Accident || 11
"Don't worry, you're a strong boy." Jimin assured the kid with a smile, "Its just a small procedure, then you'd be perfectly fine."
"Can I- Can I see my Dad?" The boy mumbled with teary eyes. Jimin nodded and gestured the nurses to let the child's father in before they start the surgery.
He could feel the boy trembling due to fear. He was just six and this was his third surgery, the final one though. He was four, when Jimin got his case and successfully performed the two initial surgeries and now the third one was to be done. Then he, Jihun, will be able to go back home.
Jimin stepped back letting the father and the son have their moment while engaging himself in rechecking all the things with his co-sergeons.
"Sir, please you have to go now." One of the nurses voiced politely after getting a signal from the doctors.
"Its alright champ, I'm waiting right outside your room okay?" The father said, slowly pulling his hand back from Jihun and kissing his forehead before looking at Jimin with pleading and hopeful eyes. Jimin nodded in assurance and gestured his hand towards the door.
"Easy okay? Relax. We're all here and your Dad is outside." Jimin said talking to the boy while the nurse prepared the dose of anesthesia. "I promise, it won't hurt."
"What if... What if it does?" Jihun asked.
"Hmm, well then you can tell us and we'll make sure that it doesn't hurt you." He smiled and rubbed the spot on the boy's arm before injecting the anesthetic drug in. "Jihun, will you please count backwards from 10 for us?"
The kid nodded, "10... 9... 8" and so on, until 5 his pace became slow and completely fainted off near 3. The doctors nodded knowing the injection worked and they can start their work.
Even though they knew that the surgery wasn't that risky, but the fact that the patient was just a six year-old boy made it a bit scary. Jimin had known the boy for almost two years now, and knew how much his recovery meant for his family, and now that their son was undergoing the full and final stage of his treatment, it was indeed special, even for his doctors who have been working on him since they diagnosed him with a cardiac defect.
Everything went smoothly as Jimin had expected. He walked out of the Operating room after taking off his mask and the green sergical gown.
"Doctor! My son, he's-"
"He's fine." Jimin said, "Congratulations, your son is completely fine, the surgery is a success."
"Thank you doctor, thank you so much for saving my son..." The father trailed off, gripping Jimin's hands tightly.
"That's my job Mr Lee." He smiled, and called for a ward boy, "Get a glass water for him." He ordered and gestured Jihun's father to sit.
"I'll take my leave now. You can see Jihun, once the nurses are done with a few tests."
"Once again, thanks a lot Doctor." The man smiled thankfully.
Jimin smiled back and turned on heels walking to his personal cabin. Seeing patients' families happy after a successful surgery really boosted him up. Those innocent smiles and happy tears was what he worked for. Being a cardiologist, he thought, was one of his best decisions.
Jimin dried off his hands and face with the small towel hanging near the sink before coming back in his office and closing the door behind him. Since there was only one surgery, he was done for today unless an emergency case pops up, he decided to go home and spend some time with his sister who had a sulky pout in the morning on hearing the news of that he had to go to the hospital today.
"Stay in the car okay? I'm coming in a bit."
"Take a lollipop for me!" Aera shouted. Jungkook laughed and stuck his tongue out at her. "Please Oppa!"
"Yeah fine." He said and walked towards the store across the street.
Aera giggled and looked around to find Jungkook's phone, because sitting quietly is boring. She stood up and leaned forward to take it from the front, where it was kept on the phone stand near the dash board. She stopped for a second as it started ringing and peeped carefully to look at the caller's name.
"Jimin oppa" She chimed along with a happy smile playing on her lips.
Aera sighed and finally decided to climb in the front, realizing that it was hard to stretch out so much and take the phone. With that thought, she lifted her right leg placing it on the driver's seat and her hands on the sides for support.
By the time Aera actually reached on the front, the call had already ended, heaving out a soft sigh, her fingers tapped on the screen, dialling the same number again.
"Aera!" She heard Jungkook's voice, making her snap her head in his direction. His eyes widened with his right hand reaching out her direction, making her frown in confusion. He dropped the bags from his hands and spri
"Oh my god, was the car empty?"
"Is the driver okay?"
"Wait! There's someone in there!"
