Cute and Cranky || 04

large age gap between riri and the brothers!


"i'll come in a while," jungkook mutters to jimin, not moving a muscle even when jimin tries to yank his t-shirt from the couch, beneath jungkook's butt. the boy stays put in his place, getting an unhappy glare from the elder brother who's forced to kick jungkook in the butt to get his t-shirt back. "don't—"

"shut up and move," jimin scolds, now drawing enough attention from the younger whose brows pinch together in confusion for it's still new to him that jimin is out of the blue mad right now when it's only eleven. "i've been telling you we're getting late for the flight, but no! you have to watch another episode of this— i don't know, what even is this series?"

"hyung, relax, breathe," jungkook stretches his arms casually, shutting his laptop and keeps it on the table before standing up. he unzips his jacket, yawning while he does it, takes it off and wears it back again just inside out. jimin stares at him with a look of disbelief, while jungkook smiles, pointing at himself, "that's it, i'm ready to go,"

"you— okay fine," jimin massages his temples, "come with me. i want you to check the luggage one last time— if there's eveything you want,"

"no, it's fine. i trust you," jungkook says, opening his laptop again and hears jimin hissing there. his eyes travel up cautiously, finding jimin having a stern gaze on him and he chuckles nervously, leaving the laptop and nods his head, "no, yeah, you're right. i should check everything once. we don't wanna run out of stuff while on the tour,"

"that's what i thought," jimin hums, heading upstairs with jungkook following after him, whistling casually while jimin is busy making a checklist in his head, marking out things he knows he has kept in the suitcase. as he opens the door to his room, suddenly remembering that he didn't take aera's favourite cup yet, his feet hault, making jungkook bump into him from behind. "aish! watch where you're going," he says, turning around and moves jungkook aside, "dress her up. i still need to pack her cup or else who knows what tantrum we might have to face,"

"right," jungkook sniggers, waving jimin off and enters the room, seeing aera struggling to straighten her clothes as she's standing on the bed with her towel tied around her waist, water dripping from her short hair. "hey, look who's freshly out of shower," he cooes, scooping her up from behind and leans closer to her face as the little girl erupts into a playful laugh, shaking her head, making a few water droplets fall on herself and a few on jungkook.

"koo, where was you?" she asks once he sits on the bed, unwrapping the towel from her body to wipe her head.

"downstairs," he says, "i was watching netflix,"

"hm," aera nods without much thought and climbs on the bed with a wide grin on her lips, feeling playful and energetic after a shower like she usually does. jungkook chuckles at her, deciding to play for a while as they've still got some time, yet he tries to dress her up first, not wanting her to catch a cold which is less likely but mainly because jimin will scold him for leaving her naked.

"koo, no' that," aera smacks his hand away holding her tiny t-shirt.

"then which one?"

"nothing. i' wear this," she points at the dress lying on the chair beside the bed, the one she had been wearing the whole day. jungkook shakes his head, hooking his finger on the elastic band of her underwear and pulls her closer. "nooo! i' wear this! my dwess!"

"that's dirty. this one's better and it's clean,"

"mm'no," aera pushes his hands away, climbing on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck, ignoring the dressing up part for now. she giggles at him, kissing him on the lips, then jumps excitedly, making jungkook laugh as he falls back deliberately and rolls to his side to bring aera between his arms on the bed, "tickle mo'ster!" aera gasps, wriggling her little body under his huge, bulky one, trying her best to get away as she kicks his chest and face at times.

jungkook huffs at the action, catching her feet and leans closer, biting her leg gently which makes her squeal more, and it becomes harder for jungkook to hold his laughter. he stops after a while, staring at his sister with fond eyes as she touches his face and often pushes him back with her feet kicking his chest.

"don't kick me," jungkook pouts, sitting up and holds her legs again, making her laugh as she moves them more, kicking in the air and even cycling. the brother chuckles at her, watching as her thumb and index finger are in her mouth, the other hand curled into a tiny, loose fist beside her head. "you're so cute," jungkook cooes, leaning down again to kiss her cheeks, then he removes her hand from her mouth and places a soft peck on her lips as well.

"koo," aera grins, lifting up her right leg to hit jungkook, this time instead of acting mad or huffing at her, his large hand cups her feet, bringing them together and he smiles, planting a delicate peck on the curve just above the heel. aera erupts into a laughter for it probably feels ticklish on the sole, and jungkook chuckles, repeating his action with the same kiss on her feet.

