[ chapter nineโI'm tired of feeling ]
Lee glanced in the rearview mirror as they turned into the parking lot of the stadium. Mikaela ran her fingers through her hair gazing indirectly outside the window. "Lee, Im very proud of you," Nadia spoke, her voice croaky as she'd come out of a much-needed nap.
"Why?" Lee asked, furrowing his brows as the car came to a slow stop. "I remember when Nick learned to drive..." Her voice trailed off. "Now, that I will never recover from."
Lee's gaze shifted to the water truck beside them, his hand met the gearstick beside him shifting it into park and turning the key over again. "What is it?" Mikaela spoke in a foggy voice.
Eyes fell on her as her lips had hardly separated since she'd sobbed uncontrollably over Brandon's body.
Adaline ran her hands through her hair, nothing would ever compare to the sinking feeling in her stomach as their mother and Walker fussed over Ofelia behind the shelter of the truck door.
"Somethings wrong," Lee mumbled sighing as he opened the car door. Adaline followed her brother out of the car glancing at Mikaela and Nadia in the back seats of the vehicle.
Lee stumbled away from Ofelia and Walker as she pulled a fresh shirt over her body. Adaline hurried behind to the girl's side, taking her into her arms. "Ofelia.."
Ofelia shook her head against the girl's shoulder, "Don't cry, im okay." Adaline drew her jaw shut tight, nodding as she stood back.
Madison ran her hand over her eldest daughter's back not noticing the sharp breath she inhaled as she did. The older woman leaned toward Ofelia, "Smile, your life depends on it."
Mikaela stood still against the door of the car, lowering her head as her eyes met the bite moments before it was hidden by her shirt. Nadia nudged the girl with the back of her hand, rolling her wrist around for the girl to take her bag.
Lee moved to the back of the car where Nadia had gotten her bag and Mikaela's bag, Adaline followed after her brother wiping away the tears that wound in her eyes.
Adaline took her pistol and machete from out in the open of the truck of the car burying them beneath her younger brother's militia uniform. "Hey, come on." Crazy Dog nodded his head toward the stadium as Adaline pulled the trunk down.
The group approached what would be the ticketboxes of the stadium now surrounded by fenced-in and armed. "Hand over your weapons now." The guard at the empty station spoke.
Adaline pulled her bag off her shoulder pulling the zips apart for the man to check inside. "No receipt, no weapons." Madison raised a brow at the man as she took her bag back from him. "Yeah, I know how it works."
Strand held two rifles in his hands for the women as she turned to him. "These are for trade." The man tugged at the strap of his gun, looking at Lee as he moved up in the line.
Ahead of them, the woman behind the fence began to speak as Madison and Strand approached her box, "eight M4s, nine people."
Adaline looked up ahead of the line as Lee moved on. "That's eight hundred credits minus entry--" Her voice trailed off as she examined the paper before her.
Adaline mumbled a thank you to the man as he handed her bag back to her. The woman inside the fence lifted her chin as she inhaled deeply, trying not to blow up at the man in the box next to her.
"Johnny, pendejo." Lee chortled as he tossed his bag back over his shoulder. "I told you to fix the exchange rates." Mikaela rolled her shoulders back as she fixed her gaze on Ofelia who was next to have her bag searched and pat down.
Ofelia stifled the noises that almost slipped past her lips as the man ran his hands down her shoulders. Nadia grasped the young Clark's arm as she feared Ofelia would show any kind of sign she was a bit.
All eyes were on her as she exhaled a shaky breath, looking down at the man as he slowly stood. "That comes out to..." The group shifted their gaze back to the woman as she spoke. "Six-hundred and thirty credits minus--"
Strand nudged Lee aside as he marched toward the woman. "Hey, hey, hey." He began, gaining her attention. "That's two hundred less."
The woman looked back at her papers, "Sorry, last week's rates." She spoke in a sarcastically apologetic, displaying a fake smile to the man. Madison glanced between them speaking before Strand could pick a fight and get them kicked out altogether.