Jungkook froze on his place staring at the crash while people shuffled here and there, shouting and yelling something that his brain couldn't make out at the moment.
He just felt pang in his chest as the tears trickled in his eyes, "Aera" he whispered, chewing on his lips and sprinted towards the -now, broken cars. The one that hit, and the one that got hit.
His thin lips continuously moved in an inaudible prayer as he struggled to open the door of his car that was now crushed badly. The front of the car was broken, windows scattered, and the front seats, to his dismay, were almost smashed due to the hard impact of the collision.
"Argh!" He groaned loudly kicking the door but it wasn't really helping as it was all squashed in a weird fashion making it hard to move. A few people helped him in removing the door and in a few seconds they did succeed.
His eye scanned through the back seat, but stopped as he saw some people pulling out a blood laden body. As much as Jungkook wanted all this to be a nightmare and just wake up real soon, he realized it wasn't.
It was his sister's body. With tears streaming down his face he dropped to his knees, crying out her name, scared to lose her forever.
"Someone call the ambulance!" He heard someone say. That was probably the magic sentence that made Jungkook realize not everything was over yet, a hospital was what he needed.
Not wasting another second he wiped his tears and carried Aera is his arms, not even afraid to run to the nearest hospital at the moment. However a kind soul offered him a hand. Jungkook nodded instantly and got in the car with them with his sister in his lap, rubbing her hands and checking her pulse from time to time.
"Please make a call to the hospital" Jungkook blurted hastily, keeping his eyes fixed on Aera's body.
She was bleeding furiously. Her head, her limbs but specially her chest. The boy kept cursing at himself for leaving his sister alone and not taking her with him to the store.
"Please princess, be strong, O-Oppa will not let anything bad happen to you okay?" He muttered, cradling her in his lap.
"Please baby, hang on. Just a few more minutes..."
Jimin shook his head subtly heading out of the elevator, shrugging the uneasy feeling away. Although it didn't really help, his heart kept pacing in a strange way that he couldn't understand why. Sighing, he shook his head once again for a non-understandable reason, and soon halted as he heard the corridor speakers announcing something.
"Dr Jeon is requested to report in the Level 1 trauma centre due to an emergency." The speaker voiced, "We repeat, Dr Jeon is requested to repo"
With that said, Jimin quickly headed to the mentioned floor knowing how tensed the situation can actually be, because its not an everyday scene that you see a Cardio-thoracic surgeon in the Trauma Center, and if you do see such a case, then its definitely serious, please pray.
"Dr Jeon!" He heard a ward boy yell from across the hall that was filling with motions of stretchers and wheelchairs along with the cries of patients having broken bones, severe burns or even dying. In short, critical.
"What's the case?" He asked instantly getting on the point as soon as he saw the other doctors.
"There's a kid with a severe thoracic injury from a car crash." The other doctor explained earning a nod from Jimin.
"Probably 10 or 11"
"Alright, is the patient here?"
"They're bringing her."
"Move aside! Its an emergency!" A few staff workers yelled as they ran in pushing a stretcher with a blood oozing body. Which, again, was a very common sight in this part of the hospital for the doctors.
The doctors nodded and pulled up their sleeves, jumping into their sergical gowns as they stepped forward to attend the patient. Jimin felt his body getting numb as his eyes landed on the person behind the stretcher.
He was crying silently, his clothes had blood dripping from them an-
"Dr Jeon, we have to go." The other reminded.
Jimin nodded and looked down with a confused frown which didn't last long, his heart that had been doing weird flips inside his chest for a while now, stopped. His fingers that were clutched on the sides of the stretchers, now felt cold and numb. A single line of salty liquid fell down his cheek bone, which he couldn't even tell was the tears or the sweat.
"Aera" He whispered blinking a few times in an attempt for the situation to change. For some miracle to happen, for someone to run up to him and tell him that its all an illusion.
"Dr Jeon, are you okay?"
"Ye- Yeah, I... She's-"
"We have to get into action, Dr. The child has already lost a lot of blood."
Jimin rubbed his eyes and nodded, walking with his teams in the Operating room after glancing one last time at his brother.
