( aftermath )
SPENCER MONTAGUE WAS RIGHT, which undeniably, she is not surprised about. The Battle of Hogwarts haunts her every single day making it about fourteen full nightmares teaming up to cause her to be restless at night. It is not just what occurred on the 2nd of May, but also every event before that. The Malfoy Manor still creeps in at night to the point where she is screaming; Ginny has come to learn how to comfort her in a way to get her to fall back asleep. However, Spencer found some ways in how to make herself quieter with a small Silencing Charm just in case she truly panics. Her screams dial down, but she still shifts in her bed uncomfortably.
Hogwarts finished early this time. The school is easy to rebuild with magic, but it is more of the fact that it is too... recent. Their classmates died inside— their bodies that they retrieved had rested on the Great Hall. Merlin, Spencer feels sick just thinking about all those younglings... or her own acquaintances. Even Cormac McLaggen! She had not liked him because she always assume he was just so bland. He would always ask Hermione and her out at any chance he could get and Spencer simply did not care before. She thought it was just him trying to find a girl which many guys tend to do! At least until he gave her those chocolates filled with love potion. She did not hate him, she just felt assaulted emotionally. Now she regrets having ever been rude to him. Spencer should have been kinder, maybe she could have given him a chance— no, that would not be good either because she never liked him. Still, he wasn't a bad person. Was he an idiot? Yes. Did he try making her his? Okay, yes, but like she said... he is— was an idiot so he probably did it for his own laugh and desperation. At the end, he did not even do anything! Now, he can't even try...
Anthony Goldstein died as well. Her own housemate. An old friend. Spencer regrets not talking to him every single day. He was her friend. He teased her about the time she forgot their Ravenclaw tradition. When Ricky was angry and avoided her, Anthony would simply sit beside her in the dormitory to give her comfort. He was good. Innocent.
Susan Bones— when Pansy found out she died, it had been horrible to see and hear. She was distraught and crying out for her. Daphne and Astoria surrounded the short-haired girl until the tears simply stopped coming. Spencer could not imagine the pain that Pansy felt because it was for Susan that she took a stance.
Spencer forced herself to learn the names of the fifty other students that died. She repeats them everyday, as if trying to honor them by remembering. Maybe that is the benefit to having an eidetic memory. Remember those that they lost.
At the same time, it wasn't the very best.
She can remember Morgana squeezing her hand as she let out her last breath. What was that suppose to represent? Regret? Acceptance? Spencer does not know. What she does know, however, is that even though she still loved her... Spencer has not forgiven her. Not today, not tomorrow, perhaps not even until years later. She just wishes things had been different between them. That their relationship were like the Weasleys or Greengrass sisters.
Spencer Montague lives off regrets. Though, she supposes everyone was affected by the war as well. Molly and Arthur ended up being more loving to every one of their children after Fred almost died. George has never left his side before, but now it seemed almost impossible because the first time they truly were not with each other, his twin almost went into a sleep he would have never woken up to. Fortunately, for the Weasleys, Blaise Zabini has always been interested in healing and he helped in this war with the studies he learned. Spencer does not want to think what would happen if Blaise had not been there; she already knows the answer.
Currently, no one but the staffs, residents, adults, and seventh-years volunteers had stayed to help Hogwarts clean up. Spencer helped for two days before she broke down when she realized the Bell family had questioned what happened to Cassius Bell. They do not blame her, but she blames herself. How did she allow herself to be manipulated? She should have seen it coming and yet... a child is dead because of her.
"You know," Daniel starts slow, his voice completely soft and assured. He sits beside her, gazing out onto the tall plants while letting his hand rest on top of hers. Spencer does not turn to look at him and just continues staring at the bundle of flowers that Molly has grown in the time since the final battle. Ironically, they are lilies and upon realizing that, Harry always takes his time to head outside and gaze at them. "It's not your fault," her brother tells her.
She wants to believe him. Honestly, she really does except she cannot find it in her heart to do so. Maybe if she had tried harder to save her. Or to get her out of their aunt's hold. Anything to make Morgana understand that she may have had symptoms of a psychopath, but that she did not have to be evil. And then maybe, Morgana could have been an older sister and she would not have tortured the kids at Hogwarts nor kill Cassius Bell.
