Chapter 6: Blossoms
The sound of papers shuffling, pens flying across lined notebook paper, and the clicking of keyboard keys as those try their best to write down everything they deemed important.
At the head of the table, Taehyung sat slightly slouched, leaning towards one side with his elbow on the armrest as he twirls a pen around his fingers. The words the man was saying aloud just went through one ear and out the other. He hoped Jimin was getting everything down as it was clear he wasn't fully paying attention.
The reason why he was so unfocused was that he couldn't stop thinking about the boy from earlier. His flight attendant. The one that wore the uniform that almost looked like a second skin by the way it clung to his muscles.
And how could he forget when the boy practically landed on his lap. Forget the view from the window, the view was right in front of him.
He could see the blond's small pink lips parted in shock, a small mole right below his bottom lip. He could see his wide brown eyes, the scar on his left cheek, everything. He could see everything, even the smallest details.
But that was all he could get before the boy jumped off his lap in a nervous and embarrassed manner, quickly shuffling back to his station leaving Taehyung wanting to see more of him.
"-im, -kim, Mr. Kim!" Jimin whisper shouted, not trying to attract the attention of the others.
"What-what is it?" The CEO jumped in his chair, straightening his posture as he turns to face his PA.
"Meeting is almost over, just wrapping things up. Read over my notes so you know what you're talking about when Mr. Takahashi asks for your opinion." Jimin sighs as he hands over his iPad.
"What would I do without you..." The dark-haired male mutters as he reads over the notes.
"I don't know, you'd probably be lost if it wasn't for me saving your ass so many times! Take this situation as an example." Jimin whispers with a seemingly innocent smile as Taehyung pauses what he's doing to look up at him.
"Just saying," Jimin mumbles as he returns his attention to the front.
3 hours and 12 minutes. That's how long the meeting took and all Taehyung wants to do is go back to the hotel and just jump onto the bed and not move for a whole hour. Sadly, he can't do that because now he has to attend a company dinner which he can not miss because he is the CEO, Jimin had reminded him.
So now he gets to see all his employees get drunk in the span of an hour. Fun, right? Taehyung already dreaded it as soon as he entered the restaurant to see his employees coming over to celebrate as they drag him to the table full of hot, sizzling food and ice-cold drinks.
The smell of all different kinds of street food lingers in the air, distant chattering from a nearby night market surrounds Jeongguk as he munches on some spicy tteok-bokki.
Strolling through the crisp evening air, the light wind slightly blowing his blond strands back.
It's currently cherry blossom season in Japan and you can tell from seeing vendors selling sakura-themed and flavored items from getting inspiration from the beautiful cherry blossom trees that line the sidewalks and roads. The light pink flowers dancing gracefully in the wind, a few floating in the air as they sway back and forth on their journey towards the ground.
Jeongguk just had to take a picture of everything, the lights of the buildings surrounding him shining in his dark brown eyes making them sparkle.
He ventured into the park seeing more of those beautiful cherry blossom trees and other flowers. People walking together and riding their bikes on the pathway, kids chasing each other all had put a smile on the blond's face.
Finding an empty park bench, Jeongguk quickly jogged over to it and sat down. Taking out his camera to take pictures to feed his love for photography.
As he lowered the camera to check out the pictures he took, he saw a pair of feet in shiny dress shoes standing in front of him. Quickly looking up to see Mr. Kim standing in front of him, hands place inside his slack pockets.
Jeongguk quickly stood up and bowed. The CEO just nodding before taking a seat on the bench and placing on leg over the other.
"You did well today. I see Jimin is training you well so far."
"O-of course, he's really helpful. Thank you for giving me a chance." Jeongguk said softly as he sat back down on the bench, slightly tense.
"Well, you're lucky I needed an attendant right way otherwise I probably wouldn't have chosen you." The CEO stated.
Jeongguk winced slightly.
"I won't disappoint you, sir."
"I know."
The sound of children giggling and screaming reached their ears. A slight breeze coming over, lightly kissing their skin with its coolness.
"I saw potential, a great learning opportunity for you," Taehyung speaks up after a few minutes.
The blond stays silent, opting to look down at his camera instead, his fingers brushing over the buttons.
"I didn't mean to interrupt your little photoshoot you had going on there."
