‗ ❍Top: Taehyun, Beomgyu, Hueningkai, Yeonjun
Bottom: Soobin
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ First Requested by: babilodzemariami
╰┈➤ ❝ [@Eve_Dive oneshotes]
- ', Start ꒱ ↷
"ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER SLAY!!!" Moa screamed from one side.
"OH MY GOODNESS YEONJUN NOTICE ME!!! PLEASE!" another moa was Screaming from another side
That was the day TXT members were performing on the stage. That was their last performance at the America. Members couldn't believe it was their second world tour. Moas were so happy and excited to meet them.
Beomgyu even cried at the performance on Yeonjun's shoulder because the situation was way too cute. Taehyun was amazing everyone with his vocals and Hueningkai by his cuteness.
"Moas are right! You Hueningkai are really cute!" Yeonjun laughed and hugged Hueningkai's shoulder.
"Awww hyung! Not as cute as you tho" Hueningkai couldn't stop smiling. He was nervous.
"Everyone will admit that I am the cutest tho" Beomgyu flipped his long hair that already amazed many Moas. They were shocked and everyone would admit that Beomgyu looked rather hot than cute.
"No I am" Taehyun said with his cheeky smile as always.
"Liars. The cutest member Hueningkai just addmited that I am the cutest one" Yeonjun rolled his eyes sassy.
"But that doesn't mean you are the cutest" Hueningkai laughed with his dolphin style and everyone laughed as well.
From the other hand Soobin. The leader of the group was standing and smiling at his members. He couldn't understand what was really happening and if members were really serious about whole this or they were just kidding again. He was just happy to see his fellow members happy.
"Let's try it then. Let's see who is the cutest member" Taehyun said laudly and looked at Moas. "Let Moas say who is the cutest member. DO YOU AGREE MOAS?"
"YESSSSSSSS" everyone screamed.
"Now members! We will pose in order to see if we are rather hot or cute" Taehyun smiled.
"Okayy!!! I agree!!! Whose the first one?" Yeonjun asked.
"OH OH I GO FIRST!!" Beomgyu jumped and came in front of everyone and started to do cute sassy posses and Moas started to be more excited. Everyone ESPECIALLY Taehyun were enjoying the view. Because as mentioned earlier Moas after seeing Beomgyu's long hair would rather call him hot than cute. There was no point trying.
"HOTT!!!!!!!!" everyone screamed.
"Well. I know I am tho" Beomgyu pursed lips.
"HE JUST ADDMITED THE FACT?" Yeonjun laughed laudly.
"Beomgyu Beomgyu..." Hueningkai was giggling as well. "Alright me next!" He said and stood in front of Moas as well
He did the heart pose with a hands and said "Moa" cutely that everyone screamed agreeing that he was way cuter than in general.
Hueningkai thinking he won the challenge letted Yeonjun and Taehyun do the next as well. Both if them sounded hot rather than cute so Hueningkai was on the top yet.
"Who remains? SOOBIN HYUNG!" Beomgyu said and Soobin came back from zone out and looked around panicking.
The confusion of bunny made everyone giggle as it was ALREADY cute scene. "H..huh.? W.. what?"
Soobin panicked and Yeonjun grabbed his waist chuckling. "Soobin cmon. It's your turn to shine. Show your cuteness to everyone!"
He smiled and Soobin panicked even more. He was just admiring with members, he didn't expect he needed to do this. Literally a panic. Soobin with huge hesitation came up in front of Moas and everyone went silent. That was hella awkward for Soobin. He didn't know how to pose. He didn't know what to do.
He looked back at the members who encouraged him to do so. Soobin looked back at Moas and with shaking hands he grabbed his cheeks and said "Moa" with his bunny smile that made everyone there, even members scream from cuteness. After awkward silent in all place Soobin literally showed his cuteness to everyone around.
"WOW. SOOBIN HYUNG" Taehyun screamed.
Soobin couldn't do anything but to kneel down and hide his blushed shy face from everyone.
Beomgyu couldn't stop smiling and he just grabbed Soobin's shoulder to lift him up.
