Chapter 48꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂

It'll be exactly how I imagined
But it won't last forever

Akira pov

You couldn't focus on anything. You turned on the television to watch some Japanese animes, but even the hilarious characters couldn't make you feel better.

You sighed and returned to your room to check on the clothes you were going to wear tonight for the jazz performance. You returned to the lounge area once you were pleased with your choice. ... and sat back and relaxed on the couch, reminiscing over the events of the day.

Your mood shifted dramatically, and you resolved to quit feeling sorry for yourself. Hanbin isn't the only person you may make friends with here. You will form friendships with the Bells and Do-Yun. You could sense your inner rage boiling against your Soulmate. Your body is hurting, but Hobi is acting as if everything is OK.

He needs to get his act together, or she'll go. You need answers right now. You're sick and tired of being the one who always has to yield. You will never be anyone's doormat. People pick when and how high to jump for you. Fate has given you a soulmate, and you've had to put up with Hobi's rejections and reluctance for nearly a month. Oh my goodness! Enough already.

You will make your own decisions and do what makes you happy starting today. It's not about friendships or romance; it's about you. You cannot afford the happiness of others, such as Hanbin and Hobi, who costs you your happiness. Akira will be the most significant person ever from now on. You are stunning, educated, and compassionate. It's time to get out of your shell and live for yourself; you won't allow anyone to steal your joy.

You take out your phone and Text message to the Bells group.

"I'm in...burn or crash. It's either now or never!"

You didn't wait for an answer. Instead of closing your phone and sitting back with a pursed-lips

Jhope pov

Your Soulmate enters the lounge area as you hear the door open. His gaze was fixed on where you were sitting. It was confusing that he drew so many conflicting emotions from you. 

What was going on with his Soulmate? He couldn't concentrate on his dinner because he was overcome with emotions such as shock, deep despair, rejection, and anger. 

His thoughts were continuously troubled since she wasn't at the table with the Bells or Hanbin, who appeared depressed. Were they not on a so-called date?

"Akira?" he inquires.

You turn your head and stare at him blankly. Something is wrong with you.

"Jhope?" she replied in a clear voice, but it was devoid of emotion.

"Why weren't you at dinner?" he asks, his face furrowed.

"I wasn't hungry...why should you care?" You cut with a bitter note.

"Akira, are you all right?" He now understands that something is seriously wrong with you. Seeing you so indifferent made him uncomfortable and concerned. Did something happen that he wasn't aware of? He spent the entire time with Namjoon and will return to finish the song. 

You jumped up from the couch and walked back into the bedroom to get away from Hobi's presence. You now feel too angry to be in his presence. 

It is preferable to take a nap or chill off because you are aware that your fuse is currently short.

As you shrugged and darted by him, Hobi grabbed your forearm and held you back. You avoided looking at him because you knew one look in your Soulmate's eyes would break you.

Hobi was bewildered, "Akira what is it?"

You turn to face him and utter a strained voice with pursed lips.

"Every single thing! I'm sick of this, though..." You pointed to the two of you and said, "...Your clear reluctance to complete the bond while we are both suffering physical effects..."

Hobi took a deep breath "Please, Akira. I told you we'd complete it...but -"

You shook your head, irritated at him. "Don't you Akira me? ...I'd had enough, Hobi. I...lost a good friend because of you, "You spoke in a husky tone.

"W...what?"Hobi appeared stunned. That's what occurred, isn't it? Why?

You yanked yourself free from his grasp, "Yes, Hobi...a guy who cares about me couldn't bear the idea that FATE had matched me with you... You don't care if I'm happy or not, Hobi... You don't care about only care about yourself."

Hobi's eyes widen. In complete bewilderment, "What in the world are you on about? Akira! I told you we'd complete the Wednesday." His gaze was flashing dangerously into yours.

You exasperatedly throw your hands in the air while staring at him with the same flashing eyes. "Jhope is something I know! But are you positive you want to? Are you sure? Are you even ready? What makes you so afraid of bonding?" You got a deflated look when you observed your soulmate gulp severely, and his hand started to tremble as he wiped across his face. Is he ready?

"You don't understand, Akira?" he responded quietly.

"Jhope I'm your soul mate! Of course, I'll understand. For goodness sake, talk to me. I'm attuned to your feelings, and I...I care about you, Jhope... I'm there any hope for me after we complete the bond and become blue string?" You give him a direct stare. Jhope was at a loss for words in response to your inquiry. He simply can't express how he felt about knowing that the string could change and that he had given you hope.

