«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Audrianna's POV
Henry and I walked in the school to see everyone yelling excitedly.
"Hey, what's going on he-" he got cut off by a blue can launching at his face, knocking him down on the ground as he frantically got up.
"Okay, alright." I picked up the blue can "Who shot my boyfriend in the face with this- Frittle can?"
"Stop whining." Ms. Shapen looked at me in disgust
"Hey, Ms. Shapen! What's going on?" Jasper asked
"Oh, everyone! Turn on the Swellview news." Ms. Shapen instructed "Now, c'mon. Let's go hit the teacher's lounge." she directed the two Frittle employees
"Thanks, Mary. Raging Red Rhubarb or Bodacious Blue Bacon? Which will win the contest and become Frittle's official new flavour? To explain, let's go live to the Frittle factory."
"Hi." A man popped up holding two Frittle cans
"Oh- oh, keep going?" The man turned back to the camera "We are giving out free samples of the two new flavours all over Swellview. And next Tuesday; people can go online to frittles.com and vote for the flavour you think should win."
The bell rang as students started heading to their classes.
Henry took a bite of Bodacious Blue Bacon "Woah, man. This Bodacious Blue Bacon is amazing."
Jasper nodded "Yeah, but- there is something awesome about the Raging Red Rhubarb."
"Dri, which one are you gonna vote for?" Henry turned to me
"Blue's my favourite color." I stood next to Henry
"That's so biased! Henry's your boyfriend and you haven't even tried Raging Red Rhubarb!" Jasper argued
"Fine, I'll try it." I took a Raging Red Rhubarb chip and ate it
"I'm voting for red." I stood next to Jasper
"Oh, come on! Atleast try Bodacious Blue Bacon." Henry handed me a chip
I took the chip and ate it.
"He won me back." I stood next to Henry again
"Come on- Char, which one are you gonna vote for?" Jasper turned to Charlotte
"Neither." Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows "I don't have time to vote for some dump corn chip." she scoffed
"What!?" Jasper yelled
"Charlotte!" Henry walked up to her "People died for your right to vote... Online."
Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked away.
"Mmm. I am definitely voting for the Raging Red Rhubarb." Jasper nodded
"Ah, alright." Henry said
"You too?" Jasper asked him
"Nah, nah. Dri and I are going to go with the uh- Bodacious Blue Bacon."
"Yep." I nodded "It's pretty good." I stuffed another chip in my mouth
Jasper looked at us in disbelief before turning away.
"What?" Henry asked
"Nothing." He shook his head
I furrowed my eyebrows "Jasper just-"
"I won't talk about it." He quickly walked away to his locker
Henry scoffed "Oh, come on. You're mad at us just because we wanna support a different flavour than you?"
Jasper closed his locker "I'm not mad at you guys. I'm disappointed."
We looked at him in disbelief.
"And a little mad." he walked away
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"And.." Jasper pulled out a red can of Frittle's "Please accept this free tube of Frittles, and don't forget to go online and vote red on Tuesday!"
"I sure will." The customer smiled widely "Thank you." she walked out
"Uhhhh. Dude. N-n-no, you can't be telling customers to vote red." I looked at him in disbelief
"Why can't I tell customers to vote red?"
"Uh, because I'm Kid Danger and I want the blue chips to win- so." Henry reasoned
"That just made things worse, honey." I whispered to Henry
"Okay, let's go downstairs now." Charlotte tried to defuse the tension between the two boys
"Oh. So you're more important than me just because you're the superhero sidekick, and I'm the guy who works behind the counter?"
"No." Henry scoffed "There's other reasons."
"Uh, guys!" I grabbed a giant pencil that was laying around "Look at this giant pencil. Woah- you're not.. Practical."
"Ray wants the red chips to win, and he's Captain Man and he said I can tell customers to vote red." Jasper explained
"Oh. Did he?" Henry asked
"Mhm." Jasper nodded
"Okay- you know what? I'm gonna go talk to him, I'm gonna go talk to him right now- because that's unacceptable." Henry stormed off to the backrooms
"You do that! While I enjoy the semi-natural taste of Raging Red Rhubarb!" Jasper yelled
Henry walked back to the front counter and blasted his can of Frittle's.
"Henry-" I pulled him back to the backrooms
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
We got down to the Man Cave only to see my dad on the couch, Kelly tied up next to the couch, and Schwoz stuck inside a bucket of oats.
"Oh hey guys." my dad glanced at us
"Uh.. Dad?"