"Cmon don't be shy!!!" He laughed.
Yeonjun was just staring in shock. He knew Soobin was generally so cute but didn't expect him to be this cute today. Especially the blond hair suited him a lot in this situation.
The concert was over and idols went away to their changing rooms and started to prepare for the sleep. Every single changing room had it's own bathroom. Idols needed to take a bath at first then to change into pajamas go to sleep. Rest five days they were free to explore the America and spend much time and fun so they could go back to Korea at sixth day.
Everyone started to take a bath. They could hear each other's voices actually. Changing rooms were specially designed. The bathrooms were designed as flower. They all had one ceiling and changing rooms were separated from each other by walls that couldn't reach the ceiling.
They could see climb up and see what others were doing at that moment. Soobin didn't like the design. He prefers to take a shower in all loneliness. As the members were shouting and talking about today's concert Soobin was just peacefully having his own shower. He was quite shy to hear other noises, ESPECIALLY member's noises from the other parts of the changing room. Felt like they were exactly near him, bathing with him.
While Soobin was showering someone screamed. "Hey Soobin!" Soobin came back from zone out again. That was Yeonjun.
"H...huh. yes?" The shy bunny was actually really surprised to hear his only hyung's voice.
"Why you don't talk? You are usually the loudest out of here" he chuckled. "Something happened?"
"M...me? N...no nothing" Soobin was really shy now. His cheeks turned red. Lately he hadn't been himself. He was just think about himself, members. Especially about the members. He was really in love with members cuteness today. Lately he just wanted isolate himself from them because each time he was looking at them he was having something in the stomach. He even cried some time because of all this.
"You sure tho?" Taehyun said from another side.
"Yes I am sure" Soobin said strictly
"Guess. He is just tired. Right Soobin hyung~?)" Hueningkai said
"Yes I am" Soobin said strictly again.
"Alright. Then members. Get read to sleep" said Yeonjun and stopped the shower. Others stopped as well and went back to changing room. After putting on their pajamas they went out and saying each other goodnight went in their dorms. Soobin was the only one who was alone..
Yeonjun was with Taehyun. Beomgyu with Hueningkai. Soobin alone. He wanted this loneliness anyway. He wouldn't be able to sleep with a member at one dorm.
When Soobin came in he sighed after locking the door. He looked at his bed. His eyes went blank and emotionlessly he looked around. When he came closer to his bed he suddenly looked himself in the mirror.
"Hello me" he giggled. He looked himself and smiled. He started to do several funny positions and laugh at himself when suddenly
"Oh?" He looked at himself again. While he was doing funny positions his pajama went down from his shoulder exposing pretty collarbones of his. Soobin blinked some time before looking carefully. He narrowed his eyes then widened them. Damn he actually looked really attractive and sexy.
He slowly started to unbutton his pajama and slowly took it down. He didn't take off the sleeves but he was naked now. He started to spin himself round by round to see himself from any angle. He had really beautiful angled back and white soft skin. He bite his bottom lip and looked down at his pants.
"What if ..." He said to himself and took down his pants slowly. He didn't took them off again. He just started to examine himself in boxers and naked top.
"I...I am beautiful" he said to himself and smiled automatically like an idiot. "Oh I wished others would see me like this..WAIT"
When Soobin realized what he said he yelled at himself. "What the actual fuck Soobin?" What do you even think????" He sighed and put on back his pajamas and went to the bed. He jumped on bed and layed on his stomach with star position. He looked at his phone and sighed again.
"I guess it's really time to sleep. Tomorrow I will see what to do with my stress..." He said and slept immediately.
"Hey Soobina!!" Yeonjun said laudly as they were having breakfast together.
Soobin slowly looked at him. "Yes hyung?"
Yeonjun after finishing the meal in his mouth wiped his mouth and said.
"Me and others decided to go to the mall to have a walk. I texted you but you didn't answer. You are coming with us right?" He said carefully looking at Soobin.
"Oh...I guess..I will stay here.." he said quietly. Yeonjun widened his eyes and frowned immideltly.