"Oh, you didn't! I was just.. taking some pictures to remember the beauty of this place. I have never been here before so I'm just trying to capture every moment." Jeongguk says softly as he turns to the dark-haired male with a smile.
"Ah, that's right. You never traveled before." Taehyung hums as he fiddles with the sleeves of his suit blazer.
"uh, would--would you like to see the pictures I took? Only if you want I'm not-"
Jeongguk stops talking as his camera is being taken from his hands, looking down to see the other already looking through his pictures.
"Relax kid I'm not going to bite." Unless you want me to.
Taehyung didn't dare to say that though. He didn't want to scare the poor boy off on his first day.
Jeongguk spent the next few minutes sitting silently as he switched his gaze from his boss down to his camera. Fiddling with his fingers out of nervousness until he leans over slightly to tell about each picture, trying to break the silence.
As he finishes with the picture of the cherry blossom trees on display, he looks up to see his boss staring down at him. His wavy, dark brown hair slightly covering his eyes as the wind blows the dark strands around, messing it up from being once perfectly styled.
His deep, rich scent once again invading his space making him feel all warm and fuzzy despite the cool weather.
The blond quickly pulls away and takes his camera with him, securing it in his bag.
"They're beautiful right?" Taehyung spoke after a moment.
"The cherry blossom trees. Another reason why I love traveling, the views and places inspire me."
"It's hard to try and come up with new designs in an office that you sit in all day." The CEO chuckles softly, turning to look at the male sitting next to him.
"I get that," The attendant begins softly.
"I always wanted to travel, to go and visit different places to see if they're actually real from the pictures I've seen."
"Don't even get me started on the food." Jeongguk groans, smiling softly as Taehyung laughs.
"Oh, I feel you, wanting to try something that looks so good in pictures only to have your dreams crushed when you realize it's so far away."
"As we are on the topic of food and travel, I heard that you never been to Japan before so if you'd like, I could take you around to some of the little gems I found here during my trips - be your little tour guide," Taehyung suggests,
"I mean might as well while you're here, we only have tonight since the flight back is tomorrow morning. So what do you say? Care to join me on my little adventure around Tokyo?" Taehyung places his hand out in front of the blond as he waits for his response.
Which he soon gets in the form of sweet giggles.
"I'd love to." Jeongguk places his hand on top of his, quickly seeing the size difference. He watches as his boss smiles widely and coos as his lips form an almost rectangular shape. The blond is quite in awe as he stares at the other, eyes not leaving his boss's face as he pulls him up from the bench.
Following behind like a lost puppy as the older leads them to their first destination.
"I haven't had a GOOD bowl of ramen in a long time, this is just-" Jeongguk gives a chefs kiss before slouching in his chair and sliding down.
"Yeah? Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it." Taehyung says as he takes a sip of the rich broth.
"Didn't you have a company dinner? Did you not eat?"
"How could I when I had to watch over my employees and make sure they weren't doing anything stupid. They were already tipsy when I walked in."
Jeongguk giggles around his mouthful at the other's sigh.
"Well, they were for sure having a good time. Can't blame them."
"I guess, I'm just used to eating by myself and my surroundings being quiet so this dinner was a distraction. I couldn't fully enjoy my food but now I can." Taehyung smiles as he glances at the blond before looking back down into his bowl to grab another bite.
"I can understand that."
The two males remained quiet for the rest of the meal. The sounds of slurping and metal chopsticks clanking against their bowls were heard in their little corner.
Only after they were done, Taehyung paid for the meal and they headed out onto the streets, being welcomed by Japan's nightlife.
"Thank you for the meal, Mr. Kim. It was really good." Jeongguk says as he looks down at the road below him.
"Don't mention it. Oh, and when we are not at work, just call me Taehyung." The CEO offers the younger a smile, walking with his hands clasped behind his back.
"Ah, okay...Taehyung."
"Much better."
Jeongguk can't help but smile wide. Still a little bit shy and flustered when he meets the elder's welcoming gaze.
"So right now cherry blossom festivals are going on and I thought we could check that out. Try the different snacks they have to offer, and whatever activities they may have. Then we can check out this little arcade that's really chill. "
"You know what, I'll just surprise you with the places." Taehyung speaks out after giving it some thought.