When Jhope sighs deeply, unable to respond, you narrow your eyes.

" Akira, please don't do this to me...forcing me to tell you things I'm not brave enough to tell you... I don't want to talk about my feelings because they are complicated." With pursed lips, he told you.

Why is his Soulmate such a challenge? This system turned his life on its head. He hates causing pain to her.

"Do you know how difficult it is for me, Jhope?" your eyes welled up." Every time FATE intervenes and gives me the most embarrassing erotic thoughts about you, terrible soul mark burns, joint pains, and getting flustered whenever your name is mentioned. This isn't the fantasies that your ARMY fans have about you...this is real-soulmate crap. The longer you deny or reject it, the more difficult it is to get rid of... I've never been in a romantic relationship before, and I'm at a loss for how to deal with this peculiar awareness of you. ...this physical attraction is too much for me. I want to know right you see me in your future?  next to you, do you see me as a wife? A supporter? Do you imagine me personally loving you...carrying your babies... Am I worthy of your love, Jhope——can I hope or must I give up...cause you told me a few weeks ago would never love me, because of this; I lost a potential chance at love," tears are now streaming from your eyes.

Jhope's eyes began to sting as he struggled to cope with the emotional strain. He sat down on the soft couches and looked up to his Soulmate, whose eyes were filled with sadness, and he knew he was the cause of it. 

His Soulmate is unable to bear the anguish any longer. He doesn't want to lose her or confuse her. She needs urgent attention. How will he express his emotions right now?

"Tell me, Jhope," she says, looking tired. "Will we or could we be happy like Funsize and Taehyung...he was ready to reject her. When he saw her, he fell in love with her at first sight. Samiya and Seokjin, whose love is like a honeymoon couple daily, grew daily since 2015. Even the savage Yoongi submitted to love and went after Twinkies...why am I the only Bell who must suffer so much? Being mated to someone who loves someone else for nearly ten years and shutting himself away to avoid enjoying the purest of love with his destined Soulmate. I'm so close to giving up on you, Jhope...maybe we should put everything on hold right now, and maybe should forgive Dove and makeup again. I don't think you're ready to love anyone need to sort out your feelings...because I'm done...I'm no use to you... I took your sunshine, and I unintentionally hurt my friend Hanbin."

Jhope jumped up from his seat, "Do you think I'm a naive fool to go through that again? I despise Dove! Do you believe I'm immune to FATE's attraction and will not succumb to you? I've never been as attracted to Dove as I was to you. I had to control myself around you because of how I kissed you, and these burning emotions are driving me insane! Do you have any idea how often I wanted to pin you against a wall you physically? Oh my goodness, Akira! And you are correct: I am a prat..perhaps a scared prat! I...gosh... I suppose you simply want us to complete the bond so you can date Hanbin...who looks like someone ran over his cat!" He spits out, infuriated.

You take a deep breath. If only it were that simple. You're so head over heels in love with him that you don't know how to function.

"You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm at a complete loss these days. You also don't need to be concerned about Hanbin. He ended our friendship. Are you satisfied now? In Seoul, he was my best friend. Just because he didn't want to be hurt...or hurt you, he doesn't realize you don't want to bond, "You responded with a solemn tone. Your gaze was drawn to his.

Jhope rose to his feet and stood in front of you.  In your personal space. You can feel your breath becoming caught in your throat. You could feel the heat coming from his body as he looked down at you, an undefined expression on his face.

 "I apologize for unknowingly ruining your friendship with Hanbin-Hyung. I'm simply too apologetic for all the pain I've caused you...for this unlikely bond...I'm just too—-"He began to stammer.

You fiercely interrupt him "-Yeah, too afraid to love me. I see what you mean now. Just deal with whatever is wrong in your life...because I'm thinking about registering for Tarnished status and moving on...for good. " Your eyes are welling up with tears "... And I'd like it if you didn't kiss me sends me confusing messages. "With one look, you turn your back and walk back to your room, your heart heavy. 

You're hoping you'll get through to him. You desperately want to be with him. Your heart belongs to him, and you know he likes you, but he repeatedly refuses or rejects the bond.