"Why are you acting like this lately?" He said.
"Like.. what?"
"Isolated. Did someone from us hurt you? Tell me if yes. I will talk with him" Yeonjun said strictly.
"No one did anything Yeonjun hyung. I just want stay alone"
"You know we are going to have a new comeback in July so we need to prepare hard and you won't be able to enjoy this vacation here anymore?" Yeonjun said.
"I know but...I prefer to have a time alone. We have four days left. I will be able to go out with you guys tomorrow! But not today" he said surely..
"You promise?"
"I do" Soobin nodded.
Yeonjun sighed and got up. "Alright. I am looking forward to it then" he said and went out.
Soobin had other plans to enjoy himself today. In the morning before the breakfast, he asked one of the managers to prepare a jacuzzi for him. Having bath in jacuzzi all alone was the best for Soobin to enjoy the vacation. He actually read the text that Yeonjun sent to him. When he found out that the members were planning to hang out together in the evening he decided to have a little bath in jacuzzi. He wasn't expecting what awkward situation he would face that day.
Before the jacuzzi was being prepared by the managers Soobin one more time wanted to look at himself in the mirror. He want to the bathroom so that no one could see him.
By "no one" means managers as Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai already left to the mall.
He felt kinda bad when he refused all members.
"What you are not coming?" Taehyun asked.
"No way! Soobin hyung cmon!? What happened" Hueningkai replied.
"There is something that definitely disturbs you"
What else could Soobin do? He just wanted to know more about his feelings so he had to refuse all suggestions of his members. He had a feeling he could be able to go out for a walk with them tomorrow.
Soobin grabbed his phone in the bathroom and started to take a photo of himself. He was doing several positions admiring at his body. He even felt himself pretty narcissistic. He couldn't stop admiring and taking photos of himself. One was at the floor the other one against the wall. Whole phone was already filled by many sexy photos of Soobin.
When he finished he once again looked at himself through the phone. Joke aside he really wanted to look sexy and hot like other members. Only cuteness wasn't really satisfying. He sighed and finally put the phone down and turned on the water. The hot water was hitting his skin and hair when suddenly...
Soobin's phone rang. Soobin flinched for a second then he tried to reach his phone but failed.
"Gahhhhh. NEVERMIND" he said angrily and turned around again when suddenly he didn't notice how the drop of water felt on the screen opening the chats with members and sent three photos of himself to Yeonjun.
// Au= Drops of water on the screen are our worst enemy! Also yea. Soobin loved to take a bath before jacuzzi. They are rich dudes, they don't save water LOL
And obviously Soobin didn't notice anything. He continued the shower and after some seconds finishing it. Grabbing the phone without opening it went to see if staff prepared the jacuzzi for him.
At that time Yeonjun and others were having lunch at mall talking to each other and telling variety of jokes. Hueningkai started to tell about his story how he once pranked a staff member that his salary was decreased by 15 per cent and he apologized later, although the process was really fun.
What actually he did made members laugh. Yeonjun when he giggled, noticed his phone buzzing. He grabbed it.
"Soobin sent you three photos. Take a look!"
Yeonjun not even suspecting anything opened the chat and his eyes widened when he saw half naked Soobin in three positions. Yeonjun's jaw dropped down noticing that younger went offline.
"Is this a hint or something?" He thought frowning. Yeonjun started to panic.
"Yeonjun hyung what happened? Again saw Moas ordering you to dye your hair?" Beomgyu laughed and Yeonjun smiled to hide his emotions about whole this and nodded.
One more time. He looked at the photos and gulped. Soobin looked actually way too sexy in those photos.
Yeonjun was staring at photos almost ten minutes that Taehyun even noticed it.
"Hyung. Does something happen? You are silent already ten minutes. What are you looking at there ? Show us"
Taehyun said and frowned immideltly when Yeonjun looked at him. He looked away and back at him and everyone went silent already. Yeonjun looked at Hueningkai and grabbed his phone.
He called the manager. "Hi there hyung" he smiled immideltly when the manager answered the phone.