"Alright, lead the way." The blond giggles, making the CEO smile at the beautiful sound.
The two end up at an arcade that's situated on the corner of a street. The inside is dark, brightened with the flashing lights coming from screens of games and colored lights from the ceiling. The floor is carpeted, a deep blue with dots and lines of different colors.
The sound of people screaming and laughing, and the little noises from the machines fill their ears as they take in everything.
"Wow, haven't been here in what? Maybe a couple of years? This place sure brought back some memories." Taehyung sighs as he looks around, speaking louder so the younger can hear him.
"That long?" Jeongguk questions as he follows after the CEO to get some coins.
"Yeah, been too busy with work. Even if I come out here I never have the time to relax and go out like I am now." The dark-haired male replies as he pushes a couple of bills into the slot, golden coins flying out and clattering onto the tray below.
"Well, from this day forward I am going to teach you how to have fun." Jeongguk says firmly, accepting a cup of coins from the elder.
"You're going to teach me how to have fun?" Taehyung asks in amusement.
"Yup, since you're showing me around here and volunteered to take me on an adventure, I'll do the same with you."
"I'll take you to all my favorite places and afterward have you make a bucket list so we can complete those and go to the places you want to go to!" The blond says excitedly making Taehyung chuckle.
"Alright, I'll take your word for it. You up for some air hockey?" Taehyung asks as they settle at one of the empty hockey tables.
The white surface dotted with holes that let cool air pass to help guide the hockey puck across the table.
Above is the scoreboard where the time and score number is shown in red.
"I'm a boss at this if I do say so myself." Jeongguk says smugly as he grabs hold of the blue striker.
"Oh is that so...guess we'll see and find OUT!" Taehyung shouts as he hits the puck with his own blue striker, sending it flying across the table.
Distracted, Jeonggukk reacted seconds too late which sends the puck into his slot.
Taehyung : 1 | Jeongguk : 0
"Hey! That didn't count I wasn't ready!" The blond whines as he grabs the puck and places it on the table, watching as the air coming from the surface slowly moves the puck around.
"You said you were a boss at this at a boss should always be ready."
"I'll just show you now and I will win!" Jeongguk huffs as he aims the puck for the other's slot and hits it.
"Haha! I win who's the boss now? Oh right, this guy." The CEO smirks as he points to himself and shakes his hands.
Taehyung : 14 | Jeongguk : 13
"I would've won if you didn't use my distraction to get a headstart." Jeongguk states.
The two have been playing for a good half an hour but decided to stop and give other people a turn at the air hockey table. Their strikers kept clashing against one another as they tried to hit the puck and get it to the other side. The action causing them to both share a laugh.
"Well, what else are you good at? Something that can satisfy your goal of you winning and me losing?"
"How" The blond takes a glance over his shoulder at the CEO before sitting in the chair and getting a feel of the steering wheel and pedals.
"Well if you consider crashing into other cars, walls, and drifting too much to the point that you face the other way then yeah I'm pretty good at racing."
He watches the screen in front of him as he settles into the chair, seeing a video on loop with cars racing and some crashing into one other. 'INSERT COINS TO START' is shown right on the middle of the screen to remind players.
Jeongguk inserts the required amount of coins and sits back as the screen fades to a garage where you can pick your car.
Taehyung decides to go with a deep blue Lamborghini Aventador since it seems faster, thinking he can hopefully outrace the younger with his choice. Jeongguk decides to go with a dodge challenger since there isn't much to choose from anyways.
The camera switches so that now they're seeing their cars behind the starting line. As the 5-second countdown starts, both boys put pressure on the gas seeing their cars rev.
"Ready to crash and burn?" Jeongguk says, not risking to take a glance at the other beside him. Heart pumping as the number on the screen reaches 3.
The ravenette tightens his grip on the steering wheel making sure he got a good grip, anxiously shifting in his seat as he gets ready to floor it.
"So long as it's across the finish line."
That's the last thing that is said before the countdown reaches one and both cars are shown flying past the starting line.
Both cars easily reaching 60mph under 10 seconds.
In the corner of the screens, Taehyung's has changed to 1st while Jeongguk's has changed to 2nd, the other cars behind him.