The doctors started their work as soon as the they were inside the room. Jimin, being a Cardio-thoracic surgeon took the lead along with his fellow Trauma Surgeon. The condition was bad. So bad, that it haunted Jimin to the depth of his gut. What if he couldn't manage to save his sister?
"Forceps" he heard his own voice, staring at the open chest of the little girl while they struggled to fix the broken ribs.
The nurses inside were working in a hectically coordinated manner. Throughout the operation, Jimin could feel the tears burning in his throat and his stomach tying into knots inside him.
The doctors were struggling to keep up with the pace as it was taking longer than it should. Jimin glanced at the watch, mentally cursing at themselves as he instructed a co-surgeon to inject another dose of anticoagulants.
"I don't think this is gonna work" He heard the voice of a senior surgeon, "Its too bad."
"No...this has to work" Jimin uttered, boring his eyes in the open portion of the skin, looking for any possible damage that they might miss.
"Dr, I see something there" one of them pointed at the small screen connected with the endoscope, "Near the heart wall, there's something."
Jimin leaned forward and adjusted the endoscope again while staring at the screen. He nodded, noticing a small peice of bone floating between the fluid. Now getting that out was important and also a tough job. Keeping his eyes focused back and forth from the screen and the chest, a small smile formed on his lips as he successfully grabbed it, pulling it out.
The doctors smiled at each other under their masks and nodded in acknowledgement, although they all knew the work wasn't over yet. In fact it had just gotten more intense. The surgery was now in its ending phase where it was only getting riskier and Jimin knew this.
"Get the Defibrillator ready, we might need to use it." He ordered.
The assistant nurses nodded and got the machine charged as he said. The surgery had lasted more than it should have, and there were high chances of the heart to fall into a cardiac arrest due to the injury of the thorax and especially the damaged part of the wall of the heart.
They were nearly done and the doctors were surprised that the 11 year-old body could stand so much of pressure and trauma. A sigh of relief was hanging half way from their lips when the the ECG line stumbled before falling straight.
"Get the paddles!" Jimin shouted, "Charge to 90, now!"
He rubbed the paddles together before pressing them on the chest while keeping his eyes fixed on the ECG monitor.
No response
"Charge to 120, now!"
No response
"C'mon, please baby..." He said in a shaky breath while staring at his sister's face.
He wiped the tears off of his face and rubbed the paddles again, pressing them against Aera's chest once more making her body jolt up. Hoping that the heart he loved more than his own, would gain stimulus and start beating again. His hands trembled and tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
"Aera come on! You have to try with me!" He cried out in frustration, "Please princess, I... I can't do it alone..." He trailed off.
"Dr. Its time" The other doctor said sympathetically placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder.
"No, please I'm trying. She will- she will listen to me... she will listen to her Oppa." He said, glancing repeatedly from the ECG monitor to Aera's face.
He thought for a second as Jungkook's face flashed in his mind and grabbed the paddles yet again, going for another cardioversion in hope for his sister to breath again for him.
"Increase the energy, charge to 150!"
"Are you sure its-"
"Do it!"
It had been almost fifteen minutes and still, Jimin wasn't ready to give up. He tried one last time and stared at monitor screen, giving the shock once before stepping back with tears streaming down his face.
The doctor placed his hand his shoulder giving a reassuring squeeze, feeling their attention suddenly being drawn towards the bed where Aera laid. Jimin wiped his tears instantly on hearing her gasping for air. They rushed in fastly, hooking her body to a ventilator and chest compression system that would help her breath easily.
Jimin smiled through teary eyes and leaned forward to press a kiss on the side of her head where there was no bandage.
"My strong girl" he whispered and took her hand kissing it a few times.
He pulled away and discussed some drugs with the doctors that were useful and necessary for the recovery period after the Traumatic surgery.
"Dr Jeon, is she like, related to you-"
"She's my sister" Jimin answered, taking off his gloves and mask.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
Jimin shook his head and smiled, "Its not your fault, you don't have to be sorry."
"You're an amazing brother and amazing doctor, Mr Jeon, you saved her."
"Thank you" Jimin nodded subtly and walked out, looking for his brother who showed up almost instantly as the door of the Operating room was opened.
He met Jungkook's bloodshot eyes. His clothes were dried with huge red stains of blood on his shirt and almost everywhere on his body. He wiped off the tears harshly and hugged Jimin tightly sobbing on his shoulder.