"Yeah? What goes on?" he said, not taking his eyes off the magazine he's reading
"Did you stuff Schwoz into a bucket of oats and tie Kelly onto the couch?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I went to untie Kelly
"No.. I don't recall seeing Kelly and Schwoz today." My dad protested
Henry and Charlotte dumped Schwoz out of the bucket of oats while I managed to untie Kelly before they both frantically got up.
"Oh hey, Kelly and Schwoz." my dad turned to them "Where you two been?"
"You know! You stuffed me in that bucket of oats and tied Kelly onto the couch!" Schwoz yelled
My dad chuckled "Oh yeah. Good for me."
Kelly strangled my dad.
"Uh- no- Kelly!" Henry and I pried her off of him
"Schwoz!" Winnie walked in "My schpoon is too small."
"And what am I supposed to do about it?" Schwoz walked up to her
"Go get your sister a bigger schpoon." Henry demanded and pushed Schwoz towards her
"Aw, schmingz." Schwoz walked away with Winnie
"Why'd you stuff Schwoz into a bucket of oats and tied Kelly to the couch?" Charlotte chimed in
"Because I'm the boss around here! And they were talking about blue chips and how great they are."
"They are great!" Kelly argued back
"Way better than those icky, red chips." I added
"My own daughter..? Is on the blue side!?" he walked up to me "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on you guys! This is so dumb!" Charlotte chimed in
"Dumb!?" my dad turned to her
"How could you say that?" Henry furrowed his eyebrows
"Because, no matter which chip wins, nothing's gonna change. I mean- remember when they came up with nacho cheese flavoured chips and everyone thought they were gonna change the world? Well they didn't." Charlotte continued "Then, they gave us sour cream and onion. Nothing changed."
"Hey. Sour cream and onion changed MY life." Kelly scoffed
Charlotte rolled her eyes at Kelly's comment "Then cool ranch, then salsa verde, every four years it's another 'new exciting flavour'. But look around the people; nothing's changed."
"Yeah, you ponder that." Charlotte crossed her arms
The emergency alarm started blaring
"Emergency." I glanced up
"It's a video call." Charlotte ran up to the monitors and we all followed
"Put it on screen- WAIT! We're not in uniform." my dad stopped us
"I'm not gonna turn on our camera." Charlotte huffed "You think this is my first day on the job?"
"No." We said
"Help!" the man on the video call said "Please! Captain Man, Captain Man!"
"This is Captain Man, please state your emergency."
"Sure! I was climbing up Mount Swellview- and there was an avalanche and I fell- Ah! There's a big boulder on my leg and I can't move! Ahh! More rocks are falling! Please help, Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl! Please help! Ah!"
"Alright. don't worry, we'll be there in-" my dad stopped in his tracks when he saw the man eat a blue Frittle chip
"Wait.." my dad continued "What did you just put in your mouth?"
"Oh, it's a blue Frittle chip. They're so good."
"Oh so uh, on Tuesday you're voting for blue?"
"Uh, yeah I guess."
"Oh okay, well then you can just save yourself!" my dad turned off the call
I scoffed "So you're not gonna help that guy just because he's voting blue?"
"Maybe." my dad mumbled
"Alright, okay. Then we're not gonna help anybody who's voting red." Henry chimed in
"Woah!" I stood in between them "You guys can't start not helping people because they support a different chip than you!" I scolded them
"Really? Cause that's what I just did, Audrianna." My dad spat out
"Raymond Esther Manchester!" I shrieked
"Ooh, she used the full name." Kelly winced
"Ooh, busted." Henry teased but I pushed him to stand next to my dad
"Our job is to help and protect the citizens of Swellview. And that means everybody. No matter what colored chip they identify with. And I regret getting involved with this because we should not be getting involved in snack politics!"
"Preach!" I heard Kelly yell which made Charlotte snigger
"You're not the boss of us." - "You can't tell us what to do." the boys muttered
"What'd you say!?" I crossed my arms
"I dunno." Henry looked at me in fear "I love you..?"
"Don't sweet-talk your way out of this!" I swatted his hand off my arm
"Ray, Henry, Dria!" Schwoz ran up to us
"Someone broke into the Frittle factory and stole a whole truck load of Frittle chips!"
The boys gasped.
"What colored Frittles were stolen?" Henry leaned in to whisper to him
"Red." Schwoz answered
"Alright, do I have to lecture you boys a second time!?" I raised an eyebrow
"No! Okay, okay- you- you go look for the truck, Dri and I will help the guy who fell off the mountain."