"Then why does it feel like it?" Spencer questions, her heart clenching as she replays the scene over and over. Merlin, he was so scared and she could not save him. Just the same as she could not save Morgana. Stupid, stupid, stupid, she repeats in her delicate mind. "I can't stop replaying it on my mind, Daniel. Every single name crosses... Cassius Bell's innocent face, Morgana dying, the way everything was set up—"
Daniel frowns visibly and brings her in for a hug. "I wish I can tell you that overtime we'll forget. We won't... we can't, you understand? Remember their names, remember that they fought for us to be here. It's completely agonizing, Spencer, but we can't do anything about it except honor their memory," he comforts her quietly. "You did everything you could during that time. Can't you see that you have saved lives as well? Astoria Greengrass sent you a letter of gratitude and invited you over for some tea with her family and Pansy Parkinson. Tonks is completely thankful that you had saved her from Bellatrix or else little Teddy would be motherless. Merlin, you were willing to die for Ricky!"
"Are you hurting too?" Spencer wonders quietly, bringing her knees up to her chest while she thinks over his words. Daniel stays quiet for a couple of seconds before he sighs and releases a small nod.
"Every day," he admits. "It hurts less by the time, but I like to remember that I cannot dwell on the past. There is nothing I can do to bring back the lives lost even though I truly wish for it."
A light silence surpasses through the air. Spencer taps her fingers on the side of the bench as if that will calm her down. Daniel watches her curiously before he clears his throat and begins, "You know what?"
Spencer hums in thought and finally allows herself to stare at him. He takes out a wallet from his robes and opens it up. His fingers tremble as he takes out a small notebook filled with countless of names and cell phone numbers on it. Spencer stares at it in confusion as he shows it to her.
"I know you want to become a wizard profiler," Daniel starts, swallowing deeply as if he is remembering when he first entered. "Solving cases is difficult— even with a mind like ours. We have to be careful with what we analyze and connect the profiles. At any chance we save a victim from being murdered, I ask for their number so at a later time period I can ask if they are doing well. Whenever you start, you can do the same. What I do recommend for you to do now, however, is to write down the names of the people you feel guilty for. Beside their name, write why you feel guilty. And then do it again later on, but write something about them. And again, this time with what they loved. Do it for as long as you can. To not let their memory go to waste."
Spencer furrows her brows with interest below she nods in agreement. "I-I might do that," she murmurs softly. She is not automatically fixed, but his words always lifts her spirits even the slightest. Her eyes fall upon his and she gives him a short smile. "Thanks."
Daniel smiles back. "Just remember you're not alone in this, Spencer. You'll never be again."
And as if they have been waiting for the right moment, Remus and Tonks goes out into the front porch with Teddy on his father's arms. Spencer glances up at them and lets a smile grow on her face when she spots the baby. She stands up and tickles his nose slightly causing the boy to laugh angelically. Her eyes soften immediately while Tonks and Remus share a grin behind him. She does not notice until she feels their eyes practically popping out.
"What happened?" She questions unsurely.
Tonks brightens up and blurts out, "We want you to be his godmother. If you'll like to, at least!"
Spencer feels her mouth open wide in surprise while Remus nods in agreement. Daniel lets out a airy chuckle and pats her back encouragingly. She hears her words repeat over in her mind before she splutters, "M-me? Why?"
"Well," Tonks starts off, "we were thinking of it a long time ago, but we were not sure if it would be odd if we asked Harry and you since you're not together. However, I cannot thank you enough for helping me and I truly hope that you'll accept being his godmother. Teddy loves you, don't you?"
The small baby immediately switches his hair to be just like Spencer's and she swears her heart melts in complete awe. Her eyes water at their question. "Are you sure?" She questions in surprise as if they will then say 'we're just playing with you!'.
"You're our friend," Remus murmurs kindly. "If you would like to be Teddy's godmother along with Harry, we will be absolutely blessed. Goodness knows Harry will only teach him how to cause trouble." There is a gentle playfulness in his voice that makes Spencer chuckle. The married couple looks at her expectedly. "So...?" Tonks raises her eyebrows curiously.
"I..." Spencer thinks about it carefully before she slowly nods. "Okay, yeah. It'll be an honor," she agrees at last.
Tonks claps her hands in relief and then announces, "She said yes!" Right at that second, the whole Weasley clan starts to exit their house and appears right in front of them. Fred and George grin righteously and wraps their arm around her while Molly starts telling them all that she will get the food prepared.