JHope was caught off guard and astonished by his Soulmate's fierceness and assertiveness. It must have been difficult for her to express her introverted feelings. She's had enough of him. 

Jhope stared and felt deflated because he knew right then and there that he was about to lose his lovely Soulmate for good if she even contemplated being Tarnished. 

He is fully aware that his young manager is head over heels in love with his Soulmate, and he does not want to lose her to him. He is aware that he is at blame for leading her on by kissing her.

The fact that she is always around by Bells, whose soulmates shower them with love and affection, must have significantly impacted her emotional state. He was too afraid to express his feelings for her and repeatedly rejected the bond.

He simply does not know how to overcome his fear of bonding. It is like a demonic glue that keeps him intact and keeps him from yielding even though FATE forced him in various ways to complete it, but he was too stubborn.

He'll go to Namjoon's room to work on the song. But he knows that his mind will be too preoccupied with the grief of his Soulmate. The rest of the band spends their time playing games, like the other maknaes, or with their soulmates. 

Samiya returned from her family vacation, and Seokjin-Hyung warned everyone not to bother him at the presidential suite. 

Yoongi and Taehyung are also spending time with their soulmates because they will be attending a show later tonight. He wonders if his Soulmate will be going. She looked too distraught.


Akira pov

You decided to take a luxurious bubble bath with all of the essential oils in your room. You treated your skin with all of your facial treatments and placed a refreshing hydrating mask on it. You forced yourself not to cry, think negatively, or succumb to anxieties.

You forced yourself to recall the three musketeers' time in London. You yearned for the times you spent together when you were carefree and happy. The Bells informed you that you would be leaving at 10 p.m. Samiya will not be attending since she is too preoccupied with her Soulmate. She and the Hyung-line might go the following evening.

Wow, you're thrilled you bought this expensive dress with Sarah, but you've decided to look elegant tonight. It was almost 9:45 p.m., and your hair was still covered in a towel. So you get out your jewellery bag and take out your Chanel pearl earrings and bracelets, as well as your gold necklace and choose your six-inch black velvet sandals. Your brow furrowed as you examined your dress. Wow, this outfit appears to highlight all of your assets. When you look at your outfit, you smile. Because the dress is mid-thigh with a very provocative slit at your left thigh, your chest, hips, and tights will be enhanced. You flush, but you know the Bells dressed sexily for the night. You're wondering if Yoongi and Taehyung will allow them to leave the rooms dressed like this. However, Twinkie stated that Yoongi is in the company of the other Hyungs. You know your upset Soulmate is in Joonie's room right now. You refocus your attention on your dress.

The dress is a fantastic fit for you. You wanted to curse Sarah for not fitting it on when you bought it in Harrods a few weeks ago. It seems like a lifetime ago, but when you put on the dress, you were astonished and took many turns in front of the mirror. You flush as you examine yourself, reminiscing about the hairstyle that will suit you. Put it up in a messy -bun, with a few strands falling over your eyes. You will draw attention to your eyes by using gentle natural browns and greys. You'll apply a little cherry gloss to your dark mocha-coloured lips for extra shine. Funsize and Twinkie love the colour of your skin tone.

Your heels made you appear nearly as tall as Samiya. You smiled, but your smile vanished as you reflected on Hanbin. You desired to spend a considerable amount of time with him on dates in Tokyo. You wanted him to accompany you to the orphanage and see some of the sights you remembered as a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl—the areas you used to hide from your school's disgusting boys.

Your heart tightens as you relived the anguish in his voice and eyes when he learned about you and Jhope. Especially since you were roommates for a week and shared something intimate like a bed, Hanbin's thoughts will wander about you and Jhope.

You're not sure if Jhope would continue to share the bed with you after your heated quarrel and to order him not to touch you, but you crave him. You want him to touch you, but you must resist these deceptive soulmate desires starting today. It will be challenging because you are constantly aware of him. Why are there so many thistles and thorns on your soulmate path?

You received a text message from Funsize informing you that she and Taehyung had already dressed and were hanging out in the other maknaes-room. (Jungkook and Jimin) are waiting for the right moment to depart. The boys are immersed in a game. The management and bodyguard who is supposed to accompany you are still at the restaurant meeting with Sejin. Funsize seemed ecstatic about the show tonight.

You blew-dried your hair and sat in front of the mirror, doing makeup. You admire your flawless skin. You have clear skin, yet you're a little paler than Yoongi.

