DISCLAIMER: Harriet Hook and Anthony Tremaine are NOT my OCs, they are characters from the Descendants book series
"Evie! C'mon!" Carlos calls, and the blue haired girl tosses a rock at the beat up sign to grant entrance into their hide away, the only safe place on this whole godforsaken island. She padded up the steps, stopping halfway, where Mal, moody and pouty faced, is leaning on the railing, scanning their surroundings.
"Hey, Mal."
"Hey, E." She says, and blows a stray hair out of her face.
"Is something wrong?"
"No." Evie reaches out her hand then curls her fingers into her palms and retracts her hand, rethinking her actions.
"Okay. Are you sure?" The blue haired girl's eyes enlarge with concern for Mal.
"Yeah, I'm sure." She gives Evie a reassuring smile. "Let's go up, I need to paint something." Mal smiles at the ground, she's been planning a surprise for Evie, and all that needs to happen is Evie out of the hide out for a little while. They head up the stairs, and Evie sits on the edge of her bed. Jay is splayed over the couch and Carlos is fighting for just a fragment of the couch to sit on and tinker with...whatever that is. It's silver and it's shiny. Mal leans over the back of the couch and whispers to the boys.
"I need you to take Evie and distract her for a while, bring her back in...an hour and a half, I'd say. No earlier, or you guys are definitely goners." She says and pops back up.
"Bye Evie!" Evie tilts her head, a little confused.
"I'm leaving?"
"Yep!" Mal grabs her hand and shoves her out the door, along with Jay and Carlos.
"See you later, make sure to watch out for Harriet's crew!" Mal sighed. She knew Harriet's crew wasn't a big deal, but it still annoyed her that there was a gang just as powerful as hers out there.
"Hey, Carlos?" Jay leans closer to Carlos, who is still somehow focused on his silver contraption.
"Yeah, Jay?"
"We had Evie with us, right?" The salt and pepper haired kid looks up.
"Well...she's gone." Carlos drops his contraption.
"What!? We are so dead! Mal is going to kill us!" A dark figure comes up in front of them and Carlos breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thank Hades, Evie, we thought you'd gotten kidnapped or something." A dark haired girl in a long red coat tips the brim of her pirate hat up.
"Oh, she did get kidnapped." The pup of a boy growls and Jay straightens up.
"My crew kidnapped her, and I just came to say hi to my favorite boys!" Harriet Hook smirks, and twirls her sword around.
"I want to see Mal tonight at the docks. I would prefer her to come alone, but the more the merrier! Give her a kiss for me!" She cackles and blows a kiss as she struts away, and sheathes her sword as she rounds a corner.
"What are we going to tell Mal?" Jay's eyes harden and he clenches his fists.
"We'll have to tell her the truth, but we're not letting her go alone."
Mal steps back from her half-done masterpiece. An abstract piece of her and Evie's faces, overlapping in various places. Sort of choppy and colorful, with a bit of edge. She smiles, happy with how it looks so far. Her jacket is slung over the couch and when Carlos and Jay walk in, she drops a spray bottle in her panic, assuming Evie is with them. She swivels around, and observes no Evie and their guilty expressions.
"Where's Evie?" Carlos looks away, and Jay opens his mouth then closes it.
"Harriet Hook's crew took her."
"The one thing I warned you about..." Mal mutters under her breath. "What did she say? Did she want something from me?"
"She just said that she wants to see you down at the docks tonight."
"Did she say anything else?" A shadowy figure steps into the room.
"She said to send you a kiss." The figure raises his head and reveals a haughty expression.
"Anthony Tremaine." Mal huffs. "What did we do to deserve this honor?" She states, her voice swathed in sarcasm.
"I advised Harriet against kidnapping one of your own, and now that she has, I do not regret my advice given. I am here to help retrieve your Evie, as a sign of good will from one close to Harriet. She knows not what she does." He explains, his voice haughty and nose pointed upwards the whole time. Who is he kidding, his pants barely reach his ankles, the poor boy. Mal throws her chin up and crosses her arms.