"you were supposed to dress her up," jimin's voice makes his head turn to the side, seeing jimin returning with aera's cup and water bottle as well, putting it inside the bag he always carries while travelling with aera.

"we're almost there," jungkook says, pulling aera on his lap and guides her hands through the arm holes of the t-sirt that doesn't bug her anymore, probably because she doesn't remember her previous wish of wearing the dress. "stand up here," he pats her butt twice and she stands straight next to him, lifting up her leg for him to help her wear the sweatpants that matches his own.

"koo, we' matchin'," aera smiles, pointing at his pants and jungkook smiles back at her. her head then turns to jimin, laughing as she sees jimin's wearing a pair of black jeans unlike them, "chiminie oppa has diffe'ent pants,"

"oppa likes being a fashion icon," jungkook sniggers, getting a look from jimin, "what? it's true. you haven't seen those posts from army, you're like a model at the airports, and— well, all the time," 

"i don't agree with that. this is the most basic outfit i could've gone for," jimin says, pointing at himself as he's wearing a plain, white button up tucked inside the black denim hugging his legs definingly. jungkook nods at that too, letting jimin know what exactly their fans like, and makes jimin chuckle lightly, shaking his head. "anyway, are we ready now?"

"yeah," jungkook nods, quickly puting on the socks on aera's feet and secures the laces of her shoes as well, making her stand on the floor. "riri's ready. give me a five," he smiles, holding out his hand which is instantly met with aera's tiny one for a high-five.

"aren't you hot in that?" jimin asks, nodding at jungkook's jacket, to which the boy shakes his head, telling the brother that without the jacket his outfit will look incomplete. jungkook takes a look at his stuff as it was jimin who packed eveything this time for jungkook was busy being sick, and even now if he's not laying in his bed, it's because of the medicines jimin got for him.

the fever lasted more than the usual two-three days this time and that made the boys concerned for the maknae's health, especially when they were to leave seoul two days ago. but for jungkook's well being they managed to spare two days from their extra time in the states that they had before the first concert.

jimin zips up a small bag, going through it's contents before handing it to jungkook, "your meds are in this. keep it with you at all times," he instructs and jungkook gives a small nod, casually tossing it inside aera's bag, earning a look from jimin.

"we're all gonna stay together. even the hotel rooms will be close. so i'll just take them from you,"

"fine," jimin sighs, fixing his hair in the mirror and nods to himself, hands moving the pockets of his jeans, then virtually checking everything around him, "okay perfect. we're good to go. take aera with you, i'm getting the bags,"

"i'll get them. you can go ahead with ri," jungkook says, picking up two suitcases in either of his hands, only to be stopped by jimin who presses on with the fact that he still isn't completely well and shouldn't do any tiring work, especially since they just have a long flight to board.

jungkook doesn't listen and jimin ends up letting him take one of the suitcases downstairs. he holds aera's hand with his free one while jimin follows behind them with another suitcase and aera's bag. as they exit the house, the company's car is already waiting for them in the driveway and two of the guards quickly come forward to take the luggage from the boys.

aera climbs inside the car first, happy to have found herself the window seat but is made to stand up when jungkook sits in the place. "koo, i' sitting there," she complains, tugging on his hand to move him from the seat, however jungkook doesn't mind and pulls her to sit on his lap. "no, koo i' sit here! in the car!"

"you're in the car," jungkook assures her.

"seat," aera points at the leather seat and jungkook scrunches up his face, shaking his head, making her pout, quickly turning to jimin on the seat next to them towards the door.

"hey, don't be a bad girl or we're gonna have tickle monster come and eat you," jungkook says in a low voice, that's enough to scare aera as she looks at him with quivering pupils, slipping down from his lap and moves towards jimin.

she leans on the elder's thigh, standing between his legs although her eyes remain put on jungkook's face, that wears a serious expression. "no' mo'ster..." aera mumbles, hugging jimin, "oppa, koo callin' mo'ster to eat riri..." she whimpers, climbing on his lap and hugs him tightly.