"Yeonjun!!! Hii!! What happened? Is everything normal? Are you having fun?" Manager said from the other side
"Yes we do having fun haha. Ahhh. I just called to know...Is Soobin still there ? Or maybe he went out somewhere?"
Other three looked at each other. Something happened to Soobin?
"No no! He is here! He prepares for the Jacuzzi that WE prepared for him haha. He even took a shower just now. I guess he will be there after two hours."
"Jacuzzi?" Yeonjun smiled cheekily. And Beomgyu asked with mimics what happened. "Alright then thank you!" He thanked the manager and hanged up..
"So what happened?" Hueningkai asked and Yeonjun bite his lip.
"You said..you wanted to prank someone right? Shall it be Soobin?"
Hueningkai blinked two times and shook his head. "Why Soobin?"
Yeonjun sighed and not to tell members about the photos started to lie.
"He behaved way wrong this morning. And I was little offended haha. But I am not evil. I just want little revenge"
"Soobin? Behaved? Wrong?" Beomgyu repeated "That's why too impossible"
"That's why he didn't come with us?" Taehyun tilted his head.
"Exactly" Yeonjun said.
"So will you help me?" Yeonjun asked looking around at them
"Alright! I am in" Beomgyu smiled
"Me too!" Beomgyu signed. "I don't like where this is going but if he offended you.."
"I don't like it! And I am nottt gonna do this" Hueningkai frowned "Soobin is senstive. What if he gets offended? That's not gonna end perfectly "
"I promise this will be the first and last time" Yeonjun pouted and Hueningkai after long silent sighed
"Alright. Let's do it quickly. Do you have plan?"
"This is a still bad idea" Hyuka whined putting the last bomb on the floor around the jacuzzi Soobin was going to spend a time.
"You weren't this whiny the day when you pranked the manager. You literally have bloody hands and the manager even fainted" Beomgyu chucled and came up to Yeonjun.
"Yes that they he couldn't stop laughing. It's not even a prank. It's a....I don't know Actually" Taehyun scratched his neck.
"Here we go!" Yeonjun setted the controller and scratched his back. "Finally finished. How many minutes left Soobin to come here" he asked narrowing eyes looking at the clock.
"Around ten minutes hyung" Taehyun answered.
"Alright. Now get on the places! Let him enjoy the jacuzzi some time before the prank" he smiled and went straight to the place they were going to hide. Behind the wall.
Everyone else nodded and went after him. In reality Yeonjun had another plans. He was planning to make members understand the sexy body of Soobin by themselves. He was worried about something. The way he reacted to the pictures made him wonder if he actually wanted Soobin or it was just a shock? The way others will react to this everything will show him if it was normal. How else he could make members spy on the guy who sent him three photos of himself?. In really sexy positions. He just needed to wait patiently.
"Agh. Finally..." Soobin sighed as he finally came to jacuzzi. He was with only boxers. With no top. He was covered by a blankets. "Finally will take the stress out" he said laudly. He was sure no one was there
"Huh??? Stress?" Taehyun whispered looking at Yeonjun. The older just shrugged. They continued looking.
"Hmmmmm. As no one is here..." Soobin said again. "Let me just..." He grabbed the bag he brought here my himself and took out a whine and a glass like an prince and took off his blankets from himself.
"Fffffff" Beomgyu narrowed eyes and rounding his mouth as he saw what others saw. Naked Soobin.
"I haven't seen naked Soobin tho" Taehyun said widened his eyes. Hueningkai's jaw dropped down anyways. Yeonjun looked down at members then at Soobin and gulped. Guess, he wasn't the only one.
"His back tho?!!!!" Beomgyu almost screamed whispering and got on his knees to look closer.
"I know right" Hueningkai said still with jaw drop.
Soobin just filled the whine and looking outside of the huge window started to drink it. He grabbed his phone and setted the music "Ride it" and started to dance under it. Slowly like a snake.
Beomgyu almost wheezed. Hueningkai closed his mouth with a hand. Taehyun almost fainted. Yeonjun still looking.