"What makes you think we need your help?"
"You've never trifled with Harriet's crew, nor have you ever set foot on her turf. I know her crew, I know her turf, I know her. You need me." Mal sighs and throws on her jacket.
"Fine. You can come." She zips up her jacket and turns to the boys.
"Let's do this. Because we're rotten." She holds her fist up and Jay and Carlos do too.
"To the core." They say in unison, and Anthony Tremaine rolls his eyes haughtily.
"All right, all right, off we go, she'll be waiting."
The clouds part just slightly as Mal heads down to the dock. Anthony, Carlos, and Jay trail from a few blocks behind, making sure to be inconspicuous. Mal has on her usual lavender jeans, and her jacket keeps her warm from the chilly wind coming up from the water. Harriet's crew waits as the sun sets, glinting in the waves and tinting the roofs with a silvery auburn. As Mal struts up to face Harriet, she spots messy haired Harry Hook, Harriet's younger brother. Harry annoys her, and Mal annoys Harry, so neither like to be anywhere near each other. Unless they have an opportunity to rub each other's nose in something, gloat, or generally increase the annoyance that is already there. Mal smirks at Harry and his eyes darken. Oh, it's going down. Mal starts scanning the ship for Evie, and she finally sees the beautiful blue haired girl knocked out and tied to the mast.
"Hello, Harriet." Harriet leans on the handle of her sword.
"Hey, Mal. It's so kind of you to join us!"
"You act like I had a choice. You have my girlfr- I mean friend. You have my friend."
"Ooh, purple's got a crush!" Harriet cackles, and Harry leans on the edge of the ship, arms crossed, smirking.
"No, I don't. I just can't let an inferior gang beat me." Harriet picks up her sword.
"So, that's how it's gonna be."
"Yeah, that is how it's gonna be. You give me Evie now, or I'll call my mother, see how you all like that." Harriet throws her head back and laughs.
"Still hiding behind mommy dearest? It's time for that to change. It's you, it's me. Give her a sword!" A crew member scurries with his head down and hands Mal a sword. The crew mates flee the deck and the two girls circle around, each holding their sword out in a protective stance. Harriet strikes out, but Mal parries. They each swipe a few times, the other deflecting every time, until Evie blinks slowly and raises her drooping head. Mal lowers her sword briefly.
"Evie." Mal says with a relieved smile. Evie smiles back then her eyes go wide.
"Look out, M!" Mal swivels around and blocks Harriet's swipe with a smirk. Harriet stumbles back wards from the force.
"Cocky bitch." Harriet mutters under her breath. She swings wildly, blinded by her anger. Mal manages to trip her up, and Harriet falls flat on her back, scowling. Mal rushes to Evie, and saws the fraying rope with her sword. Evie shakes the rope off, and Mal holds out her gloved hand. Evie takes it with a shy smile. The purple haired girl looks her in the eye and smirks.
"Run." She says laughing. The terrified crew mates have long gone below deck, so no one is there to stop them. Mal interlaces her fingers with Evie's as they run past the perplexed boys, laughing wildly and skipping, Evie's hair falling in her face a little. Mal can't help but note how beautiful she looks in the sunset. They arrive back at the hideout, both out of breath and doubled over laughing.
"So...thanks M." Mal takes a breath shakily to try and regain composure.
"Of course, E." Evie tosses her hair behind her shoulders.
"Can I...can I kiss you, Mal?" Mal frowns and steps back. When Evie looks disappointed, she steps forward again.
"You weren't kidding?" Evie huffs.
"Of course I wasn't."
"Well then...yes." She says softly and Evie cups Mal's face in her hands and Mal smiles into the kiss. The boys come running up on them and Carlos jumps up and down with excitement.
"I KNEW IT!!" He shouts, and the girls, startled, move away from each other. Carlos and Jay walk past them up the stairs. Jay nods approvingly, and Carlos keeps muttering to himself. Evie re-entwines her fingers with Mal, and kisses her on the cheek.
"You ready?" Mal leans her head on Evie's shoulder.
"For you? Always."
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