"We'll take it." Lee raised his brows as Strand glared at the woman beside him. The woman behind the fence clicked her tongue to another man calling him over to retrieve their weapons.
The woman took the credit receipt from the man offering it to Strand who took it with as much attitude as he could. "Enjoy."
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Nadia set her bag down against a hay bale in the corner of the room, looking back at Adaline and Walker as they laid Ofelia down on the only mattress in the room.
Adaline looked up at her mother as she rested the back of her hand on Ofelia's forehead. "She's burning up." Madison nodded her hand running down the back of her son's head. "All right, stay with her."
Madison set her foot up on a plastic chair at the end of the mattress, retaining a blade from the inside of her shoe. "I'll find something for the pain."
Adaline stood up from Ofelia's side, Mikaela quick to fill her spot. "Taqa," Madison spoke handing the blade out for him. "Stay awake." Nadia smiled shortly up at Adaline as she followed after her mother.
"How are you feeling, bug?" Madison asked, wrapping her arms around her daughter. "Im fine, Mom-- We need to--" The girl's words ceased as Strand called to Madison, rushing up behind them.
"Hey, this is a waste," Strand exclaimed, Madison released her daughter looking back at the man. "Excuse me?" Adaline frowned at the man as he began. "Tragic, sure."
Adaline had never been Strand's biggest fan. No matter how many times he'd saved their lives, she hated him and nothing could change her mind on that.
"But you just gave away half our rifles, and for what?" Adaline's forehead creased. "To buy Ofelia a kiss goodbye?" Madison lifted her hand out in front of her daughter, feeling the anger that sourced through her veins.
"For Christ's sake, Madison, think. Consider your moves." Madison stared at the man with wide eyes and furrowed brows. "We're out of moves. We're out of guns, we got no home."
Victor scoffed, turning away from them for a moment and back at the women. "We rely on the kindness of strangers now, Victor. I gave my word that I would take Ofelia to her father and I intend to keep that."
"How commendable." Adaline's fingers balled into a fist, following through with her fist across Strand's cheek. Madison gasped holding onto her daughter's shoulders as she attempted to hide the fact the blow she'd landed hurt... a lot.
Strand knelt over, grasping the left side of his face as he stood looking between the woman. "Now, that..." Madison's voice trailed off as she pointed up at his bruised cheek. "Was commendable."
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Troy took a seat opposite Adaline smiling briefly at her as she glanced up at him. Adaline looked back down at the birria taco in her hands bringing it up to her lips.
Troy sniffled as he looked down at the other taco on her plate, When his gaze lifted again the blonde sighed and pushed the plate across the table, dunking the end of her taco into the sauce before she'd have to surrender it to Troy.
Adaline took a bite glancing past the boy for her brother. "Nick?" She asked covering her mouth as her eyes continued to wander over the faces around them. "He went to find Madison," Troy answered looking down at the taco in his hands in awe.
"Good, right?" Adaline snarked looking down at her taco as she went to take another bite. Troy raised a brow hurrying to put the taco back into his mouth as the sauce came dripping from it.
Troy groaned softly, pressing his eyes shut as he took in the bite he'd taken. Adaline inhaled deeply dunking the last bite of her taco in the sauce, lowering her gaze.
The stalls were busy, people who'd come far and wide just to have a taste of something ordinary. Whoever was in control of the stadium provided that. But everything comes with a price, especially in the world they lived in.
"You and me," Troy began, gaining the girl's attention as she brought her gaze back to him. "We're more alike than you think."
Adaline rolled her shoulders back with a sigh. "Black sheep, children of violence." Troy shrugged looking back down at his hands as he dunked the taco again. "It's just you wish you weren't."
She took the napkin on the table to the sauce that resided on the tips of her fingers and drips that'd made their way down her arm. "That's why I want you with me, not against me."
Adaline met his gaze shaking her head as she began to speak. "You ruined any chance of that happening when you almost killed me and my family."
Troy cleared his throat avoiding his gaze as he spoke softly. "Im sorry." Adaline raised her brows turning to catch the waitress that'd served her previously. The boy across from her gazed over the blonde shifting his gaze as Lee approached.
