❦︎ 𝐒𝐢𝐱 ❦︎

⬆️ https://youtu.be/oPsu9PFJ0w4

Jerome's POV:

I was sitting on the leather sofa. My legs crossed, I was reading the newspaper. Our headline hit many states. The news was speaking of how terrifying it was. I fold up the newspaper, switching on the TV. I turn on channel 7 news.

"Just a few days ago, Jerome Valeska escaped Arkham prison. A few others who are unknown had escaped with Jerome. Police all over Gotham are searching for the sadistic maniac who is again roaming the streets of Gotham. Please, contact the GCPD if you've seen this man."

The lady spoke, holding up a picture with my face on it. I start laughing aloud. "Sadistic and a manic? What a pleasant personality." I talk to myself, Greenwood walking into the room. He holds up a form. I tilt my head at him. "What is this?" I ask Greenwood. He steps closer, handing me the paper. A bunch of names, as I read down the list, I see Karoline Manning.

I look up. "What is this?" I repeat to Greenwood. He sits down, his hands resting on his knees. "Theo went looking around for someone called... Bruce Wayne? Anyway, they went into town, and Theo said he saw fliers all over town stating there was a football game on Monday. It listed cheerleaders, and said someone looked familiar. Isn't that the Karoline you know?" Greenwood asked me, I placed a wicked smile on my face.

I nod my head, a grin on my lips. Greenwood smirks at me. "I know a way for you to get Karoline." Greenwood chuckles, I laugh aloud with him. How handy being at Theo's was.

--- time skip ---

Tabitha drives Aaron and I to the hospital. Tabitha drives behind the building, me and Aaron bust our way inside. I point towards the front desk. "Ask her where Gerald Kane is. Tell her you're visiting for Karoline's wishes." I whisper to Aaron. He nods, walking to the front desk. I look around. Crawling up behind Aaron. Making sure the receptionist didn't see me.

"He is down at the end of the hall, left door." She spoke, Aaron nods. I crouch, walking with my head down low beside him. Aaron and I arrive to Gerald's room. I knock softly, looking around. "Call Tabitha. Tell her to be ready in 5 minutes." I whisper, Aaron nods. I walk in. "Well well, look who it is. The man who has my doll wrapped around his finger." I say, walking into the room, shutting the door behind me.

Gerald grips his hand around the bedside. Reaching for his phone, I pull out my gun. "Ah ah, let's stay quiet for a moment shall we?" I ask him, pulling the trigger of the gun. Gerald stays still. I slowly walk to the bedside table, picking up the phone. Then stepping away from Gerald's bed. I laugh at him. "What a hero you are huh? I'm sure Karoline would kill herself to hear you were shot to death." I laugh, Gerald shakes his head.

"If you kill me. She'll come after you." Gerald said, I sit down. "Really? What if I wanted that?" I ask, chuckling afterwards. It made me blush. I'd make Karoline go manic after killing her best friend. "She'll kill you." Gerald says slowly, no sign of regret, nor even a look that he was telling a lie. I giggle, I was flattered to hear she would do that.

"Funny, I thought she wasn't a maniac?" I ask Gerald, he shakes his head. "She isn't. She just knows, you're a lowlife. All you want is attention. She was never one to give a reaction. You'll never get to her." Gerald said, I start chuckling. "You're a very funny guy, Gerald. Karoline ever tell ya that?" I say, amused by Gerald's words. I wonder what else he had to say.

"It's not jokes Jerome. They're called facts. I've known her my whole life. Grown up with her. Helped her when she was at her lowest. You'll never know her like I do." Gerald's voice sounded challenging. I stand up, putting the gun up against his head. "That's why, before I kill you. I'm gonna get some things outta ya." I speak, smacking the gun hard against Gerald's head. His eyes close.

Fire alarms then going off throughout the building. I smirk. "Time to get going." I say, lifting up Gerald, dragging him out of the room.

--- back at Theo's ---

Greenwood throws Gerald's body onto the couch. "I need rope." I say, Dopkin's brings some in. I tie Gerald's hands behind his back, then attaching the rope around his wrist to the cement hook under the couch. I grab a kitchen chair, swinging it around and sitting on it. I tap the gun against Gerald's head. His eyes slowly open. He jumps when he sees me, trying to move. But his body was restrained.

"Well... how was your sleep?" I ask Gerald, he shakes his head. "Don't do this." Gerald says, I laugh at him. "Thought I wasn't getting to you huh?" I ask, he shakes his head again. "You don't have to kill me to get stuff out of me." Gerald says, I tilt my head. "I thought you were her friend, you're going to give her up so easily?" I ask him, he shakes his head.