You heard the hotel room door open, and you had a feeling your Soulmate had come from Namjoon. You furrow your brows, concerned in the mirror's reflection. You figure he'll be back before midnight because you and the girls are going to be up until the wee hours of the morning. This night appears to be a liberated one for you. You are free to do whatever you choose. Flirt and smile at good looking men. This bond is a mess. You're even going to like Jimin's slow jazz dance. At the very least, he thinks you're sexy if you weren't so hopelessly in love with their sunshine and Jimin's heart wasn't set on his Aussie -girl you. You'd easily flirt with the cute chim chim and even let him kiss you.

Jhope was apprehensive about how you were doing after your verbal lashing. He entered the bedroom with furrowed brows and almost dropped his heart when he saw you bowed down in front of the mirror. He quickly threw off his blazer on the bed. His breath caught in his throat as he noticed your well-toned legs in the black provocative dress and high heels.

Hell no!! Where does she think she's going in that outfit? All male perverts will be interested in her. Does she even realize how many gang bosses stay in hotels like this? With just one look at her, they'll imagine she's their girlfriend. She is mesmerizing, and he noticed how his body began to react to her blatant sensuality. She is clueless about her allure and how she lured him in. How in the world is he going to avoid touching her tonight?

As their gazes connected inside the mirror, she became aware of him. She remained silent. He is aware that she is still irritated. But my, she's hot!!!

"And where do you think you're going this late at night?" Jhope's brow furrowed as you applied a dab of cherry gloss to your plump lips. The air is charged, and it's now or never.

You stood up, and his eyes widened as he noticed the black dress that was wonderfully moulded snugly about your petite frame. You're aware that your appearance frustrates him, as he was blatantly checking you out.

"Well, seeing as my soulmate rejected the bond and may still be hung up on his ex, and I'm on my way to be registered as a Tarnished, I thought ', Why not start from today entering the dating game and dating a lot of cute guys?" you smugly states as you smack your lips together, knowing full well the effect that you have on him." Jimin is Tarnished, really sexy, and eager, so why wait it out---?"

"What?!?"His eyes practically bulged out in disbelief, sensing his red hot emotions of anger.

Your eyes widen as he immediately turned around and walked briskly out of the bedroom, opening your shared hotel room door with extreme force and slamming it shut again.

When you felt his emotional overflow, you felt a surge of energy within you.

"Jimin!!!!- " a piercing yell echoed down the quiet corridor.

OMG!!! Hobi is going to kill Jimin, and ARMY will kill you.

 You rushed to the lounge area, your feet aching as you dashed out the door in those six-inch heels. You simply kick it off, take it in your hands, and run barefoot to the open door. You could see Jimin's room door in the hallways with Taehyung and Jungkook peering out the door. Their eyes bulged like saucers when they witnessed Jhope's rage as he pinned Jimin against the wall further along the hallway. Jimin was terrified entirely; he had never seen his sunshine so enraged with him...yes, with Yoongi or the other hyungs, but never with him.

When Yoongi and Twinkies saw the commotion with the hyung and maknae and a crying soulmate not far from them amid the hallway, they were startled. Yoongi walked out to stand next to a sobbing Akira as he urged the maknaes and Twinkies to return to their rooms and give Jimin and Jhope space to sort matters out.

Twinkies dashed over to a stunned Funsize and slammed the door shut. They're afraid they'll be punched next. Jungkook was clueless because he was the only one who had missed the memo concerning Jhope and Akira. He had no idea they were sharing a bedroom. What in the world is this? Taehyung and the girls had to inform him of the current updates immediately. Jungkook was displeased.

Jhope glares at his namdongsaeng. (brother). With his muscular arms against his chest, he pressed Jimin against the wall. Jimin's pupils dilated. What was his crime? Oh, my goodness!!!! He had forgotten about their strategy with Yoongi and the girls to break Jhope. Hobi will now be the one to break the spell.

Jhopes' eyes were dangerously flashing. "What are you doing to me, Jimin...CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY ?" He yelled at his speechless brother. Jimin stands helpless in the face of Jhope's fury. He cast a short glance towards Yoongi and You, who was staring at him in bewilderment. What exactly should he say? Seeing Hobi so enraged caused him to lose focus of the script. Darn  Yoongi.

"What did I do, Hobi? Why are you so angry with me? "He attempted to save the situation.