Harry holds out his hand dramatically and gives her a genuine smile. One she has not seen in days for the same reason she has not until now. Spencer returns it and places her hand onto his. Her friend presses his lips onto it before raising an eyebrow and promising, "We're going to be the best godparents, aren't we?"
"Definitely," Spencer agrees, biting back a smile.
"Do you think you can also be godmother to my children whenever I have them? Or if Ginny wants them. Whatever she desires. Though, to one of them if we both agree to do so — might have to ask Hermione for the first born. I think she made me do the Unbreakable Vow years back," Harry murmurs to her, letting himself grin mischievously. Spencer rolls her eyes while shrugging.
"I suppose so," she chuckles lightly.
Spencer won't forget any of the fighters that died throughout the war, but she truly hopes that Daniel's words are right. That within time... she will heal and feel better than before. Until then, she cannot spend her time in wallow and pain when her family is there trying their best to continue on with their own as well. Even Harry is trying his best, and she can see how much it makes him hurt to think of everyone they lost. For him, and for everyone else, she will try to be better because all of them lost a part of themselves. Now they just have to choose what type of person they want to allow to shine through.
RICKY, BLAISE, AND THEODORE always come and visit the Burrow. The first few days it had been absolutely odd... Spencer never truly had the privilege to mail her friends freely. Even when she moved in at the Burrow— though, that was purely her choice because she did not want to endanger any of them. Now? Technically, she does not have to send letters since the Weasleys permitted the three boys to visit any time. Ricky stayed the first night before the next day he arranged his family back onto their house and informed them that the war has been won. When he moved back in, that was when Spencer and him mailed each other continuously, however, Blaise and Theodore visited each chance they get.
"I need to fix my hair," Spencer frowns, staring down at the strands that no longer feels like her old texture. It used to be silky and soft when it was long, and then of course, Harry does not know how to cut at all. Plus, the dirt from being out in the nature for too long clearly did not do her well.
Harry places his feet on her lap and raises an eyebrow. "I thought you'd appreciate my excellent work," he murmurs dramatically, giving her a gentle smirk to indicate that he is joking and knows exactly how bad he cut it. Ron snorts at his statement and tells him, "Mate, I let you cut my hair once and it looked like Teddy randomly got a pair of knifes and began playing with those things."
"Teddy didn't even exist—"
"But if he did that's how it would look like," Ron points an accusing finger at him. Hermione and Ricky snicker in the side, giving a shrug of agreement. Spencer glances at all of them with adoration. Harry is sitting opposite of her causing him to allow his own feet on her lap. Beside him is Ginny who is leaning back on her arms and rolling her eyes at their playfulness clearly amused. Beside her is Hermione who leans closer to Ron. The redhead himself is sitting beside Blaise which the latter has an arm wrapped around Spencer. Ricky sits beside her as usual while Theodore is in the middle of him and Harry.
Blaise carefully touches Spencer's hair and shrugs. "I can cut it for you. My mum always taught me how to perfect it," he offers, tilting his head to the side as if already trying to find the best hairstyle. Spencer feels her cheeks blossom at his offer before she nods, glaring at Ricky who immediately begins to mock the two.
"You two are adorable it makes me sick," Theodore comments, ignoring the way Blaise begins to glare at him.
Ginny leans forward and grins at Spencer. "I, for one, think it's wonderful," she defends the couple, raising an eyebrow toward Harry as if daring him to disagree. Harry simply shrugs (and Spencer remembers the times he was definitely being protective more than her own brother) and does not argue with her.
However, Ron has other thoughts. "Well," he snickers, "of course you think it's wonderful since I remember it was you who wrote Harry a poem—"
His sister, who cannot even use magic, shuts him up purely with her deadly glare that reminds Spencer of Molly. Spencer stares at them fondly. It hurts thinking about the lives they have lost, but she has to admit that she cannot let her life pass her with regrets. These people here are her family.
After the war, more people begin respecting the Slytherins because of the honor that people like Blaise, Theodore, Pansy, the Greengrass sisters, Adrian Pucey, Sebastian Hale, Terence and Beckham Higgs, and even more have brought. It was like at that moment they have all suffered a tremendous lost that the rivalries just relaxed. Spencer sees that as a benefit because she never enjoyed how all Slytherins were discriminated as being evil (which is odd because Morgana was definitely there...). It may have also helped that by the end of the war, Harry had gone up to Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco. He ignored the adults, but surprisingly to others, he had held out his hand toward Draco.