"I know she won't be mad. Knowing that I would die if I didn't tell you what you want to know." Gerald says, I stand up. "Hmmm, what a interesting gal Karoline is huh? She's very intriguing. But, there's a downside for me being so interested in her." I admit, slowly walking around Gerald with the gun pointed towards him.

"Why is she so cautious? Why does she care too much?" I ask Gerald, tears were forming in his eyes. "She values the little family she has left." Gerald says, I tilt my head. "Doesn't she have aunts, uncles? Cousins?" I ask him, he shook his head. "Her mother was an only child. Her father..." Gerald said, looking away from me. It was obvious he was hiding something.

"Her father?" I ask him, Gerald sighed. "Karoline's mother kicked her father out. They no longer have contact with her fathers side." Gerald said, I tilt my head. "And what was the reasoning?" I ask Gerald, he shook his head. "I won't tell you." He said, I stand up again. Putting the gun up to his forehead. "Her father raped her... multiple times. Karoline finally told her mother once he mentioned trying to get her pregnant." Gerald speaks, I feel myself grow angry.

"He tried getting Karoline pregnant?" I ask Gerald, my voice was dark. "He was going to get Karoline pregnant, and sell her to a man that was going to give him around 10 grand." Gerald speaks, I chuck the gun at the wall. "Where is her father now?" I ask him, Gerald shakes his head. "As much as Karoline hates him. She wouldn't want you killing him." Gerald's voice sounded calm, did he even care at all?

"Fuck what Karoline wants! Hurting her, and trying to get her pregnant? And selling her? And a child? He deserves death." I say, picking up the gun. I sigh, calming myself down. I got everything I wanted out of Gerald. Now it was time for the big finish.

"It was nice catching up and all. But you still have my princess around your pretty fingers." I say, stepping closer towards Gerald. "It was fun, but it's all done." I say, pulling the trigger of the gun. "Goodbye Gerald." I smile, but it was all stopped. "Wait! You must want to know where she is... right?" Gerald speaks, I grinned. My luck was finally coming into hand.

Karoline's POV later Sunday evening:

My eyes slowly opened. I look around, I was in bed. The blankets covered my body. I lift them off my exposed legs. I was wearing shorts. I put two fingers on my temple. My head was throbbing with unbearable pain. I groan, standing up. Walking to the window, it was dark outside. "What happened?" I mumble to myself. There was a sting at my neck. I slowly rub the spot where it was aching.

Walking out of the room, I take slow steps down the stairs. Entering the living room. I see my mother, along with Bruce, Detective Gordon, Alfred, and doctor Lee. "What happened?" I ask them, all looking back with terrified faces. My face grows worry. "Karoline..." My mother says slowly, Gordon stands up. Walking to me. "Gerald was taken from the hospital earlier this afternoon." Gordon says, my face drops its belief. I shake my head, pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Have the GCPD found him yet?" I ask Gordon, continuing to pace back and forth. Gordon shook his head. I stood my feet in place. "You said there would be guards at the door! You told me no one could get to him." I say, Gordan shakes his head. "They must had been on a lunch break." Gordon sighs, I shake my head again. Pulling my hair back tightly in my hands.

"You told me-" I say, feeling my legs almost give out. I lose my balance, falling on my knees. I cry into my hands. "It's Jerome! He has him!" I say, trying to stand. I couldn't get a firm grip back on my balance. I sat still.

"We have helicopters, police blocking the streets. We are looking for him." Gordon says, I shake my head. "No no no! You told me you had people watching him!" I say, standing up. I start pacing. "If Jerome wants me, he can have me! I'm not letting him kill Gerald, or any of my family!" I yell, Gordon grabs ahold of my shoulder. "We will find him." Gordon says, Bruce steps beside him. "I will help." Bruce says, I shake my head.

"Jerome wants me. I have to give myself to him in order to keep you all alive." I say, they then shake their heads. But Gordon stops his movements. Was he thinking something? I then raise an eyebrow. "We can trick him, right? Make him believe I'll visit him so he can take me. But you can be there, a whole swat team. You can capture him." I suggest, Gordon shakes his head along with Bruce. "It's too dangerous." Gordon says, I shake my head. Thinking cautiously on the situation.