"She's fine" Jimin assured.
"Hyung, I'm- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left in the car... I'm really sorry hyung"
"Come with me" Jimin voiced calmly, bringing Jungkook to the nearest empty cabin that used to be a dispensary earlier.
"How did this happen?"
"...we were going home, and stopped by the store. I- I left her in the car and went alone to the store... She wanted to come with me, but I promised her an ice cream later if she stays in the car because she points at everything in the store to- to buy. Then, when I was done I turned around to leave and there was this... this car, speeding too fast and it, it hit my car... Aera was inside..." Jungkook said in his shaky voice as his mind replayed the whole incident before his eyes watching his sister like that all over again.
"then... then I ran to her, and when I saw her hyung, she was hurt so bad. There was- there was blood and only blood. I thought I lost her because of my stupid mistake. If I knew something like this would happen, I'd never leave her alone in the car. I would've bought the whole store and whatever she asked for, instead of leaving her to- to die the car."
"Why was she sitting in the front?" Jimin asked, recalling all the times he told the siblings to not let her sit in the front as she was still young and small for the seat belt to fit properly.
"No...she was in the back, when I left"
"She's broken quite a several bones Jungkook, that is far away from the pain what a child can and should experience. We performed a dead ass three hour surgery, she almost died. Her heart wasn't beating for nearly fifteen minutes. Just so you know, that is a long time for the heart to remain still and it can have a very bad affect on her brain." Jimin said, "I've seen many cases where people die even before they make it to the hospital. So don't you dare say she wasn't in the front seat."
Jungkook stared at his feet, nibbling on his lower lip and muttered a sorry to his hyung which is when Jimin realized what he was doing. Glancing at Jungkook's state, it hit him how wrong his words were and that he was only building more guilt inside Jungkook than there already was.
The boy was crying grabbing his hair, drowning in frustration and guilt as he fell on his knees. Jimin blinked away the tears and knelt down as well, in front of the younger brother.
"I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." Jimin said, cupping Jungkook's face to make him look at him. "Its not your fault Jungkook, I'm so sorry."
Jungkook shook his head holding onto the elder's hand, "It is my fault hyung. I left her-"
"No, Jungkook. Don't blame yourself and I'm sorry for what I said out of anger." Jimin said, "Its not your fault and Aera is okay now."
Although he said Aera is okay, he knew it wasn't really an affirmation. The amount of injuries and blood loss she faced, can still lead to death in a matter of seconds if the heart stops again and nobody would be able to do anything.
But Jungkook wasn't in the position to know all this. Hence Jimin decided to keep it with him and monitor Aera's health precisely.
"Don't cry now, I'll take care of her." Jimin said, "Just don't give up hoping for the best."
Jungkook looked at him, going in for a hug after hearing his brother's words, he felt at more ease now. Jimin, on the other hand, had taken a huge risk by not letting Jungkook know the whole situation.
"Everything will be fine, don't worry."
"You make everything fine hyung."
__A few days later__
A smile played on the brothers' lips while one of them sat staring hopefully at their sister and the other one fixing the IV drip on her hand. It was past a week and Aera's condition was stable now. Fortunately her heart kept beating and there was no emergency introduced in the whole time. Jimin and the other doctors involved in her case had expected her to gain consciousness soon after noticing a few subtle movements here and there in the last two days.
"Why is she not waking up?" Jungkook asked, his smile flattening slowly as he looked at his brother.
"She will," Jimin responded and gestured the nurse that she can leave now. His eyes were focused on the injection in his hand, ready to give the shot as he folded the sleeve of Aera's hospital dress up.
Before he inserted the needle in her arm, Jungkook gasped, interrupting him, "Hyung she's moving! Her fingers!"
Jimin nodded and smiled at him before glancing back at Aera who was now seemingly moving her eyes. He stood up taking his stethoscope checking her heartbeat.
"Aera? Can you hear me?" He called softly and leaned forward to check her eyes. They heard a faint groan and finally, after a long waiting, Aera opened her eyes on her own.
Jungkook's eyes held happy tears and lips curved into a smile staring at their eleven year-old sister.