Adrenaline is pumping fast through both of their bodies as if they're actually on the race track, wanted to perfect drifts on turns, and keep their speed stable. Gazes so burned into the screen that all background noise fades out.
Taehyung looks up at the mirror on top of the screen to show behind his car and Jeongguk's car is right there catching up.
The setting that they choose was a city at night, roads dark but highlighted with street lights and turns highlighted with massive, yellow flashing arrows to show you where to go.
An apex turn was coming, veering cars to the right.
Now Taehyung doesn't drive a lot and he sure doesn't play racing games but he's seen what to do and can hope that it goes well.
As he gets closer to the moving arrow, he takes his foot off the gas pedal and moves it onto the brake, slowing down his speed a little before sharply turning his steering wheel to the right just as he puts the brake pedal to the floor.
His car immediately skidding against the pavement as it makes the sharp right turn, propelling sideways before he can straighten up again. The light graze against the wall making him wince as it slows his car down a bit.
As he looks in the rearview mirror, he can see the younger whip his car into the turn followed by the others, drifting perfectly which has him catching up and now only one car behind him.
"Not bad for a beginner, I'll give you this one." The blond states with a teasing smile. Trying to press the gas pedal even more into the floor as it would somehow make his car go much faster.
"How generous of you."
Up ahead was a tunnel, lit up with harsh lights that make the tunnel look orange. The tunnel was no curves, no bumps, just straight road. Which would be a perfect time to use the boost to get an advantage.
Which is what Jeongguk exactly did.
Taehyung looks back at the rearview mirror only to be confused when he doesn't see the blond's car. So when he focuses back on the road and sees a car next to him, Jeongguk's car to be exact he quickly glances next to him to see the younger smirking.
"H-how did you catch up so fast? Weren't you just- HEY!"
Jeongguk had suddenly turned his wheel to the left sharply, crashing his car into Taehyung's so his car hit the wall, metal scraping against concrete, sparks and debris flying off.
"Ohh that's how you want to play? So be it."
They exit the tunnel still side to side, the 1st and 2nd place in the corner of their screen still switching back and forth and they race head to head.
Another sharp turn comes up and Jeongguk takes the lead this time.
1st Place: Jeongguk
2nd Place: Taehyung
They crossed the starting line again and now they are on their last and final lap.
It's not long before they enter and exit the tunnel again, facing the sharp turn again.
"I basically already won at this point you might as well give up."
"We'll see." The CEO replied simply.
He gains on Jeongguk's car and when they are just about to reach the turn, Taehyung uses his boost to and turns his steering wheel to the right to crash into the bumper of Jeongguk's car which sends him crashing sideways right into the wall of highlighted arrows.
"Ha! How do you like me now!" Taehyung giggles as he quickly turns to the left to avoid crashing as well and speeds down the road towards the finish line.
Jeongguk huffs as he watches Taehyung's car speed up ahead, quickly pressing on the gas pedal again so he catches up.
When he reaches the highest speed he can go, Jeongguk uses his boost which sends him next to Taehyung's Lamborghini.
The finish line is up ahead and Taehyung keeps glancing at his boost bar, watching as it slowly fills up again. His finger hovers above the button ready to press it once the bar is full.
He presses it at the very last minute which sends his car surging forward and passing the finish line, Jeongguk right behind him.
1st Place : Lamborghini Aventador : Total Time: 5:22:16
2nd Place : Dodge Challenger: Total Time: 5:22:13
"HOW!?" Jeongguk shouts as he stares at the leaderboard with wide eyes.
"Yah! Taheyung- you-"
The CEO just laughs as he stares at the fuming face the younger is sporting, a finger pointing at him as he tries to come up with something to say.
"I'm s-sorry that was just too funny, you should see your face right now." The dark-haired male continues laughing as he slouches down in his seat, a hand clutching his stomach as it starts to hurt from how hard he's laughing.
"Unbelievable." The younger places his hands on his hips, tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he goes over what had just happened.
His first time losing to someone in a racing game, and to a BEGINNER.
Small giggles continue to flow out of Taehyung's mouth as he collects the tickets for winning and walks to stand next to the younger.
"You have to admit though, that was good!" Taehyung exclaims only to receive a glare in return."
"I'm sorry- hey where are you going!" He chuckles as he jogs to catch up with the younger who had just walked off without saying anything.
