Twins || 06
wherein jimin has twins, jungkook and aera (both six year old)
"daddy! daddy! daddy!"
jimin hums faintly, turning inside the covers and grumbles with his face pressed in the pillow while he feels the hasty commotion above him as the twins are trying to wake him up. he sighs softly, marking another morning with his overly energetic kids.
their whispers and giggles make it to his ears, sending a subconscious smile to jimin's lips as well. with one last laugh from the girl, the covers are ripped off from jimin's body, making him shiver lightly at the abrupt exposure to cold air conditioned environment of the room. his hand lazily rubs his eyes, travelling down to his bare stomach, searching for the warm blankets which are nowhere to be found now. instead, he's met with messy movements as both the kids climb on him, the boy being on his arm and the girl hugging his chest, both leaning down and kissing all over his face like little puppies.
"all right i'm up," jimin chuckles, grabbing the two by their matching night t-shirts and pulls them to lay on either side of him.
"daddy y'know up before riri today!" jungkook beams.
"but i woke up before you yesterday," aera states the obvious, "so i'm a step ahead of you."
"no, i woke up early today. so i won,"
"no, i did," aera frowns at him, pushing him by the shoulder, making the boy stumble out of the father's embrace. jungkook glares at her, pushing her harder and sticks his tongue out wrapping jimin's arm around him the instant aera is out.
"hey enough," jimin sighs deeply, getting off the bed and opens his arms. aera giggles, hopping in her father's arms first while jungkook climbs on his back, wrapping his arms around jimin's neck and legs around his waist. "there you go, how many more years are we going to do this?"
"many years," jungkook giggles, giving aera a high-five as she nods her head in agreement.
"yeah, daddy has to carry us because we's your babies,"
"we are," jimin chuckles, "plural subjects use are, not is."
"nooo, don't do that," aera pouts and jungkook scrunches his face at the father, making him laugh as he heads out of the room, already starting with today's weight lifting session.
it happened a lot, unlike his other friends, jimin at least didn't have to bother about working out for ever since he got the twins, gym has been an understatement compared to what his daily routine includes. there's a hit of cardio when he's getting the kids ready for school, weight lifting when the two are openly affectionate and would refuse to leave until jimin carries them, especially aera. from running around the house to find aera's plush elephant or jungkook's bunny, or going out to play with the two, making them do their homework, getting them to bathe themselves— it's all no less than working out.
"daddy what did you dream of?" jungkook asks, looking up at jimin who just placed him and aera on their feet in the kitchen.
"i saw a cute puppy in my dream," aera chimes, "it was white and blue and a little bit of pink,"
"but i'm not asking you," jungkook says and aera turns away with huff.
"kook, don't you think you're being a little rude to your sister?" jimin glances at the boy, watching as jungkook bites his tongue, hesitating a little and slowly shakes his head. jimin sighs at that, crossing his arms on his chest, "yes you are. don't be like that, kook. you're a good boy aren't you?"
"mm-hmm," jungkook nods, fiddling with his hands and turns to his sister, hugging her quickly and grabs her face in his hands, pecking her lips with a smile, "i love you riri, i don't wanna be rude."
"i love you," aera smiles as well, hugging the twin back and jimin just shakes his head at the kids. he takes a deep breath, putting some water to boil for his coffee and starts with preparing the breakfast for the children as he probably won't get much time once his friends arrive for the group live they're supposed to do today.
with a new album released just a day ago, it was about time jimin and his bandmates were supposed to go live and interact with the fans. it's also been a while since jimin did a solo live, but he did plan to do it soon now and his fans knew this. the last time was around four months ago when jungkook wasn't that well and wouldn't stop fussing about how he feels weird in his head, tummy, and all of his body. it would've been a normal flu that would just go away in a week, but lasted long in the house as it infected aera as well, stretching the sick period to almost two weeks— first jungkook alone, then both him and aera together.
the fans didn't come to know about it until on the twins' birthday they noticed the abnormal silence from jimin. no thank you's, no videos or picturea of the kids on the social media. all quiet and mum. jimin came online the next day, uploading a picture of the twins sleeping together and wrote a heartfelt message of gratitude for the fans for wishing his kids happy birthday and even sending gifts for them. he told them about jungkook aera's health and later said it wasn't anything serious and not to worry too much for he had seen posts with the childrens' pictures and videos with him appearing too much on social media with the hashtags "getwellsoonjimin'sbabies".
one of the most beautiful things jimin had ever seen were the interactions of his kids with the fans. the whole band loved the way jungkook and aera would effortlessly steal all of the attention to them with their cute and innocent behaviour. it even trended for a while— a video of the twins from an award show where they managed to get the loudest cheers from the audience when they ran up to the stairs to meet jimin and his bandmates after their performance. jungkook and aera were still just four back then. on the v-lives, weverse, fan café and on other social media platforms the fans always mentioned about the kids, asking where they were or how they were doing.
jimin smiles to himself, serving the pancakes on both the micky mouse dishes that his kids love and absolutely refuse to eat if they're not served in it. his smile and thoughts however, are interrupted by a loud noise, followed by aera's crying voice. jimin looks at the kids, frowning in confusion though it doesn't last long as he's already moving ahead and catches jungkook jungkook by his t-shirt before he falls down from the counter.