Aera gradually opened her eyes after blinking a few times and looked around a bit in the unfamiliar surrounding. Her eyes spotted the two male figures smiling at her which she couldn't make out for a second due to the blurry and extra bright surroundings. But soon broke into a small smile once she figured they were her Oppas.
A sudden feeling of being stiff and stuck crept in her head making her slowly move to get herself free from whatever was holding her. When she failed at that, her eyes wandered up to her brother virtually telling him to get her out of this thing.
"Aera, I missed you so much" Jungkook said and stepped forward quickly hugging her.
"Careful" Jimin warned, patting Jungkook's back.
Aera nodded subtly and looked at him opening her mouth to say something. And she did say something, but it was too low and muffled probably because of weakness and the oxygen mask.
She moved her hand up to her face accidentally pulling on the IV drip and then crying in pain.
"Shh, nothing happened. Its fine." Jimin said and fixed it quickly, "You wanna remove the mask?"
Aera nodded quietly not moving an inch again, scared to hurt herself and get more pain.
"It hurts" she whimpered with an intense pout staring at Jimin.
"Its alright baby, it won't hurt if you don't move too much." He said patting her head, "Now we'll do a quick check up to see if Riri is actually doing fine or not okay?"
"You wi' do it?"
"Yes, shall we start?" He asked with a smile earning a small nod from the girl. "Good, let's start from the heart beat alright?"
Aera nodded and looked down at Jimin's hand placing the circular thing on her chest and then at his face as he analyzed the sound. He removed his stethoscope and gave it to her, letting her listen to her heart beat making the kid smile.
"That's you" Jimin said.
"Koo" Aera called gesturing Jimin to give it to Jungkook. He chuckled and gave it Jungkook who nodded with a smile.
"Riri has a beautiful heart beat." He said earning a small, happy laugh from Aera.
Once Jimin was done with the examination he adjusted the bed to let Aera sit for a while. He took the injection that he kept down earlier as Aera woke up, now deciding to give it to her.
"No" The girl said shifting away from Jimin.
"Its important Aera, you wanna get better or not?"
"No" she said turning to Jungkook and reaching out for him, accidentally pulling the IV drip which again lead her to crying.
"Hey hey, don't cry Jiminie's putting it back." Jungkook said hugging and comforting her.
"C'mon Aera be a good girl, I have other patients to attend, I need to go and we have to give this injection to you before that." Jimin said after putting the IV back in place.
"I don't wan' injection" She mumbled, burying her face in Jungkook's chest.
"You're my strong girl, aren't you?"
Aera looked at him and nodded, "but I don't like injection."
"You've taken a lot more than this Aera. You're the strongest girl I know. This is just a small injection." Jimin said trying to get a grip of her arm, "Come, now. We'll make it real quick."
"Hol' my hand" She said to Jungkook who quickly did as she said. Aera shut her eyes tightly and turned her head towards Jungkook, clutching onto his hand tightly while Jimin rubbed something cold on her arm. She flinched, letting out a small whimper as the needle stung her skin.
"Its done" Jimin said and pressed a peice of cotton on the spot. "I'm sure it didn't hurt."
"It did" Aera said in a voice that sounded like she was nearing one of her heaviest meltdowns, and that made Jimin chuckle and shake his head.
"Okay fine, no more injections for Aera, happy?"
The girl nodded rubbing her eyes to clear her blurry vision, "Let us see a smile then" Jungkook said.
"Oh C'mon, I know you wanna smile."
Jungkook looked at her with a pout which made Aera laugh. The brother smiled at her bumped his forehead against Aera's gently.
Jimin ruffled her hair and kissed the top of her head, "Take rest, okay?" He said, "I'll go now. Jungkook will stay with you."
Jungkook grinned with Aera giving a gentle high five as he indulged her in a story to keep her busy and distract from the pain that was probably there and making her cry every time she moved.
"I missed you princess" Jungkook said, kissing her forehead as she fell asleep in his arms.
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing good :)
I'll be very honest, I had to do a good amount of study to write this one. The surgery, trauma centre and some drugs name (which I didn't use, for some reason). But still, feel free to correct me if there's something that I wrote wrong.
Thank you for reading, please vote and comment if you like 💜
Word count : 4.4K
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