"Jerome must have kidnapped Gerald to figure out stuff about me. That's why he was so obsessed with trying to get to him. Jerome couldn't have killed him. Back when my father was living with me and my mother. Me and Gerald practiced stalling skills. We were going to stall my father so I was able to escape the house while my mom left for work. Gerald is stalling right now. He would be able to hold onto Jerome until we can meet somewhere with Jerome so he can 'believe' I'm giving myself to him." I speak, everyone was surprised with what I said.

"Do you believe Gerald is still alive?" Doctor Lee asked me, stepping beside Bruce. I nod my head. "Jerome was so obsessed to get to know me. He wouldn't kill his one chance of finding out who I am. And how I think, act, or how I am in general." I say, Doctor Lee was taken aback. So was everyone else in the room. "We can do this. We just need to find out a way to get in contact with Jerome." I say, Gordon nods. "It'll take a day or two. Karoline, you need to stay safe while we think through this back at the station." Gordon says, I nod my head. But remember the game tomorrow.

"I need to go to the game after school. I need to follow through with Gerald's wishes until we find him." I say, Gordon shakes his head. "It's too dangerous." Gordon says, Bruce steps in. "I can be there with her. I'll make sure she's safe. Plus, Karoline's mother will be with Alfred tomorrow for work. So if Jerome tried taking her mother, Alfred was trained to fight, he could also stall until you arrived." Bruce says, I nod my head. A low smile on my face. We finally had a plan to capture Jerome.

Gordon sighs. "Fine, just the game tomorrow. Don't go to school. We don't know if Jerome has set up traps there to capture you." Gordon orders, I nod my head. "Deal. What do we have to do until tomorrow?" I ask Gordon. "Just... stay here. There is also body guards outside. Since there is helicopters and police out all over town, i dont think Jerome would be walking the streets. You guys will be safe until tomorrow. We'll talk before you go to that game tomorrow." Gordon says, we nod our heads.

Jerome's POV:

I peak my head out the window curtain. Police with cones and stoppers on the streets. I chuckle. Turning toward Gerald who was now sat up on the couch. His head resting low. "Look's like kidnapping you put us in more spotlight than i thought." I comment, Gerald raises his head. "You are quite the teller, aren't you? We could be in a act together! We'd make million's of crowds laugh." I say, giggling after.

"Does Karoline know you love her?" I ask Gerald, he puts his head back down. "What a shame. She is way out of you league." I say, chuckling at how ashamed Gerald was. "If you kill me. Don't tell her I do. I was always too afraid to tell such a good friend like her." Gerald says, I laugh again. "Awww, look at your pity!" I say, laughing out more at Gerald's shame.

"She was always good to me. I just spilled my guts out to her stalker. She should never forgive me." Gerald speaks, I sit back down on the chair. "Back to business. You told me you knew where she was. So tell me." I say, Gerald looks up. "Don't you want to know about Gordon? I could share some things about him." Gerald says, i stand up furious. "You told me you knew where she was." I say, putting the gun against his head. I don't want to kill him, not until I know where Karoline is.

Gerald stayed silent, I groan. "Tabitha?" I ask, turning around. Her and Barbra have been watching me this entire time as i interrogated Gerald. "Could you beat it out of him?" I ask her, she pulls out her whip. I smile. Stepping beside Barbra, i grin towards her. Tabitha shoved a rag in Gerald's mouth, whipping his legs first. I wince at the whip Tabitha gave Gerald, yet he stayed silent. Clever boy.

"How long until you make another headline?" Barbra asked me. I shrug my shoulders. "Sometime when i think of something. Can't very well kill someone while the police are all walking the streets of Gotham." I say, Barbra nods. "Fair." She spoke, Tabitha giving Gerald another whip. Greenwood walking in with a newspaper. "Jerome, look!" Greenwood said, handing me the paper.

It was under the sports headline. "We figured out where that football team will be playing at. You know, Karoline being on the cheer team. She outta be there!" Greenwood said, I look up smirking. "Karoline is on the cheer team." I repeat to myself, Greenwood nodded. I keep my smirk on my face. "Tabitha... you can stop." I say, handing the paper back to Greenwood. I take the switch blade out of my pocket.

Stepping close towards Gerald's face. "Now, I don't need you. It was fun getting to know more about you and Karoline though." I smirk, stabbing the switch blade into Gerald's groin. "Bye bye." I smile. Keeping the knife in his stomach as he bleeds out. "We have a busy day tomorrow! Let's get a good nights sleep!" I cheer, skipping my way to the staircase.

* * *

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