saying 'who?' "Just Isaac, alright."
"What about you?" Alec asked confused at my lack of involvement. He knew me well, so the fact that I had not said my name with the others was weird for him.
"I'll meet you later. I have to go somewhere."
"Where?" He asked. Even if I couldn't see him, I knew he was furrowing his forehead and having a narrowing look in his eyes that dared me to not tell him everything.
Replying honestly, I said "I don't know."
───── ⋆⋅⋆。 ゚☽𖦹☾ ゚。⋆⋅⋆ ─────
╰┈˚ · ° . A pool. My magic wanted me to go to the Beacon Hills public swimming pool.
Apparently it felt like I needed a swim— I thought ironically in a bitter way. I had much more important things to do than this.
When I parked the car in front of the entrance, I started to walk inside. With every step my magic vibrated in my veins. I was cautious, I didn't know what to expect, because I was sure of one thing, something had happened. Important enough for my magic to call me here.
I was expecting a lot, but for sure, it wasn't to see Lydia parking her car next to mine, fixated on her phone until she noticed my own car.
"What?" I heard her whisper in confusion.
"What are you doing here, Lyds?" I asked confused. Our expressions completely matching.
"Elle?" She said, looking around herself in completely perplexed. "What are you doing here?" She asked once her eyes landed once again on me.
"My magic wants me here. You?"
Her eyes watered slightly as she took in a big breath. "I don't know," she whispered, "I wanted to go to the store."
"It's okay." I said taking her hand in mine, giving her the most confident smile I could master, until my magic sizzled in my veins once again making my eyes snap towards the pool.
"Fuck." I whispered as I saw an unmoving figure in the water. The smell of blood and death invading my senses.
"Oh, my god." Lydia gasped as she saw exactly what I was seeing.
"Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead." She pleaded out loud.
My mind felt fuzzy, her words sounding far away. I was in a state-like-trance, only following where Nature wanted me to be. I didn't noticed how we neared the pool, how Lydia's hand fell away from mine as she kneeled down to see if it was really a dead person in the water, I didn't noticed her gasp of relief as it turned out that it was just a dummy, probably used to train the lifeguards.
My eyes were stuck on the boy sitting on the lifeguard chair, head bashed in and throat slashed. Blood gushing from the wound bathing him in his own blood.
And then a scream followed. One so high pitched that pierced my eardrums making blood drip from my ears, and still, I couldn't look away from the dead men or move an inch to even cover my ears. And as the scream stopped, my magic rushed through my body until a word rolled from my mouth.
───── ⋆⋅⋆。 ゚☽𖦹☾ ゚。⋆⋅⋆ ─────
╰┈˚ · ° . When I had come out of my magic-induced trance state, I called the police. Lydia was shivering, from the cold night and from fear.
"He is dead." She said as another tear left her jade eyes.
"I know." I said as I wrapped my arm even tighter around her.
"Why was I here? Why were you here?" She said in a panicked tone, her gaze shifting around us. At the place that for sure was not the store where she intended to go.
"My magic wanted me here. I don't know why you are here too." I replied honestly with a sigh.
"You are bleeding." She said after a couple of minutes looking at the side of my head.
"Your vocal cords are very strong." I laughed lightly trying to lighten up the heavy atmosphere. "Don't worry, I'm already all healed."
Her lips trembled as she looked towards the dead boy once again. "He is not."
"Hey, don't look at him, alright." I said, turning her head away from the corpse. "Let's wait near our cars, c'mon."
But before we could walk away, another vehicle arrived. Stiles exited his blue jeep, panicking calling Lydia's name.
"Lydia? Lydia? Lydia, are you okay?"
"I'm okay. That, over there... Not okay." Lydia said between heavy breaths.
"I'm fine too, thanks for the concern." I rolled my eyes at the human boy who gave me a deadpan look.
Stiles turned towards the dead boy, fishing his phone from his pocket. "Yeah, all right. I'm gonna call my dad."
"We already called 911." Lydia explained as she still trembled with fear.
"You called the police before you called me?" Stiles asked with a hurt look on his face.
"I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?" Lydia asked not understanding why the sudden change in the boy's behavior.
"Yes! " Stiles screamed out loud.
"How does that make sense?" I said confused, looking at him with my nose scrunched up.
He pointed a finger in my direction, heaving a sigh that literally said 'I'm done with you'. "It just does."
Not calling his father because we had already called the police, Stiles chose to call Scott.
"Alec is going to kill me." I muttered loud enough for only Lydia to hear since Stiles was explaining everything to Scott through the phone.