"then be a good girl," jungkook voices, "i won't call the monster,"

"let her be, jungkook," jimin says, patting aera's back as he gives the younger brother an unimpressed look. he rests back in his seat, bringing the little sister in cradling position and pats her side, "close your eyes, there's no monster, okay?" he smiles softly at her, leaning closer to peck her lips, "isn't my princess tired today?" aera nods slowly, curling her fingers around jimin's thumb and closes her eyes.

by the time they reach airport and meet the reat of the members and staff, the crowd and noise is loud enough for aera to start whining, especially with the presence of paparazzi flashing their cameras at the boys. aera woke up in the middle of the crowd, in jimin's arms but surrounded by bulky body guards and people screaming on top of their lungs for bts, despite it being midnight.

one of the guards takes the bag from jimin's hand as he tries to calm aera down and hugs her small body, rubbing her back, "hey, shh. don't cry, do you want everyone to see riri crying?" he strokes her hair, but it doesn't make a difference as tears slips from her eyes, leaning closer to his shoulder and hands clutching the fabric of his shirt. "don't cry, baby,"

jungkook's attention shifts back when he notices jimin's speed has slowed down and realises that it's because of aera. he adjusts his hood, waiting for jimin and leans down to glance at aera's face as she's crying and jimin's worried about them being in front of the media. jungkook's arm rests protectively on jimin's back from aera's side to block some flashes and cameras on her.

"alright, we're done," jimin assures her, waving at the cameramen and the fans once before heading inside the airport. now aera's voice is heard much clearly as she's crying like another young kid at a distance who's probably annoyed at his parents for ruining his sleep.

aera rubs her eyes, looking around ignoring her brothers trying to make her stop crying and continues wailing her lungs out whenever anyone tries to distract her or take her from jimin. jimin sighs deeply, sending apologetic glances to the people around for being so loud in the middle of the night between passengers.

jungkook takes aera from jimin and gives the elder an assuring nod. a few minutes later the cries die down as the boys see jungkook walking back with aera sitting quietly in his arms, busy struggling to open the wrapper of the chocolate jungkook bought her. jimin sighs at them, shaking his head as he strokes aera's hair, getting her attention which is when he notices that her cheeks are still wet from crying.

he wipes her face with the baby wipes tells jungkook to leave her on her feet for sometime now that she's not sleeping. their manager, who had earlier left to see the flight details as many of them were running late, returns with a worried look as he says, "we'll have to wait for an hour at least. the weather is kinda bad,"

"i'm already tired," jimin lets out a breath, pretending to fall as taehyung laughs beside him, throwing his arm around jimin's neck.

"let's go to waiting area i guess," namjoon says, getting nods from the rest as the members along with the managers and the body guards head towards the vip waiting area while the rest of the crew goes to the normal one.

"aera, come this side," jungkook calls for the four-year-old, making her giggle as she shakes her head, stepping back and runs away to a distance, still in the field of vision of the boys. "come back, or do you wanna get lost?"

"no!" she laughs, climbing on the bench near by and stands up, waving at her oppas across.

"wasn't she cranky a while ago?" hoseok laughs.

"kids and their mood," yoongi shakes his head.

"it's okay, let her play. she'll get bored in a few minutes anyway. we have to wait for an hour, so," jin says.

"he's right," yoongi agrees, sitting on the empty couches with his members. the body guards arrange water and a few snacks for them which taehyung starts eating right away.

"are you feeling okay?" jin asks jungkook who leans on the couch with his eyes closed and arm folded above his head. the boy nods, although is contradicted by hoseok touching his forehead and shaking his head.

"his temperature is high," he says, "when was the last time you took your meds?"

"uh afternoon,"

"bro, believe me or not your health is getting worse," taehyung butts in, munching on the honey chips while eyes hold a serious gaze for the youngest male.

"thanks. that makes me feel a lot better," jungkook mutters sarcastically.

"it's gonna be okay," jimin says, handing out his medications, which is when aera comes back to them, stopping next to jimin and climbs on the couch, hiding beside him. "what are you doing?" jimin sighs, moving forward and nods for jin to give jungkook some water.

"what happen koo?" aera notices the dull mood of her brothers and jumps next to jungkook, peeking at his face as he has taken off his mask now, "you felin' sick?"

"yeah," jungkook nods, before gulping doen the tablets with the water and sighs deeply.

"i's okay. you' so stwong," she mumbles, hugging jungkook and pats his head, "riri get sick, but- but i's okay. we's chiminie oppa's good babies,"

"yeah," taehyung sniggers, "jungkook is such a good baby to his hyungs. he's gonna get well soon, right?"