Merlin, Spencer gazes up at the ceiling in remembrance, it had caused numbers of inspectors. In front of everyone, Harry offered a truce and peace treaty with Draco Malfoy. The blond Slytherin had been completely puzzled at his deal before he finally shook his hand. It is safe to say there is not hatred between them now. Distrust? Very. However, Blaise and Draco kind of mended their friendship. Kind of being the keyword because Blaise made him remember that he was still angry for letting her get hurt (which she already forgave Draco for) so it was strained, but still there.
The first time Blaise and Theodore visited the Burrow, the two boys had been nervous up until the twins practically welcomed the Slytherins with a prank. Theodore and Blaise were covered in complete flour and Molly yelled her soul to Fred and George for 'mistreating' their guests. Molly cleaned them up and immediately grew fond of them after learning that Blaise is dating Spencer and Theodore is dating Ricky.
"I've been wondering about you and Blaise," Harry starts off, pointing to Theodore and her boyfriend. Blaise raises an eyebrow questioningly, waiting for Harry to elaborate on what he means. "Now you two like each other... but why didn't you before?"
Theodore grimaces slightly while Blaise narrows his eyes at him. He stays quiet for a few seconds while Blaise responds, "I punched Theodore in the face in our first-year."
Ricky is the first to burst out laughing, leaning towards Spencer with his head tilting backwards. Spencer tries to stop a smile from growing in her face at the embarrassed look on her friend's face. However, she cannot help but start snickering when Ron lets himself fall on his back. In that moment, all of them were laughing (even Blaise is wearing a smirk in amusement) while Theodore lets his face redden and shakes his head.
"He really did," Theodore makes a face as if he is recalling exactly how it felt. "Ever since then I hated that guy."
Blaise rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well, the feeling was mutual. You were such an idiot— why would you ask me if the rumors were true about my mother? Merlin, I was so fed off by then I punched you and Smith," her boyfriend reveals, pulling Spencer closer. She raises an eyebrow in surprise before smiling.
"You punched Smith? Blaise, man, welcome to the family," Ricky mumbles, holding out his hand for Blaise to shake.
"I was curious! A sufficient glare would have been nice," Theodore exclaims, raising his hand in defense. Noticing that he has now gained curious looks, Blaise lets his gaze fall elsewhere instead not wanting them to question him about his mother. Spencer notices immediately and her eyes meet Hermione who clears her throat to gain their attention.
"They offered the seventh-year students who did not go to Hogwarts to return if they'll like. If you go, you'll be with those like Ginny and Luna," Hermione brings up, raising an eyebrow at all of them. Spencer stays quiet as she thinks about the announcement Professor— Headmistress McGonagall had given to them. Perhaps she would have been going... if it were not for the fact that a greater offer has reached her hands. Though, of course, she is still trying to think what will be the best choice.
Harry purses his lips into thought. "Maybe... I'm not sure. Kingsley has offered me a job to be an Auror already. Might take that to catch the rest of the Death Eaters that escaped— after that, I want to become a professor...?"
Spencer glances at him with a smile. "Harry, that's great! I remember thinking you would do better as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor than an Auror, but I understand why you want to catch them first."
Her friend gives her a grin. "Yeah, I think I'll do that," Harry murmurs in agreement.
Ron crosses his arms and declares, "I will not be returning. Nope, no way— they're giving me a chance to start Auror training! No offense, but I do not want to spend a year at Hogwarts just to take those NEWTs."
Hermione rolls her eyes and smiles at her boyfriend. "You're an idiot, Ron, but I'm not surprised." When Ron gives her an offended look she corrects, "I meant about your school choice!"
Theodore snickers and adds, "She probably means—"
Ron throws him one of the pillows that had been behind him. Theodore catches it smoothly and places it on his back while he tells them, "Hogwarts wasn't the best time for me, but I do plan on trying to get somewhere with my life so I might return to steal a time-turner—"
"Anyway," Ricky cuts off his boyfriend with a subtle glare. The rest of them stifle their own laugh. Theodore simply grins at him jokingly and motions for him to go on. He is returning, but just for that graduation (not the time-turner part because why would he need it?). "I will. I'm trying to convince Professor Flitwick to rest so I can take over his job."
They look at Ginny who gives them a look (and then they remembered that she was barely going into her seventh year). Spencer found herself in thought while they turn to Blaise in question. Her boyfriend stares at them back coolly before replying, "Unlike the lot of you, I did attempt my seventh-year, even though it was horrid. Though, the only class we did not learn in is Muggle Studies and Dark Arts. Either way, all I'll be doing is taking my NEWTs in the summer."