The two had just walked out of the arcade after cashing in their tickets for little toys, cute stationery, and small stuffed animals.
"I hope you enjoyed that and it didn't seem childish," Taehyung says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, I did trust me! I enjoyed playing games with you, I had fun and you made me laugh. I needed that." Jeongguk quickly assured him, fingers clasping onto a white, medium-sized paper bag that held all the goodies he picked out.
"Well in that case I'm glad. Ready to head to the festival?"
The dark-haired male looked over at the younger as they stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the red hand to turn into the walking person in white.
The bright neon lights reflected off of his skin giving him a soft glow, eyes twinkling from the lights that surrounded him. So when the boy turned to him, he couldn't help but be memorized with how the lights highlighted every. single. feature. both big and small.
So memorized that he was only pulled out of his thoughts with a pull on his arm.
"Come on! The light changed."
The CEO cleared his thoughts and led the younger around, showing him the little shops and places as they passed by.
Right until they were seeing multiple cherry blossom trees up ahead that lined along the Meguro River as far as they could see, all lit up at night time which made the beautiful trees glow and enhance their beauty.
There were little food stalls that were selling their own sakura-flavored goods, restaurants, and nice cafes that had the perfect view of the cherry blossoms.
Couples, groups of friends both big and small were walking around aimlessly as they wondered what treat they should try next. The majority were standing against the railing looking over at the river or just simply taking pictures of the spectacular view.
It was a little after peak season so the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The wind gently blowing the flowers causing many pink petals to fall off and softly sway in the air as they make their way down to land on the calm water below.
"Woah," Jeongguk marveled at all the pretty lights and shops, things in pale pink and pictures of sakura flowers everywhere, including the beautiful row of cherry blossom trees close by.
"This view is something else." Jeongguk breathes out, mouth parted slightly as he takes in everything.
"It is, especially at night when everything is lit up." Taehyung took one last glance at the view before turning to the younger.
"Should we look at the stalls and see what they have to offer?" The CEO suggests.
"Oh yes! Let's go!" The younger exclaims excitedly, already taking off towards the stalls.
"Hey wait up!" Taehyung chuckles as he sets off after the younger.
Jeongguk's eyes widen at all the possible choices available. Some seeming interesting enough to try while others not so much.
"Should we try that?" The blond asks shyly, pointing to a stall that is selling sakura flavored mochi donuts.
"Sure why not."
Taehyung buys two fresh donuts and hands one to the younger, who quickly takes a picture of it before holding his donut out.
"We have to try them together, come on!" The younger says buzzing with excitement.
"Alright alright."
Taehyung chuckles as he brings his donut forward to tap against the youngers before they both bite down in the warm, soft, and chewy dough, sweetened by its flavored glaze.
"It's not bad, taste pretty good." The blond mumbles, focused on taking another bite as Taehyung hums in agreement.
"What else do you want to try?"
They both continue walking looking at both sides to see if anything catches their attention, and they end up doing that for most of their time there.
Going around to all the different stalls and tasting their interesting food combinations together.Jeongguk of course taking a picture of everything he tries and sending them to Jin so he can have bragging rights.
A little while later Jeongguk ushers Taehyung back over to the river so he can take a picture.
"Would you mind taking a picture of me with the cherry blossoms? I want to have it as a memory so I can look back and smile at our adventures."
Jeongguk says shyly as he hands the CEO his camera.
"Oh, yeah sure. Whenever you're ready." Taehyung smiles, gripping onto the camera as he watches the blond get into place by leaning on the railing and smiling brightly.
The CEO brings the camera up to his face, holding it steady as he zooms in a bit before pushing down on the button, hearing the shutter go off. He pulls the camera away from his face and looks down to see the product just as the blond jogs over.
"Woah you're very good at taking pictures, it looks awesome!" Jeongguk giggles as he continues to look at his picture.
"Come on, one more!"
Taehyung agrees, ready to bring the camera up to his face again but before he could do so he's being pulled along to stand by the younger at the railing, under two big cherry blossom trees.
"I thought we could take one together, you know--for memories. You don't have to if you are-"
"I'd love to."
He cuts the younger off, glancing at him before taking out his phone just as he rests his arm on the railing behind the blond.