"what were you doing?" jimin hisses, making him stand on the floor and crouches down near the daughter, "don't cry, it's all right," he sighs softly, rubbing aera's back and hugs her.
aera doesn't stop crying, sticking to jimin, making him sigh as he stands up, carrying her in his arms and nods for jungkook to sit and have his breakfast. the boy obeys, but most of his attention stays on his crying sister. jimin sits next to him, patting his head and assures him that she's fine and it's nothing serious.
"don't worry eat up," jimin ruffles the son's hair and makes aera sit on his lap as brings her breakfast in front of her and wipes her tears, "don't cry, let's have our breakfast then we've to get ready. riri's uncles are coming home today," he says and aera shakes her head, turning around to stuff her face in the crook of his neck. "it's alright sweetheart. you fell on your own, didn't you? i've told you not to climb on the counters, especially stepping on the drawers. but you both don't listen,"
"i' sorry..." aera cries, rubbing the side of her head and looks at jimin, "it hurts daddy..."
"alright, do you want daddy to kiss it better?"
"yeah..." she sniffs softly, pointing at her head and jimin places a soft kiss on the spot, "and here..." she shows her palm, making jimin smile as he presses his lips on her hands too.
"anywhere else?"
"yeah..." aera nods, pouting her lips and jimin kisses them too softly, rubbing her back and looks at her with a smile.
"okay," aera nods, rubbing her eyes and sits properly to eat now.
"that's great, now let's eat up quickly alright?"
"okay," the girl nods, looking at her father's and shifts the plate near his hand resting on the table, "daddy feed me,"
jimin smiles at her, nodding and glances at jungkook too, seeing if he's eating or just playing with the food. sighing as the boy is just stacking up pieces of his pancakes and not really planning on eating them, jimin calls the boy near him, making him sit next to aera and starts feeding both of his kids.
"daddy," jungkook muffles between eating, getting a faint hum of response from the father who's ready with another bite for him, "uncle taetae is coming too right?"
"yes, he was asking if you'll play with him today or fall asleep,"
"no," jungkook giggles, "i'm— i' staying up and play with uncle,"
"alright, and what will riri do?" jimin chuckles, feeding her a bite as jungkook still has his mouth full.
"i'm playing with daddy,"
"you'll play with daddy?" he asks and aera nods, making him laugh, "aw why not your uncles? they're always so happy to see you. it'll make them sad if they come to know that our princess doesn't wanna play with them,"
"really?" aera gasps, "i'll play with them, promise daddy,"
"yeah, good girl." jimin laughs, patting her head.
"we'll play together," jungkook chimes, "koo and riri and daddy and all uncles!"
"yes, that'll be awesome," jimin nods, "what are we gonna play?"
"with my cars,"
"are you gonna take us gor a drive?"
"you so big— all of you, only riri can go with me for drive," jungkook pouts.
"no problem with that, buddy. we can go out in daddy's car okay?"
"yes! today?"
"whenever my babies say," jimin smiles, making the twins happy as they cackle lively, nodding their heads and chant together about how they wanna go out today with their daddy and uncles.
"jimin, are the twins re—"
"yes, they're ready," jimin smiles, keeping his phone down and stands straightening his clothes once before knocking on the bathroom door.
"they're in there?" taehyung asks.
"yeah, i am sick of telling them to use the bathroom separately. but they're always like, no. kook says aera will feel lonely, and aera says kook will feel lonely. so they end up accompanying each other in there," jimin answers, followed by a sigh and a few laughs from the rest. "it is somewhere because of me y'know, i used to take them in together to save time in the morning. and now they've grown a habit of it."
"that's okay jimin, you don't to worry. they'll grow up and learn everything eventually," jin says.
"yeah, but it would've been a little better if they both were the same gender right?" taehyung says, "maybe both boys or both girls,"
"maybe i don't know," jimin shrugs, laughing a little.
the door opens and walk out the two giggling twins, both having the ends of their sleeves and shoes wet with water, making jimin sigh.