The waitress nodded at the blonde, her eyes darting to Lee as he approached almost overboiling with rage. Adaline smiled briefly at the woman as she stepped away shifting to her brother as he sat down.
"What's wrong?" She asked, examining her brother not noticing the shift in her body language when she saw him so worked up. Adaline placed her hand on her brother's shoulder rubbing circles over his shoulder.
"Alicia was right," Lee admitted, shrugging his shoulders up. "We keep trying to make her love us... Truth is we aren't Nick." Adaline shifted her gaze to Troy who could only appear to be remorseful toward the girl.
Adaline rested her head on Lee's shoulder shaking her head lightly. "That's why we love each other so much, makes up for all the love Nick hogs." Lee chuckled shortly shifting his gaze to the waitress as she returned placing a plate down in front of Adaline and another in front of Troy.
Troy looked between Adaline and the waitress, clearing his throat. "What is this?" The woman glanced at Adaline with a grin. "Quesadilla de sesos."
"No, I--" Troy stumbled over his words looking back up at the woman. "I know what quesadilla is. Im asked what's de sesos?" Lee stared blankly at the man looking at his sister from the corner of his eyes to look at his sister who could only stifle her laughter by pressing her lips together.
The waitress pointed to her head as she spoke, speaking too quickly for Adlaine to translate but Lee got it almost instantly, Chuckling obnoxiously as the woman walked away. "Is he for real?" Lee asked, not bothering to look back at Troy as he turned to face them.
Adaline cleared her throat turning in her seat to face the boy across from them. "De sesos." She repeated, furrowing her brows as her brother took her second quesadilla from her plate.
"That's--" Troy's voice softened, "what I said." Lee chuckled taking a bite of the quesadilla and standing up from the table, his sister's eyes following after him. "Lee... don't--" Adaline huffed as Lee continued to laugh, excusing himself through the crowd.
Troy dropped the quesadilla in his hands back onto his plate turning back to the waitress as Nick had stopped her. "Oh, no, no. I- I don't drink." Adaline's lips parted as she looked up at Nick as he approached them.
"Look, I don't drink," Troy spoke lowly, shifting his gaze to Nick. "What do you mean you don't drink?" Adaline hit her brother with the back of her hand shaking her head at him as he was met with the concern displayed over her face. "I mean I don't drink."
Nick leaned toward Troy whispering in his ear, Concern washed over Troy as he lay eyes on Adaline. The girl looked down at her food, taking it in her hands.
Her gaze shot up at the men as Nick slammed his hand against the table, regaining Troy's attention. The waitress returned just as Adaline had gone to speak, questions sparking in her mind about what was hidden behind her brother's hand.
Troy looked back up at the waitress as she set a tequila shot down in front of him and Adaline. "I don't-- Im not gonna need this." Nick threw his hands up in defeat as Troy set the glass in front of him.
The waitress moved onto Nick setting the glass down and looking down at him as he began to speak. Adaline's eyes darted between her brother and the waitress, his voice too low for her to make out.
Adaline leaned forward attempting to see over his hand, glaring at the side of her brother's head as he recovered the item. "You're looking for El Matadero." She spoke, furrowing her brows as Nick looked up at her confused. "The slaughterhouse."
Troy looked over Adaline as she stared at her brother who pressed for more information on the man she'd mentioned. "Hey, no, it's okay." Troy shook his head at the woman as she went to continue. "It's not a good idea, Nick."
Nick turned back to Troy as the woman left the table. "Well, I saved your life. You owe me." Adaline clenched her jaw tight, fixing her gaze on Troy as he looked down at the little white pill Nick left for him after taking his own with a shot of tequila to finish.
"Drink your milk." Nick pressed, ignoring his sister's existence. Troy clenched his jaw as he took the pill between his fingers nodding at the Clark boy. "Okay."
Adaline exhaled, looking down at her hands as she stood. "Im sorry," She repeated, chuckling as Troy set his glass of milk down, looking up at her glossed eyes.