"DOES HE EVEN KNOW WHAT IS LYRICS ABOUT?" Hueningkai screamed whispering..
"I don't know. I don't understand English that well as well. I am looking of how sexy he is dancing -" Beomgyu mumbles.
"IT'S ABOUT SEX IDIOT" Hueningkai panicked. Beomgyu widened eyes as well
"Well Soobin hyung doesn't understand English well as well. I don't think he understands this" Taehyun added. And Yeonjun nodded.
"Yea...when we can do the prank already. I will get horny with this already" Beomgyu laughed and everyone looked at him. "What? I mean you all are" he smirked and Yeonjun fold his hands.
"How is that so?"
"I mean we all look at him like a ramen" he bite his lip giggling evil.
"Not gonna argue with this tho" Yeonjun scratched his neck nervously. "Shall we prank him now?"
"I guess not only pranking. I can't take his sexiness-" Hueningkai whined whispering..
"Me too" Beomgyu shrugged. Yeonjun got more nervous. "You too.." he said.
Two of them nodded. "Wait what about Taehyun...?" He looked at Taehyun who was still staring at Soobin even not paying attention to their conversation. "I guess he agrees as well" Hueningkai chuckled.
Beomgyu looked at them when Taehyun turned around "Are you guys thinking what am I thinking?"
All three of them look at each other and smirked.
Soobin was still VIBING under the song when at the last chorus the bomb started to work.
"AHHHH" Soobin flinched and got back and looked around. Another one worked. "WHAT IS THIS" Soobin screamed."WOAH. NO" Soobin started to run back and almost felt down when someone hold him.
He widened his eyes and looked back. He was shocked when he saw Hueningkai hugging him from behind.
"Panicking my dear? How was our prank" Soobin's breath almost stopped working when he heard Hueningkai's deep voice in his ear.
"Hyuka!" He resisted and turned around. "What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at mall!"
"Not only him tho" Yeonjun said from another side and Soobin flinched looking back at Yeonjun.
"YEONJUN? HYUKA" he literally screamed getting back but his foot stepped on wet floor place and he immideltly with big "WOAH" fell into jacuzzi.
"Opps-" Beomgyu said coming up to those two. From another side Taehyun joined "Looks like we scared him way too much"
"Oh wow. He won't be scared if we just grab him hm?" Hueningkai said smashing hands together.
"Hmmm yep" Taehyun said and took off his shirt. Soobin looking out from jacuzzi finally confused looked at them.
"Guys!!! What are you doing here??? What's happening? What prank? What grab? What do you talk about-?"
Taehyun got into Jacuzzi as he was already naked only with boxers. "Oh cmon" he said cheekily and grabbed Soobin's hand dragging older closer. Soobin started to panic.
Taehyun sat on the sit in jacuzzi and got Soobin onto his lap. "Don't be so shy. We are just here to play~ and I guess you want it as well" he slowly grabbed Soobin's waist caressing it. Soobin was shocked. He STILL couldn't understand anything..
"Taehyun! I don't want anything! All I wanted is to be here and spend time-"
"With us?" Beomgyu said from behind as he joined them both as well. Soobin wanted to turn around but Taehyun stopped him "Ah ah ah. Don't look behind you must only look at me darling" he chuckled.
"Ohhhh! Is that so Taehyun?" Beomgyu said laughing and hugged Soobin from behind as well grabbing Taehyun's hands as well. "Why you don't let this sexy yet cute bunny look at me?"
"Cuz he needs to ride me? It's that what he was singing ~ and wanting to have~. And ohhh especially your dancing ~ it was so sexy you know?"
Soobin gulped. He was panicking."What are you both.."
"Sh sh sh" Beomgyu said slowly kissing Soobin's back neck making younger wide his eyes again yet blush hard. Soobin didn't have anywhere to grab with his hands so Taehyun automatically wrapped them around his neck. "You need to chill~ " Beomgyu started to leave red marks on Soobin's unrepeatable back making older whimper in mess. Taehyun gulping from this everything just slowly got his hand back to Soobin and grabbed his ass.