Jhope's breath was ragged in his throat as he looked at Jimin with a betrayed expression. "Why are you pursuing my you want to seduce her...WHY??? Is this a ploy to push me to complete the bond!!! PLEASE TELL ME!!!"

Jimins' pupils dilate. "No, no, no, Hobi...I'll never do something like that to you. She only loves you...all we wanted to do tonight at the jazz event was have some innocent fun. You already know how much I love "Red." Hobi, your Soulmate is gorgeous, but I'll never chase know how I am. "He stares into Hobi's teary eyes. Hobi looked sorrowful as he released his arms from Jimin's chest, nodding quietly to Jimin, who patted his chest softly. Hobi looked at him softly and whispered, "I love her, Jimin," in a gentle whisper.

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. He pushed Hobi to confess, but Hobi's expression was solemn. Jimin placed his hand on his shoulder and spoke softly, "Tell her Hobi...that is all she needs to know ...complete the bond and tell her how you feel about her..."

Hobi closed his eyes for a second till a steely look filled his gaze, "Please don't talk to me for the next few days." After giving Jimin one more calculating look, he turned around and walked quietly up to where his Hyung and Soulmate were, wide-eyed and unsure of what to expect. Hobi's expression is melancholy but emotionless. Yoongi's apprehension is apparent.

Your heart sunk as he turned to face Yoongi, pointing his forefinger practically in Yoongi's face and said, "And you...don't talk to me either!!!"

He abruptly grabs your hand in his and walks briskly back to your room. To keep up with his big strides, you had to walk fast.

You were looking back at two band members who had their jaws dropped.

"I'm sorry!" was all you could utter.


Inside your room, you still see your Soulmate, who is struggling to control his erratic breathing.

You appear nervous as he turns to face you with a cool expression on his face.

"Do you realize what you forced me to do, Akira?" he asked quietly, ominously. You tuned into his emotions and sensed melancholy, grief, and a tinge of rage.

"I'm sorry, Jhope," you said, your voice cracking.

" Do you see why I despise bonding? Almost a month ago, my life was simple, pleasant, and fulfilling, but when you life was literally falling apart. My emotions had turned into hire wire. I was no longer myself. Yes, we bonded, and activation occurred, and my intense feelings for my ex-long-term girlfriend gradually faded; I no longer belonged to myself. You shook my foundations...and I hated it! My sole goal had transformed. "he looked at you as your tears welled up again,"...I'm continuously worrying about you...when you went lost, I almost had a heart attack afraid for your safety in an unfamiliar world...this is too much for me Akira. I almost punched my best friend, and this situation turned my confidant, Yoongi, against me...taking your side rather than're correct. I'm not prepared to go through the agony of soulbonding. Regardless of how I feel about you, "He stalled.

You pursed your lips and softly asked, "So what are you saying...Jhope?" panic screaming inside your heart.


He moves his gaze to your bedroom passage without looking at you. "I'm going to Namjoon's room for a few days before we return to Seoul." He turns to you with a solemn expression, "Please...just for I asked Yoongi and Jimin, don't talk to me...stay away from me." As you sat on the sofa, tears streaming down your face, he dashed to your bedroom.

Jhope reappeared a few minutes later, wondering if he needed anything else. He was dressed casually in Fila sweatpants and a t-shirt. You looked at him with sadness.. He'll just come back if he needs more stuff. He quietly leaves the room.

You wiped your watery eyes with your palms, not caring about your smudged mascara...

Your soulmate journey with Jhope has run its course...

A/n Another long update. I hope you like the chapter. Hurtful words were changed, and Jimin almost died.

Question 1: You decided to live your life for yourself. Will you be able to pull it off?

Question 2: Do you understand Hobi's nervousness?

Question 3: What are your thoughts about You and Jhope's confrontation?

Question 4: Following the confrontation between Jhope and Jimins, the band dynamics will be extremely tense. "How will You deal with causing a rift in the band dynamics?"

Question 5: Do you plan to depart Tokyo before the band or stay and see how things go?

Question 6: Do you believe Yoongi was entirely innocent in this incident?

Thank you so much for all your support guys, the votes, comments, and even adding the book to your readers' list and for not abandoning "Daydream" halfway. 

Welcome every shadow reader who came to light.

@OoficialHobiWater @andyjhope @ITS_J-MIN-YG  @KimBarsha7

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