"yeah," aera nods, "koo is goo'boy,"

"he sure is—"

"can you shut up?" jungkook gives an annoyed look to taehyung, who's further scolded by jin and namjoon for making fun of their maknae.

"koo, you' okay? i' here wid you," aera assures him with a pat on his head as she sits beside him with an attentive gaze. jungkook gives her a small nod, reating his head back and closes his eyes again, making aera turn to jimin with a pout, "koo feelin' icky, oppa. le's go home, koo wan' huggy and blankie," she stands up, moving next to jimin where she digs in her bag and pulls out her favourite, tiny blanket of mickey mouse theme. "i give my blankie to koo, then- then koo will feelin' better?"

"god, yes he will," jimin chuckles, hugging the four-year-old and kisses her cheek, "my baby is so caring,"

"i' so good baby, and i take care of koo— he's my baby," she mumbles, pulling away from jimin and jumps over his lap to reach to jungkook, draping her blanket over the sick brother even though it barely covers his legs. but the fact that aera thought so much about him and was even ready to lend him her blanket, which she otherwise wouldn't let anyone other than jimin touch, warms up the boys' hearts.

jungkook smiles at her, bringing her to lay on his chest as he rests back on the couch and covers her with the blanket. "i'll be okay, hyung. don't worry, all of you please. the tablets will kick in soon," he mumbles for the elders, knowing that they're all worried for him whether or not they showed it.

"koo, i love you so much," aera says, pecking his lips before resting her head again his chest, "you' my cute baby,"

"really? but i think you are my cute baby," he chuckles out lightly despite the fever induced with a headache.

"yeah," aera looks up at him, nodding her head innocently and her round eyes, resembling his, shine under his gaze, making him smile fondly.

"i love you so much, princess," he whispers, leaning closer to her face as he leaves a bunch of smooches on her lips and cheeks, earning an excited laugh from her.

"you can play with her later, kook. take some rest for now, the flight's gonna be long," jin says.

"yeah," jimin nods with him, "even at home he kept watching some series instead of actually sleeping and giving himself some rest while he's sick. i told him a lot of times to keep that laptop away for some time but he never listens,"

"now that's bad, jungkook," jin sighs, getting a slight grin from the maknae.

"sorry, i'll listen to you now,"

"you really should," jimin says, shaking his head as he reaches out to the younger to stroke his hair, leaving the rest to mind their own business as jimin shifts closer to his younger siblings, "we have to perform in threw days and i don't want you to miss it out because of your health. we know how much you love performing for the fans and it'll be harder for you than us if you have to sit through the concert. so, please buddy, take care of yourself, okay? i don't want either of you to be upset while we're out here to have fun and create great memories with the fans and each other, right?"

"yeah, sorry for making you worried," jungkook nods subtly, closing his head and jimin smiles at him, massaging the back of his neck slowly.

"it's fine. who else will do it if not you?"

"i'm offended," jungkook huffs, getting a chuckle from jimin as he leans closer, hugging aera and jungkook together. "a hug doesn't fix anything,"

"it does, bunny. a hug fixes a lot more than you can imagine,"

"well, that's... deep," jungkook opens his eyes to stare at the elder brother with an impressive face, "but you cannot use this against me,"

"you won't let me, anyway. my aera's a good girl, she likes oppa's hugs and kisses, right?" jimin cooes at aera, getting an instant nod from her as she holds out her arms for a hug and pouts her lips for a kiss already. jimin laughs at that, bringing her on his lap and nuzzles his nose against her little one. "let's not disturb kookie for sometime, okay? riri will stay with the ither oppas and play with them while kookie can take some rest,"

"yeah, koo take rest," aera repeats, standing up to pat jungkook's head gently before slipping away and goes to hoseok, sitting with him for he doesn't mind watching cartoons with her unlike taehyung (who would keep commenting in between that annoys aera) or namjoon (who would start telling her the logic behind what's happening in the cartoon).


a/n- after some continuous chapters with an older riri i thought we needed the baby ri now. tell me of you liked the chapter or not. and follow me (sparklesinpurple) if you haven't already. my Instagram acc is @sparklesfics_

see you guys soon with another update! take care till then 💜💜💜💜💜


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