"TAE" Soobin gasped. Now that was it.
"Shhh. Shush I said" he rolled his eyes and slowly pushed one finger in making older ark his back and threw his head back as well. Beomgyu literally enjoyed the view. He continued to make marks on his back neck and then started to play with Soobin's chest. After some gentle movements Taehyun added the second one and third one followed as well. Three fingers in Soobin agressively already making older roll his eyes of amount of pleasure. Beomgyu was already hard from this view and couldn't wait to try Soobin.
"I- I AM GONNA-!" Soobin screamed. Taehyun stopped immideltly making older whine "Whyyyy"
"Not yet darling" he looked at Beomgyu and Beomgyu smirked brightly. "Finally" he said and grabbed Soobin's hips.
He came closer to Soobin's ear and said "Now baby boy you gonna ride our Taehyunie while handling my OWN Little friend" Soobin whimpered but nodded. He had no power over those two now. He felt himself submissive so he just agreed. Beomgyu raised Soobin's hips and placed Soobin on Taehyun's cock and slowly sat down on it, hearing the pleasing moan from the older. Taehyun groaned rolling eyes back and leaning head against the wall. Beomgyu slowly started to move Soobin up and down slowly. Older was moaning in mess asking for more.
Beomgyu heard his wish. He started to bounce him even harder and faster and without warning both Soobin and Taehyun pushed his cock roughly in Soobin as well making older scream in pain mixed pleasure. Beomgyu started to move roughly groaning yet Taehyun feeling that Beomgyu wasn't already moving Soobin anymore started to push up meeting with Beomgyu's thrusts. The round became so agressive that made Soobin scream laudly and cum immideltly. Taehyun came after lastly and took out leaving Soobin and Beomgyu together. He went away feeling himself proud, looking at rest of members ( Hueningkai and Yeonjun ) that were patiently waiting for their turn. Yeonjun smirked and Hueningkai nodded as well.
As soon as Taehyun left Beomgyu took out his cock and started quickly jerk off himself and finally came as well. He hugged tired little Soobin one more time and kissing forehead said "One more time bunny. Please handle"
Yeonjun came into jacuzzi and Hueningkai followed. Beomgyu gave Soobin to those two gently and got out from jacuzzi himself.
Au= Help me please - Im BLUSHINGGGG O,K. Also poor Soobin- he felt into jacuzzi that wasn't deep- YES I WILL GO TO HELL OMG. But you too! Cuz you requested me-
Hueningkai stood in jacuzzi and Yeonjun followed him. They made Soobin stand on four feet on jacuzzi floor. "Are you read my bae?" Hueningkai smiled and caressed Soobin's ass. Soobin nodded and Yeonjun started slowly caress his wet hair. "We will finish soon. Darling. Just one more time okay?" Soobin nodded but screamed as Hueningkai slapped his ass.
"UFFF. I like this" Hueningkai screamed and slapped one more time. Soobin screamed once again and other times as well as Hyuka didn't stop till his asscheek was fully red.
"Now the important one" Hueningkai said and placed his cock against Soobin's hole. Yeonjun caressed Soobin one more time and grabbed his cock. Soobin understood what he needed to do and grabbed Yeonjun's cock into his mouth. Hueningkai saw that other two were ready and immediately pushed in his cock and agressively started to move as Soobin was already prepared. Automatically Soobin was jerking off Yeonjun's cock as Hueningkai was thrusting straight to Yeonjun.
The way Soobin moaned was sending vibration through Yeonjun's body making older groan and growl. Hueningkai wasn't stopping his heavy movements till the he finally came into Soobin and so did Soobin and Yeonjun..
"Gosh..." Yeonjun breathed heavily and grabbed his little bunny that already fainted from amount of sensation. He grabbed him in his hands and showed Hueningkai to go and take a shower. Yeonjun didn't tell anyone about the photos. But now he was sure. He really wanted this little bunny and so did others. And about the photos...
That was just an unexpected accident.
╰┈➤ ❝ [@Eve_Dive oneshotes]
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