Switching to selfie mode, he lifts his arm and angles the phone so both of them are in the frame. He sets the timer for three seconds to give them time, smiling as he looks into the camera.
They end up taking three photos, one with both of them smiling, another with them posing with the peace sign, and the last one with them making silly faces.
"Awesome! Send these to me please." Jeongguk says as he smiles widely, his cheeks hurting from how much he smiled today and seeing each picture just made his smile even bigger.
The dark-haired male just nods without looking away from the boy with the bunny smile, posing in the pictures.
It was now night time in Japan, the skies pitch black as it was nearing midnight.
The two were just walking back to their hotel that they could see in the distance. They had bought sakura flavored ice cream before they had left the festival and only just finished them.
"I hope you enjoyed tonight, I would've shown you around more but it was getting late and we do have to be up early for our flight."
Taehyung says softly, feeling their shoulders brush against each other as they walk side by side. Hearing the distant car horn and light chatter from nearby shops.
"Oh no no I did! Thank you for showing me around you didn't have to, I very much appreciate it." Jeongguk offers the elder a smile, smiling even bigger as he gets one in return.
The two were quiet for a moment, but it was a comforting silence. Jeongguk was swinging his arms back and forth before clasping them behind his back.
"I hope tonight helped you unwind a bit. You seemed--tensed when you sat down with me at the park."
"Yeah? Guess I was still in work-mode. I did just finish the business dinner when I came to you. But tonight, I really did enjoy myself, It wouldn't have been as much fun if you weren't there."
Taehyung playfully shoves the younger with his shoulder, laughing when the other was caught off guard.
The blond laughs as he shoves the other back, watching him stumble a bit before gaining his balance.
What really caught him off guard was seeing his smile again, the way his lips spread into a rectangular shape. It was so unique and Jeongguk loved it. Would stare at it all day if he was given the chance to.
"Glad I made your night better. You did too."
Once again, Jeongguk was awarded with his smile and he couldn't be happier.
They reached the hotel and walked past the quiet lobby to get to the elevator. Silence now occupied with quiet elevator music.
The doors opened once the elevator stopped on Jeongguk's floor, he stepped out and turned around to face the CEO.
"Goodnight, Taehyung."
"Goodnight, Blossom."
Jeongguk's eyes widened at the name but Taehyung only winked at him just as the elevator doors closed. Now ascending to his floor.
Jeongguk covered his face in his hands as his cheeks turned a pale pink color just like the cherry blossoms he saw earlier.
"B-blossom. He just called me blossom--oh my god."
That night, Jeongguk was too busy squealing and kicking his legs under the covers as he repeated Taehyung's words over and over in his head to fall asleep.
"Good Morning, this is your pilot speaking. I just came on to let you all know that we are one hour away from arriving at Incheon Airport, we'll be there very shortly. Thank you."
A bing sound came on after the announcement ended, letting Jeongguk continue his humming as he plates fresh cut-up fruit from Japan.
He takes the plate along with a chilled bottle of champagne, smiling at Jimin as he passes by him on the way to the bathroom.
Setting the plate down on the pristine, white, tablecloth alongside a fork and a napkin, Jeongguk takes the empty glass and fills it up with the bubbling liquid.
"Will there be anything else you need, sir?"
Taehyung doesn't respond for a few moments as he continues to focus on what seems to be a sketchbook, leaving the blond to wonder if he should just take the silence as a no.
"Is it too much?"
The CEO questions softly as he hands the sketchbook over to the younger.
"I got some inspiration while in Japan... how could I not with the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom."
On the left page was a detailed sketch of a branch of cherry blossoms, flowers in full bloom in all their soft pink and white beauty.
On the right page was that design but on different types of clothing, a bomber jacket with the flowers going up the sleeves--the number of flowers getting smaller as it reaches the shoulder.
A simple white jumpsuit with a train attached by the waist that flows out, cherry blossoms printed on the fabric so that when you walk, it flows behind you as the flowers do in the wind. A wide golden plate wrapped around the waist area.
On the bottom of the page seems like an unfinished pair of shoes.
"They're not the best, just a rough sketch of what could be possible. I'm just stuck on the part if I were to make shoes with these would I do it?"