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Mikaela sobbed against Crazy Dog's shoulder, Qalataqa paced anxiously and Nadia and Lee sat on a haystack staring ahead. Adaline stepped inside glancing around and feeling her heart sink she stepped out just as quickly.
Adaline inhaled a deep breath as she stepped into the hallway continuing towards the exit.
Troy spotted the girl rushing past people, excusing herself as she did. Adaline stopped in her tracks as she felt someone grasp her arm, tugging her back.
The blonde looked up at the taller man, "Im sorry, I am." Adaline exhaled as Troy spoke to her. "I'll keep an eye on him." Her gaze shifted to the exit, not particularly fussed about the operations of Nick when Ofelia was on death's dead.
Troy followed her gaze, grunting softly as his head pounded. "What is it?" Adaline began again through the crowd, Troy hesitant on her tail. "Adaline?"
The boy tugged on her arm again, this time Adaline had taken the time to look at the boy better. He looked like a deer in headlights. "You look like hell." Troy exhaled raising a brow weakly. "Yeah--"
Adaline looked back at the doors only a few feet away. "Daniels here. I need to go." Her voice trailed off as she did, leaving the boy in his place looking around him with wide eyes.
The blonde scanned over the parking lot looking for her mother and Ofelia, hoping she wasn't too late. Men and women chuckled and spoke to one another indistinctly, drowning them out Adaline spotted her mother beginning to embrace Ofelia.
Her pace quickened as a vehicle pulled up not far from the bench her mother and Ofelia sat on, their headlights shone light over the two women and confirmed their identities.
Adaline's mind ran blank as she came up to her mother begging Ofelia to open her eyes. Her lips came crashing down on one another, clenching her jaw as her mother looked up at her.
"Oh... baby." Madison stood up pressing off from her knees, her glossy eyes shifted behind them to Daniel as he and another stepped out of the vehicle, the man alone made his way over.
Adaline sniffled, whipping her eyes as he approached. Madison tried to meet the man halfway, to explain before he shot first and asked questions later.
"Daniel, wait, wait!" Madison exclaimed, raising her hands to the man. "Where's Ofelia?" Adaline's eyes slowly made their way to the girl, her chest rising as they did.
Madison's voice was a whisper from where Adaline stood, only rising as Daniel pushed past her. Adaline brought her gaze up to the man as he stood before his daughter. "Ofelia?"
The blonde closed her eyes, sighing as he spoke her name so softly, not breaking till he had her in his arms.
Her bones almost lunged from her body as Daniel lay his daughter back, turning to Madison with rage boiling out of his body. "What kind of sick joke is this?!"
Madison spoke through her tears, only managing to say the man's name and no more. "What happened?" The woman remained quiet, unsure of what to say to the man she'd made promises she could no longer keep.
Daniel removed his pistol from the holster on his belt, aiming it at the woman's firstborn child. "Answer me!" Tears rolled down Adaline's shirt onto her shirt.
"Daniel, god, im so sorry." She'd mumbled, flustered by the gun in her daughter's face. "I didn't-- just the ranch was-- was overrun." Daniel's hand shook the pistol, tears began to flood his eyes, sobs daring to escape through his lips.
" Ofelia, she--" Madison lowered her hands, "She saved us but she-- but she got bit." Daniel's sobs became more coherent as the words left her lips. "I am so sorry, I can't-- I can't even imagine."
The man lowered his gun hesitantly as the girl's mother apologized profusely. Adaline turned away from the pair, her body relaxed almost as the gun had no longer been aimed at her.
Madison took a step toward the man as his sobs ceased and his anger resurfaced. "Im so sorry--" The man aimed the gun up at her for a moment, a warning. "Get away from us... before I kill you."
The three stood silently, Adaline's unsteady breathing and Daniel's heavy breaths the only sounds made from them. Madison stepped to the side of the man hesitantly, continuing toward her daughter, taking her into her arms.
Adaline buried her head in her mother's shoulder as she dragged her back toward the stadium, a shot rung off behind them.
word count โ 3192
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