"Why?" My best friend asked.
"Because he is an overprotective asshole. I had told him that I needed to go somewhere because of my magic and I ended up finding a dead body. Plus, I didn't call him when we found him."
"Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the frickin' shining
over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised."
"Jesus you are weird." I arched an eyebrow at a human, who glared in my direction.
"Why is Elizabeth there?" I heard Alec say from Scott's end of the call making me winch.
I shook my head at Stiles but his eyes narrowed and a cocky smirk bloomed on his lips as he answered. "She was here too. She found the body with Lydia. Apparently her magic led her here." After that he mouthed 'payback is a bitch'. He was really offended that we hadn't called him before the police apparently.
'I'll kill you' I mouthed back with a feline smile.
"She what?" Alec yelled before huffing an enraged huff "We'll talk later, little witch." he said knowing that I could hear him.
"So dramatic." I muttered with a roll of my eyes "Okay, back to the dead guy. I can't smell any scent. Only chlorine, blood and death." I added.
"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" Scott said, taking us back to the reason for the call.
"Make sure it was them? Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?"
"Please just do it."
We couldn't tell much by the position in which the body was, so Stilles ended the call with his friend. But I had a feeling. A bad feeling. The air felt heavy, nature was weeping at the animals that were dying everywhere. Everything was in chaos. And the worst thing, it felt like this was only the beginning of something more.
───── ⋆⋅⋆。 ゚☽𖦹☾ ゚。⋆⋅⋆ ─────
╰┈˚ · ° . I had left Lydia with Stiles when Scott appeared inside Chris Argent's car just outside the public swimming pool. The new plan was to use the hunter— or apparently now retired hunter— skills, to track down Cora and Boyd.
I still couldn't believe that my cousin was still alive. I thought about it for all the drive as I followed Argent's car until we entered the Beacon Hills reserve.
I was met by a harsh glare from my boyfriend when I stepped out of the car.
"A dead person. That is where your magic led you to? And you didn't call me?" He asked, eyes narrowed and a scowl on his lips.
I rolled my eyes at him, even if he was angry his shadows were buzzing around him in excitement only calming when a tendril reached for my hand. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at it coiling around my finger and wrist, stopping until it had reached above Hex's Domus on my forearm. Ignoring his anger, I launched myself at him, my arms wrapping around his neck.
He staggered back a step when my body collided with his. It took a moment and grunt of annoyance for him to hug me back. He shivered as I let out a wave of my magic, scanning him from head to toe for any still unhealed wounds. Fortunately, I had found none.
"I'm fine, Ellie." He grumbled softly in my ear "You can rein in your magic."
I distanced myself enough so I could reach his lips, the kiss taking away the last bit of fear that I still felt, before I turned towards my cousin.
I gave him a sad smile before hugging him too. "It's not your fault." I whispered. Erica's death was not on him.
"You're tracking them by print?" Chris asked then as he threw a bag on the ground, crouching down to better see the prints in the soil.
"Trying to." Scott answered honestly.
"Well, then, you've been wasting your time."
"Good to know." Alec replied sarcastically, throwing his arm around my shoulders.
"There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man." Chris continued, as he pointed to a pair of prints. "And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these..." He pointed at others.
"Are Cora's." Isaac finished for the hunter.
"Nope." The Argent corrected "They're yours. You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here. Listen, I know the five of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urge under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor where you five are
barely hitting the speed limit."
"So what do we do?" Annoyed by the hunter, Derek asked with his arms crossed on his chest.
"You are here now." Isaac said, turning towards me "Can't you do like a locator spell or something?"
I opened my eyes to respond but it was Chris Argent that spoke "No, She can't. Locator spells are of two types. One to find the location of a person when they are not moving. The second one to give the witch imagines where the tracked person is. But Boyd and Cora are in the woods, having a vision of it would not help." He raised an eyebrow at me "Right?"
Nodding my head in agreement I replied "Right."
"Now, you need to focus on your sense of smell." Chris addressed all of us. "Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us..." he then threw to Scott a net "Or into a trap. Full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared." He threw to Isaac and Derek some infrared binoculars.
"Thanks, but I've got my own." Derek replied, making his own eyes glow of a scarlet red signaling his Alpha status.
"Just remember, we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, How to survive."
We walked until we arrived at a cliff where the entirety of Beacon Hills could've been seen, when Chris Argent spoke again, this time to Derek and I.
"When's the last time you saw Cora?"
"Nine years." Derek replied, he gave me a subtle look before continuing "I thought she died in the fire."