Jeongguk hums in thought as he looks back at the design.
"Maybe if you were to make heels, you could do ones where you have to wrap the string around the leg to tie it. Like that could be the branches and little blossoms could be attached to it. Or you could do like those thigh-high boots and incorporate the design somehow...just a thought."
"These other designs do look really good though," Jeongguk says softly as he hands the sketchbook back.
"Yeah? I'm trying to get some inspiration for a new spring line next year. This is definitely a start, thank you, Jeongguk."
"You're Welcome, sir." The blond offers a CEO a smile and watches how he gets back to work, taking that as an indication that he's all set.
"Jeongguk! Awesome work for your first time. Your paycheck will be directly deposited into your account by tonight, and don't forget to check the schedule it's frequently updated."
"Of course, thank you."
Jimin gives him one last smile before heading down the stairs of the jet and toward one of two waiting cars.
Jeongguk looks back up to see the dark-haired male walking down the aisle towards him, slowing down his steps and stopping in front of the younger.
"You did well. Thank you...for yesterday, it helped a lot. I hope to see you on our future adventures?"
"You know I'll be there." The blond laughs softly,
"I hope you enjoyed your flight, Mr. Kim, and that everything was in order."
The younger watches as he gives him a smile and slight bow, returning it before watching the CEO walk down the stairs and towards the car where Jimin is waiting, settling in the backseat.
He sighs as he watches the car drive off, walking towards the cabin to clean up before he can head home.
The bell above the door chimed as it opened, Jeongguk stepping into the small bubble tea shop.
Jin immediately rushes over from behind the counter and wraps the boy up into a hug.
"Hey, hyung."
Jeongguk smiles, glad to be wrapped in his hyung's warm, inviting, embrace.
"Missed me?"
"Do you want me to say yes?"
"Hey! You know what, I think I'll head back,"
The blond says with a gasp and turns around only to get a back hug, feeling his own body vibrating from Jin laughing against his shoulder.
Jin steps back and goes behind the counter to make Jeongguk a drink.
"So how was it?"
"Honestly, better than I thought it would be. The plane ride was nice, I didn't have to do too much. Plus, I'm sure you saw how much fun I had in Japan."
"Oh yeah! mhm, sending those pictures to make me jealous huh? How nice of you to share your experience with me."
Jeongguk snickers as he leans against the counter, soon being handed a mango bubble tea.
"You're probably tired so go up and rest, you can tell me all about your trip at dinner." Jin says once he spots a customer entering the shop.
"Sounds good, hyung."
Jeongguk smiles as he takes out two black rectangular boxes from his coat and places them on the counter.
"Thought you might want to add to your collections, it's been a while since you last did."
With that, Jeongguk goes to the back to head upstairs.
One Jin was done serving the customer, he took one of the black boxes in hand and opened the cover, gasping once he saw what was inside.
Inside was three sets of chopsticks, all wooden with each pair having a famous landmark beautifully drawn at the top.
Setting those down, Jin picks up the other box and opens it to reveal a bamboo silk folding fan that had "The Great Wave Off Kanagawa" on the fabric.
Jin holds both boxes close to his heart as he smiles widely, looks back at the door where the younger had left from.
Closing the door to the apartment Jeongguk toed off his shoes, dropped his duffle back onto the floor, and leaned against the door with a sigh.
Traveling was great and all but nothing beats being back home and the comfort of your bed.
Placing his drink on a nearby table, the younger sets out a pair of pajama pants and a simple t-shirt before heading into the bathroom to take a shower.
Once refreshed and comfy again, the younger just hops into bed, gets wrapped up in the covers, and lets out a content sigh by just laying down and closing his eyes.
A few minutes later two bings sound from his phone.
As he checks it, one seems to be from his bank account about a deposit for $3000.
"They call that a bonus?! Damn, could I get used to this? I think the fuck yes."
Jeongguk exits out of his bank app and switches over to his email.
Mr. Kim's Schedule Has Been Updated Please Look Over!
It takes the blond a few minutes to look over the email and see what has been changed, but once he has...
"The next flight is to...Italy, oh that's nice."
Jeongguk sets his phone aside on his nightstand, grabs his bubble tea, and takes a sip.
Only to choke on a tapioca pearl as realization sets in.
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