"are we ready? yoongi hyung's waiting in the car," namjoon calls and jimin glances back once, before focusing back on his kids and rolls up his sleeves in determination.
"yeah, just give minutes." jimin replies, already picking up the twins and tells them kick off their shoes, making them stand on the bed. "what were you both doing? is it the time to play in water? everyone is waiting for you both and you're behaving like this," he scolds, pulling their socks off as well and gives them a new pair.
"that is mine!" jungkook pouts, staring at the sock halfway on aera's feet. jimin sighs, leaving the girl and sits jungkook down, making him wear the socks he's given.
"go get your shoes," he commands and jungkook slips down instantly, coming back with a pair of white shoes. "aera's too," jimin reminds, so the boy runs back to the drawer, pulling it open and returns with similar shoes of his sister.
"daddy," aera lifts up her arm, showing the father her wet sleeves and jimin nods. unhooking the straps of her jumpsuit and takes off the t-shirt, turning to the closet to change her into another shirt. "put this on," he instructs, handing her a yellow t-shirt and takes a red colored one for jungkook, sighing deeply when he sees the boy struggling with the laces.
"aish! c'mere," jimin shakes his head, making him sit on the bed and crouches down, "wear the shirt, ri's doing it too."
"daddy this..." he mumbles, pointing at the hook of his jumpsuit as well and jimin opens it for him, tugging the fabric down to let him change his t-shirt.
"ready!" aera says, jumping down once she has shirt on and smiles widely.
"good job," jimin sighs, hooking up the jumpsuit and ties her laces as well before helping jungkook up and makes him stand on his feet too. "there, now we're ready," he says, scooping up the twins in either of his arms and heads out of the room in a hurry.
"we did it so fast," aera giggles.
"yeah, like a superhero!" jungkook chimes.
"daddy is a superhero,"
"yes, and we love you daddy,"
"thanks," jimin shakes his head as they arrive near the car where everyone is waiting, smiling at jimin with a knowing look.
"kids are so much work," taehyung laughs at his best friend's state, giving him a gentle pat on his back and jimin chuckles.
"mine are just too mischievous," he responds.
"i'm not mi'chivous," aera frowns at him, "i'm riri, and he's koo, we're daddy's babies!"
"right," taehyung laughs, taking her from jimin and sits inside the car, placing her next to her brother, "so you're not mischievous?"
"no," aera shakes her head.
"what do you think mischievous means?"
"means bad people?"
"no, riri it means stupid," jungkook says, "uncle taetae don't call me stupid tha's bad!"
"i'm not calling you stupid," taehyung chuckles, "mischievous means naughty. daddy said that riri and kookie are naughty kids,"
"no," jungkook shakes his head, refusing to believe that and looks at his sister, who's also looking at him, "daddy don't call us naughty, riri. i know it. he said we both is so good,"
"yeah, and daddy love us. uncle is lying," aera huffs, making the elders laugh.
"right, daddy didn't call you naughty," jimin grins at his kids, "uncle wants to put up a fight between us,"
"he's bad," the twins utter together, sending an unhappy look to taehyung, who gasps at his best friend, hitting his head for lying and making him look like a bad person.
jimin laughs at him, pulling back and the twins frown at the sight, "nooo! don't hit my daddy!" aera screeches and so does jungkook. the boy slips down from his seat, wriggling in the narrow space between the front seat and his father's legs to sit on his lap and slap taehyung's hands away.
"i've got a great team," jimin smirks at taehyung while the rest laugh, seeing the twins sticking to jimin from either side to protect him from taehyung.
"i give up," taehyung sighs.
"we won!" jungkook beams, giving his sister a high-five and a kiss to the father, making him smile.
"thank you for saving daddy," jimin says, bringing both the kids on his lap and pecks their lips, "daddy loves you both,"
"we love you more!" the twins chime, giggling happily.
"i want kids," taehyung mutters, turning to namjoon at the back, "you're the leader, get me kids like jimin's,"
"i could," namjoon says, "but you won't get pregnant,"
"yah! joon! behave yourself!"
a/n- happy festaaaa!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 drop a purple heart if you liked the chapter. i enjoyed writing it a lot. i hope you enjoyed reading it as well.
9 years and counting with bts 💜✨ how did you find bts? share your story about bts too.
i first heard blood sweat in tears in early 2019 on the tv. i couldn't understand a single word, but i liked the song. and also, i saw jungkook smirking and i was like damn who is that. i had no idea they were korean then and didn't even pay to the name of the song or the group. so it took me about two weeks of searching on google and yt to find bts. and i never stopped loving them ever since 💜 i'm so happy i didn't give up on finding them even if it took time back then. i'm so happy i found them 😭💜✨
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