"When Peter and I got out, the tunnel to the exit collapsed behind us." I clenched my jaw as fire light behind my eyelids followed by agonizing screams as I remembered the day I lost my family. "I don't even know how it is possible that she is still alive."
Alec kissed my head, his arms tightening around me letting me know that he was there for me wordlessly.
"Do you three feel like you have a lock on her scent?" Chris asked after a second of silence, this time including Alec since he once knew her too.
Derek simply replied with a shake of his head.
"No." Alec said.
"I hadn't shifted yet at the time. My sense of smell was there but it was mild at best." I said "But maybe my magic can recognize her signature."
"It's better than nothing." Argent nodded "Scott, how confident are you in your skills?"
"Honestly, most of the time, I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell." Scott admitted with a tired sigh.
"All right. The problem is when they breach the woods they'll hit the residential area. Once they're past the high school, they're right in the middle of Beacon Hills."
"They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?" Isaac asked.
"No. But there is an important difference to recognize. Wolves hunt for food. At a certain point, they get full. But Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need gets satiated?"
"We can't kill them." Scott stated seriously, not bulging from his ideals.
"What if we can't catch 'em?" Derek asked
"We are not going to kill Cora, Derek." I glared at the alpha.
"What about Boyd?" Alec asked with a tilt to his lips. The beginning of a smile that spoke of his amusement. I look at him, shrugging my shoulders as if to say 'I don't care' making him smirk down at me.
"Then maybe we just need to contain them." In a serious tone Chris Argent said as a plan started to form in his mind. "There's no one in the school at night, is there?"
"You want to trap them inside?" Dereka asked
"If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows
or access to the outside."
"What about the boiler room? It's just one big steel door." Isaac suggested.
"You're sure the school's empty?"
"It has to be. There can't be anyone there this late, right?"
"I'll seal the door with a spell so that they will not be able to touch it to bring it down with their strengths." I added to the plan
With a nod towards me, Allison's father reached inside his bag and took out a metal thing, stabbing it into the ground.
"These are ultrasonic emitters." he explained "It's one of the tools we use
to corral werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run." he pushed the top button, a blue light flashed before a very annoying borderline painful sound was emitted from it. " Gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear."
"God, no kidding!" Isaac shouted as the five of us covered our years with our hands as the hunter looked somewhat in the way of his doing.
Alec growled, he kneeled down and turned it off pushing once again the button on the top of it. His chocolate eyes darkened almost to black. "I know what this are." he glared at the hunter before standing up to stay behind me.
His mother had been hunted down by Italian hunters. Alec had told me how when he ran through the forest of their hometown, these things were blaring loudly enough to make his ears bleed as he tried to find his mother.
I took his hands in mine, as I leaned back into his chest, kissing the underside of his jaw, the place where I could arrive with the height difference as we watched Argent walking towards the trunk of his car.
He opened a case, other emitters inside of it. He took out two, handing them to Derek.
"These are gonna drive them to the school?" My cousin asked as we all still tried to get our ears to stop ringing from the high pitched ultrasonic sound.
"And then it's up to you to get them into the basement."
"Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh, kill 'em?" Isaac asked unbothered by the glare Scott was sending his way.
"Any other person and I would've said yes." I grumbled with an annoyed huff. It would've been much easier to just kill them.
"Werewolves are not the only ones included in that statement." Alec said amused as he took two emitters from Argent, giving the man his famous unhinged grin and darkened gaze with a teasing wink.
The older men rolled his eyes at Alec, before completely ignoring him as he passed me two emitters too.
"It's going to work." Scott said with full conviction. He could believe even in the most stupid of the plan. But somewhat, with his hopefulness, he could actually manage to get at least half of them done.
It'll work." Derek agreed.
Alec snorted, his eyes traveling to the full moon above us "Probably not."
"Hopefully it will." I said.
"Since when you are hopeful?" Isaac asked, confused, his forehead furrowed.
"Since now. It's my cousin that we are hunting and trying to save at the same time." I answered with a groan. "Don't need to worry. I'll be my fantastic self again tomorrow." Without looking back at the others I started to walk away. "Let's do this."
˗ˏˋ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ˊˎ˗
Hello everyone!!
I don't really know how to feel about this chapter, but I can say, prepare for the next one. It is going to be a wild ride. And we will get to see Elizabeth in her badass form. (Not like she isn't always)
Anyways, her magic is acting up. Reasons? Let me know what you think of it.
Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter, I'll see you on Thursday!
˚ · ° . 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐞 . ° · ˚
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
– 𝐋𝐨𝐥𝐚 ☾
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