"Right." my dad and I nodded
"Wait, where's my gumball tube?" my dad felt his pockets
"Oh here." Schwoz handed him a gumball tube "I made you a new one."
"Huh." he popped a gumball in his mouth
We blew our bubbles and transformed into our superhero costumes, except my dad was wearing a wedding dress.
"What the-" he looked down at his dress
We all bursted out laughing.
"Schwoz what did you do to my balls of gum!?"
"That's what you get for stuffing me into a bucket of oats and tying Kelly to the couch!"
Winnie ran out and squealed at the sight of my dad.
"Oh shut up!" my dad spat out "Horse."
I sniggered "Dad, do you need me to walk you down the aisle?"
"You shut up too!" he scolded before lifting his dress and walking out to change
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Thanks, Trent. I'm here live at the Frittle factory with Kid Danger and Danger Girl. Tell us how you caught the criminal who stole the Frittle truck." Evelyn turned the mic to us
"Uh, well actually; Captain Man caught the criminal who stole the Frittle truck so-" I explained
"But you and Kid Danger helped?" Evelyn pulled us away so Captain Man wouldn't get in the shot
"No, no- we were actually trying to save another guy who fell off a mountain." Kid Danger explained
"Oh, sounds like you and Danger Girl are the real heroes."
I smiled cheekily "Well-"
"Uh, excuse me." Captain Man chimed in "Hi, hello."
Evelyn rolled her eyes "Yes, and you are?"
He sighed "I'm Captain Man. You know that. Everyone knows me. So-"
"Oh, right. You're the guy who took me out on two dates and never called me again." Evelyn remarked while I tried my best not to laugh
"You wanna know how I recovered the stolen Frittle truck?" Captain Man asked
"I do not. Back to you, Trent." Evelyn walked away
"Oh- I want the people of Swellview to know how- Oh is that the way it is? That's fine."
"Okay, just chill." Kid Danger whispered
"Captain Man! Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl!" The CEO walked up to us
"Hey." - "Hello there." - "Hi." We shook his hand
"I'm Jack Frittleman. Chairman and CEO of Frittle Snacks. I just wanted to thank you personally for-" he got cut off by a worker whispering something in his ear
"Is there a problem?" I asked
"Well, sort of. When the truck was stolen it was carrying 400 cases of Raging Red Rhubarb Frittle chips."
"Uh, it seems that two cases of the chips are missing. Weird. Wonder what happened to them."
"Well, I guess we'll just have to ask the missing chips." Captain Man said
"What does that mean?" The CEO asked
"Well the chips are missing, I can't ask the chips.."
"And even if he could, chips can't talk." I chimed in
"Well, if chips could talk and they were here." Captain Man added "I'm sure they'd tell us."
"What's he saying?"
"We don't know."
"Bottom line." Captain Man shook his hand "You're welcome."
"Captain Man! Captain Man!" Piper and a bunch of Man Fans ran in
"Kid Danger and Danger Girl!" another girl yelled
"Uhh, who are these children?" the CEO asked
"Oh, that's just my siiiii..." Kid Danger stopped himself from saying 'sister'
"Your siiiiii?" The CEO repeated
"-sors! Has anyone seen my scissors? My scissors?"
Everyone checked their pockets
"No? Okay."
"We're the Man Fans." Piper showed us an ID
"The official fan club for Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl." another girl showed us her ID
"We're verified." Piper added
"Hey, guys."
"Sup' fans?"
"Okay, are you kids here to see the launch of Frittle blimp?" The CEO chimed in
"No. Kids hate blimps." The little girl spat out
"We gotta decide which Frittle chip we're gonna vote for on Tuesday." Piper explained "So we need to know."
"Need to know what?" I glanced at Captain Man and Kid Danger
"Which chip Captain Man, Kid Danger, and Danger Girl are voting for." Piper added
"We're gonna vote for whoever you guys tell us to." Oliver added
"Well if you really wanna know, personally I'm-" - "Well, see I'm gonna go with the uh-" the boys started talking over each other
I cleared my throat and glared at them
"Uh. Hey, sorry kids. But Captain Man, Danger Girl, and I don't get involved in snack politics. So you're just gonna have to--"
"Vote red!" Captain Man blurted out
"Wha- what?"
"Alright, kids. You like me? Captain Man says vote for Raging Red Rhubarb Frittles!"
"Uh, n-n-no, you're not supposed to-" I tried to stop him
"Vote blue." Kid Danger cut me off
"Stop it." Captain Man got closer to Kid Danger
"Woah, you stop it." Kid Danger argued back
"Tell them to vote red."