And then finally, their eyes turn to Spencer and it looks like they know what she is about to say. She thinks otherwise because she has not told anyone about it... except Daniel since he works there and Remus because he contacted her about it. Spencer places her lips into a thin line before she glances at all of her friends.
"I'm... deciding," she reveals at last. With those words, almost all their eyes widen and even Blaise takes his arm off around her to look at her in confusion. Spencer gives them a hesitant smile. "It'll be weird not going to Hogwarts, but... back there..."
She takes a few seconds knowing the word 'battle' rests on the tip of her tongue and yet she does not want to say it in front of them. Spencer licks her lips nervously before continuing, "One of the wizard profilers was actually the authority leader of them, Everest Cresswood. He noticed me during that time and a few days ago he contacted me... asking if I would like to join the Wizard Profilers Academy."
Ricky's eyes widen and he leans forward. "Like the one Daniel had to go through?"
Spencer nods her head. "Yes, and I told him that I am interested, but that I would like a few days to decide. Of course, he told me I would still need the required paperworks, but since the majority missed NEWTs, I will have the decision to take the exams during the summer or may use the 'privilege' of being Daniel's sister. Obviously, I will not be doing the latter."
Ron whistles impressively. "That's pretty legit. I think you should take it," he helps her out, shrugging his shoulders toward her. Harry nods in agreement and motions to Ron's words.
Hermione gasps in surprise and grins widely. "That would be a nice experience! You already know legitimately everything and it would be fun, right?"
Spencer takes in their contribution, but she stares simply at Ricky. Ever since their first-year, they have been completely inseparable, but... if she chooses to go to the Academy they will no longer be in the same common room. Ricky is staring at her curiously before a slow smile reaches his face and he claps appreciatively.
"Fucking hell, Spence, already on the way to becoming a wizard profiler? I gotta admit, Hogwarts without you will be completely different, but I am so so proud of you," Ricky murmurs, giving her a side-hug and kiss on her cheek. Spencer feels a slight smile grow on her face at his words, the worried sensation in her chest slowly drifting off.
"Daniel told Remus about it and then Remus gave me my letter of recommendation for Defense Against the Dark Arts. I haven't contacted Professor McGonagall, Flitwick, or Sprout about it, because I was still wondering," Spencer informs them, awkwardly tapping her fingers onto Blaise's hand. He did not say anything, but based off the genuine smile on his face, he was proud of her as well.
And so it was decided... Hermione, Ginny, Theodore, and Ricky would be returning to Hogwarts while the rest will continue off through the jobs they wish to have. After some time, the group of theirs wandered to their own place. Ricky and Theodore chose to hang out with Harry and Ron while Hermione and Ginny head toward their room for some privacy. That in turn left Blaise and Spencer to head toward the small garden Molly has outside.
The young Montague sits by a chair while Blaise is calmly taking out some hair supplies to cut her hair nicely. She lets her eyes trail his movements and the resting brooding expression on his face. He is not upset but it is simply how he keeps it. Spencer does not mind because to her he is still beautiful in every way. Merlin, she does not deserve to have him, she thinks to herself as he walks toward her with a curious look on his eye and a pair of scissors in his dominant hand.
"You're staring..." he murmurs quietly, approaching her side and smoothly flicking her hair in the back. Blaise gently tilts her head straight ahead and without him telling her, she straightens her position. His fingers lightly trail over her neck and she closes her eyes in relaxation. She can feel how he does some stuff to her to clean it momentarily before hearing the sound of scissors cutting.
Spencer smiles softly and responds, "You're a nice view to look at."
Blaise chuckles and continues doing his work. After some time, she can feel him place her hair more back and his fingers by her left ear. Then, he stops what he is doing. Spencer instantly knows he is staring at the Montague emblem on her ear. She stays silent while he lets himself slowly trail the mark on her skin. Spencer inhales deeply in surprise and her boyfriend takes his hand away immediately.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes, "I shouldn't have..."
"No," Spencer speaks softly. "Don't apologize. It's okay. You just caught me off guard."
Blaise places a light kiss on her head before continuing. "Can I ask? If you desire to know what happened to my mother as well, I won't not answer. I'll tell you either way."
Spencer furrows her brows at his statement. She can feel that he is almost done with her hair. When he is, his fingers run through hair to space it out. While he is doing so, Spencer tells him, "You don't have to tell me anything about the rumors until you truly want to, Blaise."