"I can do whatever I want!"
"Red! Vote for Raging Red Rhubarb!"
"Bodacious Blue!"
"You know what-"
"Why don't you just take a walk in the shadow? Chill. C-H-I-L-L, chill. Mkay? Tell me what I can and cannot-" Captain Man stopped in his tracks when he saw Kid Danger point a Frittle blaster at him and blasted him in the face with a Frittle can.
He gasped "Okay." he grabbed a Frittle blaster
"No- don't you dare-" I tried to stop them
"Uh- okay, look look just because- Just because I shot you in the face doesn't mean-" Kid Danger got cut off by a Frittle can hitting him in the face
"Stop it!" I yelled
The boys ignored me "Oh, yeah? Okay." Kid Danger got up
"Uh, fellas, fellas." The CEO tried to stop them
"N-n-no. He's asking for it!"
"Don't you- don't you dare!"
"He's asking for it!" Kid Danger blasted a Frittle can at Captain Man
"Okay! Say hello to my Frittle friend!" Captain Man blasted a Frittle can back at Kid Danger
"Oh right in the eye! Okay, that's how you wanna play!?"
"That's enough!" I shrieked but they ignored me
"Oh is it enough!? Lemme just adjust this gauge right here." Kid Danger blasted a ton of blue cans at Captain Man which made everyone duck.
Captain Man grabbed Piper and used her as a human shield.
I noticed the control panel sparking and the alarms started blaring.
"What- what's happening?" The CEO asked
"Why is that light flashing?" Captain Man pointed to the light
"Should that be flashing!?" I asked
"They jammed the system controls!" one of the workers said "Now the corn compressors are building up an extreme amount of pressure and- and they can't release the corn gas!"
The CEO walked up to imthe intercom and grabbed a mic "Attention, this is Jack Frittleman. Run."
Everyone started frantically running out of the factory but Kid Danger and Captain Man ran back inside to get Frittle cans.
"Oh my God!" I followed them inside
They couldn't grab any Frittle cans so we all ran out of the building that was about to explode.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"And the explosion was felt all around Swellview and even in some nearby cities including Neighbourville, Bordertown, and Rivalton." Trent explained
"But luckily, despite the magnitude of the blast; everyone important survived." Mary added
"So the real victim here is our own city of Swellview. Because not only has the red versus blue contest been cancelled, but also CEO Jack Frittleman says it's going to take four years to rebuild the factory."
"Four years. That's a Frittle too long if you ask me."
"I wish you'd been in that factory, Mary."
Jasper stopped the video.
I crossed my arms "I am so disappointed in both of you. First I tell you two to not get involved in snack politics now you blow up a factory because of your pettiness?"
"We're sorry." the boys muttered
"Dangit.. Man I loved those blue Frittle chips." Henry sighed
"I loved them too." Schwoz added
"I loved the red ones." Jasper spoke up
"I loved Dria yelling at the boys." Kelly smiled to herself
"I loved not caring." Charlotte smiled sarcastically
"Well, Henry and Schwoz." my dad stepped behind them and placed a hand on their back "Shucks to be you guys." he chuckled
"What are you all happy about?" Schwoz asked
"Oh, y'know. Raging Red Rhubarb Frittles." he smirked
Henry chuckled lightly "Well that's too bad because they all blew up."
"Did they?" my dad turned to us
"Yeah. It was just on the news."
"Yeah, we just watched it." Jasper added
"Did we?"
"Okay, will you quit doing that?" Charlotte scolded
"Will I?" my dad crossed his arms
"Dad, what do you know?" we all stepped closer to him
"Well I know that when you're a superhero, and you recover a stolen truck with 400 cases of Red Frittles inside; it's never a bad idea to snag a couple of cases for yourself."
"YOU STOLE THE TWO CASES!?" Henry and Kelly tried to hold me back before I could do anything
"Shh. Settle, settle.." Henry stroked my hair
"But that's stealing.." Jasper chimed in
"Is it?" my dad smirked
"Pretty sure."
"Yeah.." My dad furrowed his eyebrows
"Wait- w-w-wait. You're saying that there's two cases of Frittle chips here?" Kelly chimed in
He nodded "Yep. 'bout half a mile down there" he snapped his fingers "Right in the Man Cave."
"Wait. Wait. My sister Winnie went down to the Man Cave to have a schnack and take a nap.." Schwoz chimed in
My dad's eyes widened in realisation "YOU FU-"
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
I made a Henrianna edit and it sucks like shi
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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3271 words
Edited: 01 - 22 - 24
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