He takes her hand and together they move toward the bright green grass leaving space for them to lay down. The sun is shining down on them, but they do not look up to the sky. Instead, Spencer gazes at him and he does the same. Blaise is staring at her curiously as if he never expected to meet someone like her. She does not understand why. He is beautiful inside and out— any girl would be lucky to have him. She is lucky.
"I want to," he says at last. Spencer quirks an eyebrow in surprise before nodding.
"Let me start then..." Spencer trails off, and she brings their hand close. "Mordra loved the idea of the perfect family as my parents did. It was an honor to be a Montague. She wanted people to know they are wealthy, loyal, all of those usual stereotypes of the Sacred family. And so she had this brilliant idea to mark all of us with a tattooed Montague emblem. I was three, Morgana was four."
She sees his face scrunch up in anger and worry for the young child Spencer used to be. His grasp on her hand tightened for a few seconds before he gazes up at her. "I'm sorry," he apologizes, as if it was his job to have rescued her.
Spencer smiles at him. "No one could have done anything. Plus, I'm okay," she assures him. Blaise mimics her smile before sighing knowing he was about to tell her the truth. Would she turn him away? Accuse his mother of being a mad woman? Merlin... he hopes not. And maybe, some part of him knows she won't either.
"My biological father left my mother when I was born," Blaise starts slow. His voice has lowered down to a level where it is just them and nature. Spencer simply stares at him. "I never cared for him because my mother is someone I would do anything for. And she got married to another rich man. He was annoying, full of himself, way too demanding because he wanted the perfect wife. He never liked me, I never liked him. My mother kind of created her own curse and made it so the man fakes his death and wanders off elsewhere."
Spencer raises her eyebrows in surprise before she nods slowly. Blaise eyes her for a second and then continues, "She has a type, my mother. Horrible, really. Rich insufferable men who simply cannot keep their dicks in their pants. Some of them had this abusive attitude toward them— mostly words to try and manipulate her, but I'm rather... scary, I'll like to think."
She gives him a raised eyebrow and glances down at her hands. Her boyfriend chuckles at her actions and pecks her lips. Afterwards, he takes a good look at her before he glances up to the sky. It is still bright, but he seems to handle it for the meantime. "There was one of them that was physical. Fuck... he took out a weapon in front of us one time and I got furious. I was the one that started the fight and punched him. He cut my shoulder trying to attack me and then my mother noticed and she placed herself in. Grabbed another knife and... stabbed him... killed him," Blaise confesses. He stays quiet not knowing how Spencer is reacting to his news.
Spencer frowns as she imagines the scene and when she notices his quietness, her fingers gently place themself on his jaw and she turns him around to face her. "It was self-defense," she murmurs quietly. Right away, he stares at her with whole adoration.
"I love you," Blaise tells her, his eyes appearing dazed. Spencer fails to hide the blush rising on her cheeks. Technically, the last time she heard him say those words had been during the battle. Spencer squeezes his hand in comfort. He gives her a smile before continuing, "He was the person I saw dying... the one that allowed me to see thestrals. She has married more men, but they end up with the curse as well. I suppose in total she killed two men. That one and Theodore's father."
"Your mother is a badass," Spencer compliments immediately. Blaise rolls his eyes and does not disagree knowing it is true. "You don't deserve to have shitty step-fathers."
Blaise leans closer to her by the side. "I can say the same to you with your parents... how are you doing, by the way?"
Ah, million dollar question, Spencer purses her lips. How is she doing now that time has passed? Fine is the easy answer to respond with. Unfortunately, Blaise knows her well and would not believe her. "Not excellent, but I'm trying. Being with all of you helps, though, sometimes my mind just takes me to some dark places. It hurts still..."
"You're the most amazing person I've met, Spencer. A heart of gold and a soul brighter than all of us combined," Blaise murmurs softly. "I just want you to know that you are deeply loved. At any chance or moment, we'll be here to listen. I'll be here."
"It might take some time," Spencer warns him.
Blaise places one arm against the grass, his body completely on the side toward her with his other arm being placed in her cheek. She is practically trapped under him, but it is not like she minds. He presses his lips against hers before murmuring, "Like I said... I'll be here."
cool 😎 w everything i put all of u thru...
all of these will b light-hearted but also
involves the topic of healing ig? yeah 😄
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